Pimlico Academy

Is this a sign of the break up of Britain? The start of the break up of Britain.
There’s a lot of talk about passports recentlyt, talk of covid passports. But we might need a passport to Pimlico soon.
There are deep stirrings within the Pimlico populace I believe if what’s going on at the Academy is anything to go by. The schoolchildren are very angry. And if the schoolchildren are angry you can bet your life the parents are angrier still.
I am thinking the people of Pimlico will soon declare independence for the borough if things go much further.
As I say the schoolchildren are very angry, incensed you might say. They have torn down the Union Jack and scrawled ‘There ain’t no black in the Union Jack’ on the wall near where it flew. And demanded it not be put up again. The headteacher has agreed with them. In others words done what he has been told to do by the schoolchildren. The way it should be.
The flag is problematic he now says.
The schoolchildren are going to continue their ‘industrial action’ over what they see as racial injustice.
See the school ‘asked’ that hijabs should not be too ‘colourful’. Also someone with afro hair shouldn’t grow it too much because it can block the view of students behind them. The outrage they felt. The indignation!
The ‘Napoleon of Nottng Hill’ comes to mind. In that book the boroughs of London gain their independence. Maybe what these young zealots are about (unknowingly) is starting to make GK Chesterton’s vision a reality.
Pitchforks at the ready cunters.

(Oh I get it, I’m supposed to find a link for your nomination – NA)


Nominated by: Miles Plastic

40 thoughts on “Pimlico Academy

  1. Looks like Pimlico Plumbers did a poor job at this school and it is now overflowing with human effluent.

    All of the kids should be expelled from the school and banished from the UK along with their families.

    It is a disgrace that they disrespect this country by burning the Union Flag yet they and their families take the opportunity to be educated free of charge and scrounge benefits.

    Little cunts.

  2. I was in a relatively good mood this morning until I stumbled upon this cunting. What a disgrace these people are. If they don’t like it in the UK the feel free to fuck off.

  3. Napoleon of Notting Hill…fuck that I am the Don of Notting Hill. Go fuck yourselves.

  4. I grew an Afro so big once when I was at school so the sleepy girl I fancied could use it as a pillow when she fell asleep in boring lessons. As for the Hijab cunts they can fuck themselves, what the fuck is a child wearing that shite for anyways. Couldn’t we move all the Hijab types up to Scotland and then give them independence? A thought provoking cunting as always Miles Plastic…may God bless you. 🙏🏽

    • Thank you B&WC.

      The Napoleon of Nothing Hill is about a sort of Regionalism, Localism that Chesterton believed in. People taking control of their own lives.
      Its starts off as a joke but then it gets serious is when Adam Wayne (the eponymous ‘Napoleon’) objects to a road being built through Nothing Hill.
      The people of Notting Hill take to the streets.
      My point is it’s funny that really the only place for years that people took to the streets, took ‘ownership’ of the streets was Notting Hill with the Notting Hill Carnival.
      You could say it took back Caribbean immigrants of the fifties to show the indigenous people that the streets were for the people. It’s as funny old world.

      • “You could say it took back Caribbean immigrants of the fifties to show the indigenous people that the streets were for the people. It’s as funny old world.”

        Miles – I think they demonstrated that the streets were for rioting rather than taking them back into public ownership!

      • Initially it was good. I mean taking back the streets for an extended period. Lasting how many days it does last. Not like a street party for the Queen’s jubilee every 25 years.
        No I am all for Carnival.

  5. A mixed race disaster, division of all, and no common thread to unify.
    Immigration to the UK was the planned destruction of a Nation, and with criminal intent. A king would never sell a kingdom, as he would then be king of fuck all. A Politician would sell his grannies snatch for a couple of quid.
    Fuck all ideologues.

  6. Burning the Union Jack, shoot them at dawn.

    Afro hair, fuck off back to Afro land.

    Hijab, fuck off to Islam land.

  7. They did get one thing right though

    “There Aint No Black In The Union Jack”.

    Therefore, their education has not been entirely in vain👍

  8. A couple of paragraphs from a news article:

    The National Education Union confirmed that at least 32 teachers have handed in their notices since September, including two-thirds of the senior leadership team.

    The school made national headlines last week after children staged a sit-in to protest against changes brought in by Mr Smith since September, under the direction of its sponsor Future Academies.

    Parents and pupils had complained for months of issues such as:

    A new uniform policy which banned afro haircuts
    Headscarves, or hijabs, having to fully cover pupils’ hair
    Black History Month being removed from the curriculum
    Claims that complaints of sexual abuse between pupils were ignored
    A Union Jack being raised above the school’s entrance
    Sixth form pupils having to buy suits instead of the previous uniform policy that allowed chinos and collared shirts

    I strongly believe that the Headmaster deserves a fucking knighthood👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    • My daughter’s school went through a similar process a few years’ ago. The headmistress who let the little shits run riot was given the elbow and a load of heavies were sent in. The only thing not used to regain order was a water cannon
      The school appointed several pastoral teachers and one of them was a black women.
      This women never let the kids get away with anything and they soon learnt not to piss her off. This was a smart move because the little cunts could not use the waycist card when they were getting their bad slaps.

      I see the teachers who have handed in their notice will not be missed because the school is already taking steps to replace them.


  9. These brainwashed children, who will probably be manipulated all their lives, haven’t realised their slogan is part of one of the original racist chants. In full;

    “There ain’t no black in the union jack, so send them bastards all the way back”.

    They also seem to have forgotten that the union jack was ok to rally round when Britain stood alone against a regime that would have exterminated blacks.

