Sarah Everard protests

An emergency cunting, not for the way the MET handled the protest in Clapham, but for the silly tarts who went to protest.

I may be a cunt, but I honestly believe not one of these man haters would’ve been out ‘reclaming the streets’ had the alleged killer been non-white.

I recall the murder of a very young girl of just 14. The prosecution alleged her remains were put into the kebab meat. There was evidence that this really was what happened. However, the grooming gang somehow got off and collected huge compensation cheques too. They are (allegedly) known to have bragged about this later…but they’re only joking, of course.

The family are still without closure. Officially, they do not know what happened to her. Unofficially, they have a very good fucking idea of the horrific truth.

Still, there are no protests here for this live case for some reason. Funny that, isn’t it?

And ‘reclaim our streets’ ?

Just another example of that generation’s all mouth and no trousers trait, generated from far left social media (bullying) attitudes. In real life, they can’t back up their talk.

Seems the tough sounding ‘reclaim our streets’ ended up with these harpies switching on their lights on their iPhones in unison.


Also, men are much more likely to be murder victims than women according to official ONS statistics. Not a peep from the cunts about that – well not one apart from ‘How dare you!’ of course.

Just let the family grieve you cunts and let the courts deal with the punishment, you mental harridans.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

…and this from Sir Limply Stoke 

This Monstrous Regiment of Women (after John Knox)

News and images of the Clapham Common “Reclaim These Streets” wimmins vigil streaming in.

Deep compassion for the late Sarah Everard and the plod that allegedly killed her on my part but what a box of soldiers. Rioting wimmin and demonstrating wimmin in faux fur coats kissing each other and breaking social distancing regulations and getting charged down and arrested by plod in riot gear.

Scenes not seen since the Wimmin’s Movement in the ’70s. Remember SCUM (the Society for Cutting Up Men)? Copper dyed hair the order of the day along with eyeballing hatred for the male species.

Plod’s arseholes thicker than usual and performance a total disaster. Calls for heads to roll by LibDem leader (whoever or whatever that is). Where will it all lead? Suggest we all cut our bolloxs off now and have done with it.

Yours Truly, the mildest of old pensioners, is regularly having run-ins with the copper haired Monstrous Breed on the bus. They take exception to YT sitting next to them and commit assaults upon me person. Gets a bit wearying and the above hoopla gives them open season to go on committing such outrages. If I call plod they kick my old arse off the bus.

...and a late entry from Lord Helpuss

I Nominate the Reclaim Our Streets campaign who defied the lockdown laws.

All decent folk are outraged by the murder of poor Sara Everard.

Especially as the.main suspect is a serving law officer sworn to protect the public.

There is still a culture of domestic violence towards women which 99.9% of men will abhor. The ROS movement seems to be linking the murder to this at one end with wolf whistles and lewd comments by louts at the other end.

Now, they seem to argue that the latter behaviour feeds into the general disrespect and objectification of women which leads to wife beating and ultimately murder.

I don’t buy this. Nor do I get what ROS are protesting about. How do they expect to make all areas 100% safe at night time? Through more legislation? Murder and violence already carry heavy sentences. But guess what, criminals tend to ignore laws. So do bent and perverted coppers. I heard one person (a man on R4) suggest a curfew for men after 9pm. Presumably that would change to 4pm in winter to ensure there are no men on the streets after dark. In fact it would ensure that only dodgy men are around

The modern way when something bad happens is for knee-jerk responses fed by mass hysteria on social and main stream media. Groups spring up demanding outrageous instant “solutions” to complex issues. It’s a 21st century version of the old “Something must be done!” mantra.

All politicians blather that the streets SHOULD be safe for women at all times. None of them will admit this is impossible to do.

The only one responsible for Sara’s death is her killer. It’s not me or you dear reader. He will be punished according to the law but this will not bring her back.

Men are not monsters. Some women are evil too.

Most random attacks
are actually on men.

Turning this tragedy into a condemnation of the male species will help nobody.
Least of all women.

104 thoughts on “Sarah Everard protests

  1. Sad events being hijacked by cunts my issue is why didn’t the old bill police the blm demo last year the same way as they did last night?

  2. There was only very recently some cunt in Manchester who lured, abducted, drugged, and raped several young men and filmed it all on his phone. He was caught, but I didn’t hear one female voice protesting about that. Most of them won’t even know or care about it.

    Also, little Emily Jones. A toddler who had her throat cut by a female migrant in a park in Bolton. Any outrage or outcry at an innocent little girl being butchered by a psychotic slag? Nah, course not. No social media ‘gold’ in that, is there?

    And what did the dead of the Manchester Arena bombing get? Reclaim the Streets? Public outrage? No, they got lighted candles, bumble bee stickers, and crappy Oasis dirges. The hypocrisy over the ‘outcry’ at Everard’s murder stinks worse than a fresh turd in a heatwave.

    These ‘protests’ are fuck all to with justice or even the tragic Ms Everard herself or what happened to her. Just like the Chicken Floyd George Circus, this is about narcissism, point scoring, virtue signalling, getting attention, and having a ’cause’ and causing trouble just for the sake of it. This is not about her – Ms. Everard – and it never was. This is about them, it’s always about them. Entitled look at me scum.

