
Couldn’t resist this.

Gordon Brown has spoken to Sir Bob Geldof about a Live Aid-style project to help get Covid vaccines to the world’s poorest countries.

Can anyone name a more odious coupling? Google Eye and the mouthy soapdodger. Racist Britain should lead the way in giving, gratis, vaccines to the world’s most corrupt. savage, backward countries. And can you imagine the staggering talent available for this concert? Justin Beiber, Bouncy, Sheeran, endless fucking rappers.

Still, like the first Live Aid at least Geldof and a few corrupt black government and military leaders will profit.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

50 thoughts on “Vaccine-Aid

  1. Surely this is a joke ! Neither of these cunts should ever be allowed to crawl from under their stones.

    • So a man with one eye and a man who everyone dies around are raising money for the 3rd world to have injections NOT to thin out the numbers?
      Good luck with that you pair of white saviours.
      Not only will I not watch it but I’ll steal the collection bucket .
      Fuck the 3rd world.
      Give em medicine theyll ask for a dental plan.

  2. Not Bob Cuntoff again? That arrogant, foul mouthed Irish git. And surely no self respecting Dark Key will want Whitey’s vaccine anyway? It might be contaminated with unconscious race bias.

  3. When the cunts stop breeding like rats I may consider a small donation, actually I won’t they can fuck off.
    It seems the population of Africa has almost doubled in 20 years, Europe has increased by very few in comparison, probably the fuckers escaping Africa. Corrupt politicians running the gaff, when all this is sorted out Africa could be a fine place for it’s citizens to live, until then it will always be a money pit. Bob Geldof can insert himself up his own arse, scruffy bastard.

    • Fertility rates in Europe have dropped in the last twenty years, whereas in Africa their Fertility rates are bigger than China and India, and that is a trend that is expected to continue.
      Oh dear.

      • No fucker ever mentions this on the sad, this little girl/boy has to travel 5 miles for half a pint of tepid piss laden water adverts. Cunts. Fuck charity abroad, we have plenty of needy people here to look after.

      • One of my dream pranks is to wait under some shade for Mtembe returning with the gnu piss water,
        Just as hes nearing the village whip out my black widow catapult and shatter the earthen ware pot.
        How id giggle as he gets a clout round the ear off his mam and sent for more!?
        On his second leg id stretch a tripwire out for him….

    • It’s doubled because fo stupid cunts like Geldof and simple minded people who feel sorry for the “poor ickle M’bangu”.

    • “the population of Africa has almost doubled in 20 years, Europe has increased by very few in comparison”

      It’s called the low population/high skill machine model of society. How many coolies needed to replace one tractor? Even a 19th century steam monster? (And the coal boiler could be updated to hydrogen even so.) Let’s migrate the stone age to Europe or even better to where the machines were invented in the first place?

      Of course, the culture ejecting them also denies tractors and the education needed to develop them. Perhaps there’s an alternative on the Somalian space station? Or if not, check out the Syrian Mars base?

      (or perhaps my ignorance is showing)


  4. Brown should steer clear of Geldof or hel end up on the bog with a needle sticking out of his arm , stone dead.

  5. An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman go into a pub.
    “Fuck off Geldof, Fuck you Brown!!!, says the Englishman, tipping his pint over their heads.”
    Then I leave, whistling a happy tune?

  6. Parachute both the cunts into Somalia on a fact finding mission.
    Without any parachutes.

    Fuck Off.

  7. Perhaps the dirty old spiv (Geldolf, not Brown) could donate some of his £35 million he’s amassed since milking the public with acoustic oirish white as well as haggling in his local Faversham charity shops (true). He won’t though, will he. He’ll continue berating “duh guvuhmunt” and acting like a flea-ridden bumpkin who crawled from the bog and whose family are slowly leaving this world by their own hand because they can’t face communicating with him.

  8. Pair of massive remoaner CUNTS! Why don’t they ask their beloved EU to save the fucking Africunts? Oh, that’s right…….they can’t vaccinate their own peasants let alone anybody else’s. Maybe they should take all the Africunts into the EU to be saved from Chinky flu, climate change, raaaay-sism and tribal warfare. This pair of failed and irrelevant wankers can join them.
    And don’t fucking come back!

  9. If there had been a shred of truth in the bullshit conspiracy theory that Bill Gates trying to neuter Africans with dodgy vaccines I would have found him worthy of a Nobel peace prize, but the daft cunt was trying to help them overpopulate the fucking planet.

  10. A concert with no crowd? That’s a great idea, eh? Fuck me…

    And the bill? Ariana Cunt, Kunty Perry, Fat Fruit Robbie, Ladyboy Gaga, Ed Sheercunt, Adele Arbuckle, Miley Slagbag, Spunkbin Bieber, Lana Del Twat, F@ggot Styles, Titless Swift and numerous wiggas and rap and ‘r and b’ shite. And not a guitar or drumkit in sight. Hardly Queen, Pink Floyd, Hendrix, Free, The Who and Zeppelin, is it?

