The British government recently announced safe havens for up to 5 million Hong Kong nationals to apply for UK citizenship. Experts believe up to 2 million Hongkongers will take up the offer and move here over the next 5 years.
This comes in the face of China’s continued crackdown on democracy, freedom of speech, tyrannical government (all sound familiar?) on the island, that was once part of the British commonwealth, but was subsequently handed back to China in 1997.
Economists believe such a huge inflow of skilled, middle-class workers into the country could bring “billions” to the UK economy!
Which is all very well and good, but where are they all going to live, can the current infrastructure and various public services (schools, hospitals, emergency services) cope, and will this influx make it even more difficult for ordinary white working class people, especially kids, to get a fair footing when it comes to finding employment in their own country?
And I also wonder how the libtards will react should such a large influx of Asians start to become the new media darlings in the UK, thus pushing the BLM mob into the long grass.
Whatever happens, any hope of Britain trying to distance itself from Blair’s disastrous Multiculturalism project after Brexit, will be dashed by this latest move.
Nominated by: Technocunt
Not sure they’ll up sticks and move here. Anyway how many would be spies for the CCP and try to do dastardly things like nick our intellectual property, they do it all the time, put nano robots in the chink food in their newly opened restaurants or demand we speak mandarin and alter our facial features to make them feel more at home?
Ying tong tiddle ti po.
I need to get my sperm to those things!
Morning all.
If you take a quick look at old the old Eastern European men standing around on the street corners drinking neat vodka at 8.00am on state benefits you’ll see what a wonderful thing uncontrolled immigration is….it’s a benefit to us all as they vomit all over the pavement and hassle people going about their business.
Saying that, I knew a Chinese lady years ago and she had the biggest nipples I’ve ever seen…when you played with them they stood out like Scania wheel nuts.
Let’s all sing along-
?Get on board
Get on board
Come and join the Double Deckers!?
“Mrs Wong said she wanted her children to be able to say what they wanted at school”……probably best to stay away from here then.
Swap them for Peacefuls.
Here here Dick. Deport them and let the Hong Kongers take their place – unlike a lot of the peacefuls they really are in danger.
? You should be in politics Mr FF ?
Hot females only, like in the photo.
Fuck me if that lot of bamboo moved In Next door to me then I am all for it. But the idea of swapping them for peacefuls, Romanians and Bulgarians then fucking bosh. What a superb idea. Go find me a lazy China they don’t do religious shit or other bollocks the only problem them fuckers have is they just love to gamble, so they might just spend all day in the bookies.
What’s Mandarin for ” Have you ever seen an old man’s tadger”?
Cuntlestiltskin, I don’t speak mandarin.
I’m still trying to learn satsuma.
We fucked the people of Hong Kong back in 1984. Perhaps there is a chance to put that right. But it’s probably too late.
What happened in 1984?
Thatcher’s agreement with the chiñkš to hand over Hong Kong and not extend the lease to the Crown
We should welcome these Hong Kongese cunts with open arms!
We’re going to need their spirit of enterprise and work ethic if we’re going to get through the coming massive depression. Our indigenous, soy-boy-woke population will be of no use whatsoever.
These Hong Kongese hate the mainland Chinks and their Covid Commie dictatorship worse than we do, and they appreciate the value of democracy and free speech.
One Hong Konger will produce more than 10 peacefuls and cost bugger all in benefits.
Let them come!
I’m all for helping people from the Commonwealth but fuck me, 2 million!
With not enough houses for the indigenous, rising unemployment and kids not having proper schooling for a year I can see long term problems on the horizon with this plan.
More Green belt will disappear and these guys will beat our kids to any jobs as they study about 20 hours a day.
Where’s my time machine? I want to go back and shoot Tony Blair before he became PM.
There are easily 2 million people in this country that could be usefully, and legally, kicked out.
Nice idea LLF but I think it would have to be a special silver bullet.
Or perhaps you’d have to chop off his head, burn him, a stake through the heart and have the cunt fully entombed in concrete.
Just to make sure like.
Buried in shit would help as well. tube direct to corpse to piss down. Works for me.
I’m sure everything will be fine, we have more than enough jobs, homes, schools, hospitals and infrared to accommodate them all. And we only have to look at the invaluable contribution the polish gave to our society, along with other eastern Europeans.
Im wondering the percentage of the electorate who gave our Government permission to invite even more to our ( once ) sceptred Isles?
You’d have to check the readership numbers of the Guardian and number of civil servants in the home office.
Hong Kong is or was a great place to visit. I wouldn’t think 2m would take up the option but given a choice twixt them and rugbutters I’d take them first. When HK was handed back to the chokies those who trusted the Chinese thought two systems would be accepted. How fucking wrong some people were.
At least they’ll fit into the mask wearing current trend. Maybe an exchange deal starting with Blair.
I would rather a million Hong Kong Chinese than the contents of 1 Channel dinghy. They will work, they wont over reproduce, they wont form ghettos and they wont demand special rights and laws.
How many of those lasses gave you the ‘orn?
All of them.
Time to show all the useless Africunts, Dooshkas and Moose-Limbs the door then.
