Pro-Vaccine Zealotry

I would like to cunt pro-vaccine zealotry.

Now, I don’t particularly care what people’s views are on the vaccine. If you want to have it, go ahead. If you don’t, then that’s also your choice to make. You’ve gotta do whatever you feel is best for your heath.

Yet, according to quite a lot of people it seems, only one of those choices is acceptable. If you choose the second option, then you’re a blasphemous heathen denying the wonderful gospel of the Vaccine Panacea.

Let people make their own bloody minds up you cunts – individuals know what is best for their health, not you.

Nominated by: General Tso’s Chiggun

(Given the past volatility of similar vaccine nominations between cunters, please don’t resort to the same personal abuse. Thank you – DA)

104 thoughts on “Pro-Vaccine Zealotry

  1. Not interested in a vaccine.Vaccine passport?No thanks.Treat us as adults Doris not children.My own decision.They can’t force us can they?

  2. It is the obsession with everyone needing to take the so called “vaccine” that makes me suspicious. It is as if taking this muck is what the whole shitshow has been about from the start.

    People I know who have had it are seriously disillusioned because it has made absolutely no difference to their lives (except make a fair few ill), they still are expected to wear masks, are still locked down, still unable to visit elderly relatives (who have also been vaccinated).

    It is also revealing how many in the medical profession are having to be coerced into having the jab under threat of losing their jobs.

    Pro vax zealots are useful idiots and, therefore, cunts. The nom is a good un.

    • It has been from the start, and before. Cwm Taff Morgannwg Health Board did their C19 draft ‘Mass Vaccination Plan’ in August 2020, under admin resources required they included ‘completion of vaccination passport’. I have it but no-one’s interested, inconvenient truth I guess. Oh yeah, the citations include the Health Board’s ‘Responses to Pandemics’ document, dated November 2019.

      The cunter is absolutely right. Personal choice is the key on this, no compromises. Personally, I don’t want to take something that doesn’t guarantee protection against the thing it’s for, the thing that 99.98% of people survive IF they get it, and the average death age from it is higher than life expectancy. Plus it still being in the testing phase until 2023, and government conveniently passing legislation granting pharma immunity from any claims. So no, I won’t be rolling up for unprotected prick anytime soon thanks.

  3. Zealotry of any sort is prone to being counterproductive. And annoying. If it’s putting some people off getting the jab then of course it’s a cunt.

      • You seem to have a short memory General. It must have been about a week to ten 10 days ago that I was pointing out the very same about anti – vaxxers on this site.
        I said then, I couldn’t give a fuck whether you have the jab or not but don’t treat those who do as lacking the intelligence to decide for themselves. We have one poster who continually works himself into a lather that others can’t possibly see it the way he does.

      • I don’t know why you’re directing this at me Bertie. I’ve been more cuntish than I should’ve been at times (including to RTC) but been pretty consistent on this issue.

  4. I’m in the middle in this debate. One side says have it or you’re a murdering cunt who shouldn’t be allowed to leave the house, the other side say don’t have it or you’re an MSM shill/sheeple thick cunt who is going to die/be remote controlled/spayed.
    Cunts everywhere you look.

  5. I should add that I’ve decided I probably will have it, because a fair few family members, people at work and friends of the family have done so and been OK. But that’s a decision I have come to of my own accord based on my own research and the experiences of those around me – nobody should be coerced into it or stigmatised for making the opposite choice.

    • I spent some time debating. I’d decided not to have it, even though I’m in a high risk group, but after my wife had it with no consequences I figured I had little to lose and had the first a couple of weeks ago, mostly felt fine. As you say though, it was my choice.

  6. Is that Oprah in the photo? Is she welcoming Sparkletits into her mansion?……..come on in and make us both a shitload of money crying over the poor people of the world…… we give a fuck.

  7. The decisions I make are my own and have fuck all to do with anyone else. If I want to shit, I shit.
    What I do not like, are fuckers who tell me when I must shit. They can fuck off.

  8. I saw one wanker on Faecesbook claim that refusing the vaccine is attempted murder and should come with a prison sentence. Some people eh?

