Hollywood Hypocrisy [2]

An odd one this regarding double standards and hypocrisy in Hollywoke and elsewhere.


It seems Gina Carano (me neither) has been dropped from Mandalorian (me neither again) for anti-semitic tweets. She has previously supported Trump but managed to just about hold on to whatever it is she does. But obviously, supporting an elected president puts her on thin ice.

I have no time for anti-semites but, within reason, they are allowed free speech. Which can be countered.

However, consider this:
Many of these woke cunts tweet and express hatred and violence towards white people, Trump and anyone who, however mildly, suggests biology is an actual fact regarding trannies.
Has any of this hatred led to someone being dropped from something in Hollywoke? Or college employment? Or Burnley FC (probably)?

To quote The Jam:

This is the Modern World.

Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by Uncle Monke with this:

Good Nom. I would like to add to this.

What was her heinous crime? She retweeted the following.

“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views”

Now there is nothing there that is anti-semetic.

This highlights how in order for the Nazis to implement their anti-Jewish policies they needed the support of the German people. The way to do that was to demonise the Jews through manipulation of the media and propoganda, so that the German people would indeed turn against them.

How is this any different to any political party? Using the media and propganda to further their support.

As an example, lets demonise people on benefits so that when we put them on Universal Credit, strip disabled people of their living allowance and cut benefit payments for many of the most vulnerable people in society they will have the full support of the majority.

The best way to control people is by pitting one against the other.

Divide and conquer.

And thirded by Coolforcunts:

At the risk of this being classed as an anti-Semitic conspiracy, derp, I would like to 3rd this nomination and provide a little bit of background into the hows and whys of censorship of freedom of speech via an interesting viewpoint which will probably apply to the lady in the first nom but has also been used a multitude of times on a multitude of sites. This was an Amazon review about a book about the subject that the guy hadn’t even read yet, but it is as good an explanation as any having seen this very same mantra used again and again.

“I would say Hasbara is more of
a soft sell at first, it seeks to inform, influence and educate the ignorant to the Israeli cause.
The narrative of Hasbara has a victimized quality underpinning it, a very passive-aggressive
approach, Israel is always defending not attacking. They play the mis-understood victim and
invite their critics to attack them. The sub-current being that Israel’s message is not
understood. Israel views that the reason for this is either lack of education or stupidity. So
the Hasbara agents explain until they realise that they are getting nowhere and then
respond with disdain and disgust.”


And of course the age old trump card of “you’re anti Semitic” is virtually unchallengeable due to events in the first part of the last century.

I picked my side long ago when I realised I was far less likely to be blown up in a suicide attack by somebody from Israel than somebody from one of the more dusky countries. However this does not negate the part Israel plays with constant West Bank land annexation, which has been condemned by the UN as well as generally worldwide in playing their part in no the peace in the Middle East conundrum.

80 thoughts on “Hollywood Hypocrisy [2]

  1. Hollywood? Overpaid “actors” pretending to be someone else? All cunts, everyone on them. No use to the planet, fuck off.

  2. While I too have misgivings about Israels annexation it has to be said that they are up against the whole Moslem world. The Palestinians dont recognise their right to exist so I understand their fuck you stance.
    If Israel didnt exist what would be there in it’s place? Peace, love and understanding? No, it would be a barren shithole continually at war. Like the rest of the area.
    The point is, criticism of Israel does not have to be anti-semitic,( unlike Corbyn and co. anti-semites one and all) And perhaps they trade on this to close down all debate.

    • Hear hear. Absolutely spot on and the wankers come over here and offer there peaceful thoughts.

    • Palestine is an artificial concept copying the name of an ancient Roman province in the region. The modern nation-state is a European idea and the borders of most Middle Eastern (and African) countries are based on former imperial territories and do not represent the tribal structures of those parts of the world.

      There is no such country as Palestine and therefore no Palestinian nationality. Like their fellow Arabs, the so-called Palestinians are camel fuckers.

