Yet again the police were faced with an impossible situation – i.e. policing the wimmins “protesting” at Clapham Common even though they’d been told that they’d be breaking the law, and yet again the shithouse cowardly mayor has turned on them just for trying to do their jobs.
Apparently the cowardly little turd is complaining to Commissioner Dickless about the police’s “disproportionate” and “inappropriate” response – but what in fuck’s name were they actually supposed to do? Maybe take the knee again?
This former human rights lawyer has done everything he can to emasculate the police during his disastrous term as mayor, meanwhile knife crime in London has soared. Now the little fucker is desperately looking for re-election he’s happy to shit on the force once again to appease the social media rabble – in this case, the rabid man-hating feminazis.
Please, don’t let this little cunt get re-elected. Vote for Shaun Bailey. Vote for Lawrence Fox. Vote for ANYONE but this useless police-hating cunt!
Nominated by: Seanie
The perfect example of what happens when you put the Fox in charge of the henhouse!
A particularly sly, runt of the litter, brown fox.
Wake up London, for fucks sake!
Better get used to him and his type.
They will be running the show within a few years.
All thanks to the indigenous politicians who opened the flood gates then walked away.
Complete filth.
Cunt needs unkle Terry oven at full heat
Apparently the cunt is also saying he wants white men out of science and engineering. Personally, when I get on a plane, or a train I hope it has been engineering by the right person for the job. Now I know Chinese shit does not last, for example
And the African continent has a way to go with their flying machines.
It begs the question, why wouldn’t you want things to be engineered by white men? The Japanese are not bad either but they’ll drive bamboo under your finger nails and cut your cock off in a heartbeat.
Having spent many years in oil and gas engineering, take it from me, you really DON’T want any dark keys involved in engineering.
Are those rejected from Scrapheap Challenge?
Sorry (believe me) , there isn’t a hope in hell that this cunt can lose this election. Last time I looked he was 14 points ahead in the polls and the betting odds checker has the bum at 1/16. This despite, as you say, a disastrous five years ( including an extra year) and an all out war on the motorist. It’s all about demographics you see. Londonstabistan is full of immos, Benders and hopelessly trendy libtards. These are the cunts he plays to and they would vote for a dead donkey if it was wearing a Labour rosette.
Suckdick will be Mayor as long as he likes. Everything he does encourages the white working class to move out and more of his own kind to move in. We are fucked.
Suckdick will win by a cuntry mile, for all the reasons you outline Freddy, but also because Laurence Fox is running and he will fatally split the Tory vote.
But wtf do the dykes, trannies,woke etc vote for this cunt? His type would put them all to death instantly in the middle east. The arses voting for him are so thick it’s off the scale .
They think he’s the Labour candidate.
Because they believe him and his ‘solidarity’ for the Rainbow, even whilst he’s trying to jam through the eye slam plan to turn the Trocadero into a ‘super mosque’, so that his ‘brothers’ have a ready-made supply of infidels and pigs to slaughter right next door to the West End and Soho, thus reducing magic carpet carbon footprint.
Personally, I think he’s also hiding something that he’s not telling any of his cuntstituents.
Sadly true, FTF – this cunt is fireproof like Dykie Dick – if sh couldn’t stop being promoted after the Charles De Menezies afair, there is no way that hundreds of murders later, Khan, the most inept of all the Mayors, will lose. Lezzie or Paki you are granted a free pass.
Even if it was there was a mayoral election and the gap between suckdick and his nearest opponent was much closer, it would be “fixed” during the count!
Moreover, in the hugely unlikely event of him losing an election he will demand a recount, and all his followers would moan about “fix” and “this isn’t democratic” – basically another Brexit all over again.
Personally I couldn’t give 2 fucks about Londonistan, just so long as all those immos stay put and don’t infest the rest of the country further.
I hate this hook nosed, sneaky little Britain hating bastard but despite what I and every cunter (quite rightly) thinks of him, he’ll almost certainly be re-elected.
I’d happily see the cunt deported but that’s just wishful thinking.
I’d like to see him made into a pile of ash.
1. there will be no elections in a dictatorship such as we have in britain (small b cos the country’s not ours anymore) – thanks to the collaborators
2. the police ‘over reaction’ was staged and the woman arrested, to be released quickly afterwards was an actor
3. khan the cunt has called for an investigation into the police to make it look as if he cares – he didn’t call for any investigations for the police brutality with lockdown protestors or the arrest of the 92 year old guy just standing outside the court for Assange
4. khan and dick are both traitors, common purpose trained globalist shills who themselves should be in prison but in a country with no law except covid law this will continue until the population says NO
Was his dad a bus driver? He never mentions it.