  9. There is no law saying someone has a right not to be infected with a virus. If you go to any public place there is a risk someone will cough or sneeze and you may catch a cold,flu or other virus. It’s life. If you pass the flu on to someone and they die it’s not a crime,it’s what happens. But along comes this virus and suddenly everyone is a potential criminal. Being infected is not a crime. Carrying the virus is not a crime. Passing it in is not a crime. You have no legal right not to be infected but people have a legal right to freedom. Just because you might pass it on or be infected doesn’t mean you will or you are. There is a section in society that believes the government can legislate away risk and death. It can’t.

    • ‘There is a section in society that believes the government can legislate away risk and death. It can’t’

      Like the cry – ‘this is ‘Elf and Safety gone mad’.

      I fee like that a bit.
      Not that I won’t take it.

  10. I’m torn on this subject. Covid is definitely a thing but I doubt the scale of the “pandemic” due to the incompetence, dishonesty (fudging figures) and authoritatianism of TPTB.
    This makes me suspicious and also bring out my natural non-conformist, awkward bastard.

    I used to be a herd immunity proponent but am now of the understanding that herd immunity won’t work if this virus mutates and varies if allowed to spread in the population, thus rendering the vaccine useless (assuming that the mutation rate is accurate). So I’m going to wait and hear other people’s testimonials to make an informed decision.

    The libertarian in me however thinks that this virus is now with us and is endemic so will continue to mutate and vary, therefore we might as well get on with our lives and live with it so won’t bother taking it (plus I don’t like being coerced). If it’s voluntary I may take it, if it’s mandatory I won’t.

    • Although on reflection, anecdotal testimony isn’t particularly useful. What would be more usfeul are official figures of deaths due to the vaccine………… like we’ll ever see those though! Catch22 much?

      • Figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) yesterday were very encouraging about the efficacy of the vaccine, both AZ and Pfizer. Deaths and hospital admissions of the over-80’s (the first people to be vaccinated) are well down etc. and now 7 million of us are living in Covid free areas. None of us want to go through this shit again so I think the government plan of slow release from lockdown (still quicker than practically anywhere else) is probably the right course of action. Certainly overseas seem to think so as there was immediate upward reaction in the value of the £.

  11. If someone has had the vaccine and believes it is effective, they are now safe and protected apparently, so why are they so concerned that I haven’t had it.?….you’ve had it so you’re safe, right.?

    • That was always my argument but they then introduced….Well we don’t know for sure if you can’t still spread it after a jab. Bollox.

  12. I think in the end, the ability to travel or use restaurants and pubs etc will determine the outcome. I’m not in any camp and agree if you don’t want it then don’t have it. The travel companies and indeed other countries will demand that. My opinion only. As for staying in the UK and going about life as normal, I dunno. These vaccine passports will come in, in some form. Remember last summer when vaccine passports were almost laughable.

    • But the Government could make it illegal to refuse entry or service to the unvaccinated. They all ready have done so on grounds of race, colour, creed, and disability. What’s the problem? Simples!

  13. I’m level headed about if all.

    The ‘anti vax it’s all a plandemic Bill Gates baby blood drinkers I’m gonna cough in your face I’m exempt this vaccine will make you gay and infertile’ nutters are cunts.

    The ‘if you don’t have the vaccination you’re a murderer and you should be put in a prison’ nutters are also cunts.

    I’ll take the vaccine. But if others don’t want it it’s up to them. I couldn’t give a fuck.

    Doesn’t matter what I think though.

    It’ll be difficult to travel abroad or even get a job without having the vaccine.

  14. A lot of people will end up having it partially under duress as without it they will not have the same freedom as the vaccinated.
    No holiday no pub no nowt til the overreaction by the media settles down.
    I’m certain it’s a bad virus for some and vaccination is the way out but the way freedom will be curtailed in the longer term will become a very large political football.
    We live in strange times.
    The cunts.

      • No wonder people are confused when you consider The lies the govt have told us about this virus

        Hancock’s made up relatives who died and his fake tears

        Remember the ticket inspector who died after they were coughed at. Turns out they died of something else altogether

        The hundred thousand plus deaths when most were terminally ill and would have died anyway

        The worst death toll since 1920 sorry no wait it’s really 2008, slip of the pen

        The people with no underlying health conditions who have died from Covid but had to have their coffin brought in on a fork lift as their BMI was 45 plus

        The huge contracts they have given their mates

        The masks are worthless to let’s all double mask

        No wonder people are sceptical we have been fed so much bullshit and lies by the govt no one knows what to believe anymore.

