(We had quite a few nominations for Tom, his hospital, the NHS, his family and more. So we consolidated them all into one Big Cunting. Enjoy! – DA)
Captain Tom Moore deserves a total cunting.
This fucking old spastic cunt is a joke, he made captain, barely 3 ranks above private. Hardly a sergeant, general or brigadier.
Yet this old cunt was lauded over by the UK media as if he had won the war. This fucking old dementia-laden cunt was used by both his family and the media (and Piers Morgan) to syphon money from the dumb fuck public.
Yes ‘he’ raised £30 million for the NHS, but what they never mention is all this money has been distributed between ‘NHS’ funded charities. The NHS will never see a fucking penny, It will all go to those parasitical ‘charities’ who state they are raising for the ‘NHS’.
Nominated by: dumbasscovidtwats
(oh boy, here we go – NA)
2nd by Gloria Stitz with this:
I have to stress right at the start of this one that I’m sorry the old boy has cashed in his chips, but the publicity whirlwind surrounding Captain Sir Tom Moore is a bit of a cunt, no?
The amount of mawkish faux grief expressed since his passing actually makes me feel quite uncomfortable. If you bumped into him on the Clapham omnibus twelve months ago you wouldn’t know him from Adam. Now, though, there are positively Mediterranean outpourings of grief which is more than reminiscent of the decade where much of the nation, including the tabloids that finished her off, wept and wailed over Princess Diana. Now we have politicians who have done less for the health service than Harold Shipman positively screaming at the sky over his loss. Maybe I’m just a hard-faced old slapper but other than the kind of mild ‘aww’ that follows hearing about a neighbour’s hamster dying, I just can’t get upset about it. I didn’t know the chap. It’s a really weird phenomenon.
He did, frankly, what amounts to a sponsored walk for charity. That’s great; it’s fantastic that so much money was raised for a good cause and I’ll be buggered if I have the energy to mooch round the garden at that age.
But all this really hasn’t been about Tom has it? It’s got all the hallmarks of a story that the ‘stuffed shirts’ at various parties with vested interests have grabbed and run with.
A daughter who is very much stuck into the marketing and PR business, and who encouraged him to get out his Zimmer frame in the first place, and had the skills to ensure it went viral. Her public profile has massively increased off the back of this. We have barely heard anything from the other daughter who stands to gain a lot less. Barbados also seems like – I don’t know – an odd choice for a centenarian?
Big business has taken their thirty pieces of silver too and British Airways were very quick to gift the family a holiday to Barbados – in the middle of a bloody pandemic – so they can ride the wave of ‘feel good’ in a time where it could be cynically suggested that nobody’s thinking much about the airlines at all.
Public figures who like the look of a few quid rushed to be associated with him – Piers Moron has had a lot to say about it and the less said about that terrible Michael Ball single the better. He wasn’t a singer; he couldn’t even sing, but heaven forbid Ball and his record label cunts didn’t get a slice of the pie.
And of course it’s become politically expedient to dine out on the affair too. It appeals to the likes of Boris Johnson because it invokes his favourite war rhetoric and promotes the narrative of the healthcare system as a charity case rather than something we need to have an intelligent conversation about funding through taxation. It appeals to Keir bloody Starmer because he can be photographed clapping like a twat on his doorstep which is an easy win rather than, you know, coming up with some policies.
TLDR: Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore, but mawkishness, milquetoastery and faux-concerned greed are cunts.
3rd by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea:
Seconded, Ms Stitz. There is talk of a statue to Uncle Tom and a state funeral ffs. The only non royals to get a state funeral that I know of were The Duke of Wellington and Winston Churchill. This cuntry is truly in the toilet.
4th by Spanky Mc Spank:
I will second this cunting.
This who charade makes me sick to my mother fuckin stomach.
The good captain and his shifty family, the “holiday” in Barbados, Fat cunt Boris and his 18.00 clap for Tom, Hancock and his fucking stupid statue idea.
They can all kiss my balls and by now Tom will be across the Styx and sitting at the right hand of Hades where his eternal punishment will be to walk round his onion patch for all eternity.
5th… this time from Mark
I would like to nominate Captain Tom’s Hospital and Trust for being an absolute two faced, cunt(s).
Whilst I fully agree with his family being let in the hospital to stay with him, why does everybody else have to wait at home until their loved one dies?
This is a fucking piss take. One rule for some people and another for the rest of us unimportant twats.