Normally his type come unstuck due to ‘creative accounting’,
Maybe hes the first ‘rat of the khyber’ not to be filling his pockets?
Thats the way to oust him if not.
Those coppers had a lose/lose scenario.
The protesters were told not to come due to coronavirus restrictions.
The organiser of Reclaim The Streets was on telly saying about police brutality.
A yank.
Some California airhead, shitstirring yank.
He’s an odious little cunt. Vote Shaun. He’s the Tory candidate. This puke Khan is another little sandpit dweller out to fuck our country.
Not keen on Foxy?
London is lost, as are places like Leicester, Luton and Bradford.
The country will eventually resemble a middle eastern shithole.
Khan is mayor for ever. For the reasons that Freddie has pointed out.
As for the Met. I have to say, that the sight of burly police officers, roughing up women, doesn’t sit well with me.
Some of them looked like they were enjoying it too much.
Good morning.
The irony of the photo is that Suckdick hates the black taxis with a passion. Most of the drivers are white working class so he would love to drive them off the road. He much prefers the mini cabs, all driven by immos or cunts packed on to public transport. There’s nobody he loves more than a cyclist as they tend to be middle class, tree hugging, EU loving hipsters. Like all foreigners he looks after his own and fuck the British. It’s not our country any more, not in Londonstabistan anyway.
We have watched this once great city slide further down the shitter at a accelerated rate while under this cunt he with commissioner dick have overseen a sharp rise in violent crime let the sam?s keep doing it to each other he really is the best example of why mass immigration doesn’t fucking work the cunt
Suckdick is the worst politician ever to appear in the UK – and in the country of Blair, Osborne, Layla Moran, the Right Dishonourable Dominic Grievous and Steptoe (to mention just a few) that’s quite an achievement.
London was a lost cause before he entered the scene. Now it’s disappeared into the maw of a gigantic black hole, bigger than the one in the centre of our own galaxy, and is likely to never reappear.
Just a few of Suckdick’s achievements-
– almost 24/7 congestion charge (apart from a few hours in the dead of night when everyone’s in bed).
– bankrupted London Transport.
– created a divisive “commission”, presided over by assorted dark-keys, Islamic fundamentalists, wimmin, pinkos and anti-semites, to desecrate London’s historic statues and street names.
– made London the laughing stock of the World by supporting the ridiculous Trump blimp when the former preside visited the UK.
– plans to introduce a charge for driving into Greater London which at a stroke will destroy those businesses and livelihoods he hasn’t already destroyed and will penalise mum’s doing the school run.
– fucked up London’s roads even more with cycle lanes and other obstructions so no one can get around.
-declared war on motorists,
– etc, etc.
And yet the good burghers of London (mostly the aforementioned dark keys, Islamic fundamentalists, pinkos, wimmin, woke cunts, etc are going to vote for him again! Shaun Bailey seems pretty useless but he would be a significant improvement on Suckdick.
Suckdick is one hell of a cunt.
Disgusting two faced sneaky horrible little cunt who would sell London down the river for the price of a kebab. But, hang on, isn’t he picking on Dick who is a member of the wimmins and lezza comuni’ee? Surely thats a crime of discrimination isn’t it?
When your opponent in an election is a well off yîdd, Suckdick was bound to win, but this dar quay opponent is a game changer!!!
Shaun Bailey doesn’t stand a chance, with the Conservative vote being split and all. Pity, cos he could have been the saviour of London.
It is indeed a shame RTC, maybe LF could stand down and ask his supporters to vote Tory, but can’t see it happening
Best thing for London would be to test a nuke on it IMO. Just wait for Parliament and the HOL to fill up first (maybe have a “Super Expenses Friday” or something to tempt all the rats in). Coordinate this with a special event hosted by Suckdick, maybe requisitioning and handing over whiteys houses to immo’s and bussing the nasty whiteys out of the capital. Then toast the fucking lot of them and leave the inside of the M25 a nuclear wasteland as a reminder why cunts inviting mass immigration are no longer welcome here.
Show Robert Catesby how it’s done properly?
Testing one two
(We can hear you – DA)
Morning DA, realised a word I was using disappointed WordPress or whoever is hosting the website and it kept refusing my post. ??
The Kahn Kunt seems a cast iron cert. With the Tory vote almost certainly split, and massive postal interference the key factors, 1-16 seem quite tasty odds in the circumstances. Stand by for four more years of stabby death mayhem, looting and rioting, Londoners get what they vote for. What’s not to like?