        I will say this If those two Uber scientists gates and Blair are recommending something then you know it ain’t going to work out for the cunters like you and me

  15. Post-vaccination deaths of healthy individuals, with no previous symptoms of the bug, are now >1000 worldwide. Most will be recorded as a covid death.
    “Choose wisely, Luke”

    • Yes, some old unwell people may well die as a result of taking the vaccine. The incidence, based on current data, is 0.002%. This compared to a fatality rate of around 0.5-0.6% (again nearly all old unwell people). The smart money says take the vaccine.

      The simple truth is that unless enough people are vaccinated, the virus will cause sufficient problems to screw up normal life. Eg Hospitals dealing with Covid can’t deal with other issues. Sorry we can’t perform a life-saving operation on you but the hospital is full with anti-vaxxers with Covid.

      So there is an issue of collective responsibility – whether this sits well with the anarchist mindset of many Isac’ers, or not.

      Of course, you are all free to behave like primitive dark-keys or parking stanleys and not take the vaccine, should you choose to do so.

  16. I am very suspicious about how their pushing this on everyone.
    What’s the real agenda here?

    A jab that doesn’t stop you catching it or passing it on is about as much use as a shit flavoured lolly pop.

    So without sounding like David Icke, why are they so intent on pushing it?
    (After all Covid 19 is the 24th worst killer in rankings in the UK)

    Let’s not also forget how this jab has had no lengthy clinical research or trials. It’s been codged together in under 9 months.
    We have no clue of any long term health implications regarding this.

    It should be individually decided not made mandatory by the state.

    It’s staggering the amount of sheep that are willing to get pricked by a concoction of god knows what on the say so of good old, trustworthy Hancock and Co.

    Open your eyes peeps and cunters!

  17. In the ‘some random cunts’ section Benny’s cunting on non-isolating cunts from last March came up. Looking through it it’s amazing how perspectives change.

    • Mine certainly has,General….I was very gung-ho and thought the whole affair a load of bollocks…I don’t as much now.

      • Last year we knew fuck all, I know I certainly didn’t. Didn’t know anyone who’d had it, or worse, died of it. It was so easy to dismiss it as bollocks then, but as more and more people I knew had a brush with it, then you have to accept the reality of the situation. There are many questions that need answering, and one day, maybe we’ll get some, maybe not.
        Personally, I think the overreaction is basically to get people to observe some of the restrictions and measures necessary to keep it as low as possible, as they know that if they told people to wash their hands and loads of people won’t get ill at once, barely anyone would listen. Half the country on the sick at the same time for a couple of weeks would definitely crash the economy.

  18. The public health message is really the only place to ‘bang on’ about taking the vaccine but I am getting pissed off with the amount of money and time being wasted on persuading fucking BAME to take the jab.
    The BAME tribe are crying about being disproportionately fucked by Covid but are reluctant to take the jab, Cunts!

    Just a note for those who haven’t had the vaccine, according to the ‘message’ most people just have a mild reaction and I have no reason to dispute that.
    I had my first jab last Friday and it fucked me completely for about 24 hours 12 hours after the jab and it took me about 3 days to get back to normal.
    I don’t want to put anyone off but just be prepared for some pretty uncomfortable symptoms.

    • For what it’s worth, I had no reaction at all.

      Neither did the nine other people I know personally who have had it, unless you count the two who had a slightly sore arm the following day.

      Five of us (including me) had the Oxford vaccine, the other four had Pfizer.

      • My neighbours have had the vaccine first dose, the husband just had the sore arm his wife had a similar experience to me with fever and headache, both had the AZ vaccine.

        I added my reaction to the jab to the Yellow Card reporting system.

      • Yellow card… guessing there’s a fair few football fans in government. ?

    • If it’s any consolation SOT, you having such a reaction probably means you have a very healthy immune system.

