Snouts in the Covid Trough

Matt Hancock, Porton Biopharma, and some “significant others”.

After doing a “bit of digging about” I discovered some very interesting information about our favourite pouty faced Lieutenant Gruber impersonator Matt Hancock – this from Companies house:
1 active person with significant control / 0 active statements
Secretary Of State For Health ACTIVE
Correspondence address
Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London, United Kingdom, SW1A 2NS
Notified on
6 April 2016
Governing law
United Kingdom Law
Legal form
Cabinet Minister
Nature of control
Ownership of shares – 75% or more

Hancock owns Porton Biopharma, health minister Nadhim Zahawi owns Zahawi Warren Medical (quickly renamed Warren Medical) and has his Wife running it in her maiden name along with his two Sons who also use different names,

3 officers / 0 resignations
SAIB, Lana Fawzi Jamil
Correspondence address
36 Wilton Crescent, London, United Kingdom, SW1X 8RX
Date of birth
May 1966
Appointed on
10 June 2020
Country of residence
United Kingdom

Correspondence address
36 Wilton Crescent, London, United Kingdom, SW1X 8RX
Date of birth
February 1997
Appointed on
10 June 2020
Country of residence
United Kingdom

Correspondence address
36 Wilton Crescent, London, United Kingdom, SW1X 8RX
Date of birth
February 1997
Appointed on
10 June 2020
Country of residence
United Kingdom

Not to be outdone, here comes Sir Patrick Vallance on the rails, with a £600K shareholding in GSK (Daily Telegraph) – and, skulking in the shadows, we have SAGE, who have refused point blank to reveal how many of them have a financial interest in pharmaceutical and medical companies – not suspicious at all, nothing to see here.
My Spider Senses are tingling, and I smell a number of rats..


Nominated by: Vernon Fox


34 thoughts on “Snouts in the Covid Trough

  1. I am not sure about the rest of the ist but Porton Biopharma is owned by the state.

    • *A quick Addendum* – my schoolboy error, spotted by SOI (Cheers SOI!) – Hand Cock does not own Porton Biopharma, I mis-read the date!
      He is still a massive cunt though – and handed a 30 million PPE contract to a former pub landlord who the boss eyed little chancer knows!

      • I can confirm that my own scientific research validates the fact that Matt “Obergruppenführer” Hancock is a complete money grabbing, attention seeking, contract giving waste of space cunt with no more right to live on God’s green earth than a weasel.

      • @Vern, agree like most (perhaps all) politicians he is still a bit of a twat, his spending makes Lammy and his Jaffa Cakes pretty insignificant ?

  2. The Maybots husband has huge shares in a cannabis pharma company. They’re all at it, cunts the lot of them.

  3. Big Pharma – vaccine shots at $$s/shot v hydroxychloroquine at cents/packet full.

    The establishment took no time at all to decry HCQ as a possible prophylactic and ramped up their anti-rhetoric exponentially when “Orange Man” supported it. No scientific debate. Castigated just like climate change sceptics and Brexiteers.

    The world is ruled by corrupt interests supported by fuckwits who believe it’s being played straight.

    Tomorrow we have our billionaire chancellor handing down tablets of stone from on high. Something else to look forward to.

    Slimeball cunts the lot of them!

    • The AZ vaccine is fairly cheap by Pharma standards but some of the others are a lot more expensive.
      The question is, what will the UK do with the excess vaccines for which they have signed contracts.
      Something like 300 million doses and we need about 100million to cover all adults with two shots each.
      The UK have already spent half a billion on COVAX so I hope they won’t just give the stuff away.
      We already spend far too much on foreign aid to the shit holes.

      • There is some slightly better news on the subject of foreign aid. The government has halved the amount of aid sent to Yemen citing Covid as a financial burden.

  4. So what are saying? We shouldn’t use any vaccine that these people are involved in?? Only use Sputnik 5 and Kung Fuvac??

    • HtB@ – No HtB – that was not the gist of the cunting, it was more along the lines of greed and vested interest and how is it possible that politicians and supposed medical advisers (most with fk all relevant qualifications) can be promoting and advising on pharma, PPE and medical products fairly, honestly and impartially when their private tills are ringing with every contract and sale.
      They should NOT have vested financial interests and should NOT sit there smirking and counting their profits made from our ongoing misery.

  5. Should there be a revolution, after putting Theresa the appeaser in front of the firing squad I wouldn’t know who to pick next.
    The list is endless, snouts in the trough sums it up perfectly. Vermin one and all, their eradication can’t come soon enough.

    • How about anybody that passionately attempted to persuade us to remain aligned with the Fourth Reich by bombarding everybody with an a daily asteroid shower of fear whilst simultaneously having a huge vested interest. Put them all against the wall too.

      Good work Inspector Vernon.

  6. Surely these ‘interests’ are criminal? Hiding behind maiden and other names is a blatant evasion of truth and fact surely? What next? It’s akin to Judges presiding over their own trials or GPs prescribing their own medicines. Immoral and unethical.

    • TEGC@ – Parliamentary protocol means that they have not “technically” broken any statutory law, but it still fkin stinks to high heaven and just shows the lack of a moral compass these greedy slimy shitweasels have.

  7. Drain the swamp. Make the UK Great Again. Put Britons first. Millions more jobs. If only there was someone out there with the right CV looking for a job?