      • Correct! Even some leading Palestinians from years ago like Zuheir Mohsen used to openly admit it.

        In a March 1977 interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw he stated that “between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of one people, the Arab nation […] Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons”.

        However, as nations tend to form organically over a long period of time like many decades or centuries based on factors like language, religion, culture, ethnicity, land, shared history within a land, conflict and shared enemies as well as the desire for independence, I’d argue that the Palestinians of today do qualify as a nation.

        All of the different peoples in the Palestinian Territories, be they Arab Muslim, Arab Christian, Druze, Shomronim etc all seem to have a disdain for the State of Israel and a desire for independence………. although they would have got that in 1946/1947 if they’d agreed to the partition plan like the Jews did but never mind.

        You’re right that the Middle East has centuries-long history of tribalism, but the ideas of pan-Arab nationalism go back to the late 1800’s and was based on arab-patriotism against colonialism from Britain and the Ottomans.

        Just because the French and British drew rulered lines on a map and gave those inhabitants independence, that doesn’t mean that those nations don’t exist.
        By that standard, the American people were never a nation and in 1783 never actually achieved statehood because they were of different nationalities, ethnic origins, relgious denominations and different geographical regions.
        Same goes for the Aussies and NewZealanders too.

      • @MNC I was unaware that Hasbara Troll was meant as an insult to Ruff Tuff.

        I feel kind of out of the loop as I’ve been off here for about a month.
        After my last time on here, my drunken rant and accusations against short-time posters of being trolls I felt kind of ashamed and embarassed so took some time off to reflect.

        It looks like there have been trolls here……… even if not the ones I levelled that accusation against.

      • I’d wasn’t aware of the term “Hasbara” before my troll started using yesterday.

      • Ah, yes, of course. If in doubt just scream victim. Now what did I write the definition of a hasbara troll was ? You’re not getting baited, I called you out on it and standby that statement ? if the cap fits and all that….

      • Oh dear, you see how desperate you’ve now become ? You’ve taken an atrocious forum beating and to try and disguise that fact turned into the chess playing pigeon ?

        Your life has no purpose, other than trying to be everybody’s friend here, creepy that, like a newly released rule 43 con in the pub talking to people hoping to get a pint.

        Feel free to stalk me again tomorrow, Abdul. You get the attention you so desperately need and I get to laugh at you, win win. See if you can get a few “friends” to help out, you know you need them ?

    • What would be there? Another failed Arab state, like all the others, so agreed CC.

      My point was more often than not the mention of Israel’s West Bank annexation generally brings out a sort of if you’re not with us your against us mentality and if you don’t bow to that pressure it is usually followed with screams of anti-Semitism of course, hence the hasbara troll addition.

      • Apologists for Israel do seem to “stand on the graves of dead people” in order to silence any legitimate criticism it can’t be denied.

        Gina Carano did nothing wrong and she should:

        – sue Disney for unfair dismissal based on discrimination
        – ask Ben Shapiro to represent her
        – ask Ben to do it pro-bono

        Obviously the last one won’t happen because Benjamin likes the Benjamins.

      • Not usually hard to spot the genuine Jew haters who use criticism of Israel as a proxy for their antisemitism.

        They single out Israel, a democratic ally of the West, to be the source of all evil, whilst giving a free ride to vile enemy dictatorships like Russia, Iran and China. And boy do they get upset when you point that out!

        Most recent examples of these Jew hating by proxy scum are the hard-left in Labour – Corbyn, Richard Burgon, Chris Williamson, etc, and the racist woke organisation known as BLM.

      • @Ruff Tuff I wholeheartedly agree. Israel aren’t perfect but they are the best in the region (low bar set).

        A few years ago there was a gay pride parade in Jerusalem and some crazed guy called Yishai Schlissel (an ultra-orthodox Jews) attacked people with a knife…….. he was subsequently arrested and imprisoned.

