I heard this cunt of a phrase some years ago from a sports commentator.
Now it has crept into everyday ‘newspeak’.
What the fuck is the matter with the cretins who speak like this?
What is so difficult about saying ‘so far’ or ‘this far’?
‘Thus far’ is incorrect. It has no meaning. Say it and you are showing the world your cuntishness.
Watching the snooker tonight a commentator offered the following, “Thus far he will be relishing this hard fought match”.
Wrong in every way you cunt.
Firstly, ‘thus far’ is what a pretentious moron would say, and secondly the player would much have preferred to beat his opponent 10-0 and have an easy time of it.
Nominated by: The Artful Cunter
Thus far and no longer ye Artful Cunter
It’s just a way of trying to sound cleverer than someone else, like beginning a sentence with ‘so’ and lots of other unnecessary words and phrases. If these cunts were indeed cleverer, they wouldn’t need to do it. Pretentiousness is exactly right.
“How much further Papa Smurf”?
“Thus far you have asked that question enough times that the next time you ask it I’m going to stick my foot up your arse and leave it there you little cunt”.
Is that the American remake Cali?
I recall a naughty cartoon from the early 2000’s-“Papa Smurf”.
That was an American effort ?
A few Wireless 4 expressions I can’t abide:
1) “Going forward”
2) “Absolutely!” responding to a question or statement
3) “Behaviours” and “Harms” when we always used to refer to it in the singular,
and last, and believe me, not least, some American wimminz on a trailer for a programme about terrorists: “I’m not a bad person”. No of course you’re not dear – you are just a thick aggressive cunt.
Polar staff antarctic base mid winter on the sat phone to his mam.
Is it cold there love?
Oooh absolutely
Am I to infer the temperature there is 0 kelvin or -273 Celsius?
Cunts use it interchangeably with ‘so far’. ”
Thus far” is touted as the more formal iteration but it is correctly used only when tying together distance and time as I illustrated above.
It would be far far worse as ‘So, thus far’ So is now the word at the beginning of lots of sentences spoken by cunts. So is as meaningless as that old perennial ‘like’ both equally piss boiling.
If you read anything that Demi Lovato cunt, headcase and liar says, you’ll see that ” like ” , along with the equally meaningless ” I mean ” , seems to make up 75% of any interview she gives.
My sister in conversation will make an interesting and not over elaborate point, and she always finishes up with “do you know what I mean?”
It gets rather tiring and wears my patience, I have not yet snapped back with something ill mannered about “yes I can understand your perfectly acceptable good English expression” but it seems now only a matter of time. Fuck I’m a grumpy cunt
Thus far is a pretentious cunt.
Fucking ‘journey’ for happening or experience winds me up. Sub X Factor shite.
Pretentious wankery to make some pleb sound ‘eddicated”. All it does is make them sound like a cunt.
So, at the end of the day, and nothing notwithstanding it is true to say we are entering a new era thus far
So fuck off
Innit like.
But wait until I’ve finished my ” journey ” innit, I mean, like, I need to reflect on this, so I’m taking time out.
Fuck me bloody sideways.
They have the fluency and command of language of a 3 year old.
Thank fuck we are rid of lawnmower man. He’d be all over this, the boring cunt.
‘fraid not. He has reappeared in another guise.
He’s banned? Good.
Not sure who he has returned as but the Ladybird Book of Latin and cod intellectual verbosity will rumble him in a heartbeat.?
I’m 99% certain he also posts inder the name of a deceased comedian/pianist, but when he utters his latin catchphrase, I’ll know for certain.
Especially as he so kindly published a list of his aliases which I have made a note of for future reference.
And one single fucking footnote
Thus far, so, we got this, I’m smashing it like a boss, but at the end of the day, speaking frankly, the fat lady is singing and we are where we are… In order to redefine the baseline and stovepipe the requirement we should analysis the need and just get it…
I work with cunts who use this cuntitude all day long. The office sport of ‘wank words’ bingo is alive and well.
Get t’fuck.
I used to know a prissy little English teacher who said “thus far”….pompous Sod who was eventually sacked after getting caught in the local park exposing himself to women by sitting on a bench with a newspaper in his lap…when a woman sat down,he would engage her in conversation before asking if they wanted him to read their horoscope….yes or no,he’d then lift the paper,point at his Percy and start singing ” I see a bad moon rising”.
Believe they locked him up in the nuthouse…shame really,he was quite amusing if you got past the sex-pest thing.
Ha ha ha ha ha?
Evening Lord Fiddler?
I’m on the Aberlour tonight…very nice it is too. Keep meaning to go to the Pub since they reopened but just can’t be arsed. You bothered going yet?
I only go to the pub when I travel.
All the decent pubs near me closed, years ago.
Tonight, I have mostly been drinking Tallisker?
Enjoy the Arberlour?
Harmless old cunt fun for all the lasses
When was the last time you heard any cunt say something was simply ‘strange’ rather than ‘surreal’?
E.g., ‘They brought me a pint of bitter with a slice of lemon in it.’
That’s not surreal it’s a bit strange.
Unless it’s about a Dali painting I’m not interested in the word.
Funk off to illiterate cunts. Read 1984 to see how a limited vocab is a major form of mind control.
How would you describe this one.
In Indonesia once I bought a beer for the boat driver after a hard day fishing, he filled the glass two thirds with beer then the rest with tinned sweetened condensed milk.
Eh what the fucks that about?
One orf me stock idioms and thus far I see no occaision to change it.
Same as the wankers that say “at the end of the day” every 2 minutes. The fucking idiots never tell me what day it is.
‘Lessons will be learnt’.
You could go on for hours, if not days.
Meaningless phrases that are like sawdust in a wartime sausage, tasteless and pointless.
Like that bit of shredded lettuce, carrot and sliver of tomato on the side of your plate of steak and chips. Neither use nor ornament.
“Thus far” is a typical phrase used by lowly managerial and administrator types in the NHS.
I rest my case.