This has really boiled my piss. I will not be watching TV for a few weeks until this shit has died down (pardon the pun). Every fucking so called celeb will be paying tribute just to get their cunting names on TV. Virtue signaling cunts the fucking lot of them.
Fuck off.
6th…….and in a similar vein, here’s one from Elecuntrian
Taking the Piss
This nom is nothing against Cpt Tom good bloke had a good innings, my dad was in Burma same time as him sadly he died 49 years ago. This is a cunting for all those taking the piss out of the majority of us. First off where did the Captain catch the virus no one tells us, his family were at his bedside when he died are they all self isolating now? Rita Bora can swanny off to Australia to do fucking telly show she could have done by video link. I have a daughter who has been going through cancer treatment the past twelve months and we can’t get over there and thousands of Oz citizens stranded. I could go on but I’m so pissed off at being pissed on.
PS Love this site.
7th nom …and this time from mikdys
We’ll probably never know more details about how Capt Sir Tom caught Covid. The pneumonia story does seem a bit “chicken and egg”. Did he catch it in some other way and then catch Covid when in hospital being treated, or was it due to Covid caught elsewhere? I’d always thought he was at high risk with all the media attention, but that’s probably a lesser risk than visiting a hospital I’d guess. He’d recently had “the holiday of a lifetime”, visiting Barbados before the lockdown, so that was probably another risk exposure for him. He seemed happy taking these risks, all inside the law and, rightly, much respected by society. It’s a shame he couldn’t have gone on a bit longer but his final year was epic and I’m sure he wouldn’t have traded the gambles for a bit more time.
Having said the above, there do seem to be double standards in play. BLM and XR protests being allowed to happily ignore the rules while penniless uni students are fined £10k each for doing likewise. MP’s travelling the length of the country by train, spreading Covid around, while others are fined for driving too far to take a walk in the open air in the countryside.
And you are right, as with most other things, the silent majority bear the brunt of it all. Unless you are an MP, or a “woke icon”, you have to suck it up☹️
The world is a poorer place now he as gone. All we are left with is a bunch of miserable cunts who infest this website. Have a shit day cunters, “tomorrow will be better”.
The cuntings do make some valid points though. There are double standards at play here and whilst it’s sad he’s died, mass outpourings of grief do feel very opportunistic and insincere. All the best for the guy in the afterlife if there is one though.
I sniff the first two nominations are from cowardly contributors here who haven’t got the courage to say it using their established names so have used sockpuppets, so very much unlike Captain Sir Tom, I give them 0 out of 10 for courage.
It seems jealousy plays a huge part in their lives so stick to fairytales about butlers, boring theatrical ramblings and sulking about the mental elf of today’s yoof respectively ?
10 out of 10 for failtrolling though ?
RIP Captain, you did more in life AND death that a few vapid, insignificant weak people can only dream of ?
I think it’s more a case where people haven’t necessarily given their noms the appropriate titles rather than anything else.
I do have to say these cuntings seem rather harsh, and if I might be allowed to say so, rather insensitive just two days after his death. I think the over-exposure is more down to his family and the media than to Captain Moore himself, who seemed a decent old chap.
Second that WC. He did ask to be put in the limelight to raise money for a cause he believed in. He never asked for the rest. Thats the cunts at the BBC and Daily Mail that let that fester to a point it was cancerous. As well as the snowflakes and even the royal family for making it a media opportunity to no doubt gloss over what a cunt of a family the queen has spawn. Im sure he would have died just as happy without being knighted. His daughter is also a cunt.
I Fully respect his life, what he lived and fought for and therefore his death. My dad died during Covid, i didnt even get to the funeral due to cunting restrictions. So i hate the chinks that invented it for not allowing a proper goodbye. But I dont Captain Tom and if he did manage to see his loved ones. cunts they be, to make is death easier for him, its good for him. Thats my opinion and like an arsehole everyone has one.
Yup as I say every one is a bit of a cunt, but Captain Tom was a bloody good cunt. Fought in the jungle in WW2 one of his jobs was to ride a motorbike to get the nips to shot at him so the British Soldiers knew where to fire back. Bet not too many takers on that front from people cunting him on here?
Statue why fucking not enough statues of lords ladies kings and queens. Why fucking not. Read his book and his motto tomorrow’s going to be a good day. Definitely glass a half full person not a moaning half empty.
No can’t agree with his cunting, fucking politicians and media cunts jumping on his band wagon can fuck off though.
