Hope for the Parking Stanley community. Peace be upon them.
Fake news is rife in the community. Who would have thought that a community in which a significant proportion blame 9/11 on Mossad would be taken in by such nonsense?
Dr Sood from NHS England says:-
“We need to be clear and make people realise there is no meat in the vaccine, there is no pork in the vaccine, it has been accepted and endorsed by all the religious leaders and councils and faith communities.”
To reinforce this message he is ensuring that it is translated into whatever languages so that the progressive, liberated, culturally integrated can understand it.
I am sure you will join me in hoping that no tragedy befalls these unfortunate people.
(Link provided by Cuntlestiltskin)
Nominated by: Cunstable Cuntbubble
Haha great stuff?
Naturally it’s all because of racism and not the fact most of them are fucking thick savages.
Praise be to Allan.
Silly buggers: every good parking Stanley knows that the vaccine contains only the finest halal lamb, from the foothills of the Himalayas ?
Ministers from the department of non indigenous appeasement, after a 3 day intensive “think tank” , have come up with the solution:
-free underage white girls with every vaccine
-a subscription to “Practical bomb-making”
-membership of the local “petting zoo”
That should do it?
Christopher Hitchens wrote in his book God Is Not Great that a drive to wipe out polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan was undermined by ‘clerics’ who claimed the vaccine – which had to be administered twice – caused infertility. Not only was polio not wiped out in the targeted areas but the disease was reintroduced by pilgrims to Mecca to previously polio-free areas.
If you would rather listen to medievalist fuckwits than doctors, that is your problem. It is not ‘racist’ that some cunts would rather listen to some twat whose only achievement in life is to grow a beard than a virologist. These ‘community leaders’ have been empowered for too long by utter cunts afraid of the merest hint of an accusation of prejudice. Galatians 6:7, cunts.
Older cunters probably remember the Limehouse Declaration in 1981. It’s worth reading again in 2021…
Israel didn’t bother pretending:
No eugenics here though, only Nazi’s did that.
My life already.
As for the sand flies, bollocks.
Admiral Ackbar!!!
Admiral Ackbar was much better looking and smelt sweeter.
Source: Princess Leah’s ghost?
It’s a trap!!!
I think that the Indian Mutiny back in the nineteenth century started when sepoys became aware that new cartridges contained pig and or cow fat. The rebellion was crushed with admirable violence. However, in the current situation the fake news is simply the product of mischief makers who want to be offended at every opportunity.
We (the decent,normal majority) should make it clear to everyone that we do things our way- fit in or fuck off. I want to apply this policy to all people who live here including those dozy twats at that Cambridge cafe who wanted the new £5 note to be remanufactured at vast expense as it offended their vegan principles.
There are plenty of places from Somalia to San Francisco where these nutters can be more at home.
“He said: “We need to be clear and make people realise there is no meat in the vaccine, there is no pork in the vaccine, it has been accepted and endorsed by all the religious leaders and councils and faith communities.”…..
Backward fucking God-botherers…everyone knows that there can’t be pork in the vaccine….the grease would gum up the workings of the tiny robots that Bill Gates has slipped in every dose.
Fucking idiots.
That press release isn’t scheduled until May?
Don’t care…I went around one of those deserted hospitals the other night and saw a group of Eggheads,Red Sea Pedestrians and Metal fucking Mickey operating some kind of “Honey,I shrunk the Kids” device…obviously there weren’t using the real robots (must have been a test-run) but those George Foreman Grills that they were using certainly shrank before my horrified,swivel-eyed gaze…I was that gobsmacked that my tin-foil hat caused overheating and I blew an internal brain-fuse…fucking lucky that all the wards were empty and the Nurses and Quacks stood around doing nothing…lazy,conspiratorial slackers were forced to give me an immediate double-brain implant to save my sanity.
I will be posting my bombshell expose on YouTube later.
Ha ha-morning your Lordship?
Are you sure it was Metal Mickey?