    Either educate these fuckwitted morons properly, or close down the school which is not fit for purpose.

    • There certainly “ain’t no black in the Union Jack”. That’s because the UK was founded way before any blacks came to this country.

      Our country, our flag. So if you don’t like it, fuck off back to your ancestral homelands!

  10. Don’t worry, diversity is our strength or something like that [citation needed]

    • “The diversity of our society is its greatest strength and gives us so much to celebrate.”

      Prince Charles, heir to the throne of England.

      • Which is the number one reason that I am like a stuck record, over our Monarchy.

        Phil-gone. Lizzie-when she is gone, sack it off!

      • If you’d ever had the misfortune of catching Lizzie’s Christmas messages you’d know she is equally keen on diversity. Maybe she feels she has to spout all that drivel because of The Commonwealth but I doubt it, more likely down to her “deep and abiding Christian faith”.

  11. Any wonder why the young are so fucking retarded and full of themselves! Do any of them learn anything other than how to be a cunt? Expel the troublemakers, charge the vandals with criminal damage, and tell the rest to fuck up. Show some respect you fucking dickheads.
    Faith schools can fuck off too. If you want to pump your kids heads full of crap, do it on your own coin and your own time. How can you possibly have a proper education if what’s being taught is constrained by belief, such as creationism? Offer it as a different opinion in church or whatever, to kids old enough to make their own minds up. Another of evil Blair’s achievements, the growth of fantasy schooling.

    • Remember Bliar himself is a god freak like his missus. Unfortunately for us he had the wit to keep his gob shut about it while he was in office.

  12. I ‘ll tell you what has happened here. This Head has come in and tried to Impose some standards in this inner city shithole, of which there are many. He has cracked down on the pupils and, what the media doesn’t tell you, the lefty, scruffy, Guardian reading, remoaner teachers. You can bet your life it’s the teachers who are behind all this, stirring the shit to get rid of the cunt. Not all of them obviously, but the young libtard types who have been through the same politicised, piss poor system themselves.
    The Head has been hung out to dry by his own staff, his union, the DfE, the council, Suckdick, the libtard media and , ultimately, this fucking government. Is this what British people fought and died for?……to see our flag burned in a London school playground? Well, apparently yes. Get used to it……this is the future.

  13. There are many countries where their national flag is displayed on every public building, including schools, hospitals and police stations.
    Here in Spain you can only fly a flag of another country if it is alongside the Spanish flag of at least the same size.
    The English have been pussy whipped into thinking that the flag of St. George is a symbol of racism.
    If you don’t like the flag of your country then put up with it, keep your head down and shut the fuck up.
    Anyone defacing a flag should be jailed.
    To burn a flag is more than just vandalism, it is highly symbolic and insulting.
    Examples of the significance of flag burning can be seen in countries where people take to the streets to protest about American or British actions.
    Shit like this should not be taken lightly.

  14. Lock the doors and burn it down.
    Cleaning up Britain, a rats nest at a time.
    Good show.

  15. OT but nice to see West Ham vs Leicester holding a 2 minute silence for the Duke. Before completely negating the respect by taking the fucking knee! I hope the fucking stadium explodes with every cunt in it going up in flames.

    • Are the cunts still doing that kneeling thing? I’ve watched one Arsenal game since ti all started and I really think I am never going back to watch live football. Covid passports, taking the knee, mask wearing. What will be the fucking point? Thank you one and all, yet something else that has been destroyed for the white male population. Mind you, maybe I can start a museum experience of the old days at Highbury – gobbing on the opposition coming through the chicken run at Arsenal station, piss flowing down the steps of the north bank, or piss running down the steps of the clock end plus rain and snow or being burnt to a crisp, depending on the weather. Cigarette burns in your jacket, being crushed against the bars. Happy days.

  16. The little cunts will leave school with fuck all literacy or numeracy skills. They can’t see that this is exactly what the left want: if you are uneducated, it must be due to racism – go and smash things up. Then the whites will hate you even more and we’ll have ourselves a nice race war. Unfortunately, our black and asian friends are too thick to see they are being used by the honky lefties.

  17. The shithole of a high school that I went to has now been rebranded as an ‘Academy’. It also now has ‘proms’ and all that shite. What a load of bollocks.

  18. I bet the head is one of those cunts who wears dungarees and ,with his partner minces around with a kid in a chest carrier. (Obviously the kid would have been adopted)

  19. Expel the brats, sack the “teachers”.
    And make it law that the Union Flag flies over every public building.
    Time to sweep out the UK hating commie shit in education out and start again.

    • Yeah, if you feel like a victim here, fuck off to another country and become one instead.

  20. This was apparently started by one parent and then backed by the Marxists NUT teachers union.
    Probably backed by the teachers as this headmaster tried to get some standards out of the lazy lefty badstards as well.
    This could have all been resolved by lobbing a couple of hand grenades into the playground during the demonstration.

  21. School is like a gulag anyway. Forced to stop off in your pants if you forget you kit because your father has fucked off half way around the world in a stopper bar on a business meeting. Whilst you brew up beans on toast and have loads of wankers cracking on with no mace in sight. Anyhow, fuck music fuck all these shit subjects and shove it all up your arse.

  22. P.S as a student I questioned a teacher once and said if you hated Hitler so much why didn’t you join the military. No answer. This should be something every parent teaches there children.p.s I am pro white, I’m anti Hitler cunts.

  23. I thought the idea of school uniform was to ensure that all the kids looked the same and were therefore equal in the eyes of the school.

    Apparently some of the cultural enrichments feel they are ‘special’.

    They are about as special and wanted as what just dropped out the back of my dog

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