      • What’s more worrying is the that the boffins say the reaction to the second dose is usually stronger that the first, I may be in bed for a week ?

  19. What others do is completely up to them, I wouldn’t try and influence anybody to have or not have it. At work I have avoided all conversations about it.

    I don’t trust Hancock, Johnson and I sure do not trust anyone with shares / money at stake so they can also go fuck themselves. They are all liar and many of them are nest feathering cunt bucket fuck farts.

    I will not be having it and if this bans me from shitty holidays I would never go on anyway or, shock horror excludes me from Football matches then I consider it a benefit…not a problem.

  20. I haven’t seen any lucid, scientifically-valid reason why catching covid is preferrable to getting ‘the’ vaccine (or any of the 7 being rolled out or in development).
    The truth of the matter is many claims made by the anti-vax mob are flat-out lies and can be debunked in a couple of minutes.
    I don’t consider myself a zealot as i believe in personal responsibility, but amongst the unwell, older BAME types etc. refusal is going to fetch them a Darwin award.

  21. Fair comment, Spank.

    Those who refuse the jab are likely to find themselves excluded from activities which bring them into contact with large numbers of the population. And quite rightly so imho.

    I don’t agree with refusers who jump on the “civil liberties” bandwagon as if they are great protectors of freedom. People made the same complaint about the smoking in public ban. However, I think most would now agree that it was a good thing for public health and gave folk the freedom to enter places without being subjected to secondary smoke inhalation. By the same token, people have a right to go about their lives without the possibility of being infected with a deadly virus.

    Personally, if I hire a tradesman I would expect him to prove that he’s had the jab if he is going to enter my home. And if I need treatment by the NHS I equally expect staff to be vaccinated. Surely this not unreasonable?

    • By that logic everyone has the right not to catch the flu, or a cold or some other virus. I see what you’re saying Helpuss but sadly such risks are just how life is.

      • I also refuse to get hit by cars and buses but there’s a good chance I will do.

        So long as they can do the job and don’t rob me blind I wouldn’t give a shit if a work person has had the thing or not…couldn’t give a fuck.

        Anyway, I’ve had the thing and it was fuck all….but if I were a chubster, a fossil or a cunt I would have it pronto.

      • I remember my dad making the same logic about his civil liberties being infringed when the government introduced drink driving legislation, and the seat belt legislation.

        “I drive better after a few pints.”

        “In a crash I might be trapped if I have a seat belt on!”

        Stupid fucker.

      • Not really, RTC. I’m pretty sure many people might “drive better after a few pints” (of 2.8% session mild) due to innate lack of skill and confidence. It would even still be legal at the current 80mg limit.

        Although drink-driving is, I concur, nolens volens extremely highly undesirable in societies in general¹, it was (in the UK in the 1960s) responsible for so few actual deaths that Parliament was highly reluctant to pass the Bill, precisely due to this exact same personal liberty/societal benefit debate.

        Quite relevant on a number of levels, then, to this debate. Politically shrewd Barbara Castle (more specifically her Civil Servant back-office staff) came up with a little wheeze to pass the Bill. As the deaths/injuries caused by drivers who were themselves drunk was uncompelling by itself, nimble footwork ensued.

        The nimble footwork was nothing more or less than reclassifying/redefining “drink drive” statistics to include not only accidents involving drunken drivers, but also drunken pedestrians so injured (or killed).

        The statistics thereupon became so compelling (after the reclassification of a “drink driving” incident, to reiterate) and the footwork was so stealthily achieved that Ms Castle’s hobbyhorse legislation successfully passed into statute law via the 1967 Road Safety Act.

        Much more about this perfidy (it really is exactly that) is widely available for perusal. Nobody, with any grasp of modern British history, would deny this is a completely authentic account of how Castle succeeded in passing the 1967 Act through Parliament.

        For the sake of completeness, I’m not pinning my colours to any mast here. Either about covid or DR10. I’m largely in alignment with Jonathan Sumption, but I think he lacks political acuity and scores many “own goals”.

        I’m unsure why Lord Sumption cares enough to put himself “out there”, tbh, and I think he should go back to keeping bees, lepidoptery, and enjoying tapas and old Oloroso.

        Perhaps your dad, in this regard, was less daft than you still hold true?

