
Yes, that’s right the can of drink called Vimto. Yeuch.

Who buys this and why is it a thing? How do they make money from this hideous stuff? Must be money laundering. Think of all the other drinks out there, Cream of Soda, Lemonade, anything but Vimto.

I don’t even buy soft drinks anymore but was just watching Usain Bolt do a taste test on You Tube which involved Vimto and I remembered the sad day when I was 11 and tried the stuff and spat it out.

Nominated by: Cuntologist 

90 thoughts on “Vimto

  1. Forget Vimto. Any Scotsman will tell you Irn Bru is the best soft drink in the world. I even saw it in South Africa a couple of years ago marketed as Iron Brew. Of course it tasted like piss as it was not made from Scottish water. Their ads used to be quite good too. Try this one to see an example of a fine Scottish MILF.
    (1) Mum, IRN-BRU Advert 2013 – YouTube

  2. I don’t drink pop very often, prefer fruit juice but I have to admit I quite like Vimto.

  3. Orange juice at 5.30 am

    Milk in tea at

    Water-good bottled stuff.

    Single malt after 6.00pm

    Pussy juice.


    Rinse and repeat , 7 days a week.
    Works for me??

  4. Ahh yes, Vimto.

    It’s an anagram of ‘Vomit’ .
    Can’t believe the makers didn’t know that. Maybe they have been Trolling us all for all these years…

  5. Used to drink it as a kid, the squash version, I don’t think they made it fizzy in those days. Of course the best thing about it was you could drink it hot or cold. Many’s the time I boiled the kettle to make a cup of hot vimto. Best drink of pop was Dandelion and Burdock, I still buy it from Sainsburys and the one from Morrisons isn’t bad either.

  6. Vimto, rybena, coco cola, pepsi .
    all shit.
    Fanta, now I loved Fanta, not the new woke shit, but the old style makes your tongue go yellow stuff, almost down graded LSD.
    Next on the list, well Iron bru, that is good stuff, then pushing the boat out dandelion and burdock.
    All the rest is shit.

  7. I can’t give Vimto a cunting.

    I like the stuff.

    Mysterious flavour, – quite like nothing else.

    Gone downhill since all the sugar has been taken out of it, (due to the Sugar Tax and do-gooders no doubt), and replaced by that foul-tasting Nutrasweet bollocks.

    Why can’t they just fuck off and stop meddling with these cordials? Ribena tastes like right sack of cac now. In fact I’m sure Jess Phillips’ festering flange is more palatable.

    • I agree Dick. The original Vimto made in Manchester was great. My gran used to work at their factory, so we got loads of it. Last time I tried it, it didn’t taste the same.

      Barr’s Limeade is ace though.

      • Yes, Barr’s stuff was always nice and syrupy Norm.
        They used to do a Lager and Lime in a Quart bottle, it ended up in a can, and has long since disappeared.
        Irn Bru has been faffed about with in the last couple of years,- but it’s still not bad.
        All Barr’s stuff used to come in crates to the corner shop, and they did a fantastic range.
        The cherryade was spot-on too.
        Can’t remember how much you used to get when you took an empty bottle back, – it did used to say on the cap. Think it was 1d or maybe tuppence?

  8. American cream soda is the one for me. It reminds me of bygone days, when I used to go to the local cafe (Clara’s) for an ice cream float and to ogle young women. Clara did two types – Coke and American Cream Soda – I was an American Cream Soda man. Barr’s do a very good American Cream Soda to this very day. I hate Coke, mainly because of their woke bollocks, and the people who drink it are a bunch of cunts. Haven’t contributed much lately as I’ve been on holiday but back to business now.

  9. Oh dear, turns out I am a wrong’un I love nothing more than my lunch on my day off of a Donner wrap washed down with a can of vimto. You may have a point there :). In my defence I say no to the chilli sauce, and throw away the salad

  10. Vitmo?! never heard of it. I don’t even think you can buy it here in leafland.

    Is it like variation of cream soda looks like it describe the taste of this soda does it have complex flavours or is it just sickly sweet shit like Inu Bru?

    • The most similar drink I can think of is Ribena. I think Vimto is grape and raspberry flavour (but it’s hard to tell). It’s in two versions. Flat and fizzy. Most seem to prefer the flat (original) version.

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