        A couple of years after that there was a gay pride parade in Gaza City………….. oh no hang on, no there wasn’t.

      • @TITS…tits hehe ?

        The most amusing thing about Israel apologists as far as my experience goes is that none of them are actually from or have even ever been to Israel, for them just being a Jew immediately puts them in defence mode when the West Bank is mentioned and faster than any Israeli they are the first to scream anti-Semitism, it’s their default setting. In the argument side of it I consider them to be much like Muslim converts, angry rabid defence of Islam but from a one rose tinted glasses one sided perspective. On the plus side you don’t get that pseudo condescending wishy-washy passive aggressive side of it from them, they’re straightaway in your face aggressive about Islam.

        20 years ago I had an Israeli business partner, there was certainly more to him than met the eye and he was as hard as nails. Every now and then we would discuss the Israeli, Palestinian conflict, usually when having a drink and when things got slightly heated he would always say “we have Israeli solutions for Israeli problems, that’s that”. I knew exactly what he meant and given Israel’s neighbours I didn’t disagree with that sentiment and at least he was honest and I admired that.

        Beware the hasbara troll, you can spot them a mile away and all they do is tarnish the reputation of Israel and Jews in general ?

      • Trolls again eh??
        You touching your little winky arent you?


      • @Coolforcunts

        I wouldn’t say that hasabara are trolls, they just have a strangely irrational, almost emotional compulsion to defend Israel at all costs – I used to do the same although as I’ve got older, wiser and more willing to look at both sides of the argument I’m more impartial about the issue alongside other issues.

        I’ve found these days that a lot of apologists for Israel seem to be American Christians (which boggles the mind). Much like the use of the term “judeo-christian culture/values” it just seems to me like a short-term, politically expedient excuse to band together against their common foe; that being American atheists (who are invariably also insufferable lefties) why do lefties have to be such cunts and spoil it for everybody else?!

      • Mnc, you’re turning into quite a stalker, also you seem to have a thing about “winky’s” especially little ones, are you on the sex offenders register by any chance? Wouldn’t surprise me ? Now run along and go and stalk somebody else, this conversation is well above your pay grade.

      • Im the Hasbara baiting police on here cooooll.
        When you bait your betters I cant help but pop your arrogance!?
        Maybe I am attracted too you!
        It never occurred to me but maybe im ducky for weak trolls?
        Stranger things have happened.

      • @TITS

        Well that certainly food for thought. I’m certain in my time I’ve crossed swords with at least a couple HT’s but these days perhaps I’m too quick to label the over emotional types with the same brush.

        I think Atheists are the common enemy of any theists these days. I have been on a site before where both Muslims and Christians, that would usually be at each others throats backed each other up regarding the existence of a god, any god in fact, when attacking an atheist lol.

        Perhaps that is the way to obtain peace in the Middle East, partition part of the west bank to an atheist settlement and let Israel and Palestine join forces against them ?

      • You didn’t answer the question Miss ? don’t worry, I already know the answer ?

        You have also contradicted yourself by calling somebody else a “troll”

        Last but not least you’re just angry I’m better than you. Now as mentioned run along and go and live your pitiful existence in the poor persons part of the forum as this conversation is not for people with an IQ in double figures ?

      • Better than me??
        Im stronger
        Better endowed
        More charming
        Great cheekbones
        And the king of the North.
        Your not fit to shake the drops from my helmet Cliff?

      • Good God, Miserable… that troll’s not back, is he?

        Farmer Giles will be beside himself. ?

      • Well we have had the monkey and now we have the organ grinder, although which is which is a matter of opinion ?

        Weak as piss by themselves mind, they only find strength in numbers. Must be really disappointing to know that’s the truth in the cold light of day ?