        ¹ but was it right for the UK in particular at that time? That is certainly far less clear-cut. In societies where DR10/20 offences are highly prevalent (eg Turkey right now) and there is a substantial problem, there is (would have been) undeniably a clear-cut case. In 1965 and in the UK, drink driving (or driving in general) was such a minority “sport” that it scarcely warranted such legislation – with all the negative civil liberties implications therefrom.

      • I’m against seat belt legislation for what it’s worth too based on the same personal liberties argument (although I concur that wearing one is sensible). Haven’t really thought about my position regards drink driving though.

      • As for the seatbelt argument, my dad only survived a car accident because he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. The car left the road and down a steep embankment, where he flew through the windscreen and landed on his arse about twenty feet from the wreck of his car. With just a few cuts and bruises, he got back to the road and walked to work. They don’t make them like him anymore. When I saw the car, the steering column was sticking through the drivers seat, so if he had been in it, he would have been dead, no mistake. However, that was a complete freak occurrence, and 99% of the time, a seatbelt will save you.
        As for drink driving, anyone caught pissed up driving a car should be shot at the roadside. I don’t give a fuck what risks cunts take with their lives, but when you take risks with others, especially just being a selfish cunt, you’re a fucking menace, and need removing.

    • One of the reasons so many pubs now stink like giant public loos is the fact that the fag smoke covered the stench up. Oh, and then there is the stench of nappy changes and kids vomit that comes with the family friendly “atmosphere”. Fuck the plastic pubs, who really cares if they go tits up? Load Lib Dem inspired wank.

  22. I am having my first shot this coming Friday, the second one in May. If people do not want to have the vaccination that’s their choice up to them. This virus or new varieties of virus are going to be in the wild for years. You takes your choice and hopefully have the balls to standby your choice though in the current environment I foresee much whining and gnashing of teeth and blame transfer. They said it was safe, they said it only killed the ill etc etc ad infinitum

    • Had mine yesterday. And the Mrs.
      No problems whatsoever. Mind you we’ve never had a problem with ANY vaccine. Are we just normal or lucky?

  23. Sirs:

    At the moment eligible people in my state can’t get the vaccine.


    Because they ran out.

    OK, that’s manageable. Get some more.

    Yes but in addition to adding the age 55 to 64 “cohort” (bureaucratese for “group”) they added teachers and school bus drivers and this and that. And they decided they didn’t want hospitals handling the vaccine because it interferes with regular hospital things but they won’t authorize new sites because the sites don’t have freezers and so they want people to drive vast distances but what about the people of color and…

    In short, FUBAR.

  24. I’m just amazed this is even a debate to be honest. As far as I’m concerned there is no pandemic, except on TV.

    The whole diagnosis rests on PCR, which is not a diagnostic test, and was calibrated by Drosten in Germany without actually having isolated the virus in the first place and before the Chinese had even claimed to have done it either. In short, the “test” is fucking irrelevant and proves nothing.

    It’s incredible just how powerful TV is. Propaganda and hysteria are dangerous weapons. People wearing masks actually believe they make any difference what so ever.

    The governments are lying and the public are intellectually incapable of figuring it out, or they don’t want to believe it.

    Taking a vaccine for a virus that hasn’t even been isolated is foolish beyond belief. They’re selling us magic beans, made in a factory that also handles arsenic and radioactive waste. It’s a pure gamble that it won’t fuck you up.

    I predict those who’ve had the mRNA ones will start dropping dead next winter.

    • Fuckin’ hell. I wish I had the intelligence and powers of thought you possess.

    • For better or worse I will nail my colours to this post. The pandademic is to me an outrageous manufactured overreaction to a standard seasonal flu. I just look on aghast at the appalling state of humanity.

      • Exactly, Mr Strokes. That’s all this is, a deliberately manufactured crisis using propaganda and statistical manipulation.

        PCR proves nothing and there are no clinically distinct symptoms of CV19. The original chin-chins who died, some had no connection to that market what so ever including the first person with symptoms! It could have been the shite air pollution for all we know, and likewise in northern Italy with the elderly.

