This stupid cunt has just won a landmark court victory stating,
“Doctors failed to carry out a proper psychiatric assessment and should have challenged her more over her decision to transition to a male as a teenager”
So you’ve changed your mind have you, and want to be a woman after all?
Or did someone else make your mind up, or have you got a functioning mind at all, you vile freak of nature.
One thing about this “landmark” case though, thanks to this fuckwit admitting it was a psychological disorder, we can assume that all transgender sickos need psychiatric assessment.
Put them all in straitjackets, and throw them into a dungeon where they can’t interfere with the lives of sane people any more.
Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire
and supported by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
I just saw this poor deluded child on the news. I felt sorry for her. The shrieking tranny supporters are trying to close down debate on the Tavistock clinic which is really an indoctrination centre for their preverted sense of entitlement. Never mind the mental issues, stuff the kids full of drugs.
To tut and mince at this judgement something called Sonja was wheeled out. Looked like an anorexic Les Dawson but not as bonny.
Trannies fucking disgust me. Not for what they see as a life style but for trying to close down all debate on their degenerate, unscientific, dangerous actions.
Had the doctor attempted such a psychological evaluation he would have been called a transphobe. And while we’re on that tired old whore of a term, what these alphabet weirdos call “transphobia” is really “trans indifference” which pisses these narcissists off even more.
Correct, and hung out to dry by the media.
Don’t give a fuck about this freak and its issues.
What pisses me off is their belief it’s someone else’s fault. There are many great things to like about America. One thing which irks me no end though is how litigious society is here. There’s an ingrained lack of responsibility and a rabid desire to sue the arse off anyone who looks at you in a funny way.
Court rulings like this one just nudges the UK down the same road. Not good.
That would be the reason why ambulances are sent to absolute bullshit reasons, ie: stubbed toe, three week history of leg pain, just in case it turns out to be something serious and they sue us. They should be told to fuck off rather than wait hours and hours for us to turn up, check them over, educate them, (pointless but I feel better, afterwards), and leave them at home.
Chicks with dicks.
Broads with pork swords.
All need sectioning in Broadmoor.
God knows why the NHS pander to these freaks while we’re in the middle of a pandemic.
Or at any other time come to that.
Fuck off.
Anything else is a mutation.
Don’t fuck with nature because you will lose and no army of virtue signalling empaths will ever change that.
Bye bye humanity, hello Borg.
Wot Melville’s scrivenner? A tranbot? Surely not!
‘yours’ not you’re.
In a few years’ time this will be commonplace. It’ll be a never-ending revolving door of man▶woman then man◀ woman as if they’re having a new tooth fitted. Keep his little todger and beanbag on ice next to a sewing kit for when the shit-gibbon needs a bit more attention.
As I said with the last child tranny nom, at least now it can’t breed.
As stated above the doctors refusing this treatment would have been sacked and hounded out of the profession for their transphobia. Similarly if the judge had found against this sicko he/she (yes there are only two genders so fucking shoot me) would have suffered a similar fate.
When you destroy the history and values of a society you leave a vacuum which the ones who shout the loudest step forward to fill.
You are not allowed to question this unless you are mega rich and untouchable like JK Remoaning. Cunts like us have to take this shit or get cancelled. If that doesn’t bother you it fucking should do.
Good comment FF and so very true, shout loud be proud etc
We have allowed ourselves to be manipulated into a World without reason. Register some form of non acceptance of whichever weird shit is being promoted and be labelled bigot, nazi, facist or xxxxxxphobe. I feel sorry for the kid because the system is so biased toward the cuntish. This judgement may shake up the whole teenage gender angst business and the vulnerable may get a better level of support than a couple of transgenders giving it large on libtard questions only time
Of course my views make me the equivalent of Adolf, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot rolled into one, so guilty of hate think, could be arrested no?
I wish some medical team could give our current Prime Minister “balls”.
I mean that so sincerely, really I do!
“Keira Bell is what is known as a “detransitioner”. Now 23, she struggled in adolescence. At 14, this daughter of an alcoholic single mother was anxious and depressed. Always uncomfortable with her femininity, she had masculine interests, was horrified by her periods, and felt like a freak. She began spending time online and so discovered trans influencers. She formed the view she, too, was transgender and was referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. She was prescribed puberty blockers at 16, then proceeded to cross-sex hormones, before a double mastectomy aged 20. Significantly, she had already begun to experience doubts about the wisdom of her transition before the double-mastectomy, but persisted in part thanks to the one-way nature of her treatment path, on which the court expectorated at length”
I wouldn’t be Cunting The Freak as much as those who “enabled” and presumably encouraged it.
The confused child of a single,alcoholic Mother,the child was probably more just looking for some attention and was swept along by rather sinister adults looking to push their agenda.