Are you fairly new on here, Coolforcunts? You certainly seem to know your way around.
How is the world a “poorer place” now he has gone? What about all the others who have succumbed to the covid, including someone I knew? So the other contributors whose views you disagree with “infest” this site, do they? I don´t like the views of many on this site, particularly over Scotland and Catholicism, but they are entitled to make them. It´s also a place where strong opinions can be put in strong language. This issue may be a line in the sand over which two views clash but it should not be used to insult other contributors.
Well said Mr Polly
Please accept this as no more than a comment Admin but I think joint cuntings of more than two people can lead to confusion. Any theme is then watered down and sometimes leads to conflicting views between the competing cunters.
Totally agree. Keir Starmer is a complete cunt. Is he still clapping at the sky like a demented sealion whilst staring gormlessley into the camera? The cunt….
The thirty million would keep the NHS going for about an hour. But remember its all “free”.
To be fair, it would keep the NHS going for about two hours ten minutes.
£122 billion a year, divided by 365 days, divided by 24 hours = £14 million an hour.
Doubt it would even cover the cost of tattoo removals.
Wouldn’t touch the sides when it comes to slash n’ gash operations.
I was out by a few billion. But a billion’s just small change these days.
I like your mathematics, are you a professor! It’s true though it’s just a couple of tit jobs for some air head bimbos
The money went to NHS charities, allegedly
Is that what they call management bonuses?
Don’t see a reason to cunt Tom Moore, he’s done nothing to me, seemed like a decent enough human being, may he rest in peace.
I ignored most of the media hype surrounding his walk in the garden, I ignored he got a Knighthood for a walk in the garden, his and others military service mean little but having made it to 99 he’s lauded for a walk in the garden.
The media (mainly the BBC) and the other various cunts that made this a huge story and gained from it are the real cunts. Michael Ball crying on TV, fuck off Michael this was all about you. The NHS for gobelling up the 33 million raised by the 33rd degree freemason who died on the 33rd day of the year.
What really really vexed me was Tom was allowed to have his family by his side when he passed away whilst so many others have died alone and afraid and so many other families will have to live with that guilt because mere mortals are not allowed the same basic humanity.
Lastly the fucking sheep who went outside to clap for him, the vast majority would step over a homeless veteran to get a cup of coffee. I’m a member of a few social media groups that cover my various interests, one pissant MCC are trying to encourage all the ‘bikers’ to join together and rev their engines one evening at 8pm to commemorate Capt Tom and his love of motorcycles. What a fucking wanky idea, how is that honouring anyone and how many people will it piss off?
Have we reached the point where actually taking action to help has been replaced by virtue signalling?
They are now going to build a statue to Tom, which will in all probability be torn down when they find he committed a speech crime in 1939.
As I said, I don’t see a reason to cunt the man himself but the media frenzy virtue signalling make it all about me shitfest riding on his back is a disgace.
My family was told my dad wasn’t likely to make it through the night, and we were told if we wanted to, we could come and say goodbye. We went to see him over a couple of days, until his condition improved. Thankfully he pulled through, but I don’t think us being allowed to see him in the covid ward was unique.
Possibly it varies region to region, our local hospital doesn’t allow visitors to covid patients. It doesn’t allow primary carers to accompany elderly or invalid patients to put patient appointments either.
I declined an offer of membership of our local “backpatch” club purely on the basis of them being a load of posturing “look at me” attention whores more interested in showing off their tattoos and patches in the pub than actually riding their bikes.
From is a cunt to be a cunt in one nom.
I gather the Barbados holiday was Piers Morgan’s idea. He probably caught it there. Bread and circuses.
Tied in with the Uncle Toms demise this.
No we don’t need to clap for the old bloke, no it shouldn’t be top of the shop news but this licorice stick needs a sjambok for this little bitchy statement.
Whoever the cunter was that mentioned the sjambok the other day I tip my hat
This CoE turd who used the phrase “white British nationalism” has said he is “passionate about issues of justice, particularly in the areas of race and sexuality” and has “an interest in gender, desire and ethnicity in Late Antique Egypt”, alongside “liberation theology” and “queer theology”.
FFS, who gives a shit if the ancient Egyptians were benders and trannies? At least they were not peacefuls like their modern counterparts.
A place on Liebore’s front bench awaits. I hope the probe hurts awfully too!