        Complete fucking fabrication. The repeated historical attempts to manufacture a crisis by Neil Ferguson, Drosten, and the other pharma connected scum, plus the outrageous predictions made by SAGE during this one.. come on, how fucking obvious does it need to be. Jesus H Christ.

      • ‘Standard seasonal flu’ has been minimal this year due to the high uptake of the flu vaccine and lockdown measures.

      • Mr Sick of It, that is absolute nonsense.

        Both are, supposedly, highly infectious respiratory viruses. The idea that measures have reduced one to zero and not helped the other is ludicrous.

        That is peak cognitive dissonance my friend.

      • @ Chunky

        Most vaccines for the flu are given before winter, I had mine in September, Covid had been circulating unchallenged (more or less) throughout the Summer with minimal intervention so the comparison you make between the two is wrong.
        Your thinking is clouded by a desire to be right about denying Covid actually exists.

      • Not a single case of Influenza detected since Christmas. It has vanished the world over too to near negligible levels.

        Vaccine coverage for it is insignificant, and even then thousands die every year in this country alone. Plus it affects all ages, not just the elderly who are the main vaccine recipients.

        My thinking is not clouded. Yours is. I’m not the one doing mental gymnastics trying to explain how a highly infectious respiratory virus can just disappear, due to measures that have apparently little affect on another similar virus (yet which isn’t really any more deadly than influenza).

        You just don’t want to confront the truth. We’re being lied to.

      • Especially if that’s all you want to know. It’s all lies in the MSM they continually say, yet some 40 year old virgin making YouTube videos in his parents basement is totally believable. I don’t have a closed mind, I’m just not gullible, and need a bit more evidence than the stuff trotted out as such.
        Also, I’m getting fed up of being told to wake up by cunts who don’t get up till 2pm after a hard nights truthing. I’ve been in work all day by then.

      • Fuck Full Fact, lying filth paid for by the taxpayer to pump out bullshit.

      • If people on here wish to continue committing the genetic fallacy then do so, but you’re only highlighting your own mental laziness.
        Here is one of many articles from publications around the world detailing the isolation of SARS-CoV-2.
        It really isn’t that difficult to find, although perhaps more elusive than memes on facebook repeating the lies.

  25. Doc said it was best if I had it, so I did. Just about coming out of it now (the side effects are a real cunt!). But it probably won’t work anyroad (just like the flu jab doesn’t). There’s already Brazilian and Nigerian Batfink Flu here in Blighty apparently. And with our revolving door at Dover, I dare say there will be more ‘variations’ from shitholes like Somalia, Syria, Libya and Swaziland. So, are we going to have this fucking thing every time a new and ‘super’ version of the chink plague turns up?

    • If Wankcock is not removed, it seems likely. Glad to hear you are feeling better, Norman.

    • There are a couple of ingredients (in the mRNA ones, maybe others) which are known to cause allergic reactions in some people. the main one is PEG (polyetheylene glycol), which may cause anaphylaxis. Another known allergen chemical is Polysorbate 8.
      So, if subject to allergic reactions, such as Hay Fever, other pollens, dust or food allergies, even asthma, perhaps these concoctions are best avoided.

  26. The British are a funny lot though.
    Hike up council tax? No fucker bats an eyelid.
    Ban smoking? A bit of a moan and that’s it.
    Duncan Smith purges the sick and disabled? Never heard of it.
    Councils prioritising peacefuls and bogo bogos? Not a whisper.
    Police turning a blind eye to Pak! rape gangs? Hardly anything.

    Yet when told they’d need a vaccine, it’s chickens without heads and total outrage. People are of course entitled to have it or not have it. But the reason so many are going over the top is that it’s the latest craze. Just like Chicken Floyd George, hating Big Don, or clapping the NHS. The vaccine is currently social media gold, and scores of look at me cunts will cash in on that.

  27. Norman, you are right. New strains will be coming for us on the future and maybe forever. The vaccines will have to be tweaked. I for one am glad we have SOME defence.

    What RTC said about the drink-drive laws was so right. “Booze makes me drive more carefully.” And then “Seat belts will make me drive more carelessly.”

    My dad always used to put an arm across his passenger when he braked hard. He’d seen the damage being hurled through a windscreen could do.

