Charlyne Yi

This ugly cunt is constantly complaining about men as if she could get a man in real life.

Starting with comedian David Cross who she accused of racism because he made a joke that she took offence to.

She then did the same thing to Marilyn Manson – apparently he called her a china man. Not hard to see why since she looks like a man!

Now she’s started on Seth Rogen, saying he and James Franco are paedophiles, as well as all white men.

Tell me why she can get annoyed at being called Chinese yet is happy to tar all white people with the same brush? Vile woman.

Nominated by: Alexandria-Ocuntsio

41 thoughts on “Charlyne Yi

  1. I have a strong dislike of slit eyed gooks, never trusted em and never will. Zippo’s ready boys!

    • Precisely this!

      But you level any such accusations at the dinks and cunts like her will always have the same default response to hand.

      Just another annoying attention-seeker with nothing new or constructive to say other than trying to be a bit “edgy” on social media.

      But she’s another one who loves dishing out the hate, but just can’t take any herself.

      Therefore, bag her up and drop her in the filing cabinet drawer labelled “Cunt”

  2. She looks like a rittle yerrow version of our favourite mong, Greta Thunderpants.

    I wonder if she smells of beansplouts?

    • Imagine Greta Thunderbirds and this Wank Fuk Yu going out on a date together!

      Imagine all the noise, the screaching, the pulling of faces, the silent-but-deadly farting and general feminazi, eco-wank fuckwittery!

      • I’d rather not what a ghastly fug of chili turnip body odour would be oozing out between that pair.

    • I once went into a lavatory after a Chinese bird had a turnout in there. I kid you not it smelt of chicken fried rice.
      Whenever I see an actress’s name on here I google their name and search for nude images. Fortunately there were none of her so presumably a tuppence licker.

      • My favourite as well. I fondly remember being admonished at work for using the same term. When I asked All Look Same what the fuck they were on about I was informed that I was a lacist. Puzzled still really.

  3. The Chinks are a vile, secretive, devious and cruel race of people. Not one word of apology for Covid 19. I have more respect for North Korea. At least they’re upfront about what they are and make no bones about it. Buy British, boycott anything Chinese.

    • The pics above reminds me of The Deerhunter,
      ‘donny mao!! Donny mao!!”

      Shed be a shite shot though.
      Eyes like pissholes in the snow.

      Egg flied lice you yellow cunt.

    • I agree with buying British but it’s almost impossible. Every conceivable thing comes from China now. The genie is definitely out of the bottle there. They will rule the world within 50 years or less. No doubt, thankfully I’ll be long gone.

      • Wait till you get a home test COVID kit delivered
        On the side in big letters MADE IN CHINA
        you couldn’t make it up

  4. Dear Charlyne

    Fuck off, nothing to do with any of your multiple racial backgrounds, it’s just you’re a massive cunt.

    • Yeah Sixdog she is a quite a fucking combo of ethnic backgrounds Philappino, Korean, Spanish, Irish, German. If I was that mixed raced I’d probably hate wypipo too lol

      She’s well off in the bank from all the voice work shes done I bet so I don’t know what shes angry about. She’s just sounding off for attention to virue signal to woke cunts

  5. What an ugly cunt. I know chop suey munches ain’t the prettiest bit holy fuk, that would scare mice away.

  6. She’s a strange young man! But does she pass the boyish test, RTC?

    Good morningafterpill.

  7. What is it? Never heard the name. Why do you cunts go looking for these ultra cunts??

  8. Charlie Changs eat anything they can get their little hands on plus they have no sense of empathy. Dark Key women are the same , don’t give a fuck about anyone and are obsessed with bling.
    Oh and yes, Charlie don’t Surf.

  9. Chris Cross’s (wasn’t that a dark key band?) comments in that article are appalling, even by Isacs standards (Was a matter? Ching chong Ching Chong Ching Chong. You not use karate on me prease?”)


  10. Here we fucking go again, Al Beeb do love to stir things up don’t they:

    Strongly titled is Uni Racist this trollop feels that even the educational institution she went to was institutionally racist as others who are profiled.

    One dude cites that the security guards harassed him.

    FFS if I had a pound for every time someone offended me, or took umbrage for the way someone spoke to me I would be a rich man now.

    Just like these clowns feel there is a sinister racist sentiment coursing through the veins of the very fabric of this country I am beginning to feel outnumbered in that all I see these days, is whitey racist this, whitey racist that.

    Where I go cycling I pass a University and I can tell with absolute conviction that at least 80% of the people I see bumming around the campus are either bud bud ding or bleck – where is the racism there you cunts?

    • I was listening to the wireless a while ago. The topic must’ve been university funding or something akin. A black guy called in, he was a decent bloke with a lad at uni. He was saying that his son had been paid around a £1000 more than his white friends as a grant. This was purely because he was black. Nothing to do with talent, literally because he was black. He was quite embarrassed to talk about it but wanted to let the listeners know what’s happening in our uni’s. So yes, there is racism in uni’s, but not as we know it. I bet the cunts at the BBC never ever shared that little nugget, I loathe the BBC with every molecule in my body.

  11. I bet that her nether regions reek of egg fried bat. Even by gook standards, she’s a real boner destroyer. Now fuck off you cunt.

  12. I’d ask her if she does that lovely chinese curry that we get from the chippy.
    But she’d probably take offence and go mental. The psychotic poundland mink slag.

  13. She looks like a pangolin prostate eating rinky dink to me, a big glass of shut the fuck up is what’s required here.

  14. Her face is probably as ugly as her dark, hairy, stinking snatch. She should put that gun in her mouth and do us all a favour and pull the trigger, fucking race baiting jaundiced looking mong.

  15. I remember seeing this cunt in some movies. Don’t care to Google it though. Her characters were nerd girls with weird outcast personas. The kind that you might see at a comic con or some such shit.

  16. To be fair, Seth Rogan is a woke cunt of the worst proportions, good to see cunt going against cunt.

    • Absolutely, Rogen is a woke cunt of the highest order he deserves any shit this bitch dumps on his lap.

      I won’t forget his pathetic simping for B L M riots all his race baiting. Phony Trump hate bullshit in the last years on twatter He’s really turned into a complete nutcase all that fame from pineapple express and green hornet went to his shit filled head it seems

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