Cult of white nationalism? Surely that’s just patriotism? I’m not talking about the faux grief that has become the norm, or the media using him to virtue signal, but anyone who thought he was a decent bloke who fought for the country he loved, and even as an old cripple, contributed more to this country than whole estates of benefits vermin would ever achieve. The guy didn’t do it for applause, but if people want to show their appreciation, what has it got to do with this cunt?
And what is it with gays and religion? Every one of the monotheistic fairy tales hates them, and the punishment for being one is usually death of some sort, so how do they come to terms with that? Bellends.
Tom’s a good egg. But daughter always struck me as a bit of a stuck up bitch.
Cant wait to see her face when she finds out Tom has left everything to the NHS.
Nowt against the fella.
Did his bit against Tojo and those other evil cunts who should have been gassed when they surrendered.
Did some fundraising,no worries.
The MSN have made a mawkish panto of his passing.
Which is about all they are worth.
No doubt our political leaders are fully on board with it.
Mutated cunts.
Nowt wrong with Tom. It’s how he’s been cynically exploited by the MSM, politicians and his own fucking family that got my goat.
Boris Johnson told us all to go out and clap at 6pm last night. I am pleased to report that not one clap was heard in our neighbourhood. Most encouraging.
Good Morning Ruff. Good morning all.
I had my COVID jab today.
There was a distinct whiff of pork scratchings in the air as the needle sank deeper.
Pleased to say no clapping here either, it was pissing it down but that didn’t stop the cunts last time, especially the one with the fuckin drum.
Congratulations Bertie!
Has Bill Gates taken you for a dicky-back ride in Elon Musk’s space ship yet?
PS: Which jab did you get? Was it the Kraut one funded by Pfizer, or the British one which Macron says doesn’t work on anyone over 60? ?
Ruff – the vaccine was the Oxford/ Astra Zenica impregnated with the ELON – GATES microchip. Two hours later I’m still feeling OK, although my dick has grown and doubled to 20 inches.
? (It still probably wouldn’t touch the sides of Katie Price’s much abused gash – DA)
Ah, that is good, we can keep an eye on your progress Bertie, did you get a sweetie for being a good boy ?
Sick – I’ll keep you up to date. Four hours later now and no I’ll effects apart from being a little green around the gills and a few buttons popping of my shirt.
@Bertie, standard side effect, just watch out for a uncontrollable desire to mount Diane Abbott, if that happens just sit in the bath and cut wrists ?
Afternoon, RTC. Quite agree about cynical exploitation, Johnson and Hancock in particular.
You soon won’t have to think about which vaccine you have been given. According to the wireless this morning punters will be given cocktail. It seems to be a cause for celebration that we Brits were selected from all the nations in the world to be the guinea pigs for this novel approach!
It just shows the power of the media, the old fella went for a walk in his garden and it turned into a marathon, he went along with it and why not, a last bit of excitement before he died. Let’s face it, prior to his fame his days were probably a bit boring.
Lucky you. It was banging pots and pans and car horns here. Cunts.
I never clapped at all.Never will.The sheeple can form an orderly queue for Unkle Terry’s special oven
Ooh! A controversial one this.
Captain Tom was a genuinely decent bloke basically.
The situation has been hijacked by the usual suspects and rather than adding to his achievements, they diminish them by associating themselves so closely.
This has been gleefully snaffled up by Boris who thinks he’s a modern day Winston Churchill for some unknown reason. Complete with stammer and hunched demeanour.
God bless Sir Tom. You deserved better.
The avalanche of horseshit that Tom’s passing caused is truly sickening. Claps, statues and all the rest.
This is a hard one because what he raised was pretty decent BUT the media have had a fucking field day and BlowJob has been using it as misdirection and propaganda.
Don’t forget he also had a number one hit (hmmm or was it really Michael Ball who I bet made a few pennies out of it…).
Here are some of the good causes the cash has gone to:
Tea breaks in North Wales – so the money was used to buy sugary cream cakes and bags of tea
Space to relax in Scotland – You’ve got the fucking Glen’s, what more space do you need
Pop-up shops in the capital – this one made me laugh. bud bud ding ding corner shops opening up in hospitals
Snacks for staff in County Durham – more sugary cream cake and potentially a few packets or pringles
Fuck me that ain’t much for nearly 40 Mil…
Reading shite on Al Beeb they’ve interviewed loads of chief execs of charities – now I know for a fact these cunts don’t work for nothing, a lot are on six figures so were probably jumping up and down with glee when they started getting their share of Tom’s cash.
