(The Looney Left seemed like a harmless joke back in Kinnock’s 1980s. And yet here we are 40 years on and oh dear! – DA)
The UK Institutional racism report.
Now I am a bit sceptical of anything commissioned by government, if Labour were in power then they would have appointed Doreen Lawrence who would have concluded that we are run by the KKK and Henrik Verwoed, but putting that aside, the report says we are fair and in many ways a model to other countries. A view I totally agree with, but think goes over the top in favour of self perceived victims.
But the professional racists are all over it.
There are too many links to include but:
Halima Begum whose job depends on racism disagrees with the conclusions.
Lisa Nandy thinks the report is confused.
Lammy is insulted.
No doubt many others will be outraged by the report, especially the super intellectuals studying gender and race. They will be crawling out of the woodwork over the coming days.
Here’s a thought. Why dont those whose very livelyhoods and position depend on the UK being assumed to be racist go and spend some time elsewhere in the world. Anywhere. And report back.
PS. Admin, as the BBC 6 oclock News led with this and covered it almost entirely negatively (what a surprise) can we call it an emergency? They dug up every possible (London?) victim they could to make sure it was well and truly trashed.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
…and this from Everyonesacunt
The lefts obsession with racism.
I read this early morning on the Biased BBC bull shit news web page and thought fuck it, ” what can I do about it”? Golf done ,tea time over; traditional British steak and kidney pudding steamed beautifully by Mrs E/cunt, I turn to read Guido Fawkes and noticed this:-
It is simple there is no race bias in the UK, no white privilege, something I have said for ever. However, to the loony left side of politics this just is not true. They are saying that we must ignore this report and that Britain is of course full to bursting with nasty racists and white privilege. This totally pisses me off.
Then it dawns on me; of course the lefty cunts need to say this, they need illegal immigrants because no sane white working class person with a job would ever vote for them.
Therefore they continue to pander this total lie of a narrative and encourage more and more immigrants because basically they are fucked without them. A total pile of shite. Total gold standard cunts.
If your labour political career doesn’t work out there is aways a job with the BBC to fall back on!
Fuck off!
The great Enoch Powell was ignored, and now look….
Anyone else remember that utter cunt, Bernie Grant?
Unfortunately yes. The revolting gobby fat cunt.
Agreed.Mr. Powell must be spinning in his grave.
The report concluded that there is no “institutional racism” in the UK and we are pretty much the least racist Country in the world.
Which had all the professional race baiters crawling out of the woodwork saying that there is institutional racism in the UK – the rise of the extreme and increasingly dangerous far left.
And I agree – there is massive, concerted, never ending and increasing racism towards the indigenous white population – the end game now is to get rid of whitey completely.
My solution? Get every fucker who says the UK is a racist Country on an aircraft, dump them in any Country in Africa, ban them from ever returning and let them see real racism.
But the one ray of hope is that the race baiters are now constantly being called out, ridiculed and challenged about their lies on twatter by increasing amounts of people, they respond by whining they are being “bullied and trolled”.
It does not matter what factual evidence is presented from these public enquiries, if the results do not fit the narrative from the left, then they will call it biased, falsified or racist.
-Referendum Scotland
-Grooming gang report
-Rasicm report
We need stronger leadership that respects the majority view, rather than pander to the woke minority.
Local election coming up-vote against the big parties-send a message.
Re: Enoch Powell-a Great Britain-the greatest Prime Minister we never had?
I was reading about this college in Yankland where some cunt or cunts had been going around writing racist graffiti everywhere. Things like “KKK”…..”The ni**ers must die”…..”Kill all the ni**ers”, that sort of thing. Obviously the libtard students were up in arms, holding demos, demanding safe spaces and more black security guards. (You can’t trust the white ones apparently )
So they called in the coppers and a quick flick through the CCTV revealed the culprit. Yes, it was one of the students. The trouble is he was black as Lammy’s fat arse. Oh dear…….where there are no white supremacists or raaaaaay-sism you have to invent it to fit the narrative.
Jussie Smollett anyone? Sparkletits?
I think this is the case in question.
A black race baiter is “rumbled” for stirring the shit and the official line from the college is:
But we know the acts of racism that have occurred this week are not about one particular person or one particular incident. We know that there is a significant history of racial pain and trauma on campus and we are taking action to repair our community.
Thanks Mr Dribbler, yeah that’s the one. Notice how he has been suspended “temporarily “ and he “acted alone.” Why do I get the feeling that the mental elf card is about to be played?
Now imagine if it was whitey. Clearly it would have been Trump behind it all. When you are desperate to be a victim you need a tormentor. If he ain’t there, like God it becomes necessary to invent him.
The looney left said it so it must be true. In a world where whatever you want to be true is true then what the fuck? Unless I’m a white Christian, conservative, straight male I am completely disqualified from having my opinion count.