What a complete bellend,
I can’t stand this cunt and I hope he doesn’t get another term but he probably will due to his type in London. He is totally aaaaht of his depth, and proved it when he decided to decrease tube service during the first wave of the Covid, which actually increased the amount of people trying to get on the fucking limited tubes. He also decided to put a load of ‘temporary’ cycle lanes abaaaaht town which no man bun cyclist cunts even bothered to use, causing much more traffic for the motorist and making driving around London even more of a cunt.
This guy is a triple distilled cunt if the highest purity.
Go fuck yourselves.
Ironic that women’s groups wanting the streets made safer from evil men and also want the Met Commissioner sacked, are going with the slogan..
Was his dad a bus driver?Really?I want to run over him in a bus
Politics is a slimy career and you generally need to be a back stabbing self serving psychopath to do well at the game.
Khan is an ex ‘yooman rights’ lawyer so he had the perfect training.
The cunt would throw his entire family under a bus to save his career, the fucking cunt.
He’s destroyed what was left of London. It is now a violent third world shit hole.
But you can’t get rid of the cunt. He’s made sure most of London’s residents vote for him (peacefuls and libtards).
London is no more.
Sadiq Khan is exactly the reason why immigration is a bad thing.
Immigrants should never get the vote. 3rd generation? I don’t fucking care.
White British voters only. Racist? Couldn’t give a fuck. Do the dark keys and parking stanleys give us the vote in their countries?
Do they fuck!
They obviously just vote for one of their own if you give them the vote. They’ll take over if you let them (see London, Bradford etc. for details).
Our disgraceful politicians sold us out years ago, sadly.
The BBC interviewed a few women who were at Clapham, not one with an ‘English’ name.
Everything was fine until it got dark and then they started kicking off, some of those women ‘leftie types’ were there to get arrested to make the same sort of statement as the XR and BLM cunts.
They should think themselves lucky they are in the UK because in other countries it would have ranged from water cannon to rubber bullets and being beaten with sticks.
Khan is a total cunt, let’s face most of the policing in this country is sort touch but when cunts start to get aggressive then they have to be warned and subsequently arrested. The only reason this shit is in the news is because it’s a load of women, Khan would be quite happy to see arrests and a few heads being cracked if it was anything on the right. Bla, bla, bla.
I can’t wait for this cretin turd to be booted out. I live in London and not one person I know thinks he has done a good job. No, in fact rewind, done anything at all.
When this cunt’s face is on TV it’s always to complain, or moan about this or moan about that – he has contributed absolutely nothing. He’s been credited with reducing pollution in London, guess what – no one has been travelling because of COVID, of course it’s fucking reduced you bell end.
If you look at his legal career all he has done is acted against the state. The met come up quite often so no wonder all he does is moan like an overfucked bitch all the time.
Hate to say but at least BlowJob was a more effective mayor.
Piss off an open up a kebab shop somewhere – not near me though.
London was lost to this country a very long time ago. Already, English ( when spoken ) is a kedgeree of sounds heavily accented and distorted. Indeed, English is morphing into something else. gone are the “barrow boys” and in comes the bazaar and itinerant Fakirs of distant lands.
This is the product of a political ideological rape of the people, made worse by allowing a non ethnic such power. Khan embodies all that I despise in the fragmented and distorted Nation we have become, and the sooner his appearance in the dead pool, the better.
Multiculturism and Diversity do not work, and the price paid? Not worth the effort or the grief. Fuck Khan. Fuck his exalted position, but more than anything else, fuck the savage retarded bastards who voted him in.
I wonder which till the fucker has a hand in? Bound to be something, alledgedly.
Khan is the perfect modern politician – slimy, greedy, self serving, morally bankrupt, sly, devious, utterly incompetent but with a teflon like ability for nothing to stick and a sly animal cunning which substitutes for intelligence – Rome is falling as the Senate vote on tax increases to fund new togas.
Laurence Fox has guaranteed that this treacherous muslim rat gets back in by splitting the vote, 90% of Londoners hate Khan but a combination of third world shit and the libtard hooray Henrys in their privileged multi million Pound fortresses plus the very strong possibility of “creative vote counting” will see him back in and increasingly untouchable – and in 20 years time the elite will have fled London for somewhere a little less islamic and stabby and will sit at their exclusive dinner parties bewailing the loss of London as armed security patrol outside.
Our nation is falling, and there are none I can see who are willing or able to arrest the decline, we do not get what we vote for – we get what we are not prepared to stop.
You describe him like the moose limb son that Tony Blair never bombed, sorry had.
Extremely well put Vernon.