I would like to nominate the sweaty shit stain that is convicted terrorist Omar Latif, this peace of dog shit was locked up for terrorism planning and acts, was then released early, then summoned back to jail for fucking with his ankle tag, released again, then recalled back for more acts/ planning of terrorism including stabbings on London bridge and is now suing the Ministry of justice for locking him up unlawfully.
What a cunt his solicitor must be,probably the same cunt he looked after Shamishitta Begam, this country is fucked up beyond all recognition [FUBAR] for short, round all these cunts and their families up and send them back to the sand blasted shit holes they came from, peacefull religion my arse,,,cunts
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
Admin-what happened,
I spent ages trying to log in, a page appeared demanding Username & password.
I tried to enter with username & e-mail address, 3 times, each time nothing happened and when I pressed cancel, a message of “Access denied” in the top left corner of a blank screen.
Is IsAC or it’s users under attack?
Or only me??
(It wasn’t just you but others as well. We are investigating the problem. I would recommend that should you be prompted for logins/passwords from a pop-up that you click cancel and not attempt to login given that you don’t have to login to this site with a password anyway. Thanks – DA)
Same here.
I assume North Korea.
Same here CG. I was locked out too.
Had the same all day. Can’t get in unless I come off the house WiFi. Weird. Russia or lefty woke wankers????
Me too admin, did as you said, probably some snowflake hacker, hope the fucker gets his comeuppance, what a cunt
These savages make me full Hitler.
I wish they would all be rounded up and pleasantly disposed of.
They won’t of course,so the country is fucked.
They will win and we shall just disappear.
I will never understand why we have a ‘ terror watch list ‘ it should just be a deport or execute list. These fuckers are like Nazi’s on steroids yet the Wokerati are at pains to defend their liberties. Un-fucking believable, part of me actually wants to see them win just so they can throw the likes of Lineker and rest of the BBC off a very tall building.
Agree. The list should be a simple search and destroy tool.
I prefer the execute option.
It’s people like this twat that makes you wish we had a little more kick and less kiss, the tag should be round his fucking neck and each time he tries to fuck with it it tightens.
But, let’s not demonise all Muslims ???
Reinhardt Heinrich would have sorted this cunt out double quick.
I’m no nazi but ffs something needs to be done and fast
This is not rocket science – binge eating gobshite chav Patel should get a law passed that any individual of foreign or dual nationality who engages in terrorist acts or acts injurious to the Country and people should receive a full life term in prison or deportation as applicable – any daring to return to receive a full life sentence.
The Supreme Court to be disbanded, and the ridiculous Human rights legislation which allows these outrages to be replaced.
But she won’t.
Looks like filth.
Acts like filth.
Thinks like filth.
Certainly smells like filth.
Ergo: Omar Latif is fucking filth.
Gas the dirty smelly cunt.
Hear hear.
These cuntings don’t attract a huge number of replies.
I suspect nobody wants MI5 kicking their door in.
Also the rot has very much set in.
Islamic terrorism is now just an accepted part of life in the UK and also Europe.
What a vile mess.
Isnt it odd that the government can close the border and invent law when it wants to but when it comes to Parkings and mass murder its all a problem that cannot be solved. Cunts.
Whatever happened to Covid wiping these cunts out? The virus had one job and it failed miserably. Now they’re using those smelly nonce huts ala mosques as vaccine centres. I’d rather catch it again than step barefooted in one of those cunts.
Humsn Rights Act should be repealed and they should be exported or hung. Pisses me off that they not only are up to this but that they cost the taxpayer a small fortune.