How we treat the elderly is an absolute fucking disgrace.
Not just in the last 12 months. Don’t get me wrong, that has been and continues to be shameful and a national disgrace, but before Covid19/Agenda 21.
Some people offload their folks into a care home as soon as possible and then forget about them, hoping to get their grubby mitts on the inheritance.
Some of the staff in care homes robbing and abusing the people they are supposed to be looking after.
(Example news story provided by the wonderful Night Admin – NA)
Nominated by: Harold Steptoe
I agree, I believe that if your parents lovingly brought you up and looked after you then you should return the favour in their dotage. I would never see my parents or in-laws in a fucking care home.
There are a concerningly significiant number of care workers that get rumbled on camera acting cruelly towards the patient and/or fleecing them of cash or the contents of their savings account. And those are the ones that are caught. I’m sure that there are good health care professionals who genuinely care and go out of their way to look after their patients.
I did click on the link and watched the clip, but couldn’t make out exactly what had happened?
Ive never had much time for the elderly.
Smell a’bit, boring, underfoot.
But dont believe in mistreatment of them!
Maybe the odd prod with your boot to speed em up.
Especially at the post office and supermarket checkout.
WhileI draw the line at pistol whipping them,
A gentle shove or trip never hurt anyone.
And dont get me started on the blind!
Those bastards’!
My local Tesco has a checkout lane for the old cunts, so if any of them go into a different lane they are fair game for abuse ?
Some cunt once said to me that mistreating the elderly can due perhaps be understood because carers are so poorly paid. I told them to fuck right off. While I would not want to do what they do, they are not made to do it. Poor pay can never be an excuse for abuse.
It is not just old people that are patronised and pushed around by the ‘caring professions’ either. The current Covid shit has brought out the wannabe Hitlers in force by making such insulting behaviour seem okay.
Old people can, of course, be right cunts, as MNC say. After all, they have had a lifetime’s practice.
Apparently if you are over 30 you are near death and should be dismissed as a vintage cunt.
If I live to 80 hopefully I’ll still have enough about me to bite some cunts ear off if they try to nick my wallet.
Bon chance!
I’ve told my kids, if I go in a home, no inheritance for them, simple as that, leeching cunts!!!!
They won’t get it anyway the fucking council will take it for upkeep.
Sorry, can’t agree. My dad had to go into a care home last summer after my mother could no longer look after him, and was having no help either. He needs full time care, and for me or my brothers to do that would have meant giving up work, which is impossible with a fucking mortgage. He is now getting the care he needs, and has a better social life than any of us.
It breaks my heart that we can’t see him because of covid, and I’ll never get that time back, something I will hate the Chinese forever for.
They aren’t all cunts, and those that are want burning.
Any cunt caught ill treating an elderly person in their care should be fucking flogged then handed to the public who are told do as you wish with this cruel cunt.
Give em golf clubs, pick axe handles and claw hammers.
Cruel fuckers.
A Stilson for me.
It is a bloody problem. We have now lost both sets of parents, 2 ended up in care homes, one very good but a fortune pay for every week, and the other excellent staff but they lacked training and they didn’t separate those suffering from dementia from those who still had all their marbles. I think that is essential in a care home.
It is very traumatic putting a parent in a care home, it wasn’t helped in my case by my brother saying you can live with us mum, he was in the U.S. and knew it was impossible. I still feel guilty, if I had known she would only have been there for 8 months she could have stayed with us.
Not just the elderly. My brother has been on half days at school for the last several months because most of his teachers and TA’s don’t know how to handle him, but they’ve barely even asked us for advice. He had a severe meltdown a few weeks ago where they phoned up to find out what to do about it, and that’s the first time they’ve ever asked us for our input so far as his care is concerned. Turns out the problem was that the dumb cunts didn’t bother to ask him if he wanted to go to the toilet or have lunch first when he initially refused to be changed.
Don’t abuse them but all people should be stopped from driving at a certain age…I think around 80 would be enough.
I have to work for a living and I spend a good portion of the day stuck behind Neville and Doris in their Toyota Auris while they dawdle off to the garden center or to get fucking lottery ticket junk.
Or maybe ban old cunts from driving between 7.00 and 100.00 am
And we had to put my grandma in a care home because she’d got batshit mad and started hoovering the lawn and talking to cabbages.
Mad a shit house rat she was and thought WW2 was still on.
A cheaper option would of been to give her a rifle and drop her off in Dunkirk!
Fuck em. They stole our future by voting Leave. Nish Kumar, a very talented comic, has the right idea – go home and kill them. Wee Krankie has blunted their power by giving 16 year old snowflakes the vote and showing them clips of Braveheart on whatever media they watch this week.