    Some people will always find an argument for not doing something the rest of us regard as common sense.

    As for the pandemic deniers, covid is not like flu. If you get enough of a load it can kill anyone. Not just the old and vulnerable. And if it were allowed to go unchecked as the deniers argue it should then it would eventually become deadly to all age groups.

    • To listen to some of the objections, you’d think the hypodermic had only just been invented. I don’t particularly like needles but I’ll take whatever advice the doctors give me. They know a lot more about it than I do.

      • Do they really though, Allan? Your GP gets his information from what he considers to be a trustworthy authority, and you from him. They don’t conduct research or go looking for alternative, or contradictory information.

        The implicit faith in doctors isn’t really all that different from that of the peasant to the priest. They both get their information from the highest authority in the land, and it boils down to trust and faith.

        They are people. So are those above them. The assumption that you can’t reason or ascertain the truth better than they can is a disservice to yourself. There people aren’t genius or God.

  28. A vaccine that does not vaccinate which has a PR campaign behind it and the underlying threat of having every area of your life disrupted if you do not do as ordered.
    Not fully researched, not fully tested and IMO wholly unnecessary – the human immune system and making the decision to live a healthy life is the best natural protection against disease or illness.
    No vaccine for SARS, MERS or Bird flu, all statistically more deadly than this latest coronavirus variant, and add to that the disaster of the Swine flu vaccine which was version two of an rNA treatment and I am suspicious.
    Add to that the increasingly aggressive and threatening way it is being promoted and the fact we have had a year of propaganda, spurious nonsense from people with no relevant qualifications and blatant outright lies along with a hell of a lot of people making a fortune out of this and my personal alarm bells are ringing.
    The heart can be broken, the head can be fooled but the gut instinct is never wrong – it is a primeval survival instinct.
    And, each to their own but my gut instinct says no – if I was in a high risk group I may think differently but my personal choice is to give it a miss.
    Not for me,

    • Piercing the skin with a needle in nature is associated with pain and detriment.. injecting venom or even parasitic eggs.

      The skin is our first and most important line of defence. If you’re going to breach it you’d best be 100% certain you know what you’re doing or adding to the body.

      There’s so many red flags with these ‘vaccines’. The public seem to have had reason and self-preservation beaten out of them over a lifetime of masochistic subservience to state ideologies.

      • Nonsense – the only ‘red flags’ put out are from politicos with vested interests – Micron, Merkel etc – or anti-vaxxers who pooh-pooh ALL vaccines.

  29. I think they are idiots, yes. And (unless there is a really good reason) will continue to call ALL anti-vaxers idiots. HOWEVER I do respect there freedom to choose and would defend that choice.
    But….. the reality is that if you want to travel abroad, or even go places in your own Country, you may well be required to have a ‘passport’. (When I visited Africa I HAD to have a Yellow Fever jab and proof of it).
    As I said – the choice is there – make sure it’s the right one for you.

    • Mickey C@ – I would not describe myself as “anti vaccine”, I just have a cordial mistrust of something cooked up in less than 12 months instead of the usual 10-25 years it normally takes which does not do its primary job – to vaccinate – and would like to see a lot more independent research and investigation done, Ivermectin and chlorohydroxyquinine are both reported widely in the medical community as being both safe and effective but there is no constant propaganda pushing either of these treatments.
      Governments and “medical experts” of the time told us smoking was safe, Thalidomide was safe, the Christmas Island military nuclear tests were safe, Asbestos was safe, Agent Orange was safe, DDT was safe, using unscreened blood products for transfusion was safe, eating BSE infected beef was safe, Swine flu vaccine was safe.
      History proved this was most definitely not the case, and I am erring on the side of caution with this one.

      • I wouldn’t trust this bunch of money grabbing cunts we have in charge to give me an asprin let alone some bunch of shit that has been cooked up in less time than it takes Hancock to give out a few more corrupt contracts.

        I also find it very hard if not impossible to buy the fact that flu has magically “disappeared”….obviously everything is now covid…hit by a meteor? it’s covid, get caught in the gears of a combine? it’s covid, vomit and shat yourself to death after seeing an interview with Hancock? it’s covid.

        Fuck them.

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