      • Crazyforcucumber@
        Ive never needed numbers in anything in life,
        I stand tall and fight my own battles.
        Your a troll.
        You accuse others of this but your the only troll on here.
        A no doubt weak and spindly mummy’s boy?
        In reality you wouldn’t dare look me in the eye,
        Shivering like a dog with the flush of hot piss trickling down your leg in case you got a backhander.

      • You’re a weak, short, skinny, bald northerner, Miss, but I will admit one thing, that certainly does make you king of the North, Abdul ?

      • Im your better, boy.
        Clean my boots.
        Then see if any of the others need any chores done.?

      • Now look at you Miss, for the last few days you’re following me round the forum like a desperate attention seeking stalker and now I’ve been charitable enough to reply to you you’re all of a wreck ? You’ve come up against someone you fear in real life and now you’ve realised that you’re hammering out replies with your fists on the keyboard ? Walk away back to Rotherham, Abdul, which is exactly what I advised you in the first place ?

      • Your struggling aren’t you?
        Not going to plan is it??
        Truth will out.
        People arent as daft as you think, even me,
        Im no intellectual but can see through you.
        Bedwetting started again hasnt it?
        And sucking your thumb?
        The weakest amongst us…??

      • Wishful thinking on your part again Miss. I know you’re crying ? and all you’re tough talk it’s just a facade, truth be known everybody knows it, they’ve just been too polite to tell you ? I’m afraid the weakest among us need people to help them, back them up, hold their hand, which is you morning noon and night, that’s where you and I differ, Abdul ?
        I’m glad you stalk me, you’re entertaining in a strange clumsy Benny from Crossroads way ?

      • Your that hysterical youve forgotten to uptick yourself again, your failing boy.
        Oh, and while we’re at it write your own noms!
        Stop jumping on your betters noms uninvited,
        Your like a leech or a tick!
        Right little glory seeker…

      • It seems the couple of mugs that keep on about “up ticking” always have the most ticks within minutes, odd that ? it wouldn’t bother me if the ticks were removed altogether, they’re for the insecure like the monkey and the organ grinder, in no particular order ?

        Hmmmm noms, i’ve penned some crackers, had a couple of damp squibs, but always managed to put in my own links, perhaps you can find a small child that can assist you with at the next time you need help, Abdul ?

      • Do you know crazyforcum I genuinely enjoy handing you your arse!?
        Its funny but if it was someone I respected say Jack, Bertie, or that Hasbara creampuff id be genuinely chastened!
        But with you its just so natural.
        You were born to be insulted!
        You DO have a purpose in life!

      • Oh dear, you see how desperate you’ve now become ? You’ve taken an atrocious forum beating and to try and disguise that fact turned into the chess playing pigeon ?

        Your life has no purpose, other than trying to be everybody’s friend here, creepy that, like a newly released rule 43 con in the pub talking to people hoping to get a pint.

        Feel free to stalk me again tomorrow, Abdul. You get the attention you so desperately need and I get to laugh at you, win win. See if you can get a few “friends” to help out, you know you need them ?

        This reply is so good it needed posting twice?

      • Maybe with all the sobbing your hands were shaking?
        Jesus, your bedding will need some washing tomorrow.
        Tell your mum to put the rubber undersheet on tonight!
        A big boy bullied me…??

      • Tits@
        Me and Ruff.
        Im the monkey.
        To be fair hes pretty near the mark in my case?

  3. Trump (bad) has a Jewish son-in-law, the hideously anti-Judaic monster. Impeach! Impeach!!

    *Falls into a breathless swoon*

  4. Some of my brother’s dweebish American friends had this to say;

    ‘ she did to herself’


    ‘Republicans are just (like) shitty people’.

    The language of Buzzfeed and Salon, out of the mouths of cunts.

    Each one probably weighs a quarter of a tonne and not a brain cell between them.

    • I’d be interested to hear their reasons for thinking that Republicans are shitty people, I’m sure it would be very enlightening ……… and by enlightening I mean my neck would break from the amount of Tucker Carlsoning I would be doing with the angle of my head.