    • @Norman.
      My pastime is sitting in the public gallery in M/C covid rules permitting. The case of the male rapist was heavily restricted in terms of watching. Because there were that many victims they had to have 3 cases, so reporting was zero until post sentence. I’m not by any means disagreeing with your valid points just a bit of info. The public gallery was not very public during those cases for reasons I’m probably best not saying. It’s a good day out too except a few beers at lunchtime can derail the return.

  3. This dreadful murder and the subsequent politicalisation by MSM and the Left, will only invite copy-cat murders by deranged twats out to test the political waters further.

    They now know this kind of controversial murder will insight social media meltdown, protests and civil unrest. So don’t be surprised if more women end up dead because of it, especially if a black woman is killed by a white bloke!

    It’s only going to be a matter of time, and you just know MSM will be secretly praying for that to happen, as sick as it sounds!

  4. I say ‘oi, love, while you’re out reclaiming the streets, reclaim a few bottles of IPA for me and a bottle of Baileys for yourself. Good girl’.

    • I never thought it would happen
      With me and the girl from Clapham
      Out on the windy common
      That night I ain’t forgotten..

  5. Seems the noms are about what they are protesting about (and for) not about covid lockdown restrictions on things like protests. That’s a separate issue. Not everyone thinks the entire world’s governments are getting hard ons by keeping people and businesses locked down to some degree (and destroying their own economies) during a pandemic, or that alleged baby blood drinker Bill Gates wants to put nanochips inside us all.

    Cunt away though, there is a nominations page last time I checked.

    • The reason this story has blown up though is linked to lockdown.I am hated by most when it comes to my views on Covid.I am deeply sceptical about lockdowns and fear that the response to Covid could do more harm than good so most people call me a Granny Killer or eugenicist for not agreeing with the narrative of the correct way to respond always being to lock down.Likewise conspiracy theorists hate me as like you said I don`t believe this is all a hoax or Bill Gates (a cunt though for sure) is trying to microchip us or all the 5G Piers Corbyn bullshit one iota and am not afraid to say they are talking shite.Do I think Klaus Schwab and others see this as a crisis to be exploited that gives them an opportunity to engineer massive social change to push a gloabalist vision forward whilst people are distracted by Covid.Yes.Even Kate Green shadow education secreatary said “don`t let a good crisis go to waste”.

      • Unlike you Shaun, most people are either one extreme or the other. Welcome to the middle ground, I don’t feel so lonely anymore.

  6. We all know why these man-hating cunts are trying to take the piss now, and whose lead they’re following with their hysterical self-victimisation. Only surprise is that they haven’t actually named their movement “Women’s Lives Matter”.

    PS – ladies, don’t forget to demand a curfew for muslims the next time we have a “mostly peaceful” terrorist attack – wouldn’t want to be called out as rabid hypocrites now, would we?

  7. And why were those BLM excrement there? What the fuck has this got to do with them? In case these fascist savages hadn’t noticed, the late Ms. Everard was white. And – as those BLM turds have so often told us – white lives don’t matter. Well, they always kick up a stink if somebody dares to say that they do (like Jake and his banner at Burnley FC). But, all of a sudden, a dead white girl’s life does matter? Since fucking when, you hateful black panther loving cunts? Had their beloved panthers got to Ms Everard instead of that copper, BLM wouldn’t bat a fucking eyelid. They are living breathing curls of steaming shite.

    BLM summed up: Opportunist stirring hypocritical when it suits them pieces of shit. The scum de la scum. Pure filth.

    • Not only would Burn Loot Murder have turned a blind eye if the perpetrator was black, the entire mainstream media wouldn’t have batted an eye either.

      • And if a black girl had been killed and any white movement came to protest, the BLM shite would be telling ‘Whitey’ to keep out of it and that it they had no right to be there, and that only the sambeaus are allowed to be victims and mouth off. The double standards of these treeswinging cunts are staggering.

  8. The rights and wrongs are irrelevant. It is the 2 tier policing that is under the spotlight. The cunts got in their knees for an American drug addicted thug and then this. Dick is a cunt.

  9. Then you have our pie eating “Home Secretary” finding time to look up from the trough and say we need an enquiry into people breaking the laws she made up in the first place…it beggars belief.

    This country, the great UK is now a festering shit hole.

    • How many years has the Grenfell inquiry been going on for and at what financial cost.

      Everyone knows what happened and guaranteed no prosecutions for negligence or fraud.

      What’s the fucking point other than to make the fat cat lawyers even wealthier.

    • The enquiry is into how the police conducted themselves, not about cunts breaking the law.

  10. Greenham Common 1981
    Clapham Common 2021

    Forty years apart, same lezza commie bitches.

    • I’m pro-nuclear but I could see why Greenham Common happened. There is an existential threat, or at least was at the time.

      This is just a selective and massive overreaction and politicisation of a tragedy.