Cunstable Cuntbubble
The Bide a Wee Care Hame
Sweaty by the Sea.
I’ve seen too many programmes of care home abuse.
My sister and I do all we can to keep our mum from going in one but some are very good. My nan was in one and it was fantastic and allowed 24hr visiting. If visiting hours are limited then you wonder what goes on outside these times.
Bloody expensive though. Average prices are £750-900 per week.
Those in the know realise I was taking the piss above.
A society shows its strength by the treatment of its elderly citizens.
If anyone mistreated my elderly mother or father theyd return home to find me waiting,
And itd bode bad for them.
A country where the old an frail are abused is a sick society.
Keeping old folk with dementia onset out of care is almost impossible especially when they have wanderlust. We tried to keep the mother in law out of one and succeeded for 3 years. She’d fuck off on walkabout and we’d get the old bill ringing us at 3am saying she was sat in a Korean restaurant eating fuck knows what. Gave up in the end and she ended up well looked after but secure and happy. I’d visit the home regularly and speak to old dears who hadn’t had a visitor in years. That’s the fucking hard part, poor sods. As for mistreatment I’d beat the abusers to death.
I gave up my job in law to care for my Mother, it got to the point her cancer was so advanced I had to have her moved to hospital so she could get the specialist care and medication I could not provide.
After she died I found out she had been deliberately left to die of thirst.
I will say no more on this, if my repressed anger is released the world will be laid to waste.
I hope you sued the hospital in question.
GTC@ – I tried – the managing partner of the law firm I worked for (one of the most respected clinical negligence specialists in England) said it was the clearest case of culpable neglect he had ever seen and offered to represent the Family pro-bono.
The records were “mislaid” and have never reappeared, but the constant pressure I applied led to a change in law and the ending of “The Liverpool care pathway”.
It was too late for my old dear, the fittest and healthiest 70 year old I had ever known – but means nobody else has to go through this nightmare.
And it’s still fkin snowing – I shall have to leave the cave and brave it! ?
So much for the Care Pathway
Has been an issue for ages. At the end of the day all the care homes were privatised and the elderly are forced to sell their homes and disinherit their families to pay for profit making shite in the final years of their life if their family aren’t able to take on the role. These are people who have worked all their lives and even at the end they get rogered by uncle sam. Even making them pay for tv licences now.
It follows a steady decline in society that all links to the shrinking of certain areas of state spending – police, fire, nhs, care, , housing, working tax credit. Until we stop feeling like we owe a living to the dead weight that gets off planes from ungabonga land and presents for asylum with no intention of ever doing anything but living off the state the cuts will go on and on and on.
The reality is the balance of cost of welfare state vs tax revenue is way fucking out and we either go socialist or we get a bit fucking tougher on scroungers – and that goes for imports and the white english trash who reckon they havent been able to get a job of any sort for 15 years straight. Fucking career benefit claimants.
Its so simple – give people their benefits in vouchers, make able bodied workers do the equivalent hours of minimum wage work to their benefits for their local council, litter picking, cleaning graffiti, painting fences and the like. Watch them fuck of and get a job as soon as you do that.
Watched a somali imigrant complaining about ealing council housing her in a portacabin. Made my blood boil. We are the only country that does this and others cant get their head round it – talking to a polish guy, they find it phenomenal that you can turn up in the uk and just get given money and housing.
Should I take it your name is a reference to the useless pile of blubber currently occupying Number 10?
I want the option to legally end my own life at a time of my choosing with a painless injection.
What I don’t want is to go into a care home, who charge upwards of £2000 a week for my miserable upkeep.
Having worked for the majority of my life and having been relatively prudent financially, when the time comes I want my assets to be distributed according to my wishes and amongst my family members, NOT taken by a private company for something I neither want nor require.
Eventually people will be able to do this and everyone will have the option to go when they choose. But right now we’re still living in the middle ages.
For many years now cross party talks have been promised to organise a way of funding elderly social care. Gordon Brown suggested a sort of pro rata death tax for all. Talks were called off or cancelled every time. Makes me fucking sick, years and years =nothing. Compare that sort of thing to the Japs fixing a massive sinkhole overnight. Strange comparison I know but we just aren’t getting anywhere. Cunts.
The Japanese certainly respect their elderly, and will look after them at home as long as they possibly can.
If they become unable to cope of feel the home environment did not fully support their wellbeing they will be reassured that Japanese old people homes provide some of the best care found anywhere in the world. Coinsurance/points based system.
Then they put them into vending machines along with used pants and dildos.
@ Spanky
But what a way to go.
What a fantastic country, vending machines that dispense used schoolgirls knickers for the sniffing pervs.
Hopefully no number 2’s though.