    • Norman@
      This is that tough bird from Mandolorean!!

      What she wrote sounds like she was renouncing the environment that led to the persecution of the jews in the 30s/40s rather than anti-Semitic?
      There was a previous call by the Leftwaffe for her head because she refused to back the tranny pronoun thing.

      Once in their sites your a goner.
      Shame because she made my winky ache ☹️

      • Nothing she said was antisemitic. Quite the opposite in fact.

        More power to her orifices!

      • She a ex Mixed Martial arts fighter.
        Dont see how what she said can be condemned?
        It wasnt just the Nazi party and soldiers who propogated the Holocaust, it was the German people.
        Only have to watch footage from back then to see this is true?
        Disney are fuckin mental, ironic as Uncle Walt was a proper antisemite.
        He fuckin hated jews,
        Why Mickey mouse was a hit
        And his other character Saul the big nosed rat failed.

  5. Gina is a lovely feisty dreamboat who is also a skilled martial artist.
    All the Bad Eggs who have made her now unemployed are cunts.

    Just Googles “Gina carano weigh in” and prepare to be a huge fan of this delightful lady.

    Fat Rugmunchers on Twatter can Fuck Right Off.
    The illiterate cunts.

  6. This Cancel Culture is foul but at least somebody’s on the case of cancel culture.

    Millionaire Bragg, who still gulls fans into thinking he’s a man of the people, has criticised Cancel Culture. Hooray! Finally some lefties are seeing the light and being honest about this horrible behaviour. He called it:

    • “…another form of political correctness.” Yes, correct.

    • “…it’s a way of dealing with criticism without actually addressing the issue.” Yes, damn right.

    • “For me it’s just another form of right-wing deflection.”


    Best stick to sounding like you’re singing your lickle pwotest songs with a mouth full of toffee. “Distribution of wealth” eh, Bragg? As long as it’s everybody else’s.


    • Billy ‘solidarity’ Bragg must of been cunted on here?
      I cant remember seeing it though?
      A proper champagne socialist,
      Id like to drown the big nosed fake cunt in view of his multi million pound coastal property.

      • Ohh the “Bard of Barking” sold that a while ago for a huge profit, Les. Presumably he returned to Barking to be nearer the diverse lot and all the crime. No doubt he’s taken a job on the Tube or works as a sparky. You can’t still sing about miners and Fatcher and taking daaan the Union Flag if you’re drenched in millions, can you.

    • Hang on? Did I just read that right? That’s almost as ridiculous as when Owen Jones and Lord Adonis said that the BBC is right wing……… just lol.

  7. The woke dont like Israel because they are an inconvenient hole in their victim bollocks. 7 million butchered not 250 years ago but 80. They dont wallow but have simply got on with it . They export water from a dessert. The reason is pretty simple. Js can drink but most dont and their complicated marriage compacts means intermarriage with only 14 million world wide means they are falling over themselves with Nobel prizes for science . Their neighbours all marry their first cousins. ( Here in the UK 4.4 of the population account for 37% of all cognitive birth defects) The woke also think they are white when most are brown. Muslims dont like them because Mohamed hated them and they are imprinted on Outremere.

  8. Gina is lovely.
    Gina would snap Brie Larson or Scarlett Johansson in half and use them as toothpicks.
    Disney are cunts.
    This is the same Disney who herded hundreds of lemmings off a cliff and into the sea to drown for one of their awful saccharin true life nature “documentaries”
    Welcome to Mouseschwitz…

  9. As I read it she compared the treatment of conservatives to the treatment of Jews in pre war Germany. Nothing anti-Semitic apart from the usual response that no one group of people has ever suffered like the Jews did in the Holocaust. She wasn’t making a comparison to the Holocaust but to the Nazis treatment of those they considered subhuman enemies of the state.

    Nearly sanctioned for supporting Trump in previous posts she finally crossed the line this time.