There’s only 2 things I hate: Racism, and nigguhrrs.
Sometimes academia works when it comes to reports. It should work every time, but it’s not too difficult to bullshit stats and facts nowadays, particularly if they suit a left leaning narrative.
However, in this case, it seems they actually went for the truth without narrative. It’s shocking that I find that incredible, but it’s the truth. But well done on simply reporting the truth.
What exactly are these shit munchers crying about? That the truth didn’t fit their narrative?
Well boo fucking hoo. The fact is plenty of cunts have bullshit (but well paid) careers that rely on horse crap like ‘white privilege’, ‘systemic racism’ and ‘an epidemic of police brutality against black people’.
These pieces of absolute shit are simply terrified of being found out and losing their place at the trough.
Cunts, every one of them.
If only it was just Liebore that was obsessed with this wank, we could just tell them to fuck off. However, it is not. Every political party is infested with appeasers bending over backwards to undermine our once proud nation. Cunts everywhere, left right and centre. As Farage said,’not a fag paper between them’. The whole country resembles a giant quivering fucking jelly waiting for any shouty cunt to come along and frighten the fuck out of it. Fucking sick of it.
Yes 20000 cunts under the sea ? you are right. Very sad ? fucking cunts.
The perfect summation.
What a set of powder puff cunts.
With regards to the grooming gang debate, which took numerous petitions to bring it to parliament-it was finally debated at the end of a days session in parliament and as far as I am concerned, it was “fudged”. Lots of pc bullshit and weasel words, whilst nothing was done.
Then of course it was turned into a discussion about “race”, by the Sikh MP.
As was always going to happen?
This isn’t “off topic” as it aligns perfectly with the point made in the excellent nomination(s).
Here: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2021-02-03b.1033.0
Well worth ten minutes of your time.
Yes somewhat surprised by the race card being played as the first victims of the grooming gangs were most likely Sikh girls. But then I’m not counting votes.
The Sikhs sorted it out by threatening to cut the cunts’ bellends off, or so I am reliably informed.
They know that socialism as failed over the last 150 years, even RED China as turned capitalist, that they need another goal. Instead of the working class who have seen through them, it is racism. Saw a black guy on you tube slagging off the cunts over their attitude concerning Prince Philip. Divide and conquer, is the aim.
Yeah I saw that. They also showed you 2 cunts outside the Palace laughing and drinking champagne, trying to provoke people. Needless to say they were white, middle class, beardy hipster types. Obviously they were doing where there were coppers around to protect them……the same coppers they would normally be calling, racists, fascists etc.
Fucking cunts.
Wasn’t it the left who murdered a hundred million people in the last century. A “few broken eggs to make an omelette.” as cunts like Ralph Milliband would have said. The fuckers are insane
Doreen Lawrence – please whenever her name comes up can we please remind everyone that this is the woman sorry life peer, who claimed that had their been more white people in Grenfell then the fire service would have tried harder to rescue them. It was racism that stopped them trying
I see Ash Sarkar has once again opened her ugly mouth.
She is trying to compare the rapper DMX (who died of a heart attack on Friday) to Prince Philip.
She wrote RIP TO A LEGEND and had a sly dig asking “Where is the 12 hour non-stop DMX content on the BBC.
Then she continues with “DMX could cut a ribbon but Prince Philip couldn’t make Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood.
The idiot box may well have gone overboard with it’s coverage of the Duke’s death, but comparing someone who fought in the second world war and served this country as well as he could to a rapper that has been convicted for crimes that includes theft, animal cruelty and other convictions.
Ash Sarkar is a loony lefty piece of shit and no doubt The Guardian will support her no matter what lefty nonsense she spouts.
RIP Prince Philip
DMX dead at 50.
That’s got to be a world record for a black rapper.
Never mind. DMX can now do a duet with Chiggen Floyd George in sambeaux heaven. Or is it hell?
Fuck me sans bullet holes as well.
“DMX could cut a ribbon but Prince Philip couldn’t make Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood.’
Thing is, I don’t think Philip would have wanted to make substandard rap dirges that glorify violence and misogyny, and why would he? It reminds of Bob Dylan being a smartarse when the Stones went to America in the 60s. Dylan sneered at Mick Jagger ‘I could have written ‘Satisfaction’, but you couldn’t have written ‘Desolation Row’. To which, Jagger replied to his face, ‘Oh, I don’t think I’d ever want to’.
Also, the Duke did more than cut ribbons. Loony cunts like Sarkar and the hated Grauinad have to turn everything into a woke competition and a ‘black is better’ noise. Even death isn’t safe from their insanity.
‘Where is the 12 hour non-stop DMX content on the BBC?’
Well, if DMX had fought in the war, was married to the Queen for 73 years, did hiss duties for the same amount of time, and behaved with the class and dignity that Philip did, then the criminal animal abusing talentless black cunt might have got 12 hours of coverage.
