Joel Okorogheye

(For the next week or so we have decided to bump up the number of published daily nominations, from the usual 5 to 6 – and 7 at the weekends. Thanks – DA)

A victim soaked super cunting for Evidence Joel, mother of Richard Okorogheye.

Richard’s body was unfortunately found in Epping Forest after an extensive Police search. Foul play is not suspected, the cause of death is not known at present.

Whilst the loss of any young life is particularly tragic, the young man’s CUNT of a mother has already jumped on the raaaaycist bandwagon claiming that the police didn’t react instantly when she reported that a young adult was missing.

Despite the fact that such an occurrence is extremely common, the CUNT is claiming  that the delay was only because her son is black.

Compensation will be the next demand and she will undoubtedly be successful as nobody dares to say no to a non white race baiter.

What a monumental CUNT, Evidence by name, no evidence in reality.

Nominated by: Sir Cuntalot

35 thoughts on “Joel Okorogheye

    • You are not wrong-
      ‘Racist’ self-driving cars may not spot dark-skinned faces, Law Commission warns.

    • I think Ms. McGrath is either ill or a piss taker. I read a few more of her threads. Deffo the latter methinks.

  1. Apparently the cops didnt cancel all leave and call in the army to look for a 19 year old missing male, no doubt a very rare occurrence. Cos he is black, innit.
    Listening to her accent it’s a shame she wasnt back home in Lagos where the cops certainly would have jumped to it.

  2. This is a tragedy. But I’m fed up with bleks calling out “waaaaycism” every time something bad happens to them. The same bad things happen to whiteys. The most deprived communities in the UK are young working class males and females – the ones that can’t call “waaaycism” but suffer from discrimination the most because of the woke cunts infesting the UK establishment.

  3. The young man suffered from sickle cell anemia and reading between the lines had mental health problems, who had in the past gone missing for a few days. I think the mother is perhaps looking for somebody to blame other than his home life, which obviously included her.

  4. I am fucking sick to death of black people. Its all we ever see or here. Racist this black that. Im getting a divorce,they can all fuck right off.

    • I didn’t get the promotion I so richly deserved after being with the company for 2 days!
      I failed my driving test by the white examiner
      The bank turned me down for a £500,000 loan
      The white bus driver drove straight past me at the bus stop even though the bus was full.
      The white pub waitress brought my food last out of the 4 of us.
      The white weatherman said we would have a white Christmas!
      The Dulux dog loves brilliant white paint but doesn’t like black!
      My house is slightly smaller than my white neighbour’s
      A white teacher said my son should learn to speak/write in English!
      The Asda home delivery man, a white guy, was 3 minutes late!
      A white woman said “hello!” at me today!!!

      ….common denominator = all racist- percieved or otherwise!

      This is the new world in which we find ourselves. And that’s just to do with colour and ethnicity. You could look at those same points above, and modify them slightly so that they become sexist, homophobic, transphobic, whatever!

    • It doesn’t help when the likes of MarXine Waters get away scot-free with reminded them daily that we’re all cunts against them and to burn our shit down. Sadly we’ve let social engineering take root and hold sway at our peril and it’s hard to see any relatively easy ways out of it now.

      That demon is the ugliest, most poisonous sack of garbage in congress currently. If I saw her clinging onto the side of a bridge I’d piss on her face then stamp on her toes.

      • Nancy Pelosi runs her a close second. Poisonous bitch.

      • That the congresswoman demanding Chauvin be found guilty, otherwise America will burn?
        Very “Democratic” of her.

        Fucking race gridding cunt.

      • Strike a match near Piglosi, and with all the vodka-piss stains and plastic chemicals leaching into her Tena, she’d go off like a sputnik. Bet she uses her speaker’s gavel as a dildo at night too. Betty Boothroyd she isn’t.

  5. I suspect most people do not appreciate just how many people are missing in the UK at any one time. A few years ago I had a conversation with a met police officer who held a special responsibility for missing persons. He gave me a figure for the total on his list. I was astounded when he told me this figure was not the national total I had assumed, but just the figure for his part of London. Total for the UK must be in hundreds of thousands.

    • Same all over sadly. Makes you wonder where the thousands of kids and pregnant women Xiden is currently importing will end up.

  6. The mother must be compensated for the police’s neglectful racism.
    Loss of potential earnings from her son’s architect practice or QC status. I believe $27 million is the going rate.


  7. You know she’s going to get a fat pay out and then will be able to buy bucket loads of fried chicken.

  8. FFS, these whiney cunts are getting on my last nerve now, the alarm goes off in the morning raaaacist alarm, bog roll is white raaaaacist, road signs or predominantly whit raaaaacist, Colonel Sanders is white and wears a white suit and i strongly suspect could have been grand dragon in the kaykay k, thats ok cuz we luvz chiggun, but the salt is raaaacist bruv.
    The list of shit for these cunts to moan about is endless, its total stupidity and the only reason its done is due to snow flakes.
    So you see what happens when you care, i find its easier not to give a flying fuck…

  9. This cunt is vile.
    Son’s corpse not yet cold yet already has an eye to a race complaint and healthy compensation.
    Too many of these savages infest our island.
    Immediate oven.
    Fuck Off.

  10. Time someone “in charge “ of this country stands up to all this shit and tells these apes and sexual deviants to fuck right off.

  11. I frequently went missing for days at a time to go tripping balls with my mates when I was a teen.

    The police never once came looking for me.

    The fucking racists.

  12. Just another Blackie after an easy buck, using her sons death as a means to purchase Gold and fried chicken.!

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