Before we begin, this is a nomination for a certain type of ‘activist’ on Twitter not on transgender people in general.
I like to think of myself as a ‘liberal’ in the old-fashioned, nineteenth century meaning of the word – as John Stuart Mill said “the only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way.” You live your life as you see fit and I will live mine as I see fit. If some bloke wants to put on a dress and call himself a woman then that is his business.
However, there is a second part of that quote – “…so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it.” If woman do not want these men in their changing rooms, their sports, their rape crisis centres then surely they have that right? Not according to the maniacs who spout ‘transwoman are woman’ like a religious mantra.
If you have Twitter, it is worth typing in ‘superstraight’ and having scroll for ten minutes. TRAs are fucking nuts. They appear to believe that not only are men who think they are re woman actually women but are biologically female! Fuck my pubic hair, as Jerry Sadowitz once said. Not only that, but lesbians MUST have sex with a woman with a penis to prove they are not transphobes. Not sure if the law has changed but he last time I heard, forcing someone to have sex with a person they didn’t want to have sex with was called rape.
As I said above, live your life as you see fit. But don’t tell other people how to live theirs. I do not wish to have sex with a ‘woman’ with a penis. This does not make me a ‘bigot’ nor does it mean I am suffering from a serious mental illness (‘phobia’). And have you noticed how it’s always the least convincing transgender ‘women’ who are always the most militant? I’m pretty sure the person in this video is wearing that huge Alice band to cover male pattern baldness…
Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt
Theyve come a long way since it was Bernard the dress wearing figure of fun in the 70s.
Now theyre political.
Still mental, just gotten a voice.
A loud demanding voice.
Well sorry luv, im not going to tamper with you even if you had 10 tits!
Not predjudice, its health and safety.
Your stubble and my pubes might set off a fire?!
Specially with all your hairspray.
Sorry, your probably heartbroken but safety first.
Any chance of a bit of Lynx round your fanny?
It stinks of shite.
TQ in the LGBTQ are cunts. There are plenty of “trans” who live normal lives and good luck to them.. Activists love women so much they want to wear their skin. They are insane and belong in Broadmore rather than HMP Downview with a rape conviction. Its hilarious that the only Misogyny allowed by the left are for mental perverts who want to cancel women , dominate their sports and put them back in a frightened cage. Q want to fuck kids. That is all.
There is no such thing as ‘transgender people’.
How so?
Chicks with dicks and sluts with nuts.
Because it is biologically impossible to change gender.
Biologically impossible to change sex, yes. But not gender.
Gender is a term used to describe the characteristics of men and women that are socially constructed, while sex refers to characteristics that are biologically determined.
Gender identity is a person’s internal, personal sense of being a bloke or a bird – doh!
Further reading (not that it’ll make any difference to ya):
With respect.
I agree with Miles. There are people who want to be a different sex. That is a mental issue not a transgender issue. No matter how many hormones or operations are involved the chromosomes tell the truth.
As the nom says. if people want to live like that, get on with it but spare us the militancy and non scientific contortions. They are not fucking victims they are weirdos. Fuck them.
Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
“Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image.”
Did your particular God intend to make so many mistakes? Making us capable of sin then threatening us ithat f we don’t humbly atone and worship we’ll be given eternal torture. That sounds like terrorîsm.
Also, when your terorîst deity was making Adam, did he plan Eve or did he forget then remember afterwards. If he hadn’t intended to make a woman, why did he make a cock ‘n’ balls on Adam?
I know you’re a piss-taker uncle, but you’ll have to do better.
Excellent quotation from The Good Book there,Miles…excellent.
Quite so.
God is clearly a transgender, according to Genesis.
Thanks for clearing that up Miles. ?
If a cat is born in a stable, does it make it a horse?
It makes it a cat who will have a ready source of vermin?
Why do you ask?
PS: I normally charge £180 per session (1 hour), but will do mates rates if you’re interested.
Patient confidentiality guaranteed. ?
Bonzer cunting CMC!
That angry bloke in the headband is right!
I DID fall in love with his personality!
Transgender types are mental. Fact.
my reply is not responding to this post
Just a comment from the peanut gallery: when it’s suggested that trans “phobic” means the same thing as
‘Hydrophobic literally means “the fear of water”. Hydrophobic molecules and surfaces repel water. Hydrophobic liquids, such as oil, will separate from water. Hydrophobic molecules are usually nonpolar, meaning the atoms that make the molecule do not produce a static electric field. In polar molecules these opposite regions of electrical energy attract to water molecules. Without opposite electrical charges on the molecules, water cannot form hydrogen bonds with the molecules. The water molecules then form more hydrogen bonds with themselves and the nonpolar molecules clump together. The hydrophobic effect is caused by nonpolar molecules clumping together.’ etc.
..hydrophobic, stand well back. The two are not equivalent. The whole point (presumably) of raising the matter is to change minds. To say that, no – it’s not an irrational fear – it’s prejudice (or whatever) can only be disingenuous. If the phobic in question were the same as phobic à la molecules, such as oil molecules which do not have an irrational fear of water, then it could never be changed.
Phobia in molecules is not the same as phobia in living minds. To associate the two as equivalent is to (knowingly, I believe) run the equivocation fallacy. Biological intersex conditions are real, ambiguous genitals are a real thing and in those cases absolutely yes a misattribution at birth is possible. Phobias are not even on the same planet.
You forgot to mention that Hydrophobia is also an alternative name for rabies, especially in humans. I think Mr Fiddler would be wise to check he has not caught it from his dog bite
He does froth at the mouth!!
Nobody at all gives a fuck about Tranny politics.
