I’m not going to dwell on Hewitt, but all I have to say is this,.
He is a thick cunt waaay out of his depth, floundering around in his Mrs wake.
What a tool. What an enormous thick, twat, non British cunt (wait till you have to pay US tax fucko).
I cannot wait for the turd to come over here to unmask his mums statue.
Nominated by: Smug Cunt
Seconded by: Big Al
I’d like to nominate Prince Harry, I’m not a massive fan of the Royal Family myself but what the fuck is Harry thinking of? If ever someone needed to ‘man up’ it’s this pussy whipped, out of touch buffoon. Does he really expect the public to feel sorry for him and his millionaire wife because they have been feeling a bit depressed at a time when other people’s businesses are going bust and they are having to bury loved ones and watch their funeral on a laptop?! We could have expected his wife to play the victim card but for Harry to dump his own family in support of her is an utter betrayal. The way I see it is that when Harry made an open statement about racism within the institution of his own family it was obvious to me what he was doing, he is saying Britain is an institutionally racist country, and Brits are racist. BLM sees the British Royal Family as still too powerful to take on directly, so they look to weaken its popularity with the one claim that can see your life destroyed, but never needs a shred of evidence for a public crucifixion (racism). Then once the Marxists smell the blue blood in the water they will move in for the kill.
Once Megan Merkin has made off with bairns and his millions, it will be interesting to see what industrial strength mental pills his shrinks will put him on. He will be making as many public appearances in future as Hunter Biden
The Queen’s husband, knocking 100, goes into hospital for a heart op.
Love him or hate him, that’s not the best timing, the thick cunts.
You’d think he’d have some sense and say to his Mrs, “Now’s not a good time. At least wait to see he’s ok.”
But no…
..fucking pussy-whipped imbecile.
He’s about as royal as I am anyway. Fuck off.
I think that Mrs Hewitt is working to a strict timetable and nothing as trivial as Phil the Greek being at Death’s door can be allowed to interfere with it.
Should the timetable be disrupted Meagain will have to spend more time with Gingernuts- perish the thought.
“The boy ain’t right”, Hank Hill.
Peter Lorimer, RIP. Deadpool 206 beckons….
In my view the kindest thing to have done would have been Charlie not to adopt him. If he had been bought up by his father, Th Major, he might have instilled strict military discipline in his upbringing, and not make him this whimpering little fairy he has become.
Poor old Diana – the lady who wore knickers to keep her ankles warm.
My very excellent next door neighbour (with the Japanese wife, not one of the gays) emailed me this:
Sorry. It seems that not all the relevant image is visible on some devices.
The points are:
1. I don’t read the tabloids, but they are so unpleasant I had to leave the country.
2. The racism in Britain was so bad we’ve come to the United States.
3. For security reasons it’s better to live in a country where everyone has a gun.
4. As a mere A-list actress on a top rated show I was totally unprepared to enter the media spotlight.
5. We wanted our son to be a royal prince, even though royalty is a gilded cage that makes people trapped and unhappy.
6. As an American actress and friend of Hollywood celebrities, I did not have the phone number of a therapist.
7. My letter to my father is deeply private, Harry’s unanswered phone call to his father should be shared with the world.
8. Meghan is not to blame for me leaving the royal family. I couldn’t have done it without her.
9. I’m broke, apart from the millions my mother left me.
10. I love my grandmother so much I’m completely loyal to her. Fuck you, granny.
Did you spot any logical howlers? Tell us how you scored and we’ll send you a signed chicken.
Evening Ruffles. They are superb.
Is Willie Strokes your neighbour?
Not unless he wears one of those Mission Impossible masks that make you look like somebody else.
That said, I’ve never seen Willie (my errant butler) and my neighbour in the same room together…
? Evening Capt.
I don’t know the Mission Impossible mask but I do know Tom Cruise is a cunt. So much, he’s doing a sequel to that homö film from the 80s about military aeroplanes.
Check it out:
Yeah, I reckon once she’s dropped the second brat she’ll have no more use for the soppy cunt. Those brats are money in the bank so she will be after somebody far more glamorous and exciting. For a tart like her this Eton toffboy must be as dull as ditchwater. In some ways I feel sorry for the wanker; we’ve all be turned over by a woman at some time or other but our stupidity isn’t splashed across the world’s media.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Mad Meg dumps him in a few years. She has a history of pathological behaviour – dumping her father, most of her family and friends in the past. Nasty piece of trailer trash. Harry can fuck off if he ever thinks of returning to the UK.
As soon as his usefulness is at an end Harry will simply be discarded whereupon she will dish the dirt on him.
The daft and gullible British public will forget everything that he has done and he will be welcomed back into the royal family like some idiot rétârd and paid handsomely to do fuck all. Just like before.
Warning warning Halfwit Harry ain’t Royal that’s why he’s pissed because he knows it. He feels no loyalty to anyone except himself and poor Di (yuk). He is a daft wee cunt who gets all he deserves. Fuck em.
He could at least give his dad a few quid. What about his “mental health”
Harry has the IQ of a small rodent. Luckily Phillip is still alive so I give the Markles a month.
Come on Phil, give the order…
Fuck the pair of them to hell. Treasonous cunts, and the offspring as well. Do they go through any tunnels? Asking for a friend.
A friend with a white Fiat Uno?
These two are one trick ponies. They have played their Trump card with this interview. What are they going to do now….who wants to listen to anything else they say after this? They can’t keep going on with this story for the next 30 years.
I uses to orangutan boy was the most interesting royal and was rebelling against the system, but now I realise he really is that thick.