    Get to fuck, Geldaft. You smelly spudfucking cunt.

    • By registering ISAC as a religious charitable organisation ive got us 50 free tickets!
      Norman, put you down as a ‘maybe’?
      We get to meet Bob & Gordon too!

  11. They should both be injected anally by a super aids infected deviant who also has been injected with agent orange!

    Fuck off!

  12. More browbeating from the scruffy bastard….and Bob Geldof. Fuck off too Mogadishu you cunts.

  13. ’Feed the world’
    ‘Vaccinate the world’
    Let them know it’s Christmas time.

  14. Will they get that Nikki Minge to perform? She’s a fucking skank. Her cunt needs to be filled with quick-drying cement

  15. Live Aid did fuck all for the poor. 35 fucking years later and they’re still sitting in the dust drinking muddy puddles. Just fuck off. Wtf should we help the third world….again? It’s always our money, our inventions, our creativity, our blood , our effort while these cunts never advance and just sit with their grasping hands out . No. Enough. We seem to be on a perpetual guilt trip in the country for being white and successful. It’s them who should feel guilty for never advancing thanks to their beliefs and religions.
    Fuck off Brown and Geldof you cast iron cunts.

    • It did change something though. The people who hijacked all the lorries are now living in absolute luxury.

    • In several thousand years, Africans never even managed to invent the wheel.

  16. Fuck Geldof and fuck Brown, but mostly fuck afrika and its dusty flyblown smelly cunt residents. Let Lammy fuck off over there with Lenny the cunt, he’ll save the puddle drinking cunts without the help of whitey and white money.

  17. That shamless, fleabitten, pudknocking old Oirish cunt Geldof can just go and fuck himself in the arse with a king-sized, diesel-engined dildo. I recall the last time he attempted to resurrect the Band Aid single for the umpty-umpth time, with a new line-up, the fucker fell flat on its face, such as was the public disdain for the cunt.

    Clearly this would be simply a vehicle for Geldof and Brown to get their ugly fucking arse-resembling faces in the media, craving that some gold dust would fall their way to open the portcullis, high up in the castle of the UK elite.

    That one-eyed, bogey gobbling old wankstain Broon, not being content with fucking the UK economy during his short tenure as the Prime Minister, now thinks it a great idea to rifle our pockets to vaccinate his little brown friends in the land of Umbongo. Well he can go and fuck right off too.

    As Unkle suggests, a fact finding mission in Somalia or perhaps, the pinnacle for them would be a boat trip over to the North Sentinel Islands to greet the friendly locals and spread a bit of Jocko and Oirish bonhomie (before they are both peppered with arrows and spreadeagled over an open barbeque).

  18. I have helped Geldof pen the lyrics and here is an exclusive for is a cunt…

    (In the song style of feed the world)

    It’s vaccine time…there’s no need to be afraid,
    If it fucks you up, no compensation will be paid,.
    Bill Gates is my friend, and he also wants, to be your friend,
    It’s blood clot time, there’s no need, to be afraid,
    If you die, you mortgage will not paid,

    Do they know it’s not a vaccine at all…

      • I didn’t want to show off but you’re right it’s absolutely genius material. Geldof has told me my payment is safely stashed with one of his alleged African warlord dictator friends…I knew life would pick up again after Covid.

      • @CuntyMort,
        I really tried to fit that in but it ruined the musicality and groove.

  19. Fucking hell, I’d rather have Harold Shipman creeping into my mud hut than Gordon “Flog the Gold for pennies” Brown and Bob “Live Aid money was spent on weapons from Russia” Geldof.

  20. In February the number of people in Africa killed by the coronavirus was estimated at 100,000.
    The number of people killed by mosquitoes carrying malaria has been estimated at a steady 1 million per year for decades.
    Either Brown and Geldorf haven’t got their priorities right or they are just grandstanding.

  21. Brown is just a slack jawed idiot, but Geldof is in a league of his own as far as Cunts go, if ever I want a laugh I watch the prick having a chimp out at live aid and then to top it off he has a bash at performing Rat Trap with his band of Tarmac layers, what a fuckin racket, the man is quite possibly the world’s biggest Chancer. Geldof, you stink of Shit.!!

  22. Can someone put Bob Geldoff in Room 101? Not deaded, just somewhere in obscurity.

  23. I have said it before and I will say it again: I do give a shiny shite for any Africunts-never have, never will.
    The brown shit that clings to the bottom of the toilet.
    develop a weapon that kills Dark Keys and peacefuls. China-I want my money back, you cunts??

  24. I have said it before and I will say it again: I do NOT give a shiny shite for any Africunts-never have, never will.
    The brown shit that clings to the bottom of the toilet.
    develop a weapon that kills Dark Keys and peacefuls. China-I want my money back, you cunts??

  25. And tell that dirty filthy gipsy Geldof to go and have a wash. He is nothing but a non tubbing grub.

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