Should’ve given the old boy a million, let him gangbang a few whores – that would have been a good sending off.
Oh; I’ve put a claim in for a piece of my cash from the fund.
It’s a post traumatic stress wanking charity – lockdown has caused mental illness so people are wanking more with terrifying side effects, including: chapped cock / unable to cum because of over wanking / RSI in right (or left) hand
Unfortunately Mr Maximus I can see a sizeable portion of that £32m being siphoned off in either ‘admin fees’ or ‘expenses’.
Too True ThomasCunt,
Ooooo the Tories love an expenses scandal don’t they…
Suit’s you sir…
Or perhaps a new defence contract to Myanmar
Can’t get on board with cunting Capt. Sir Tom. Yes, there are the inevitable media personalities and grasping politicians desperate for the public to hear their oh so wise words about his passing. Quite simply – they are the massive cunts here.
I think Capt. Sir Tom did a great job and undoubtedly saved lives with his fundraising. If we start cunting the likes of him then I think we have lost our way.
By all means, cunt Sir (he fucking wished) Tom Bradby – that fawning, sycophantic cunt deserves it – twice daily.
I can’t cunt this old man; he was no Tony Blair, Sturgeon, Azealia Banks etc. He did after all go to Burma for us in the second world war, a hell hole.
Can happily cunt MSM though for implying that he died ‘of’ Coronavirus in their insidious headlines. Though if you read the story he was being treated for pneumonia for some time and, as is now standard, everyone in hospital gets a flaky Coronavirus test and it showed up positive.
Fuck off Sky and then some more.
Tom – may you drift in peace.
? This is Captain Tom to Ground Control
I’m stepping through the door
And I’m floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today
For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet Earth is blue.
And there’s nothing I can do. ?
I’m sure most decent folk respect the old boys service for our country and the money he’s raised for charity, however all this clapping etc is a pile of cunt.
It seems as a nation most people feel the need to join in on anything that they think is ‘the right thing to do’…the fucking clap the NHS bollocks for a start, the endless ‘We are in this together’ during the ‘Credit crunch’, and now the ‘Stay at home, protect the NHS, and save lives’. I blame this mental behaviour on already thick cunts being firstly bombarded by reality TV and then cuntbook, Twatter and other social media.
Get a fucking grip you cunts, that money he raised was probably more than wiped aaaaht with the wasted PPE our useless Government bought. Captian Tom has my respect and gratitude as do all the men and women who have and continue to put their lives on the line for us and I and many others have ancestors who fought in the world wars. Captain Tom had a good innings and achieved a lot in his life but all this grief is a load of bollocks and is a cheap ploy to ‘unify’ us during the neverending Covid saga.
No doubt that fat cunt Michael Ball is recording a tribute song as I type this.
Go fuck yourselves.
Agree B&WC, its more all these opportunistic parasites crawling out of the woodwork that fucks me off more than anything trying to bathe in his reflected glory.
Exactly that LL, I can imagine all the celebrities and politicians thinking ‘Captain Tom is the current trend, how can we get in on it and be associated’. The cunts.
And nobody, apart from his family and close friends, gave a fuck about him for the first 98 years of his life.
Oh I forgot, good morning and go fuck yourselves. ?
“that fat cunt Michael Ball”
– priceless!
The majority of these ain’t about captain Tom, but the bandwagon jumpers and grief merchants who ramp up the BS about what a nation should do. I hope and I know I do that all cunters respect all of our servicemen both ex and current. It is the other cunts jumping on this story who are just that, cunts. A statue FFS. Let’s not. We have memorials and places to remember our war dead and statues should be for more than doing a sponsored walk.
So captain Tom rest in peace my good man but to everyone else cashing in either financially or in terms of raising their profile on the back of his death fuck right off.
Just for information My happy clappy street did not join it at all at six yesterday. Maybe this is the sign that even the believers are starting to see through this lockdown (not Covid) bullshit and they are realising the damage it is doing.
Nothign against Capt. Sir Tom but it’s all part of the media propaganda to distract us and make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Idle old Bugger….just think how much he could have made if, instead of just dawdling around his garden,he’d climbed Everest without oxygen or gone over Niagara Falls in a barrel.
I have heard his plans to climb K2 this summer have been postponed. Fuck knows what expedition Blue Peter are going to follow now.
Since some feel Captain Tom was worthy of a cunting, will they be agreeing with the clergyman?
