Well, he’s a funny kind of tranny Eddie. One minute he’s a boy or in ‘boy mode’ the next minute he’s a girl ‘in girl mode’. He says he’s/she’s very relaxed about it.
Those who are not relaxed are the interviewers who are ‘mortified’ when they get his/her pronouns wrong. They inadvertently say (like Lorraine Kelly) ‘he’ when he is being a girl. I mean when she is being a girl. All very confusing.
But the thing is if you don’t know what sex you’re going to be on a particular day how can you expect the people you meet to be sure of the right pronouns to use? That is the question.
Also isn’t he a bit old to be in ‘boy mode’ and ‘girl mode’. When he is in girl mode rather than looking like a girl he looks to me to be in ‘granny mode’. In fact a lot of trannies look like grannies. They never seem to dress like modern fashionable women. They don’t have their favourite ‘little black dress’ for special occasions do they? No, they’re like Fifties’ grannies with blouses and cardigans and knee length skirts. That’s not some innate modesty. No, the real reason (as we all know) is because they don’t have a woman’s body to show off. They can’t compete.
As I say Eddie is relaxed about it all. Its all ‘just in his head’ he says. How he feels when he gets up in the morning. But you would simply like to say to HIM you cannot change your sex just like that. Men cannot change into women nor women into men just on a whim. You might might dress up as a woman but you are not a woman. You’re a man dressed in women’s clothes.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
He can think whatever he likes, but he’s a cunt regardless of what day it is.
Beret wearing cock womble.
I get confused too, I say disgrace when meant freak,
I say creep when mean abomination.
Edith Lizzard is a odd duck right enough, nothing that electro convulsive therapy cant solve though!
Strap him down nurse.
And take his ridiculous beret off and replace it with a damp sponge..
If you mean water-boarding, then YES!
I’m pretty sure most transgender folks hate these attention-seeking tears too.
This ‘woman’ is something else…
Check these pictures for your next wank…
That Buddy Holly?
????…..excellent stuff Mike, that last picture is a absolute pearler! Wig, frock and hairy fucking legs.
It’s never gonna get picked up at the bar……….
Isn’t that Sacha Baron Cohenstein?
Mike, you should be tarred, feathered and run off this site on a rail for that. Fuck me.
Its tweet says “I’m wondering if you could adjust your wording from “women’s healthcare” to “healthcare for people who get pregnant and bleed”. Men bleed too – does that mean everybody is now a woman? Solves the inclusivity problem, doesn’t it?
I thought Harold Ramis was dead…
Eddie could take a lesson or two from this trannie:
If I could turn wake up occasionally and be a woman,I’d be Gemma Arterton…that way I could stay in bed all day fingering my fanny…might even see if I was supple enough to indulge in a spot of minge-munching. I certainly wouldn’t want to wake up as a female Eddie Izzard.
Id be Wee Nicky Sturgeon,
She had her head between more legs than a gynaecological college,
And uses pissflaps like chewing gum.
Shes also a border line midget so good for sneaking under police incident tape.
I’d be Diane Abbott, so that I could sit on Gaylord Adonis’s face and suffocate him, then I’d do the same to Anthony Blair.
I bet W C Boggs is actually after a year’s free supply of fried chiggun.
What I don’t understand about this would-be Labour MP is that Labour has some genuine antique old hags – Margaret Beckett, AnalEase Dodds, dykie Kate Green – why do they need an old drag queen to impersonate one?
I heard a rumour hes signed up to be the next ms Marple!
Never found IT remotely funny, gives me the creeps seeing it. It might be a good marathon runner but still a total cunt, definitely Liebore MP material.
Their called snickers now.
What the actual fuck? I don’t get the rules and I’m not playing the game.
Firstly, if you wake up deciding you’re a woman, man or attack ferret that’s your business.
Secondly, what goes on in your head doesn’t dictate reality. If I wake up and decide I’m identifying as an attractive young billionaire my bank balance I’d going to reality check me. Can I call my bank and tell them they are denying my self identified status. Some will say this is comparing apples with oranges but if I wake up deciding I’m a woman there are places where I’ll be allowed to use the female toilets.
Not my business if you think you’re a woman but it is my business when you tell me to alter reality to suit your whim.
Mental cunt. Being a trannie is one thing but being a remoaner is unforgivable.
Is he in twat mode constantly?I reckon he is
Can anyone recall a famous Eddie Izzard one liner? A famous comedy sketch or routine that it’s responsible for? Me neither. And therein lies the real reason for the gender bendery. He’s used it from the start to appear “edgy” and after years of being irrelevant he’s grasping the opportunity to appear “edgy” again. All aided and abetted by the BBC who think being a pervert is something to be celebrated and should be part of the school curriculum.
Funny you should say that Field Marshall about the school curriculum as the Girl Guides now has safeguards for trannies so they can join but no longer safeguarding real girls.
As a teenage boys you would give your right are to shower naked with a load of girls. Well you can now. Just self identify as a girl, join the Girl Guides and fill your boots.
This link shows how trannies are taking over everything in women’s sports, advertising and is a trillion dollar industry but the most disturbing bit is at 1hr and 16 mins where a peado is attempting to groom confused kids in plain sight.
I’d boil the fucking lot in my favorite liquid.