    Freedom of speech is dead when you can be fired for having an opinion which in reality wasn’t extreme at all.

    Mean while in the US black separatist groups have been removed from the Southern Primary Law centres list of hate groups because segregation is ok when non whites call for it due to all the evil the white devils have committed against non whites.

  10. Funny how the dribbling demented woke social media mongs can refer to Brexit voters as Nazis, how they can compare Big Don to Hitler, and squeal ‘Nazi’ at anyone who has a different opinion though, eh?. Carano is right. These Twitter mongs who demand someone loses their job for simply having an opinion are no better than the Gestapos’ network of ‘ordinary people’ grasses. She also said nothing whatsoever that was anti semitic. These social media scum are grasses who want to see people they ‘don’t like’ either sacked or destroyed. So, how is that different to 1930s Nazi narks? They are exactly the same and they are cunts.

    Also, Lucasfilm and the Mickey Mouse Mob allow that sambeaux gobshite, John Bogeya to spout his anti-white crap, do that black panther rapist and murderer’s fist salute, and to gob off about his beloved BLM, who actually do hate Jews and want black supremacy, without batting a fucking eyelid. The reek of hypocrisy is unbearable.

    And yes, I would smash Gina Carano like a Smash Martian smashing a plate of Cadbury’s Smash.

    • Amusingly, Disney just about obliterated Boyega’s face from the Chinese posters for the crap Star Wars trilogy of shite.
      Surely their oriental overlords aren’t “raaycist”. Are they?
      Always though Disney’s output was, for the most part, sugary bollocks anyway…

    • Disney are massive cunts, despite their woke bollocks on diversity they soon side lined John Boyega when marketing the Star Wars franchise in China and shrinking his image on posters and promotion material, kowtowing to those dirty yellow bastards in pursuit of the mighty dorrar,

  11. On the bright side, the lovely Gina might go into a career in porn.
    It’s definitely a thought….

    • What a way to go. Squashed flat and snapped in half but with a huge grin like that poor sod in Goldeneye after Xenia had finished with him…

  12. Far from happy about this, MNC. One: because I genuinely enjoyed the series. And two: because Gina made the old boy stand to attention.

    Disney are fucking cunts.

    • I know, im alright Norm,
      Ive flashing to fall back on but your going to struggle!

  13. She made a true statement.
    And when you are surrounded by murderous hate filled maniacs who want to completely remove you from existence like Israel is you need to be “a bit keen”!
    We’ll gloss over the bit where Israel was illegally created with Jewish money and US firepower in the 1940’s.. ?

    • You better not mention the 1946 terrorist attack on the Saint Davids hotel in Jerusalem where are number of British soldiers were killed then or there will be hell to pay! ?

  14. Ms Carano looks and sounds good. Her argument about who exactly persecuted Europe’s Jews is sound. It was the Germans, and sundry European neighbours, including the French ffs. The Nazi’s didn’t round up and burn 7 million men women and children without a whole lot of help. Anti-semite cunts my not like that message but tough shit.

  15. I like Gina Carano she says what she thinks and didn’t even say anything anti semitical She gffot sacked from Disney as it might cut to close to bone as old Walt was a bit of a antisemite.

    The cancel anything you don’t like by the wokes needs to stop.

  16. I couldn’t believe it when I read what she had posted. It was way beyond the wits of most of the thick cunts slagging her off, and was an astute comment which should have been praised rather than denounced.
    These days, thanks to years of fudging the figures, the gestapo and the SS get all the blame for the holocaust, and pretty much all the murder and debauchery that was perpetrated by Germany during the Second World War. However, it doesn’t take much research to find that there were many atrocities committed by ordinary troops. Hitler ticket to success was by demonising Judaism and Bolshevism, and history shows it didn’t take much to get the country in on it.
    As for a company that carries the name of an humongous antisemite doing this is beyond parody.

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