  8. “A number of Facebook posts claim that UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Matt Hancock is the majority shareholder of a vaccine and pharmaceutical company (here, here, here, here, here, here).

    These claims are false: the company in question is owned by the Department of Health and Social Care, not by the minister personally.

    The Facebook posts all make reference to the UK registry of companies, Companies House, and the information it carries for Porton Biopharma (here), a pharmaceutical development and manufacturing company based near Salisbury, Wilshire. The publicly available Companies House page for Porton Biopharma lists the Secretary Of State For Health as the holder of 75 percent or more of the shares in the company. Porton Biopharma confirmed to Reuters that 100 percent of assets in the company are held by the Department of Health and Social Care. The listing of ownership relates to the office and not to the individual who occupies the position. All dividends declared by Porton Biopharma are paid to Public Health England, the executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care.”…


    • “UK vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi has defended his family’s setting up of a medical company during the Covid-19 pandemic saying it had “zero involvement” in supplying government health contracts.

      Mr Zahawi said that the company, Warren Medical, was set up in June last year as part of a project to invest in a brain injury rehabilitation centre. He said the deal never went through and the company was in the process of being wound up.

      The company, controlled by his wife Lana, was initially set up as Zahawi Warren before changing its name a day later. He said he told officials of its establishment.

      Mr Zahawi said his wife ran many companies which all had “zero involvement in supplying anything into government”. Warrant Medical was listed in company registry documents as a property company”

      • The Daily Mirror would be all over this if there was any evidence. Doesn’t mean they aren’t all troughing cunts, but this isn’t true.
        Of course loads of cunts are going to make money from pharmaceutical companies, it’s a fucking winner even without the pandemic, because there are so many unfit cunts in the country, fat cunts drinking cunts smoking cunts druggie cunts, there will always be a market.

      • “The thing about the vaccine is actually the Oxford vaccine is being developed by AstraZeneca, which is one of GlaxoSmithKline’s biggest competitors.

        A government spokesperson told the Evening Standard: “Upon his appointment (Vallance), appropriate steps were taken to manage the GCSA’s interests in line with advice provided at the time.

        “The Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor has no input into contractual and commercial decisions on vaccine procurement which are taken by Ministers following a robust cross-Government approvals regime.”

    • DF@ – you are correct Sir Fiddler – I made a schoolboy error and misread the date pertaining to Porton Biopharma!

      • Afternoon,Vern.

        I do agree with you that there is something rotten in the awarding of certain contracts…i’s more as GJ alludes…lots of people own share portfolios..even I have a modest interest…and I don’t really see why, if an individual is not directly influencing procurement,they shouldn’t hold shares in businesses.

        Out on the bike,this morning?

  9. “ I smell a number of rats..“

    You are never more than 54 metres away from a rat?

  10. The world is so corrupt. This government are a big bunch of shithouse cunts. Please tell me how these people get away with it? If us ordinary folk were involved like they are, there would be an investigation into it. I hate the way this country is being run with politicians and so called ‘advisors’ lining their own pockets during this Covid period. FUCK OFF.

    • Matt Hancock giving out million pound contracts to his friends with no scrutiny in the name of Covid…..if you all think these cunts aren’t making mega bucks from this overblown cough then think again.

      Fucking contracts to a pub landlord…fuck me to hell and back and we are sitting here buying this shit.

      These cunts should be sitting in jail.

    • The vast majority of the public are braindead JRC.
      I’ve been out amongst the public pretty much throughout this “pandemic” and with a slightly heavy heart have come that conclusion.

  11. Slightly off topic but still relevant – they are all as bad as each other, cross party – the greed and corruption is so deep and widespread they do not even bother hiding it anymore, and it will never, ever change until we oust the lot of them at the ballot box – it should not be the case where people can play at politics as a part time side job to their greedy business interests and they should not be allowed to play and rob the system to come out as millionaires after 5 years – we ALL know this is exactly what happens
    I am in the process of setting up an apolitical non partisan movement which will stand 650 competent members of the public against every single current MP at the next election – the only time this rancid shitfest will ever change is when we, the people, force change on it and install 650 honest people all playing for the same side instead of whining and finger pointing at each other at PMQ’s before retiring to shovel down gargantuan amounts of taxpayer funded food then scuttling off to attend to their private business interests.
    We now need people who are prepared to put the boot in, get these fuckers all out on their ears and start to rebuild our Country on strong and honest foundations – what we have is rotten to the core.
    Cut out the rot, root and branch reform.
    Nearly forgot – vote Fox! ???

  12. If Patrick Vallance has £600K in GSK shares, it isn’t £600K any more, they have dropped almost 25% over the last 6 months.
    I don’t know what deal he had with his legacy shares but one of the company schemes was purchase option (share save) at a discount of 20% on the price at start of the scheme over 3 years.

    I wish he would use his influence to put some business to GSK, my shares are important as well ?

  13. Plenty of funny money swilling about.
    Politicians,Dinghy Sailing Doctors of the Sahara and Benefit Swindlers all after a nice piece.
    Good luck draining the swamp.

  14. Excellent nom Vernon very good.. See on twatter once the cunts un block me.

    • Everyonesacunt@ – Cheers – my twatter posts are visceral, but “to the point” as it were! ?

  15. Cronyism.Hang them all for treason.Sage and onion party need to be held accountable for their crimes.Scum.

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