With regards to the alleged media coverage afforded to a dead piece of shit dead cunt rapper that nobody had ever heard of, idiots such as Tash Sarkur obviously haven’t noticed the kneeling and grovelling to Marxist race baiting scum in sports and other forms of Burn Loot Murder propaganda that’s been force fed to the UK public for the last 9 months via the media.
Thick, deranged, deluded, disrespectful fifth columnist cunts!
She really is a thick piece of spiteful shit. You would have thought rap, the ultimate in misogyny and trash values, would be a target for one of her ill informed rants, not to lionise the scabby fucker who died because he wasn’t as good at taking illegal drugs as he thought.
A rare ending for a rapper, as they are normally cut down by either another rapper, or drug associates.
RIP? Good fucking riddance more like.
The funeral of Big Phil will be interesting. When Henery Hawk of Hewitt comes over, will the Firm work on him with the Snake out of the way in America? Will Harry get some ‘advice’ or even an ultimatum? It’d be hilarious if he stayed with the Firm and never went back to the Serpent’s Lair. Unlikely though, as the Markle Creature has probably brainwashed him.
Ooga-Dooga: I like being black.
Cap’n Mags: Oh, well done.
Cap’n Mags: I like being white.
Ooga-Dooga: Racist.
The leaders of BLM along with other groups (Charity So White, Liberty, the National Education Union and The Runnymede Trust) have written to the PM to demand he withdraws the report.
‘Cos everyone white in the UK is racist’ and the report doesn’t say it which is all they really wanted from the report. For these cunts a one line report would have been fine ‘Britain is racist, init!
Unlike some countries if these groups don’t like racist Britain, they are free to leave.
They are all Cunts!
Free to leave is one option but I prefer the other, throw the fuckers out.
Adios scum!!
I don’t agree with the findings of the report.
I know for a fact that Britain is rife with racism. The authors of the report have just looked in the wrong places.
West Indians are not one big, happy family. Jamaicans are not widely liked or trusted. They are seen as arrogant and aggressive by other West Indians.
Indians do not like Pakistanis. They think that they are dirty bastards. If an Indian goes to eat at a restaurant they will always ensure that the chefs are Punjabi.
Neither Indians or Pakistanis like Bangladeshis.
Sikhs stick to their own.
People of West Indian descent do not generally like Africans.
I am not sure, but I guess that Africans discriminate against other Africans from different countries.
The Chinese are very insular and don’t like anyone black or even blackish.
The report is incomplete. It served only to justify the white population’s view against foreigners.
Why the fuck should the indigenous population of a country have to justify their opinions?
Great points made there!
Bravo Artful, bravo???
But that isn’t classed as racism, it’s painted as cultural differences.
Which means racism.
Divisive cunts
The indigenous population of any country should never have to justify their opinions. If you chose to live here then you should fit in with us we don’t adapt to you. Just fuck off somewhere else. This does not apply to England as the country is run by a pack of libtard cunts who would rather cut off their ears than be perceived as possibly racist. Come one come all turn this once great nation into an ethnic shitehole. You know it makes lefty sense!!!
I’m with Keith Cuntabout on this… oy! oy!…
It is not unusual to hear those on the right of the political spectrum criticize Neil Kinnock, but what most of them don’t realize is that Labour actually won the 1992 general election in a landslide victory. Their moment of triumph was overturned by a combination of fake news, voter fraud and a conspiracy by the conservatives, right wing newspapers and the royal family. What did Kinnock do? Did he take his case to the courts? Did he organize an insurrection at the houses of parliament? No, he acknowledged the fact that he’d been outmanoeuvred and conceded with dignity like a true statesman.
Neil Kinnock, the best prime minister we never had. And that’s a fact.
Nice one, I see what you did there Allan. ?
I think generations, many millions of white British folk, would rate Mr Powell over old Neil “my whole family have there snouts in the trough, champagne socialist hypocrites” Kinnock.
And that is a a absolutely solid fact??
My neighbour is Jamaican, he’s employed at a virology lab where they are currently researching the possibility of a cannabis based vaccine in the fight against Covid-19.
He works for Rasta Zeneca….
Right I’m going out on a limb here. If us whites are all racist then fine I don’t need to hide anymore. Deport all people who arent white because your origins aren’t here. If you’re white but from Europe you’re hear under sufferance. You must prove your heritage going back at least 300 years . Now let’s break out with the blitzkrieg, surround the enemy in a pincer movement and wipe them out.
I’m terribly sorry I slipped into Manstein mode for a second. Do forgive me , I’ll retreat to the northern redoubt and make a list stand now fuck off.
You would think Eugene Terreblanche was Chief Constable of the Met in the 1990’s with the race baiting shite that comes from Doreen Lawrence