(We had quite a few nominations for Tom, his hospital, the NHS, his family and more. So we consolidated them all into one Big Cunting. Enjoy! – DA)
Captain Tom Moore deserves a total cunting.
This fucking old spastic cunt is a joke, he made captain, barely 3 ranks above private. Hardly a sergeant, general or brigadier.
Yet this old cunt was lauded over by the UK media as if he had won the war. This fucking old dementia-laden cunt was used by both his family and the media (and Piers Morgan) to syphon money from the dumb fuck public.
Yes ‘he’ raised £30 million for the NHS, but what they never mention is all this money has been distributed between ‘NHS’ funded charities. The NHS will never see a fucking penny, It will all go to those parasitical ‘charities’ who state they are raising for the ‘NHS’.
Nominated by: dumbasscovidtwats
(oh boy, here we go – NA)
2nd by Gloria Stitz with this:
I have to stress right at the start of this one that I’m sorry the old boy has cashed in his chips, but the publicity whirlwind surrounding Captain Sir Tom Moore is a bit of a cunt, no?
The amount of mawkish faux grief expressed since his passing actually makes me feel quite uncomfortable. If you bumped into him on the Clapham omnibus twelve months ago you wouldn’t know him from Adam. Now, though, there are positively Mediterranean outpourings of grief which is more than reminiscent of the decade where much of the nation, including the tabloids that finished her off, wept and wailed over Princess Diana. Now we have politicians who have done less for the health service than Harold Shipman positively screaming at the sky over his loss. Maybe I’m just a hard-faced old slapper but other than the kind of mild ‘aww’ that follows hearing about a neighbour’s hamster dying, I just can’t get upset about it. I didn’t know the chap. It’s a really weird phenomenon.
He did, frankly, what amounts to a sponsored walk for charity. That’s great; it’s fantastic that so much money was raised for a good cause and I’ll be buggered if I have the energy to mooch round the garden at that age.
But all this really hasn’t been about Tom has it? It’s got all the hallmarks of a story that the ‘stuffed shirts’ at various parties with vested interests have grabbed and run with.
A daughter who is very much stuck into the marketing and PR business, and who encouraged him to get out his Zimmer frame in the first place, and had the skills to ensure it went viral. Her public profile has massively increased off the back of this. We have barely heard anything from the other daughter who stands to gain a lot less. Barbados also seems like – I don’t know – an odd choice for a centenarian?
Big business has taken their thirty pieces of silver too and British Airways were very quick to gift the family a holiday to Barbados – in the middle of a bloody pandemic – so they can ride the wave of ‘feel good’ in a time where it could be cynically suggested that nobody’s thinking much about the airlines at all.
Public figures who like the look of a few quid rushed to be associated with him – Piers Moron has had a lot to say about it and the less said about that terrible Michael Ball single the better. He wasn’t a singer; he couldn’t even sing, but heaven forbid Ball and his record label cunts didn’t get a slice of the pie.
And of course it’s become politically expedient to dine out on the affair too. It appeals to the likes of Boris Johnson because it invokes his favourite war rhetoric and promotes the narrative of the healthcare system as a charity case rather than something we need to have an intelligent conversation about funding through taxation. It appeals to Keir bloody Starmer because he can be photographed clapping like a twat on his doorstep which is an easy win rather than, you know, coming up with some policies.
TLDR: Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore, but mawkishness, milquetoastery and faux-concerned greed are cunts.
3rd by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea:
Seconded, Ms Stitz. There is talk of a statue to Uncle Tom and a state funeral ffs. The only non royals to get a state funeral that I know of were The Duke of Wellington and Winston Churchill. This cuntry is truly in the toilet.
4th by Spanky Mc Spank:
I will second this cunting.
This who charade makes me sick to my mother fuckin stomach.
The good captain and his shifty family, the “holiday” in Barbados, Fat cunt Boris and his 18.00 clap for Tom, Hancock and his fucking stupid statue idea.
They can all kiss my balls and by now Tom will be across the Styx and sitting at the right hand of Hades where his eternal punishment will be to walk round his onion patch for all eternity.
5th… this time from Mark
I would like to nominate Captain Tom’s Hospital and Trust for being an absolute two faced, cunt(s).
Whilst I fully agree with his family being let in the hospital to stay with him, why does everybody else have to wait at home until their loved one dies?
This is a fucking piss take. One rule for some people and another for the rest of us unimportant twats.
This has really boiled my piss. I will not be watching TV for a few weeks until this shit has died down (pardon the pun). Every fucking so called celeb will be paying tribute just to get their cunting names on TV. Virtue signaling cunts the fucking lot of them.
Fuck off.
6th…….and in a similar vein, here’s one from Elecuntrian
Taking the Piss
This nom is nothing against Cpt Tom good bloke had a good innings, my dad was in Burma same time as him sadly he died 49 years ago. This is a cunting for all those taking the piss out of the majority of us. First off where did the Captain catch the virus no one tells us, his family were at his bedside when he died are they all self isolating now? Rita Bora can swanny off to Australia to do fucking telly show she could have done by video link. I have a daughter who has been going through cancer treatment the past twelve months and we can’t get over there and thousands of Oz citizens stranded. I could go on but I’m so pissed off at being pissed on.
PS Love this site.
7th nom …and this time from mikdys
We’ll probably never know more details about how Capt Sir Tom caught Covid. The pneumonia story does seem a bit “chicken and egg”. Did he catch it in some other way and then catch Covid when in hospital being treated, or was it due to Covid caught elsewhere? I’d always thought he was at high risk with all the media attention, but that’s probably a lesser risk than visiting a hospital I’d guess. He’d recently had “the holiday of a lifetime”, visiting Barbados before the lockdown, so that was probably another risk exposure for him. He seemed happy taking these risks, all inside the law and, rightly, much respected by society. It’s a shame he couldn’t have gone on a bit longer but his final year was epic and I’m sure he wouldn’t have traded the gambles for a bit more time.
