(Britain’s youngest convicted terrorist who plotted to behead police officers, pictured in a court sketch with his family, is now set to be released)

This is a cunting for judges and some arse clown known as RXG, this fucker when he was 14 was jailed life for plotting to murder multiple Australian police beheading and car ramming jihadi style, good enough for the cunt you say and rightly so.

Now thanks to some dusty, gin soaked cock womble judge after 6 years they have decided to let this shit stain out of jail, give him a new identity, no doubt a house, car and generous monthly income, as he,s made good progress in jail. WTF, who ever said crime doesn’t pay.

Now what kind of message does that send out, arrive in the UK from some fly blown shit hole, carry out terrorism, spend 6 years in jail and then set for life and like as not carry out more terrorism from the comfort of you state payed for house, WHF,WTF,WTF, this country is so fucked up, does nobody regulate what judges are allowed to do, scary isnt it……peace on you all my brothers

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 


20 thoughts on “RXG

  1. 1) He is not British. A mangy dog born in a stable, is still a mangy dog☹️

    2) This type of cuntfoolery is more common than reported-it happens all the time with “non indigenous” cunts.

    3) Tommy Robinson would probably get locked up in solitary do a year for making negative comments about this cunt☹️

    • All I can be bothered to add on this sorry state of affairs is I Agree general. Very sad day for what the population actually think. Guess 80% would want him left in prison for good, not that what the population thinks in our democracy, (yeah right), matters….

  2. We all know the twats in Government favour the filth who enjoy ramming vans into crowds and blowing up themselves inside children’s pop concerts.

    Just look at the Syrian Begum creature. Her arrival back in the UK for a new life & identity is imminent (funded by your taxes)

    The real dirty cunts are the vermin in judiciary and government who allow these monsters an easy life and freedom to plot other attrocities to our people & way of life.

  3. I am in two minds regarding the release of this person. At 14 I was young/ daft/ clueless etc so perhaps six years is sufficient. My main worry is that if he is going back to Blackburn, the Islamabad of Lancashire , he may well fall back under the influence of those cunts.
    All I can say is that many years ago successive governments made dreadful decisions regarding allowing such vermin access to the country.

    • 14 year olds blow themselves up at checkpoints, 14 year olds fight wars in Africa and the Middle East. Look at the two 10 year olds who killed James Bulger, custody didn’t fix them.

      I prefer a balanced approach but at what cost and what risk, he wasn’t planning to steal a car or rob a corner shop and time and time again these cunts have gone on to carry out terrorist acts after release.

  4. The message from the judiciary all over the world, to murderers and criminals of all types is – if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again – and again.

  5. If they’d shot the cunt then such a disgrace couldn’t unfold.
    And again.

    Lessons will be learned.


  6. The only way to sort these cunts out is the noose and trapdoor method, even for minors, at age 14 you know the difference between right and wrong, repeal the 1969 abolition act and start building those gallows, short drop for the rághëäd cunts of course!!!!

  7. Surely the parents of these cunts have an inkling that something isn’t right.
    When I was a kid if l was up to something a bit iffy my parents knew in an instant and they were strict.
    When I was about eleven they came home earlier than expected and caught me smoking in the back garden, so as a punishment they made me eat all twenty kippers….

  8. That will probably be his mother with the rag. He plotted in the name of his religion and she shows up identifying herself as such. Petty I know but it does fuck me off.
    Bit of useless info here, court sketches are drawn outside of court and not by the artist inside. As a frequent visitor to crown courts public galleries I was told that by the woman herself Julia Quenzler who did the above sketch.
    Does anyone know of anything more boring than that!

  9. As with the Bulger killers – lock them up till they’re 18.
    Then try them again as adults as I’d class murder as an adult crime ( yes kids do kill). The sentence would be the death penalty.

  10. Wonder if the cunt will be known as UXB when he gets his new identity, or maybe IED. The ROP will no doubt ensure that he has access to everything he needs to resume his activities. Unfortunately it will not be the old cunts who let him out that will be blown to pieces or stabbed to fuck in the next act of this blackest of black comedies.

  11. Fucking hang the cunt, Bury in pigshit, Deport family back to shithole they come from. Close 10 Mosques, demolish same. Fucking savages conform or fuck off.

  12. Sorry to change the subject but I was left raging when I saw this to the point that if the boy was my son he’d be in for a fucking good hiding when he got home:


    Now, I am pretty sure BlowJob and Handcock haven’t always been completely straight with us but Chris Whitty is a scientist at heart and I am imagine doing his best having been thrust into the limelight.

    This little scroat of a cunt who, given the way he is speaking probably comes from some uneducated household in South London whose mother probably has 10 kids from different fathers needs a fucking good spanking, which I’d happily give.

    I hope this little piece of shit, who also tinks he talking like a dark key catches COVID.


    I would also

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