A fit for a queen cunting for yet another closet poofter, Grayling, who has compared piles of debris, rubbish and beer cans to both Brexit AND those who voted for it:
Perhaps the silly old cunt has refused his Covid vaccinations, or else he has had both and doesn’t give a fuck about all the poor sods in Europe, who have not yet had even one, thanks to the fuck-ups perpetrated by Von Leyen, Napoleon Macron and Adolf Merkel,.
Just like Anthony Blair, who likes to be known as “Tony” to give an illusion of popularity, long disputed, so up their own arse snobby queens like Grayling like to give the illusion of great learning by using just their initials (A.C. probably stands for Alice Charlotte) – usually entirely spurious, like my old headmaster of many decades ago, a snivelling wreck of an old cunt, who was in a race between retirement and the Delirium Tremens. (The DTs won by a short head btw).
Who does this old fucker think he is impugning the characters of the 17 million people plus who don’t agree with him. It would have been bad enough before the Covid fuck-up and the temper tantrums of Von Leyen and co, now he looks a weak foolish old man, and by the look of him, he is in the first stages of Alzheimer’s, if his memory span is so short. Sack the old shitstain.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Looks like he has a pocket full of Werther‘s originals ?
Look at that hair!!
Hahahaha ?
What a cunt.
Fuck off egghead we’re well rid of the EU.
Missing your rentboy you little duckyfuck?
Drop dead.?
Excuse the quick diversion. Did anyone have Shirley Williams in Deadpool?
I did a while back until I changed it. Sod.
Cuntamus Prime looks to have won Bertie. Annoying when some of your old picks decide to oblige and drop dead for somebody else.
Diversion is their strength ?
Lisping Litha Nandy is on the same link, titfarting on about ‘Brexit not being done’. That girl needs about an inch trimming off her tongue – she then may be able to speak properly.
Grayling, Adonuts, Vaz and Mandy should stand in a circle and embed their appendages up the hoop of the one in front, whilst all walking in circular union, chanting ‘EU Forever’ before seeing which one first blasts their European-affiliated load of custard up his comrade’s arsehole.
Fuck off.
What a horrible image ? you should be ashamed, Paul.
Horrible indeed, but apposite. It is difficult to know who is the most absurd out of that group who no doubt wank themselves blind over The New European. He’s a professional philosopher, which in my eyes makes him highly sus. It’s the sort of thing Frogs and Krauts do, and look where it got them.
The slimy cunt, most of the rabble in the Sheffield park weren’t eligible to vote in the referendum.
What is right is the fact that all the youth of today need a fucking wake up call, entitled spoon fed cunts.
I just wish these remoaners would have a large cup of shut the fuck up.
I’m fucked if I can see a connection between Brexit ( or leaving the EU, as I prefer to call it ) and scum sucking, inbred litter louts!
Bore off, you fucking nonentity.
A. C. stands for Absolute Cunt.
” Check his hard drive, George. All right Grayling, get your trousers on, you’re nicked ! ”
Afternoon, Cunters.
Not trying to assume RTC’s mantle, but I believe this is the sixth outing for Grayling, not the fourth. An important point given the prick is only 4 noms away from the wall.
Sorry, just fucking ignore me. I have just realised that I was overwhelmed by the Grayling factor. It is Chris Grayling that has been cunted five times, not AC. Perhaps we can get both up to ten and have a special Grayling keepnet on the wall?
Still waiting for 10 noms each, Dame Elton John and Keir Starmer to be adorned on the wall of infamy. It’s a disgrace 🙁
Nearly 5 years and these remoaner wankers just can’t let it go. Still weeping and crying because the little people didn’t do as they were told. This cunt isn’t even British so he can mind his own business and fuck off while he’s doing it.
“Pint of Grayling’s tears please Landlord”
The taste that never fails to satisfy ?
He is British, although he was born in Northern Rhodesia.
A colonial then. Same as Dawkins. Same as Germaine Greer. Trying to make a splash in the mother country.
Same as George Orwell…
…and Cliff Richard. ?
Dawkins and Greer rock!
The cunt is basically Magda Goebels
Grayling looks a bit fishy to me. Fuck off now you arsewipe.
Someone with a greater knowledge of Sheffield may correct me but if I’m right the trashed park is within Sheffield Central electoral constituency which voted 68.9% in favour of remain in the Brexit referendum, has a Labour (remain party) majority in the last election of 27273 and, thanks to a large student population, has a median age profile of 25 compared to the UK national of 39.
Summed up nicely by those commenting on Grayling’s bleating when they say it’s hardly likely to have been brexit voting pensioners making the mess. I thought Philosophers were supposed to be intelligent, logical thinkers.
IsAC’s facts don’t give a fuck for his feelings?
©️Ben Shapiro
Sort of?
You are not wrong, Mr. Dribbler.
To my eternal shame those that can be bothered to haul their fat arses out of bed & off the sofa in order to vote, in Sheffield, do have a propensity to vote for Labour, and are still bleating about leaving the EU years later.
By the way, am I the only person who thinks that we need to stop using the anachronism ” Brexit?”
What a cry baby.
Turds like this sad act lump of shit will blame anything on Brexit, as there enough bellends who still can’t face facts to listen and agree with the cunt.
To watch European politics descend further into spite, division, greed and incompetence from the sidelines should be confirmation enough.
Suck it, monied tramp.
Named “A.C”, because whilst his father videotaped the birth, to show his chinless relatives & friends, the miracle of a new life emerging from his wife’s minge, the midwife in attendance is heard, to say:
“It’s a g..it’s a b…Oh! It’s A Cunt!!!”