Having said the above, there do seem to be double standards in play. BLM and XR protests being allowed to happily ignore the rules while penniless uni students are fined £10k each for doing likewise. MP’s travelling the length of the country by train, spreading Covid around, while others are fined for driving too far to take a walk in the open air in the countryside.
And you are right, as with most other things, the silent majority bear the brunt of it all. Unless you are an MP, or a “woke icon”, you have to suck it up☹️
Get a statue of the bloke up so the retards can lob him in the water too. RIP Tom, Fighter Command like my grandfather. Hats off.
Can’t get on board with a cunting of this old fella.
He has done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve it in my humble opinion. He was placed on a pedestal and he went with and at his time of life, who could really blame him.
However, the faux sympathetic, parasitic media, celebrity cunts et al, deserve to be cunted severely for all eternity.
Good Afternoon
Utmost respect and gratitude for this gentleman, those before him, those after him and those in the future who put their lives on the line for my freedom. What does annoy me though is paying your respects nowadays has to be some kind of loud show. What’s wrong with quiet reflection or a minutes silence? It’s got to be applause, wooping, banging pots and pans. I think a minutes silence is dignified in matters like this.
What the fuck ever happened to British stiff upper lip? This griefjacking can fuck off.
Tom Moore the person, doesn’t deserve this cunting at all, Tom Moore the cult does.
People crying and shocked that someone at 100 has died, it’s a pretty good chance it’s going to happen soon.
Piers Morgan making a show of it , he doesn’t respect service men with his history back in the papers. His daughter has milked it senseless.
This mass grieving when someone dies has to stop, it’s pathetic.
And clapping when someone dies, seems a bit sick to me.
Virtue signalling is the new normal.
It’s the media, nothing wrong with the old boy, all the crowing hysterical cunts need unkle terrys oven,
Social media mongs and griefjackers will latch on to anyone who has snuffed it. Whether it’s Lady Diana Sloaney, Jo of the Blessed Cox, cricketer Phil Hughes, Saint Caroline Flack of Arc, or Captain Tom. They are virtue signalling attention seeking parasites who would eulogise a turd if they thought it would get them noticed. 99% of griefjackers are self serving ulcerous vermin.
As for Old Tom himself? At least he did his bit, and there’s nothing wrong with being a captain. It also makes a change from twats arselicking that fat gun toting woman abusing bojangles cunt, Chicken Floyd George. Because I for one am sick to fucking death of hearing about that banana gobbed criminal cunt slab of shit.
A statue? But he doesn’t fit the bill, does he? Surely the old boy was too white and too British? And memorials to the war dead are now target practice for BLM shitheads and Antifa filth.
I dare say those utter cunts, Rhian Graham, Milo Ponsford, Jake Skuse and Sage Willoughby will topple Captain Tom’s statue if he gets one.
And, yes, they are real names. And yes, they were the daddy’s paying pimple ravaged virgin scum who did for Edward Colson’s monument in Bristol.
He was 100 years old FFS!
It’s not like it was some kind of freak occurance that suddenly robbed us of a national treasure in the prime of his life It was to be bloody expected!
Get a fucking grip!
Yeah, can`t endorse or support this cunting.Agree wholeheartedly with the faux Mediterranean expressions of grief and cunts like Piers Morgan Blowjo and Halfcock using a frail centenarian to score brownie points and virtue signal.I like the fact he went to Barbados and had one last holiday judging by the pictures he was very ill then and it was only when in hospital for pneumonia afterwards that he was infected with the Kung Flu.Also do`t get the criticism of his daughter yeah she is good with PR and was behind the success but they are clearly well off so I dont think it was all for the money.If you have a great Dad and can get him recognition in the last year of his life good on you I say. Captain Tom genuinely inspired and moved people and was a reminder of the spirit of the Greatest generation but this emotional incontinence and celeb bandwagon-jumping we have seen is nauseating.Piers is the most annoying cunt over this trying to use Captain Tom`s death to justify prolonging lockdown when it clearly did so much good for poor Tom.I know others two who have caught Covid in hospital.Wonder if the government will run an ad with Captain Tom gravely ill in hospital saying to the public “look captain Tom in the eye and tell him you killed him by leaving the house” Don`t think so.Anyway R.I.P Tom they don’t make them like that anymore.
Great comment Shaun. ??
Fuck off with this cunting, blame the media for all the bollocks. The man is a fucking war veteran and a fucking hero. Some cunts need a fucking slap on here.
Totally agree.
Dead right. The war dead are nowhere near acknowledged or remembered enough anyway these days. Remembrance Sunday playing second fiddle to Black Lives Fucking Matter? This country is now a laughing stock.
Heroes like him should be remembered, instead of the third rate celebrities, illegal Grenfell martyrs and two bit price of shite criminals who are seen as BLM deities.
Never mind all the NHS bit that Boris and Co are milking. What Tom did in the war alone should be respected.
Perhaps relabel this cunting ‘the parasites exploiting Capt. Tom’.
P.S. I didnt clap. It’s unBritish. He shouldve been remembered with a minute’s silence.
Soon we’ll be outside clapping everytime our piss is clear
What is it with clapping when people die?Seems like you are cheering their death.Minutes silence far more appropriate.
Old codger raised money for NHS when blank cheques from government.
High risk pensioner goes on plane to Barbados in a supposedly pandemic and dies after.
Delusional old codger got trip of lifetime.
The Cunts in this story are all those including his family using the story as a meal ticket PR exercise.
Vomit inducing manipulation of a frail person.