Something similar happened to me, except it was a highly organised prank by the team fro “That’s Life”!
What first appeared to be a T-100 robot from “Terminator”, was in fact Esther Rancids gnashes and Metal Mickey, only Doc “Ivor Biggun” Cox in fancy dress?
Bitterly disappointing episode?
Dick, you’re clearly not aware of the science documentary; “Fantastic Voyage” presented by Raquel Welch?
Told you so.
*rustles daily mail conspiratorially
Has Gemma consented to an injection today, Dick?
Or more of the as$ obsession of the past couple of days?
Re: religion. I have been toying with the idea of going to Jerusalem and proclaiming myself the Messiah.
This lockdown is affecting my mental-health,Mike. I found myself leering over a stone wall yesterday at an old Belted Galloway cow…”What a magnificent tit on her” I thought to myself…”and the four nipples..exquisite”…as I reached out for a quick grope she obviously realised that my intentions weren’t altogether honourable,turned tail and fled….but not before I got an eyeful of a juicy fanny the size of a bin-lid…I’m going back later with a salt-lick and a stepladder…I’ll send you the photos.
PS…When you’re the Messiah can I be your Judas Iscariot?….I’d be delighted to turn you in to the authorities for a few silver coins.
Don’t you want to be Peter?
I had B+WC pencilled in as Judas.
Put me down as Longinus if I can’t be Judas….I’ll have at ye with an old garden-fork.
Maybe these religious leaders, councils and faith communities could also spare bit of time telling their flock to keep their dick in their pants around vulnerable young white girls too. Instead of making videos and translating everything into every jabbering tongue under the sun these GP’s and other health professionals should be working flat out to people who want the jab and are not influenced by the teachings of some backward curry rat in the Koran.
You hideous racist…Diversity is our Strength.
Dick, if you got the classic Curry’s 17/6d brain, you’re onto a winner. Good old British technology…
I hope the knives they use to brutally puncture people in parks and markets haven’t been through any Halal meat.
Pork had better not have used in vaccines or else. Pork is for chops, roasts on Sundays, pork is for pies bacon ? sarnies on Mondays, dripping on Tuesdays sausages for tea on Wednesdays, if money is tight belly pork for Thursdays, it’s spam for lunch on Fridays and ham and eggs for tea on Saturdays.
Pork is precious and way to good to waste on vaccines ?. If I find out that pork is in any the vaccines then the parking Stanley’s need not worry because I’ll raise hell.
You forgot the scratchings that beautifully accompany beer.
Wasn’t there some silly cunt on telly who actually said the vaccine was “halal”. Wonder what the J3ws think of this?
I think the Jews have to board a train to get their vaccination.
Very quick 10/10?
I kind of hate myself for laughing at this. ?
Israel has given nearly half its population a first dose of the vaccine.
The other half were at the bank.
@Rob Knott:
Fucking brilliant?
Keep it up?
Thanks CG are jew sure ? I did Nazi this coming. ?
I wonder if that “half the population” includes people in the disputed territories?
Morning Mr F. That’s the West Bank.
Dick, in all seriousness, why should they?
@Mike….Never said that they should,just be interesting to know…perhaps we could use it as a template for dealing with Undesirables in this Country.
What about the Palestinians …… fuck the Palestinians ?
I can now announce that Spanky Mc Spank has had the now fabled virus and it amounted to no more than a mild cold.
Because of the sites we visit we are tested regularly and I have been stuck at home for the last two weeks.
Back to work next week I hope but I can confirm that it’s the chubsters who seems to be coming out of it the worse….there’s a corpulent woman at work who caught the thing weeks ago and is still poorly (allegedly) who is HUGE and is always stuffing in crisps and fizzy pop.
Let that be a warning to the chubsters.
A Nurse told me, if you have Covid there are 3 things not to be
Your chubby colleague can put down the Pringles and confirm.
The two groups most at risk? fatties and old’uns in deaths waiting room.