Wear a fucking dress if you want but don’t be a bossy cunt.
On balance,oven however.
Freaks. Nothing more.
If a Trânny lesbians married a bisexual, would that make them a BLT?
BLT-like transbumderism: seems like a good idea at the time, ultimately a life shortening, unhealthy choice ?
Interesting issue about rape. Apparently, the pigs in Scotland are recording male attacks on women as female, if this is how the attacker describes himself. So, can a “female” commit rape? The world is fucking mad – there are 2 sexes: male and female.
Trannies are the militant arm of The Gay Liberation Front.
They should all be held in prison under Terrorist Legislation or The Mental Health Act…as should The Gays for encouraging them.
These cunts are an irrelevance. Russians and Chinese have the right methods. Trans, vegans, anti vax, all annoying cunts FUCK OFF.
Its all very confusing.
I dont even know my dress size.
It depends on which shop you use.
There’s nothing new under the sun. I was watching this video on YouTube the other day about cheats in professional sports. There was this ugly bird who won a silver or bronze in the Wimminz high jump at the 1936 Olympics and a gold at the European Championships 2 years later. Turned out she was a fucking geezer! Sadly it didn’t tell you how they caught the cunt which would have been interesting.
Of course, these days there would be an outbreak of virtue signalling and slebs and politicians crying their eyes out. The cunt would be allowed to keep the medals and probably got a TV series on the BBC.
Heinrich / Dora Ratjen
Gabriella Ludvig isn’t a cheat though. Oh no. Cock dismembered and looks completely normal.
These fucking lunatics that claim that they are women trapped in the wrong body need serious mental help.
How do they know that they have women’s feelings? Nobody knows what anyone else’s feelings are.
And if they are so in tune with their women’s feelings then why do they insist on wearing tiny knickers that cut into their cocks?
Real women don’t wear full make up every waking hour or walk around in 6 inch stiletto heels every day.
Real women don’t wear a ball gown and a tiara to go shopping in Sainsburys.
Fucking trannies don’t have a clue about women.
I’m worried about you Arty.
You seem to be intimate with the dressing practices of the Trans community. Fuckin’ hell, these heels are killing me.
The first thing these sissies do after they have decided that they are ‘trapped in a woman’s body’ is to race off to Marks and Spencer’s knicker department.
Even though they still have a cock and pair of bollocks they convince themselves that by wearing a ludicrous diamonte g string they feel like the woman that they should have always been.
No real woman would wear knickers that were uncomfortable for her.
And that little smear of slime, Daniel Twatcliffe (aka Harry Cunter) ‘apologising’ to the ‘trans community’ for what JK Rowling said to ‘offend’ them. I bet the little weasel cunt is resentful that he never copped a feel of JK’s magnificent funbags. Also, virtue signaling is the only way this trust fund stage school little turd will get noticed these days. Like his co-star and fellow fuckflake cunt, Emma Twatson, Daniel Twatcliffe couldn’t act if his life depended on it. The simpering little shit.
The statement Trans Women are real women has no basis in science, it’s false, it’s ridiculous and the silly cunts who use terms like cis and trans with reference to gender are cunts.
If a bloke takes hormones and has his tackle cut off he is still a bloke on medication who has had surgery, now nowt wrong with that but it ain’t a fucking woman. They can behave like women, put on make up and mince around in a dress but they aren’t women.
It beats me why these activists can accept that there is a difference between a woman and a tranny
I might like to think that I’m John Lennon. Does that make me John Lennon? No, because I was not born John Lennon and I do not have his genes, mind, body or anything else that made John Lennon into John Lennon. I’m also still alive, for the time being anyway.
Trans activists are demented cunts that can go and fuck themselves. Certainly no one else would want to fuck them.
Nut jobs.
Your not wrong John!?
Thanks Paul ?
Can I be Ringo if I get to screw Barbara Bach?
Having met her-your fucking welcome to her?
Patty was probably the best Beatle “fuck”.
Although peg-leg was probably the dirtiest cunt.
At least a Trans woman doesn’t need to wear a strap-on when having Lesbian sex.
I’m as confused as everybody else on the issue.
In the past I always made my dislike of trans people known. Nowadays I don’t want to waste a good rant on a bloke wearing a frock. They can wear whatever they like, but I don’t need to know about it nor do they need to politicise their abnormalities.
Judging by the amount of exposure these cunts garner they must make up at least 40% of the population (legal population).
Weirdo, attention seeking cunts. I hate these types of people. They are so hardcore and hate normal straight folk. Silly cunts.
It’s all I can do is to stifle a laugh when you see some geezer tottering about like a poorly made up pantomime dame.
I keep saying this, but for me it feels like Life on Mars in reverse, where I fell asleep in the 70s, and woke up to this shit. The amount of times some cunt in work says to me ‘you can’t say that!’ is fucking daily sometimes.
Fuck em.
I agree.
My vocabulary stopped in 79.
Everything I say people look worried, whether talking about birds I think are fit,
My words for the bame community, calling people a puff, everything really.
But fuck em.
They take offense?… good.
I need some glasses. I thought the nomination was called Trains Rights Activists.
Thomas: “What do me want?”
I forget the names of the other trains. I know there’s a James. I think.
I remember reading about a bloke (I think) that had ops to ‘become’ a woman. Then regretted it and had the op back again, but was a woofer afterwards.
I mean, what the fuck is that? His meat and veg must’ve been like a ball of minced pork stuck to his abdomen (that probably had a leek and smell of shite).
What a fucking country.
CB, I saw this documentary. I found it very insightful.
Terf Wars.
They should just accept that they’re not normal and fuck off.
Filthy deviants.