    • Any excuse to grow their armpit hair and neglect their kids.
      The lazy fucking slags👎


  11. I watched the Marr show this morning and both Victoria Atkins and the bulldyke Phillips we’re on, Minister and shadow minister respectively for safeguarding.

    The contrast between the two, one was calm and measured in her comments the other wasn’t , you don’t need more than one guess to decide which was which.

    • Horse Fizzog Phillips shows herself up at every opportunity. She should not be a serving member of Parliament. Quite obvious that she is insane.

      But there is one way to quieten her down. Ask Phillips about Stakipani rape gangs and she goes all silent. Funny how the bitch has nothing to say about them, eh?

      • Labour love Stakipani rape gangs, Terrorists, illegal immigrants, Jamaican murderers, trans €xuals and any other fucking loony halfwit that wants to destroy Great Britian and it’s history. Labour should be branded traitors and sent go the fucking gallows.

    • Did Phillips read out all the names of women killed by men since the dawn of time? Yawn.

      • Did Nutter Phillips include Boudica, Joan of Arc, Anne Boleyn (the real one, not the Channel 5 Mills & Boon), Mary Queen of Scots, Marie Antoinette, Jack The Ripper’s victims and Anne Frank?

        What does reeling off names achieve? Phillips is off her trolley and a complete goggle eyed demented cunt. She should be certified.

  12. Reclaim the Streets used to be the name of the anarchist group that campaigned against road building and private car ownership amongst other things.
    Maybe they’ll sue the other bunch for nicking their name.
    Met a few self proclaimed “anarchists” in my time, and not one of them would kick a fat wad of cash out of bed…

      • As I remember that arsehole Ian Bone had connections with both of them. Crusty posh twats and narrow skulled rent-a-mob cunts following their own idle-arsed “Fuhrer”
        Oven fodder…

  13. Tell you what, the Markle Snake is not going to like being pushed off the front pages by the late Ms Everard. Her big fuck off liar crocodile tears interview with Oprah Lordymama and its mega coverage now scuppered by a dead girl, her tragic murder and its aftermath. No, the venal viper won’t be happy at all.

    But I dare say the Snake will be quick to take advantage. So expect a ‘heartfelt’ and ‘heartbroken’ message of ‘feminist solidarity’ to the late Ms Everard from Meghan, Duchess of Opportunists and Media Whores.

    • Doubtless we’ll see Mrs. Hewitt doing an Emma Thompson, flying over here in a private jet to express her outrage.

    • I see Kate got in their first, Norm.
      I expect these two will be knocking various “causes” and “ism’s” over the net, back and forth, for the foreseeable….


    • oh that’s sad, only the other day was watching Leonard v Haglar on youtube – they had about half a dozen of the best fighters ever in that division at that time.

      • Marvelous Marvin Hagler and Thomas The Hitman Hearns. Probably the greatest boxing rivalry ever.

  14. The leftwaffe, feminazis, BLM and Antifa were out in force last night – the Woman being photographed was an ex Eastenders actress and this was rehearsed, planned and premeditated.
    An opportunistic mob of cunts hijacking the death of a Woman for their own evil purposes and agenda.
    Where the fuck were these lot when the police were kicking the shit out of anti lockdown protestors?
    When were they out protesting about the muslim p*do r*pe gangs who infest our society?
    Where were they when a white girl got her throat cut by a muslim Women?
    Where they when working class white girls got murdered?
    Where the FUCK were they then?

  15. Year ago today a woman bought a Stanley knife and cut the throat of a seven year old girl playing in a park.
    The cunts who say women are victims should go see the family of this girl.

  16. Not to excuse what happened to her, but walking across Clapham Common on her own, in the dark… I wouldn’t do that.

  17. The police should stop wasting police time attempting to fool us into thinking they’re serious about enforcing the law and get back to doing what they do best – hassling innocent law abiding citizens and investigating so called non-crime hate incidents.

  18. These ugly Jess-Phillips-worshipping cunts need someone to bend them over a desk an bugger some sense into them.
    These entitled sacks of rotting fish don’t know the meaning of “sexism”,”racism” “homophobia” or “transphobia” .
    These man-hating cunt-lappers will know what life’s all about by the time I’ve educated them.

  19. Good luck to em.
    They got arrested which is more than what happened to the BLM and Antifa scum. They are trying to make a concern more visible, especially when the killer is a copper. Cassila Dick should fucking resign. The Police are shit under her and Suck Dick Khan. The pair of dicks couldn’t find each others arses with both hands. Pair of useless arseholes.

  20. Its very straightforward – the world is becoming full of cunts who want to paint the world by exception. No one has a brain anymore. This murder is an exception, so why should it be pinned on every breathing male? Why is there suddenly a ludicrous rhetoric that every man alive will do this so shouldn’t be allowed out after dark? As if someone as fucked up as to want to abduct, meddle with then murder a woman will look at it being dark outside and change his mind anyway? You cannot legislate for exceptions.

    But then Why do these people suddenly not paint the exception on muslims after terror attacks? Black youths after gang stabbings? Its never about the victims, its about themselves

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