Government solution? keep takeaways and garden centres open…I seriously think when fat cunt Boris got this thing it affected his fat clogged brain…too much fine food and wine Boris old chum.
Lenny Henry please.
That’s Professor Lord Sir Lenny of Henryshire?
If there were no poor innocent sods that these nutty cunts could reinfect, I would say fuck them and let them take their chances. Too risky for any NHS ambulance staff to attend to them either.
Allah would undoubtedly give them the reserves to successfully fight the virus. Praise be him.
Dear muslims. Dont take the pork vaccines.
Won’t their god Alan protect them? They are after all superior to us non muzzies.
Don’t take the pork vaccines and catch swine flu instead.
Catholics and others are protesting the vaccines due to the use of fetal cells during the production process.
I thought all vaccines contained foetal cells? How many Catholics have been previously vaccinated? If they have in the past then they’re a tad too late to worry now.
They should do the decent thing and burn themselves at the stake.
It is no coincidence that vaccine production plants are located next to pig farms.
I have written to the Muslim Council of Great Britain ( piss be upon them ), to alert them to this alarming state of affairs.
They should refuse the vaccine and huddle in the mosque, for warmth. Allah wills it.
All will be well.
Good morning.
It’s been a constant battle as always with the Allans Snack Bar brigade throughout this saga.
Social distancing. Doesn’t apply to us!
No mass gatherings. The same.
No more than x amount per household. Impossible!
Don’t go mob handed to Asda. Can’t be done!
Help protect the NHS. Get fucked infidel!
Don’t bother persuading the cunts about the vaccine. Let em croak.
I’m still waiting for an actual vaccine, something that grants actual immunity against covid. Non of these preemptive treatments do so.
If I was misselling a product I’d have Akbar and Julie (born John) round from trading standards pronto and the BBC would be exposing me as a fraud.
The poindexters are warning that people who’ve had the vaccine falsely believing they are immune will become the next super spreaders. The government is muttering about vaccine passports which actually translates to house arrest if you’ve not had the snake oil.
The other week Boris or Hancock were stating that your first dose and second dose could be different variants of the medication. How the fuck are we meant to trust the cunts?
Currently in Egypt they are carrying on as normal, which in Egypt isn’t what we’d call very hygienic and have so far totted up 9000 deaths. Maybe camel dung has magical effects? 20 million people live in Cairo, it’s got all the ingredients for a pandemic to explode but it hasn’t.
The ignorance and gullibility of the public is astounding. If you’re getting the Pfizer one you’re actually a guinea pig for new technology that technically isn’t even a vaccine!
And for what, supposedly reduced symptoms? Playing Russian roulette with your life just so some pharma cunts can get rich is absolutely stupid. The gov and media are culpable for this deceit, but ultimately its down to the person. It is a litmus test of basic intelligence.
Fine. But when they try and push a vaccine health passport to create a two-tier society that’s when the gloves come off, because now your ignorance and gullibility is affecting my health and well-being you cunts!!
That’s what it’s all about TBCC – big fucking pharma maintaining their stranglehold on medicine. I daresay that if cannabis was legal we wouldn’t have as many illnesses as we currently do.
Mr Tso, you’re absolutely correct. Anyone who doubts it should read ‘Virus Mania’ by Engelbrecht. It spells it all out, how big pharma (+gov, media) have used the fear of epidemics to make trillions.
The collusion is absolutely disgusting. Many have wondered why the gov is not saying take vitamins, exercise, eat right, but actually implementing measures that make us worse off like staying indoors, no social contact, masks etc. Now you know why. These pharma cunts have incredible power.
Absolutely BCC
It seems most of the health advice we the plebs receive is aimed at demoralising society and ultimately making the population more vulnerable more than anything else.
Masks, isolation, stay indoors, breakdown of trust between people by treating others like fucking lepers, closures of businesses, denial of anything remotely positive to look forward to apart from a fucking miracle vaccine. (which I’m pretty certain will become virtually mandatory in all but name)
Fucking corrupt bastards.