Anal Cluster-due to him having his head rammed firmly, up his own arse?
Father BabyFiddler: In de name of de father, de son, and de Holy Goat, oi name this babba A Cunt.
Mary mudder o’God, he’s an uglee fucker. Shall oi sees if oi can drown ‘im in de Holy water, Mrs.Grayling?
I’m fed up with hearing from Failing Grayling. Like a fly around shit, this bogus philosopher refuses to buzz off. An irredeemable elitist, every time he opens his trap he proves the wisdom of George Orwell when he said no other nation has an intelligentsia like the UK’s, which hates its own country. The only decent philosopher in recent years has been the late Roger Scruton and he was a thousand times smarter and wiser than this cunt.
Roger also invented season cubes of bread for adding to soups or salads.
Scrutons Croutons!
They called him Roger Scrotum at Private Eye Miserable. A bit disrespectful that.
Funny he had a high kind of strained voice as though he had his scrotum trapped or something.
Hahahaha ?
Evening Miles!
Evening Miserable.
I seriously think it is a mental illness with some of these ‘rejoiners’. I can understand if someone benefitted from a meaty EU pension, yes then they would move heaven and earth to redress the balance in their personal favour.
But gimps like Grayling? What the fuck does he stand to benefit, apart from looking like a Robert Fripp imitation reject (or is that reject imitation) from 1969?
You are spot on, PM! I’d say the whole EU wankpuffinery is almost a religion – and with some religions, mental illness is never far away.
A Doctor Writes: This one’s undoubtedly a bedwetter. Probably enjoys nailing gerbils to his Mum’s fence.
It’s rage that the country has dared to reject their sage and penetrating wisdom. Hell hath no fury like a Remainer scorned. Over time these loons will come to seem increasingly demented. Stick him in Uncle Terry’s oven with those other bell ends, Philip Pullman and Ian McEwan.
Marvellous MCM, Ian McEwen just doesn’t know when to quit. Bwexit, Bwexit, he’s like a mad child. Articles in the Guardian, even a novel parodying Kafka’s Metamorphosis about a PM (Johnson) who turns into a cockroach. The man is a fanatical cunt.
You’re right Cap. McEwan is one of the worst Remainers. Complete cunt.
Talking of Robert Fripp, have any of you esteemed cunters seen him and his demented wife’s youtube channel,?
fuck me drunk the cunts must be skint.
Grayling is a Grade Triple A Uber cunt by the way
Fucking chutney ferret
I’ve seen it , George. I reckon Fripp is being pussywhipped/nagged into it by his loony publicity hungry wife.
A bit like Prince Harry really.
It’s got worse Norm-they have recruited another guitarist.
I reckon once lockdown ends, they will take this shit on the road?
Its fucking cringeworthy Norman, you’re correct he is pussywhipped, it can’t be anything else
‘Its a mythstewy’…….. i’ll get mi coat
That photo and Twitter together? Liquidate the cunt
I dont care hes a remoaner,
A EU loving baguette up the arse, posh little fairy.
Its his hair that offends me.
Bet he describes himself as having a ‘lions mane of hair’on twink dating.com.
I personally want the pleasure of shaving his head before he mounts the scaffold and as the noose goes round his scrawny effete neck I’ll blow the hair in his eyes.
AC -aye see? You bumder.
Bit harsh Miserable Northern Cunt
Harsh, yes. But is it fair?
Quite right mr Dawson.
hes made a angelic lovely man like me lash out in hatred and anger!
This is what he does, he should be ashamed.
Hes provoked me!
Pin him down mr Dawson,
Hanging is too good for the likes of him!
We’ll dissect him slowly with a dessert spoon.
The Bouffant twat.
Is this a site for the mentally deranged?
Its all on the membership card.
You don’t need a sense of humour to “work” here, Mr Dawson.
Although it fucking well helps?
Learn to love us.
We’re super.
Diversity here is our strength, Les, diversity is our strength.
Tattoo “Je Suis Charlie” on his forehead, make him live in Paris with the peacefuls.
Let nature run its course.
Job done?
Or should I say:
“Fair accompli”
Or should I say:
“Fait accompli”
Smart thinking CG.?
See mr Dawson?
You have to put the work in!
Go fetch a bayonet from my toy chest and we can show AC a thing or two..
Right. I was going to crack a mother in law joke but don’t think I’ll bother now.
Oh, please do!
I upset the wife’s mother the other Guy Fawkes Night. I fell off the fire.
When I heard the knock on the door, I knew it was the mother in law,as the mice had started throwing themselves on the traps.
Get To Fuck.
I took the mother in-law to madam Tussauds chamber of horrors.
The staff said “keep her moving mate, we’re trying to stocktake”..
Right mr Dawson, ACs done.
Get the binbags.
That was a good gag when I told em Oldham when the London planetarium was opened in 1958 by the late Duke of Edinburgh.
Not so much now though.
Seems to of gone downhill for you since then….
The cunt looks like a “trendy” 1970s art teacher. You know the type, would join the sixth formers for a fag behind the groundsman’s shed. Would also go drinking in the town’s pub where all the sixth form would drink on a Friday evening and try to be “one of the lads”
In fairness there were quite a few teachers from my school who did this…..every one of them was a cunt.
They say a picture can say a thousand words while I can summarise his in just a few.
He looks like a cunt and he talks like a cunt.
Perhaps some beauty therapy with a club hammer might knock some fucking sense into him.
But it might take more than just one session.
Definitely looks like a battyman arse basher.
The cunt needs a good shoeing.