There was no rebelling at all just no sense whatsoever, what I took him to be a bit of a rebel, the reality is he, s a fucking retard with money, not so much now of course, but still more than I could imagine in my wildest dreams.
Harry the fuck monkey has gone from the most popular royal to the least, not including the Markle ho, if you can class her as royal.
The time is coming where if I was them I would be seriously concerned about not being able to fund the army of security, so in typical muppet fashion they decided to go to the good ol US of A, the ancestral home of physopaths with guns looking for someone to pop a cap in their ass. .
This must be like ringing the dinner bell for feeding time in the wolf enclosure at the zoo, they are probably camped all around the Hewit enclosure, waiting for eye, s on target, lucky old Phil is in no state for climbing trees these days….
So can Harry and Megan afford bullit proof vests and 10″thick double glazing is more the question, just as well cuz Harry can risk going out in the sun, he will melt and Megan can risk anymore of a tan becouse she will only ever get to a nice shade of cafe ole and its hard to play the race card when your not black, yawn not that old chestnut again….
I have known cunts like Markle, they get off on backstabbing and slagging people off. Its terminal, Hewitt’s fucked he will get both barrels when she spits him out. Never mind big bro warned you. Even big Don personally wished you good luck……..
Haven’t they haven’t divorced yet? I suppose once she’s shat out a couple of baby ‘rangas she’ll kick this useless lump back to Blighty where he’ll play the hard-done by and settle down with some horse-faced Chelsea tart.
She must have one hell of a snatch, that’s all I can say. This all proves to me that our Royal Family or any Royal Family are 400 years out of date. People losing their jobs, livelihoods, homes, suicides due to Covid and then there’s these cunts. Castles, Palaces, an endless supply of money. Just fuck off Harry and Miss Sparkletits, I’m not fucking interested you pair of fucking bores.
Double barrel shotgun will end his misery
More subtle. A speeding car in a tunnel. Hold on a minute this sounds eerily familiar.
“Harry, your family don’t like me because i’m black.”
NO. You’re not black and they don’t like you because you’re a snide, narcissistic sack of shit.
Now fuck off bitch.
Most of us have become cuntstruck at some stage and maybe had a family disagreement over a choice of woman perhaps. But this cunt has betrayed not only his family, but his own country and it’s people. Their accusations of racism, i felt, were aimed at the country as a whole, rather than just the press and the royals.
I’m no royalist but even I could see that he could have been a great ambassador for this country at a time when Britain’s identity is under relentless attack. But no. He turned against us and his family, all for a woman equally as calculating and demented as his mother. He always uses his mother as a defence without having the savvy to realise that she spent her latter years trying to destroy his (adoptive) father. And he’ll end up being destroyed himself now. It’s only a matter of time.
Sorry for the rant, but this treasonous cunt can’t be cunted enough in my opinion.
Anyone would think that being racist is a negative attribute. Fuck the pair of them!
One other thing. If I didn’t know Megain was half African American, I would have assumed she was half Greek or Spanish perhaps. Is this just me?
Half bitch, half cunt.
Only half cunt? That’s generous.
What really fucks me off is that these half cast types always want to embrace the black side of their ethnicity, why for fucks sake, is it so they can be ‘victims’ for the rest of their lives?
There’s nowt to be gained from being white.
Exactly what Bertram, its so they can lift that massive chip onto their shoulder, and then their off banging the BLM drum like in the Duracell ad with the battery monkey, not that I’m calling any group monkeys but you get the idea…
Ernie: ‘Have you heard the latest, Eric?’
Eric: ‘What’s that, Ern?’
Ernie: ‘Prince Harry has thrown away everything for a scrag end chiggun eating F-Lister and total snake.’
Eric: (raises glasses) ‘This boy’s a fool!’
it’s a traitor, it’s fugly as fuck, thick as a gorilla’s turd and it’s ginger for fucks sake, in the winter gingers even have purple lips like a baboon’s arse that just adds to their ugliness…and then there’s the ginger eyelashes…puke…gingers should be sterilized….it needs to fuck right off and die in a corner
Imagine what the ginger fucker must look like with his kit off, a trampled on scotch egg, that just goes how desperate Megan was to get her claws in, she would fuck a syfalitic tramp if it gets her attention, she’s a gold digging media whore and always will be,.
Once she, s divorced Harry the halfwit she will be fucking Trump, she has no standards the tart….
He epitomises everyfing that is hated in the British. He’s entitled, privileged, chippy, miserable, and chippy.
Hoo-ee, what a cunt.
America is welcome to these parasites.
And if he is so piss wet he won’t stand up to the witch he married then more fool him – he stabbed his Family, his Country and his duties (I use “duties” in the loosest sense of the word given that he did bollocks all) in the back for some conniving scrubber and a life of idle well paid ease.
Give it 5 years and he will be divorced, back here and whimpering how badly he was tweated and cwying for sympathy.
But he has burned his bridges – loyalty is everything with me and he has repeatedly shown his is for sale.
Fuck him.
Jezza can be a cunt, but his comments on the Markle Snake are absolutely spot on.
Viva Clarkson!
“Revered by the young and the stupid”!
Pretty much sums it up?
It won’t be to long before Sparkel will be happy taking 12 inches of Black Pudding up her, with cash in the Bank and two Royal Bastard’s to exploit, Old Ginger bollocks will be surplus to requirements, cast aside with just enough cash to hopdown to the nearest Drug store and purchase a second hand gun to blow out his tiny brains.!
He ran away like a woman, for a woman. Pretty much sums it up. Good luck with that!
The hollow media appears to have embraced them. They never did before the interview? Is it clickbait? Or some tender, libtard cultural conditioning! Who knows?