Here’s some very well acted fake news :
Aah fuck it, he’s only a doctor.
Egypt has a large but youthful population.
The UK like the US has an ageing population.
Lots of older people dying in proportionately larger numbers.
Expect this trend to continue for the foreseeable. Pandemic or not.
Not the first doctor to question the vaccine approach and he won’t be the last.
The governments lockdown were based on a statisticians recommendation another statistician has said early data sees an increase of deaths corresponding to the introduction of vaccine, he qualifies this by saying there’s not been a long enough period of time to say the correlation is related. However the original predictions were 500k deaths without lockdown and hopefully 20k with. Erm wrong!
We see a variation on the theme with the GameStop stock trading. How quickly have the hedge funds moved up stop the public for effecting their monopoly on share trading?
Mocking religions reasons for not taking the snake oil is one thing but does that provide enough reason to queue up and take it with blind acceptance?
The forty tests my company buys per week are almost 2.8k….imagine the HUGE quantities of money that are now being made by people in this game?
They drive round in Mclarens and live in mansions while the useless government we have keep us locked up in our homes begging to be injected with God only knows what.
Glad I have had the thing and will not be injected by the Alien Covenant juice.
From what I gather, the vaccine does not prevent infection, having taken it could lead to a false sense of security and by suppressing the symptoms (which is done to save the NHS, or more correctly, obscure the fact that it is grossly mismanaged and funded) lead to further infections.
So really it’s a big fucking aspirin.
That no long term testing has taken place for.
I flew to Edinburgh January 2020, the carrier, EasyJet were still flying to Chyn-na, Italy and Spain, the three worst affected countries in the world with impunity two weeks into our shutdown.
The government are utterly useless cunts, why some folks parrot the bollocks about “they’re only doing their best in unprecedented times” gets my goat (piss be upon him). The Westminster Keystones have access to unlimited funds and experts but chose to follow the advice of their pets and ignore others.
If we had locked down totally, closed all border access and limited folks to 1 person shopping or delivery, and enforced that then things could have followed the NZ route.
But no, globalist libertarian fuckpig BoZo declared a free for all and flip-flopped like a stranded fish until nobody knew what the actual fuck was going on.
He’s a cunt, his cabinet are wooden cunts and I would die a happy cunter if the entire lot of them were trampled to death by enraged elephants.
That’s all very well Cuntle but one person shopping isn’t always possible. Some people will always need help with it.
@GTC, then it shouldn’t be difficult for the authorities to mobilise groups to arrange delivery for distribution or heaven forfend, the mouth breathers to actually act like a community and help each other.
I’ve done similar to assist an old dear where I live and have offered assistance to another.
Take the police for instance, it would occupy their minds better than arranging group haircutting sessions for themselves (31 of them) or fining students 10k for having a snowball fight or arresting a man walking on his own, in his own neighbourhood.
BTW, something else that has piqued my curiosity, has anyone here flown and if so, were different households and individuals spaced two metres apart while breathing recycled air?
KFC only serve Halal chicken, apparently. Customers could be given a vaccine shot free with their bargain bucket to reassure them that all is well. They could then collect vouchers so that after 12 more buckets they could have their booster shot. If preferred, the KFC bucket could be deliverooed and the jab would then be administered by a sweaty teenage cyclist at the customer’s home – the domiciliary care option.
Wiping your arse with your bare hands, congregating at the mosque in huge numbers or protesting some peaceful bollocks during lockdown, 20 in a house, and the fuckers blame the honky man for their high covid numbers?
Get to fuck.
They won’t take the vaccine anyway, unless a 90 year old bloke with a big beard who stinks of BO, stale curry and shit tells them it won’t make them gay/four be twos/eat pork/forget how to drive their rapemobiles (taxis).
How many peacefuls does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. They’ll just sit around in the dark and pretend it’s the sixth century.
Don’t go on at at the Muslims, I knew of one who could light up a room..?
I think we all owe it to society to spread the news that the Vaccine is indeed made from Pork with all profits going to Drone Strike capability.