I’d rather get rid of 2 million of the above mentioned parasites in favour of 2 million educated, middle-class hard working chinks who understand first hand how bad communism/socialism is. (Labour would never get that vote lol)
They’d bring with them good food, business know how, good work ethics, no crime, 2 million hard working tax payers with a respect for the UK (as many will remember the pre 1997 British era) and overall prosperity that this country sorely needs.
Not to mention the happy ending shops
Our country is FULL.End of.Doris is deluded.We have no room left.Zero percent of the electorate voted to let them in.God help us
Perhaps Britain, Canada,Australia and New Zealand could take them between them? That’s still 500k. 2 million in one country is a helluva lot.
The CCP are evil cunts.
Australia LOOKs like hong kong, Its infested with them.
All been said really, we’re full. However, they would probably contribute to our way of life. Unlike B liar’s, peaceful multicultural cunts that haven’t won’t and have made things worse.
Wonder if the chunkys with do a swap for recently arrived peacefuls’ and little lil’s Calais boat people?
I’m fine with this so long as we kick 2 million illegals out first. Hong Kongers work hard and generally speaking share our democratic values and ideals.
Good nom Techno.
If these folk think that by coming to live in the UK, they’ll be able to escape an oppressive government, enjoy the fruits of democracy, freedom of speech etc then some cunt needs to tell them they’d be better off staying in Hong Kong.
Good Morning
Gas the lot of the dirty yellow fuckers.
One Hong Kong-ese in – one Dooshka/Peaceful/BLM type out. Sounds like a great plan. Displace one benefit-bludging, foot-stomping wastrel with an educated, hard worker. Net – no increased demand on housing, schools, infrasructure or services, but less burden on the welfare state and more tax revenues in. This sounds too good.
It is possible to achieve but needs someone with balls in our Government to pull it off – err, any takers??
No? Didn’t think so.
The Chinese government are not going to let millions leave Hong Kong. Unless they have another virus.
I’d take a HK person over any cunt from Africa, the Middle East or Eastern Europe any day of the week.
Hate the Chinese – filthy cunts (but do a nice King Prawn with rice). Japanese are pretty hard working and dedicated – although they were vicious cunts during WW2, especially to the Chinese.
Hong Kong is a mix of both of the above. But I think they’re pretty decent, mostly well educated, well grounded, polite, like their old traditions and don’t suffer the woke quite so much.
It would be great if fatarse Patel could kick out 2 million scumbags from this country to make way for 2m HKs. She should also make sure at least 20 of them should be female, between the ages of 17 and 25, fit, educated and speak good English, and re-located to within 10 miles of my home in the Lakes.
Fine,in you come.
Entry visa is £10,000 per person.
Oh and stop fucking about with asylum seekers.
Wherever or however they arrive an entry visa of £500,000 per person applies.
Be that France or an airline.Payable on arrival or they go back in dinghy or straight back on the same plane that fetched the cunts.
Sort the deficit out by all means at our disposal.
Greasy barrel of rats.
For fucks sake lads-we will not get two million industrious chinks-they will head for Australasia.
We will get criminal gangs, old cunts and fucking benefit riders.
Ps: with regard to the nom photo:
In my considerable experience of the fairer sex (not exaggerated), at best, 1 in 20 Asian women are “fit”. Most are greasy, unattractive bitches with horrific teeth.
Immigration points should be given to women for general tidiness.
Ugo’s can fuck off!
Italian birds are the best, CG. German ones are pretty good and all. Only been out with one Asian bird (an Indian Sikh girl born in Manchester) and she was stunning. Still is.
You’re right about them in general though. Walk through any town centre and 80% of Parkin Stannit or peaceful wimmin are munters. And Bogo Bogos are even worse. Some of them Polish and Czech birds are pretty tasty though.
Norm-I have been fortunate to have planted a pin in pretty much every European, North & South American, Australasian country and Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Filipino.
Chinese women-seriously, so few are actually attractive-look closely at the faces of the girls in the nom photo, the one in the centre at the back is quite pretty, the others are just slim.
Korean girls are the best lookers from that part of the world ?
I like the powder blue dresses
The stewardesses wear on Korean Air
The skin’s divine and their bodies so fine
They’re all the same height and they have the same waistline
But there is one who stood apart
Her name-tag read “J.H. Park.”
She had a white watch and a muted spark
And I thought about her when the night grew dark
With all of the high rise, ultra high density, rathole sized future-slum flat springing up like mushrooms here in the (once)UK, the arrivees will think they’d been tricked and we’re back in Hong Kong. The giveaway that they aren’t will be the shit weather and streets full of peacefuls and pissed eastern Europeans.
Can I have all the ones in the header pic, be a shame to break up the set.
People probably thought I was doom n gloom posting when I said this last year.
On the brightside you get more chinese whores who love you long time. “100 amirRekan dorra for goodtime sucky fucky” I don’t know the exchange rates lol
Well, at least most blue minks, Koreans and Japanese are grafters and aren’t afraid of work.
Which is more than can be said of the infestation of leeching Parkin Stannits, Dooshka Booshkas and Bogo Bogos. Ideally, Britain should be for the British (white and black), but if I had to choose one, I would have the orientals here and jettison all the peaceful, iron curtain, and african filth out of here.
That title and that picture of those lovely little pieces has set me up for the dy.
All it takes is a bit of effort on our part. We’ll show that Dunkirk spirit and squeeze them all in. After all, yellow lives matter (though not as much as black lives).