Dead Pool [202]

Congratulations to Norman who has gone and won Dead Pool 201 by correctly predicting Coronation Steet actor Johnny Briggs would be next to snuff it aged 85. Briggs had a 66 year career in acting but will always be best known for playing Mike Baldwin for 30 years running Underworld fighting Ken Barlow and having an affair with Deirdre. His character was written out in 2006 when Mike died of pneumonia and Alzheimer’s in his arch-nemesis Ken Barlow`s arms. His last lines on the show were “Deirdre loves me”.Johnny Briggs was 85 and died today following a long illness.

On to Dead Pool 202.You Know the Rules:

1) Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next. It is first come first served. You can always be a cunt and steal other cunters’ nominations from previous pools.

2) Anyone who nominates the world’s oldest man or woman is a cunt and will be ignored.

3) It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4) If your pick has already been taken, tough titty. Pick someone else because we can’t be arsed to check.

So on your marks, ready….set…..go!

79 thoughts on “Dead Pool [202]

  1. Tom baker
    Prince Philip
    Michael Parkinson
    Mick Jagger
    Naga munchetty

    • That’s why I didn’t waste any (more) time, Ostubaf v.SF. 12:59 being before 13:00, I fear a substitution is indicated.

      More succinctly: Prince Philip is taken (or soon will be)

  2. Good shot, Norman.

    Khaled Mashal
    Paul McCartney
    Brian De Palma
    Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown
    Wayne Osmond

  3. hilary clinton
    alex salmond (dodgy suicide)
    nicola sturgeon (fervently hope)
    yoko fucking ono
    bill clinton

  4. Owen jones
    magic grandpa
    Bozza the tousled haired virtue signalling fairy
    Sir cliff
    Dawn butler

  5. As some unspeakable cunt has taken Yoko fucking Ono –

    Danglebert Pimpledick
    Mick Fleetwood
    Alan Price
    Eric Burdon
    Lyndsey Buckingham

  6. Group Captain John Hemingway DFC
    Ted Dexter
    Mohamed Al-Fayed
    Glynis Johns
    Jacques Delors

    Well Done Norman.

  7. Sir Philip Green
    Prince Harry
    James Corden
    Jamie Oliver
    Warwick Davis

    Good Shot,Norman.

  8. Marky Ramone
    Beast of Bolsover
    Bobbi wine
    Alexi Navalny
    Sheridan smith

    Good shooting Norman?

  9. The Dalai Lama
    Rupert Murdoch
    Barry Humphries
    Alex Ferguson
    Eve Marie Saint

    Well struck Norm

    • Gah, my Murdoch’s been nicked again. Too many scavenging rats on Deadpool, especially the new cunts.

      I’ll have Chevvy Chase.

  10. Back of the net, Norman.

    Biddy ‘Blue Peter’ Baxter
    Betty ‘Order! Order!’ Boothroyd
    Anna ‘Ohhh, Arthur’ Karen
    Sidney ‘Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner’ Poitier
    John ‘Four Bucketeers’ Gorman

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