That should free up large amounts of loft space in Birmingham.
Was in Napoleon who said the UK was a nation of shopkeepers.
A nation of gullible Guinea Pigs would be more accurate as vast swathes of idiots willingly queue up, arms at the ready to be jabbed with various substances that lets be honest, we know fuck and all about.
Did you know that most vacines are derived from amplified antibodies that may have come from non-beleivers who could have knawed on a pork chop?
Interesting. It seems we have a few on here that the Taliban would be proud of.
From what I gather, the vaccine does not prevent infection, having taken it could lead to a false sense of security and by suppressing the symptoms (which is done to save the NHS, or more correctly, obscure the fact that it is grossly mismanaged and funded) lead to further infections.
So really it’s a big fucking aspirin.
That no long term testing has taken place for.
I flew to Edinburgh January 2020, the carrier, EasyJet were still flying to Chyn-na, Italy and Spain, the three worst affected countries in the world with impunity two weeks into our shutdown.
The government are utterly useless cunts, why some folks parrot the bollocks about “they’re only doing their best in unprecedented times” gets my goat (piss be upon him). The Westminster Keystones have access to unlimited funds and experts but chose to follow the advice of their pets and ignore others.
If we had locked down totally, closed all border access and limited folks to 1 person shopping or delivery, and enforced that then things could have followed the NZ route.
But no, globalist libertarian fuckpig BoZo declared a free for all and flip-flopped like a stranded fish until nobody knew what the actual fuck was going on.
He’s a cunt, his cabinet are wooden cunts and I would die a happy cunter if the entire lot of them were trampled to death by enraged elephants.
The vaccine is haram, if I were a Muslim I wouldn’t take it ?
What pisses me off is the money being spent trying to persuade these fucking ignorant cunts to take it, if they don’t want it fuck them.
Utterly ridiculous! You couldn’t make this shit up, they’re apparently four times more likely to die from Covid (I wonder where that figure comes from), but half as likely to have it! Fucking idiots! They don’t trust the government; it must be all the institutionalised racism in the UK.
Well, you have a choice; have the vaccine and increase your chances of living or don’t. Maybe they want a BAME vaccine, one that’s been developed in an African nation… they’ll be waiting awhile for that…..
Covid: Black over-80s ‘half as likely’ to have been vaccinated
Give them a jab full of umbongo juice.
For all the doubters, no need to worry now, the EU are going steal all our supply ?
Islam is a fuckin’ pig ignorant religion.
Moose limbs regard pork as impure, unhealthy and harmful for humans due to the fats, toxins and bacteria it contains and the way the pig spends its life rolling around in mud and its own excrement. It takes one to know one.
I’m sure Muhammad carried out controlled, scientific experiments into toxins and bacteria before declaring this was the case.
I, for one can’t wait for my jab as I think it will cure my 20 packet a day habit of pork scratchings.
I saw on the news today another UK made vaccine should be approved soon, that will be 4 available and possibly more to come…..
I am now getting anxiety, I don’t know which one to choose…?
Id be much happier to have the vaccine if it came in the form of a hotdog.
Plenty of onions and mustard on mine please nurse.
There is one in development, hot dog shaped for anal delivery, GayVax.
Get your name on the list MNC ?
Im second on the list.
My names under yours!
I have my name down for all the pricks I can get ?
Ooops, I mean jabs.
The fucking EU are getting their greedy knickers in a twist about the UK not allowing them to have the AZ vaccine. And then the most dopey of dopiest french frogs comes out with this….( referring to the AZ vaccine) ….
He is so unbelievably thick as shit, the slippery little frog ….
French President Emmanuel Macron has lashed out at the company claiming the inoculation is “almost ineffective” in those over the age of 65 – as the EU gave the green light for the use of the jab in all adults.
Well then , you stupid frog, if it doesn’t work then fuck off.- so stop fucking demanding it with menaces.
It just shows you the lack of intelligence possessed by these european failed pen pushers