Sadiq Khan (25)

Yet again the police were faced with an impossible situation – i.e. policing the wimmins “protesting” at Clapham Common even though they’d been told that they’d be breaking the law, and yet again the shithouse cowardly mayor has turned on them just for trying to do their jobs.

Apparently the cowardly little turd is complaining to Commissioner Dickless about the police’s “disproportionate” and “inappropriate” response – but what in fuck’s name were they actually supposed to do? Maybe take the knee again?

This former human rights lawyer has done everything he can to emasculate the police during his disastrous term as mayor, meanwhile knife crime in London has soared. Now the little fucker is desperately looking for re-election he’s happy to shit on the force once again to appease the social media rabble – in this case, the rabid man-hating feminazis.

Please, don’t let this little cunt get re-elected. Vote for Shaun Bailey. Vote for Lawrence Fox. Vote for ANYONE but this useless police-hating cunt!

Nominated by: Seanie

49 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan (25)

  1. I hate to say it, but Saddam Suckdiq will piss it. Simply because of the festering infestation of Stakpanis and Equatorial Jungle Cunts in the Smoke. Labour now depend on the votes of muslams. They will also try and get the LGBTWXYfuckingZ brigade onside. And the stupid cunts will comply, even though Saddam is a peaceful type who despises pooves.

    Saddam Suckdiq Khunt has and will do more damage to London than Hitler and the Blitz ever did. At least we eventually got rid of Hitler. Khan is a turd – a great big stinking peaceful wedgie – that won’t, and sadly never will, flush.

    • When there is a skid Mark in your pan Norman, you just have to keep pissing on it.

  2. “Vote for Lawrence Fox. Vote for ANYONE but this useless police-hating cunt!”

    I agree with the sentiment but as a strategy that wont gonna work, your splitting the opposition vote.

    • quite right Sid, I’ll vote for whoever has the best chance to beat Saddick – most likely Shaun Bailey.

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