There’s (apparently) a certain music sharing service where users (allegedly) are supposed to share files (ISAC in no way condones illegal downloading blah blah). Anyway, some fucker refuses to share a file that’s they’ve listed and when someone tries to download, it they get ‘File not shared.’
If they’re not willing to share stuff, then what’s the fucking point of being on there?
This dickhead was asked why this was the case. What he replied with was both hilarious and staggering. He said ‘It is polite for people to ask permission’.
The response was asking if he actually wrote, recorded, or performed the song in question or if he owns the rights to it. And it was quite obvious he didn’t, as it was a rare track by a very famous band.
So he was then asked why someone should have to ask permission off him for such a thing. The dummy was spat out and this knob started going on about ‘respect’ and ‘manners’. He was then called a cunt and the person was then ‘banned’ from this tosspot’s (own words) ‘select list’. The response was ‘Banned by some twat who doesn’t share stuff anyway. Oh, that is a blow’.
It’s the same with cunts who ‘copyright’ or watermark photos on ‘their’ websites when they weren’t even born when they were took and they don’t have any rights to the material in question. These cunts also want people to ask their ‘permission’ just so they can say no to them about something they don’t even own or were never part of.
Some cunt did this with some photos of Syd Barrett. Never took them, wasn’t even around when they were took, but the prick acted like they owned them and wanted Floyd fans to kiss his arse and ask him if they could copy them. These same fuckers also want people to thank them all the time.
Thanking someone – if deserved – is good manners, but it is also an individual choice. Yet there are cunts who put files online, then they sulk like babies and throw a massive strop if they don’t get ‘thanks’ enough. Who do these cunts think they are?! Talk about self importance.
As Rick in The Young Ones might say ‘Blimey! Give ’em a computer and they think they’re Hitler!’
Nominated by: Norman
This’ll confuse them, Norman, nice one!
I don’t understand file sharing, but how can it be sharing if a person can refuse to share?
It’s a bit of a misnomer, isn’t it?
I agree about please and thank you being good manners, I expect that if I hold a door open for someone, but on a music sharing site, share first then expect a thank you.
Action first, thank you after. You don’t get a thanks in anticipation from me.
My experience of holding a door open is that 10 people go through and not one of the cunts acknowledges that you are even there.
Yes Moggie, I have had the same experience, but I stop after 2, and let the door slam.
If carefully timed, and I’ve had practice, you can break their nose.
While they’re howling and screaming hotfoot it down a side alley.
The current exit at my GP is great because it’s automatic and opens inwards. Even though there’s a sign telling people to be careful I’ve seen half a dozen or so people walk into it as it opened.
Coming from a long line of egomaniacs I find this nomination offensive!
My dark sense of humour side finds this sort of behaviour of infuriating people and acting like an unreasonable, hoity toity, only interested in himself, one-way traffic deals, nit picking annoying cunt, highly amusing. However, in fairness, the rational, sensible side of me finds this sort of behaviour slightly amusing! Win win 😀
Sharing indeed, lol.
Fuck off!
Sounds like the cunt kid who threatens to take his ball home when it’s his turn to go in goal. It may work in the short term but the cuntishness is stored in your brain for subsequent revenge.
Payback time!
I bet this cunt expects his lay-dee to thank him after decorating her visage with sticky white love piss. The fucking me-me-me wanker?
This sort of stuff has been going on for decades. It used to be tapes (Stranglers for Slaughter and the Dogs), but in those days no cunt acted like they owned the fucking recordings or like we were doing anyone a special favour and wanted our arses licking. It was like swapping football stickers. Fair exchange and no robbery. Now cunts want to be ‘asked’ and get lavished with praise? Bollocks.
Cunts on Etsy and Ebay are as bad. Copyrighting some long dead artist’s work with their own name? For fuck’s sake. Printed Van Gogh Mugs with © Cunto O’ Cunt plastered on the artwork. The mind boggles.
Fortunately as a confirmed Luddite, I still have a massive collection of vinyl, tapes and cd’s.
My friends may laugh at me for being behind the times, but I laugh louder when their computer dies and they can’t retrieve any files?
Ah yes Norman, those were the days. I’ve got an extensive cassette tape collection and I’ve dealt with all kinds of people including those who want your stuff but don’t want to share what they’ve got. They just want the recognition and to feel important for having it.
Dead right Allan. The cunt I am referring to is staggering. Puts yellow warning triangles next to his messages that are all in capitals. Shit like ‘WARNING! TRADE ONLY! ASK PERMISSION!’ But surely all swapping is trading of a sort, right? What the fuck makes this cunt think he’s so unique and special. Most of the stuff he has is bootlegs anyway. So he hardly got them legally, did he?
Oh, and I found out this cunt has a history of antagonising web users and is from Waterford in Potatoland. The Irish twat.
I’ve downloaded numerous hard to get hold of classic films and an obscene (geddit) amount of filth, but I’m keeping them all to myself.
I met somebody last year who claims they still buy music from shops. Fucking weirdo.
Join a file share platform and then not share? Heard it all now.