“Mr Robinson-Brown is set to begin work shortly at the ‘inclusive church’, CofE jargon for a radical parish that supports gay rights.”
“29-year-old black and gay activist”
Need say no more.
Apparently the Lord God now encourages all fudge packers to go forth and pack fudge.
And ash woman.
And aaa-woman that should say.
Im not cunting a old man who served his country during WW2.
Doesn’t sit right.
Seemed a decent old bloke.
Done nowt wrong,
Hes a gent and too polite and dead to defend hisself,
So on his behalf
“Get to fuck you maggots”
Disgraceful behaviour really.
I’m converting to Catholicism. Miles Plastic and I will endeavour to save all of your rotten souls.
Trust a dark key spank my bishop cunt getting in on the BLM mood
Perhaps the cunting should have been for the “Media Hype around Capt Moore”, rather than cunting the poor old fella himself?
(We did consider this, but felt it would/could have probably escalated regardless. As admins we didn’t really want to publish noms taking a pop at the Captain, but that would have been a form of censorship – DA)
No, good point admin. The joy of this site is that it IS uncensored. If people don’t like the noms, they don’t need to carry on with the site. I suppose the point I was trying to make is that the majority of people don’t mind old Tom, but are sick of the insincere and mawkish sentiments around his death.
There are way more people deserving of a cunting, Tom Moore didn’t deserve one.
Two of the cunters I’ve never seen before and they seem the keenest to put the boot into a dead old man.
I get we don’t want censorship on here we can all make up our minds who the cunts actually are in these cuntings.
Correct Sixdog. As I’ve said before, anybody new coming onto the site, proceeds cautiously if they’ve got honourable intentions.
These cunts – and there have been several lately, jump in with the intention of stirring as much shit as possible.
SDV, both those noms were within 30 minutes of each other too. coincidence? I doubt it. As I mentioned up top, I sniff cowardly sock puppetry with a huge dose of jealousy and failtrollism ?
Dog bless captain Tom. May his star shine brightly.
The bandwagon jumping, money grabbing celebri-cans of can’t, they can fork right off, though.
Couldn’t help shitting my pants laughing when the combined forces of Comic and Sport Relief had a joint phone-in-and-give-us-your-money piece of crap on the tv last year and didn’t manage to raise as much as this one little old man.
Captain Tom I salute you??
SirLenny Henry is involved, it should definitely not be called Comic Relief.5
Personally i think he was a top chap as with previous comments did his bit against the nips and put a smile on peoples faces just fucking horrible celebs jumping all over it eg cunt morgan and co
Captain Tom seemed a good sort – but the jackals and virtue signallers jumping on the bandwagon sure as hell don’t seem that way.
RIP Old fella!
It does leave a rather bitter taste though – I got nothing but a suspended sentence and a Court order when I did my “wank in a local Woman’s front garden at 3AM” tribute..
He was Yorkshire man, had he been born in Lancashire he would have been a saint ?
He has plaque in his home town of Keighley and there is one in the local Airedale hospital… seems fair enough.
Tom is dead but in 100 years time we will all be dust.
I wonder if Boris and Matt will shed a tear and erect statues for all the ex service people who are currently living on the streets?
I have go this one a bit wrong actually, Tom was a decent fella and anyone who serves the country deserves respect.
I agree with all the points made against him, and those who used him or benefited from it.
Why should he not be cunted? You can be a cunt at any age and serving in a war doesn’t grant you immunity either. That untouchable status and fawning over him is sickening to me because it’s politics and agendas from both ends of the spectrum.
It’s like our leaders dealing in poppies and wreaths to remember those they never knew and a war they had nothing to do with. Makes for a nice happy circle jerk, but is irrelevant if we’ve not learned anything from the history and those mourning leaders are morally corrupted like any Nazi bureaucrat.
The contradictions in the story are deliberately so. It’s psychological demoralization. Like all the dancing tiktok police who enforce bullshit diktats, and dancing nurses who should be doing their fucking job of treating ALL those who pay their god damn wages!
Fuck Tom. If he knew better he’d realize he was being used by the very same type of person he allegedly fought and saved us from – though at 100 I’ll happily defer the blame to his more mentally astute family members who should absolutely know better.
The man himself, decent guy. Dumbasscovidtwats, absolute arsehole with nil understanding of military ranks or media circus mentality.
Cannot fault an old ex soldier for wanting to do his bit but it is a crying shame he was jumped on by the bandwagon.