Eddie Izzard (7)

Well, he’s a funny kind of tranny Eddie. One minute he’s a boy or in ‘boy mode’ the next minute he’s a girl ‘in girl mode’. He says he’s/she’s very relaxed about it.
Those who are not relaxed are the interviewers who are ‘mortified’ when they get his/her pronouns wrong. They inadvertently say (like Lorraine Kelly) ‘he’ when he is being a girl. I mean when she is being a girl. All very confusing.

But the thing is if you don’t know what sex you’re going to be on a particular day how can you expect the people you meet to be sure of the right pronouns to use? That is the question.

Also isn’t he a bit old to be in ‘boy mode’ and ‘girl mode’. When he is in girl mode rather than looking like a girl he looks to me to be in ‘granny mode’. In fact a lot of trannies look like grannies. They never seem to dress like modern fashionable women. They don’t have their favourite ‘little black dress’ for special occasions do they? No, they’re like Fifties’ grannies with blouses and cardigans and knee length skirts. That’s not some innate modesty. No, the real reason (as we all know) is because they don’t have a woman’s body to show off. They can’t compete.

As I say Eddie is relaxed about it all. Its all ‘just in his head’ he says. How he feels when he gets up in the morning. But you would simply like to say to HIM you cannot change your sex just like that. Men cannot change into women nor women into men just on a whim. You might might dress up as a woman but you are not a woman. You’re a man dressed in women’s clothes.


Nominated by: Miles Plastic 

55 thoughts on “Eddie Izzard (7)

  1. More importantly, even if I did know which sex he’d decided to be that morning, I’d still refer to him as he.

    Makes things much easier (and factual)

  2. Izzard has long pretended he isnt confused and is just a bloke who dresses androgynously.

    Lying to ITself. Sad.

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