Hassan Akkad

Hassan Akkad needs a nomination. And so does the BBC for the matter, for they are not innocent in this. I know, who the fuck is this cunt? Well, Akkad is a Syrian refugee, who came to the UK on a fake passport (so an illegal cunt) and subsequently granted asylum. Akkad was recently interviewed on the BBC, putting his tuppence worth in on the goverment’s alleged toughening of rules on illegal immigrants.

The problem is, the BBC failed to mention that Hassan is quite a prolific online activist. And a member of the Labour party. The BBC has form for this. A lot of form. Every time they need an ordinary “nurse”, “doctor”, “scientist” or someone from a trade, they always manage to find one who, entirely by coincidence, happens to be a Labour party member/former council or MP candidate, or is otherwise politically active. And it never gets mentioned, except by Guido Fawkes. So much for the BBC’s oft repeated claim of impartiality. Disingenuous cunts.

According to Guido, Akkad regularly retweets Labour MP’s and generally slags off the government. The same government that has generously allowed this donkey’s dick to stay in the UK, presumably at taxpayer expense. Why the fuck is someone who isn’t even a British citizen allowed to join a British political party and stick his nose into our politics? This time, he was whingeing about the effect the new rules would have on child refugees. But you know what? It’s been abused by adult male illegals, pretending to be 16 years old when they’re actually 36, that I don’t give a fuck. Akkad has NO right to stick his fucking nose in British business. Considering he came here illegally, I can’t help but wonder how many safe countries this cunt passed through before coming here?

Let’s face it, the only people who actually WANT freeloading illegal immigrants in the UK. The only people who openly invite the fuckers here, are the Britain hating, middle class, far left cunts in the more affluent parts of London. It’s time they put their money where their mouths are and ponied up the funds to keep these freeloading cunts. I’m already a walking ATM for my daughters, why the fuck should I pay for people who don’t even belong here?

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw


19 thoughts on “Hassan Akkad

  1. Finally the website back up. The baby birds need feeding! Was getting the shakes admin!

  2. Thanks for bringing this to my attention QDM.
    If ever there was a reason never to vote labour again this must be it. Long gone are the days when the party represented the working class. Now the working class are expected to look after a load of immigrants, and illegal ones at that.
    As soon as these cunts turn up on our shores they should be drafted straight into the army. To be used for bayonet practice.

    • Your Grace may I humbly reply to your succinct comment.
      What appears to have happened was once the left realised that the working class did not give a flying fuck for the lefts vision of the future the left turned against the White working class and instead spread their poison amongst gullible middle class students and the old fave the immigrants. This has produced the pile of wank we have today a haven for every kind of twat that wants to be a victim. A state funded broadcaster whose output is mainly propaganda for woke shite, a government shit scared of its own shadow, the human fucking rights act and so on.

  3. Joburg necklace for the cunt, you would think the cunts that illegally enter the country and milk the system would be keeping their heads down and staying out of the way….. Sponging cunts, round em up and ship em home….

  4. I worked with someone who wasn’t British but was a fucking activist for the ‘left’, pisses me off that cunts come here and then start telling the Brits what to do.

    The Bonnie Greer bitch, yank who lives in the UK said ‘I became a British citizen so I could vote Labour’. What a cunt if that’s the reason for taking citizenship the cunt should be allowed in the fucking country, I bet she didn’t declare that in the citizenship process.
    As well as voting Labour she says we are all fucking racist.

    And this goat shaggers is also a cunt.

  5. He looks, like sparkle tits , and Clive Lewis, Italian. You aint a refugee fucko, and stick your black privilege up your arse.

  6. Sick of these cunts floating across like turds. They are invaders. Treat them as such. Useless begging scum.

  7. For a man who “ardiates competence” I am surprised that Starmer welcomes illegal immigrants into the bosom of his saintly party – but then I suspect that s they gave up on the white working class decades ago, by now he knows they have given up on his party of poofters and misandrist dykes.

  8. I don’t want him.NONE OF US want him.Where are our once proud Navy?Torpedo these rats in their dinghies

  9. I do not like these cunts at all.
    Evil freeloading cynical alien savages to a man.
    Oven for the Happy Clappy Cunts who encourage the vermin to arrive also.
    Just fucking filth.

  10. The only way to end this shitshow, is to vote in a party who’s main policy one of repatriation?

  11. What a fucking ugly cunt. Looks like Ming the Merciless’s bastard love child.

  12. Fitting enough for this prominent cockhead that the picture looks suspiciously like a ho-muzz-sexual orgy.

  13. Isn’t the pic Moby from the other nomination? I’m a confused cunt now.

  14. I feel sorry for decent slap heads, with this cunt, Moby and Adonis constantly in the news.

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