Pro-Vaccine Zealotry

I would like to cunt pro-vaccine zealotry.

Now, I don’t particularly care what people’s views are on the vaccine. If you want to have it, go ahead. If you don’t, then that’s also your choice to make. You’ve gotta do whatever you feel is best for your heath.

Yet, according to quite a lot of people it seems, only one of those choices is acceptable. If you choose the second option, then you’re a blasphemous heathen denying the wonderful gospel of the Vaccine Panacea.

Let people make their own bloody minds up you cunts – individuals know what is best for their health, not you.

Nominated by: General Tso’s Chiggun

(Given the past volatility of similar vaccine nominations between cunters, please don’t resort to the same personal abuse. Thank you – DA)

104 thoughts on “Pro-Vaccine Zealotry

  1. I think there is far more anti vaccine ranting than pro vax fuckers. I’ve not once had anyone have a pop at me for thinking about not having it, yet quite regularly get grief from the anti mob for my even handed stance. Today, the biggest anti vaxxer in work was telling any cunt who would listen not to use hand sanitizer, as it has oestrogen in it, to turn everyone into p0nces apparently. He’s fully into the baby blood, illuminati, elites, Gates, Soros, 5g, joos are responsible for everything bullshit. On the internet every opportunity, soaking up all this poison, YouTube, podcasts, it’s all he does. 36 years old and still living with his parents, he really can’t tell shit from clay. I’m sick of hearing this crap, so much so that it’s more or less made me say fuck it, I’ll have the jab. I might die, but at least I won’t be hearing any more of this drivel, and if not, I can have a pint with my mates and have a holiday sometime. Wake up? Never mind that, turn the fucking pc off and have an early night for a change, you’ll fell better I swear.

    • Taking the views of someone at one extreme as justification for doing the opposite isn’t thought out reasoning. More over, using that to excuse your decision so you can have a pint.. really? You’ll whore your health to the pharma industry just for a pint? That’s feeble man, come on.

      If it were all just individuals choices that might suffice, but if the public kowtows to this and vaccine passports then this shit will never end and we’ll end up with full-blown tyranny.

      Freedom is more important than a pint of overpriced piss. I’d sacrifice all my friendships if need be.. I don’t want to be happy in a society of tyranny.

      • Baby blood drinker… Tin foil hat…
        This is an example of what appear to be commonly held perception of anybody who is suspicious of the government and its nefarious behaviour.
        Iive never considered myself a “conspiracy theorist” but I am absolutely convinced something is very very wrong with this alleged virus narrative.
        If that makes me a conspiracy theorist to sone then I couldn’t give a fuck regardless.
        What I have found surprising is that there are a great many people who are convinced that the government are working against the people and couldn’t give a flying fuck regarding deeply serious issues (Brexit, immigration) but are more than happy to believe the same nefarious cunts in government have their backs with covid and mandatory (in all but name) vaccinations.
        It’s absolutely bizarre and shows how easily terrified people are.
        Go for a walk, a run or a bike ride, always breathe through the nose, don’t wear pointless masks, don’t watch the news.
        You’ll feel better.

      • Firstly, I wouldn’t say it was a knee jerk reaction, more based on experience. I know quite a few people who’ve had the vaccine, of varying ages, and they are all ok. I also know quite a few people who’ve had Covid, and some fared worse than others, some even died. So, just basing my knowledge on my little focus group, Covid is clearly more fatal than vaccines.
        Secondly, I don’t know how good your friendships are, but mine are definitely worth risking my life over. As for the pint, it’s the occasion, not the beverage that I would be looking forward to, real quality human interaction with people who make your life worth living.

      • Firstly you don’t know they are ok. Immediately and visible damage free doesn’t mean they are, especially if they’ve had the mRNA ones. They might kark it next winter due to priming..

        Second, i don’t want to lose my relationships with people either. But if we have to sacrifice freedom and subjugate to authoritarian rule to have it? Fuck that shit. That makes one a selfish little bitch with no morals, no real humanity quite frankly. Millions have died to help get us this far, and to trade all that in for our temporary gratification is snowflake pussification.

  2. I am horrified that so many people have been coerced into taking part in such an experiment.

    Just remember, Tony Blair thinks you’ve done the right thing.
    So it must be good.

  3. There seem to be a lot of people on here who take great pleasure in telling us “lesser mortals” that sars-cov-2 (despite being a Coronavirus related to viruses that cause the common cold ) is just like “the Flu” (caused by Influenza viruses )
    To say that COVID-19 only kills 1% of those infected is of no comfort to the hapless 1% who kick the bucket or their relatives.
    It’s a bit like saying “what’s the chance of catching an STI from a fit-looking slapper that you meet in a club ?” It could be 100% or 1%.
    What is the reasoning behind this “I know more than the experts” or “I’m damned if I’m going to adopt measures like wearing masks,observing social distancing”, “I’m not being a ‘sheeple’ and having a vaccine that contains little green men who have been shrunk into nanoparticles so that they can swim around my bloodstream and gain access to my brain s that they can read my (because I’m so macho that I don’t like being told what to do) suppressed homosexual fantasies. Is the whole charade about being so macho that the virus won’t affect me and that I can shove two fingers up to the experts?
    In my experience the blokes that keep ranting about the disgustingness of being afflicted with “the Gaynus” doth protest too much and probably like a bit of cock fun.
    Having said all this, I would like it put on record that I am a 100% heterosexual male and that I would like to hammer the shit out of these affronts to masculinity like S@m Smith, Ryland Clarke-Kneel down so that I can rim your hoop,Anal Carr(and his hideously deformed sister Liz,”Sir” Ian (“my backdoor is always open because I’m an ecctoorrrr”,Phillip Scrotefield, That simpering dwarf queen, Derek Jacobi,Tom Galey,Simon (deep-voice) Callow …the list is endless!

    • Being experts doesn’t necessarily make them right though. Remember, the experts thought that eugenics was acceptable and Thalidomide was safe at one point too. Consider what they have to say of course but don’t blindly accept that their position makes them right by default.

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