That was a fucking eye opener from the little I just saw. I’m aware that not all trannies are kiddy fiddlers, but the likes of the BBC refuse to acknowledge that it’s roots lie in sexual perversion. And they believe that every homosexual has lived through years of heartbreaking confusion and therefore deserving of sympathy and recognition. Whereas it’s often just about getting their end away.
No I can’t ever remember one of his “gags”, but I can remember the cunt on Question Time a few years ago wearing a pink beret and talking total fucking bollocks
Not a single human has ever “transitioned” . Never has, never will.. ugly twat.
Suicide amongst these degenerates is very prevalent.
For the life of me I can’t understand why?
Wrong lipstick?
Ladder in tights?
Ballbag instead of fanny?
Fuck Off.
Even Posh Spice is at it, wonder how David feels slipping one into Cliff?
With my compassionate hat on, I really do think that people like Izzard and the Rubin freak whose pictures I shared above are doing a real disservice to transgender people. Most cunters seem tolerant, in the true sense of the word, and would probably treat a transgender person the same as anyone else. But screaming about shite like pronouns when there are so many more important issues in the world just makes you look like an arsehole.
Live your life as you see fit. Put on a dress and call yourself Susan if you want. Marry a tree or a television set for all I care. Just don’t expect me to invert reality for your benefit.
Worked with a transgender person at a school in Londinium back in the 90s. Huge fucker, hands like Pat Jennings. The worst thing I can say about her was that she was crap at the job.
There is a guy transitioning at work who is also in my fishing club. Married, two teenage kids and had and undeveloped uterus at birth. Had a few conversations on this subject which him and he can’t stand trannies like Izzard, and this a lot are peadoes.
(Some of your comments ended up in the MQ primarily for the trigger word “peado”. Try to improvise next time round – DA)
What a load of claptrap. One day he’s a boy, next day he’s a girl.
What he is, is light on his feet, and a cunt to boot.
He can’t bring himself to say that he’s a shitstabber. The hideous fucking creature, he was on the telly the other day, looked like he’d just walked out of the Hammer Horror make up department. What a fucking sight .
I look forward to the day of the great schism in the Labour party, when its growing carpet rider contingent clash with its burgeoning poove / lezzer / trans mob.
They thoroughly deserve each other.
Pass the popcorn.
Good morning.
Moderation ……. sigh.
Good morning.
Seeing as I’ve been moderated twice on this one, check out 1hr 15 min on this link and tell me he is not trying to groom kids https://youtu.be/tzId7X9NtR0
That cunt needs to be set on fire or treated to a nitro-glycerin suppository.
If I ever saw that fucking freak show trying to engage my children for a spot of on-line grooming, I’d hunt the cunt down and remove his head from his pipecleaner neck with a fucking grafting shovel.
Vile, filthy fucking abberation of nature.
Yuk. What a fucking horror. As soon as safe place is mentioned alarm goes off. Just after that bit some other weirdo born f changed to m all using the Tavistock centre now suing them and changing back again to m.
He is simply a ‘notice me junkie’. Having no noteworthy talent he decided to take the pathway of outrageous. Sadly for Eddie, many others are on the same pathway and therefore he is doomed to have to think up ever more bizarre stunts.
Peter Tatchell is a far better human. He has the courage of his misguided convictions; Izzard is pointless waste of space.
We dont need to use words like degenerate, weirdo, misfit or prevert anymore. Just call the fuckers Izzards.
The late Arthur Mullard in a frock would look more feminine than Izzard. Izzard is in the same pantomime Dame category as Grayson Perry. I wonder if he is brave enough to have his tackle cut off to help in his transition. When he eventually realises that it hasn’t worked, he could be one of the first failed parliamentary candidates to commit suicide. The FUGLY demented CUNT.
He’s neither a girl nor a boy. He’s 58 years old. Therefore an adult.
I wonder what his parents think.
More to the point – who fucking cares!
Just a cunt in cunt mode.
What a cunt.
Eddie used to be funny back in the 90s. His transvestism didn’t bother me, that was his style, fair enough. But at some point he went full-retard political / libtard which is comedy death as we all know. His pink beret appearance on Question Time gave me massive douche-chills. He thought he had the better of Farage which he didn’t but when the audience member told him to shut up he shat his/her pants/knickers.
Izzard is no fool and appears pretty lucid when you hear him speak, so it makes me wonder if he is doing this purely to be outrageous and to take the piss to see how far he can bend society, a social experiement if you will.
It would take some bollocks to do this. I just think this is more to do with Izzard’s preverse (read not preverted) nature and not any kind of deviant peccadillo he is harbouring. I may be a million miles out but he doesn’t come across as one of your typical fey tranny types.
Lorraine Kelly is an even bigger cunt – WHY have this thing on your programme anyway? Most if not ALL of it is pandering to the perverted.
It’s probably easy for this cunt to run serial marathons, what with being so “ light on his feet”.
Bet he takes his heels off, the cheat.
Attention seeking twat with all the talent of a shit
Why is it people on the left are so fucking ugly?
Ugly on both the inside and outside.
You can bet your life savings that he’ll be in full male mode if he ever goes back to visit his shithole of a birthplace, Yemen.
I fuckin detest this Retard, heaven forbid if Labor get in power and this sideshow freak is sent to represent us, nobody in their right mind could ever take this creature seriously, he is not fit to walk the streets and should not step foot within 5 miles of a school, he belongs in some poorly lit car park, surrounded by fat middle aged perverts, wanking vigorously whilst said specimen has his hole’s filled and both hands busy.!