There is a simple solution for little tartboys or boytarts to stop them whinging – cut of their dick or quim, and give them plastic replacement parts, and a bonus of a pair of Jess Phillips tits to bolt on, or take off when they see how wrinkled and droopy they are.
Silly little cunts like this don’t know what he/she/it wants to be
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls, just have to see how the lawsuit goes…..Keira…….K.E.I.R.A…..Keira……
I’ll get me coat!
We all know how the lawsuit will go; we poor sods will pay for it.
Being fair to it….doesn’t actually seem to just be looking for “compo”……
“When Bell litigated, she sought judicial review of Tavistock’s treatment regime. She did not bring a claim in medical negligence (one of many torts in England and Wales or delicts in Scotland). The difference between judicial review and tort is large and the remedies are different. This is probably best explained to the layman by pointing out that she did not set out to bankrupt the NHS.
Medical negligence claims are designed to extract monetary damages from the defendant, and the lawyers who run them often decried as ‘ambulance-chasers’. Imagine a law firm calling you speculatively and asking if you were mis-sold a sex-change, then suggesting you may be entitled to compensation.
A victorious claimant in a judicial review case, by contrast, receives not a penny. Instead, she gets a declaration that certain rights, rules and procedures are to be upheld or followed in future. However — and this is the sting in judicial review’s tail — if the defendant does not comply with the declaration then the tortious floodgates are opened. This is the reason, since the judgment was brought down, the Tavistock GIDS has effectively ceased to function. It also suggests Bell was not only ably advised but is a person of sound and generous character. The court (comprising three senior judges including the President of the Queen’s Bench Division, Dame Victoria Sharp) was emphatic:”
Que£ra isnt bird or bloke
Easily led an easily confused.
It serves no purpose or function.
Its harsh but to me its a Frankenstein,
Chase it with pitchfork and flaming torches….
Can’t really imagine that I’ll ever get much of a chance to chase it with a pitchfork or torch…it’s far too exotic a creature to ever venture this far North.
Jesus Sir Fiddler-have you never been to Whitby, then??
Whitby is The South for me…being fair,anywhere south of Otterburn is a land populated by undesirables,sexual miscreants and softies as far as I’m concerned.
We don’t have “exotics” in rural Northumberland…especially not on my vast Country Estate.
Those who came up with and pushed for kids to have puberty blockers and tranny surgery, would be given the death penalty if I was the supreme leader (one day, one day).
They are fucking evil
Furthermore, I’ve just listened to a podcast about a tranny couple (a male to female married a female to male in Scotland). The man (who wears a frock and make up and claims to be a woman) said he was “disappointed he couldn’t ‘chest feed’ the twins. It was all about how the parents feel (going off the parents’ comments).
Not a fucking word about the bullying their kids will put up with, every fucking day, at school and when trying to make friends.
Selfish fucking cunts. And let’s see if their kids turn out straight and well adjusted.
Pffft. Poor little bastards.
And the colossal cost of this freak show will be borne by the UK taxpayer.
Everyone involved in this disgrace should hang their heads in shame.
On the way to the gallows.
Fucking cunts.
Funny that the Supreme Court throw out Simon Dolan’s case for a judicial review regarding the tyranny on the grounds that there’s no law yet this gets approval – the country is fucking mad
Looking at the picture I though it was Lewis before his hair fell out and had the secret transplant.
Again a few hundred nutters seem to have full control over the country. Stand up to the cunts. The normal people managed to force a vote at Cambridge Uni, and guess what, the loud mouthed wokists were crushed.
If I may dissent – I don’t think Keira Bell is at fault so much as the militant transgenderists. Who can honestly say they were not ‘confused’ by the world at age 14? She should never have been allowed to embark on such treatments whilst still a child.
The ‘T’ in LGBT+ is a total cunt and I’m not even sure what special rights bisexual folks need. When I was at university, there was a gay and lesbian society. What those people wanted was equality and for the state to leave them in peace. What the militant transgenderists want is for their delusions to be ‘celebrated.’ Just fuck off.
Some gay and lesbian people see trans as a form of gay conversion therapy. The transgenderists have very old fashioned views about gender roles and if you deviate from the ‘norm’ then you must have been ‘assigned’ the wrong sex at birth. Get the fuck out of my face with that shit.
Here’s a thought: if you are unsure about your sex, count the number of cocks in your underwear and divide by one. If the result is 1 then you are male, if less than 1 then you are female.
I feel sympathy for this Keira person.
For me, growing up and going through puberty was such a confusing time. The body and the brain going through changes.
Reminds me of Kevin from Harry Enfield.
The judge should have said ,”Go and bugger yourself with your stinking smells-like-rancid-prawn clit ,you utterly disgusting fucked-up piece of shit!”
Just look at the fucking state of the revolting cunt. I hope that it suffers a long and painful death.
Tough shit and that will teach you to be a woke cunts, no sorry, prick.
And people wonder why the NHS are running out of cash.