Emmanuel Macron (9)

That CUNT Macron,

Cunters I nominate that granny tupping piece of SHIT, emmanuel ‘microcock’ macron.

Not being content with chucking a massive spanner in the works with absurd demands for the surrender monkey’s to continue plundering our fish. Surely diplomacy should have let David Frost kick the cunt in the bollocks?

Boris for the sake of fuckity fuck ain’t it about time you told the E.U to swivel? For fucks sake enough already. Walk away, a reverse Churchill, job’s a good un.

Fucking E.U wankers. While you’re at it tell Mutti there’s a 50% tariff on her poxy cunt cars too.

Nominated by: CuntyMort

….and this one from W. C. Boggs 

An emergency cunting for the dwarf motherfucker (or should that be grannyfucker?) Macron, who is refusing to lift the blockade:


It is quite clear that this has fuck all to do with Covid, but all to do with Brexit. The paltry little bastard is determined to “punish” us, another good reason to tell the other oily little French bastard Barnier to stick his negotiations up his raddled filthy arse. It is clear the tail wags the dog in that the “important” offiicals of the EU cannot tell Macron to fuck off.

France, the surrender monkeys of 90 years ago has fuck all to be proud about now, and I look forward to little froggy fisherpersons (to comply with BBC Newspeak) meeting up with the Royal Navy on January 1st.


…and this from Quick Draw McGraw

The Frogs are so lucky that I’m not Prime Minister. So are a lot of people actually. But in the case of the French, I would give them a simple ultimatum. Either you lift the blockade, or I will ban ALL French imports from entering the UK, including those heading for the Irish Republic, oh and by the way, shove your fucking trade agreement up your Gallic ass. A few days of not being able to shift to their shitty cheese and vinegar wine, and they’ll cave quicker than they did to Hitler.

67 thoughts on “Emmanuel Macron (9)

  1. Whilst bumming his grandma/ wife/ beard the cunt seems to think we give a fuck about his next election. The idea we should be cowed by the fucking French is utterly ridiculous. There were plenty froggies at the Brexit party last year. Oi Macron I give you a two finger salute. We have our bowfingers intact. Fuck right off.

  2. Splendid festive cunting, thank you.

    If we didn’t have pathetic appeasing rats in charge then tariffs and a trade embargo would have provided substantial Christmas entertainment,far superior to 500 years worth from BBCistan.
    Macron is a closet Gay and his wife is a 400 yr old vampire.
    Another Hitler is on his way..all thanks to open borders and enabling cunts like this shitty weasel.

    • I don’t think he’s that closeted, if his public bumming displays with Justine Castreau are anything to go by.

    • It’s a pity Georges Simeon and Rupert Davies didn’t remain alive to bring us one more Maigret Christmas Special:


      Maigret and Lapointe are called to the Paris home of wealthy Madame Macron, who has shot and killed her young womanising husband – a crime of passion, or revenge?

  3. Who can we thank for the blockade? Not Macron. It’s fuckin’ Boris for shooting his own foot off and mouth too.
    Not content with scaring the shit out of the UK, the cunt has spooked the rest of the world too.
    It’s bloody ironic that our scientists discovered the mutation and is one of the world’s leaders in this area.
    Why the fuck are we the only country that follows the rules and has to be honest with everyone?
    Do the fuck what most countries do and ignore the rules like Macron and the Rinky Dinks.
    They’d be none the wiser about any mutations. Even Macron wouldn’t know he’d probably caught a mutated variant.

      • It could be a double bluff, Ruff, to give him an advantage with something of which I know not.
        I’ve given up trying to second guess the cunt.

      • Maybe it one of those “good day to bury bad news” things and sneak out that HS2 will cost an extra £20bn.

      • Good Morning and Happy Christmas to everyone on here.

        The EU has to be wilfully blind if they believe that their increases in Covid cases is not due to this mutation. Robert Jenrick, this morning on W4, forgot to toe the cabinet line when he said that the blockade is, at least, partly due to the Brexit negotiations.
        That weapons grade cunt Verhofstadt has said that it is a taste of things to come for Brexit UK. Well fuck him and those like him. Let’s start exercising our beautiful aircraft carriers and their F-35s in the Channel.

    • You Sir , are a wordsmith – so well put it brought a tear my eye.

      Pity Rommel wasn’t in a HGV they may have stopped him.

  4. He might’ve fallen for his old cougar because he was interested in old woman’s interests like gardening, Edith Piaf, crown green bowls, shrivelled madame’s fou-fous, and the French version of Bargain Hunt. It’s more likely he’s hung like ze stereotypical Frog – a baby carrote and a couple of petit pois. She wears Le Pantalon while he prefers ze Belte de Chastité. He was probably under strict instructions from her: “Make ze British suffer or I weeel make you wear ze iron under pants encore.”

  5. Lord Nelson said ‘You must hate the French man as you hate the Devil’.
    Plus ca change….
    Sorry folks!

    • King Frog.
      Nursing home corridor creeper Emanuel is hated by his people,
      Hated by the ragheads,
      And hated by me.
      Fish demanding, English hating,
      Tariff loving, his days are numbered,
      Hope le pen takes his job.

      And dont look at my granny like that!!!?

  6. He has the most shootable face I have ever seen.
    I detest this arrogant, grandmother-fuckin’ CUNT with every fibre of my body.

  7. Punishment is the name of the EU’s game. Always has been – ever since June 2016. And we must be seen to be punished!

    Just wait and see what’s in the so called Trade Deal, all 800 pages that Parliament will not even get time to read, let alone scrutinise or debate.

    Signed, sealed, delivered – we’re the EU’s!

    • Unfortunately RTC you are right, I was one of the many fooled by the fat blonde useless cunt.
      I now see how futile it was to think we could leave the eu, while the people supposedly elected to represent us, dislike us and our country so much.
      I once thought Farage was the answer, he’s not we are well and truly fucked.
      Roll on death as one of my work mates is fond of saying.

  8. My father always told me to never, ever trust the French, more so when in cahoots with the Germans.
    We need politicians with some fucking backbone, to deal with these Eurofucks.
    Tell ’em no deal and don’t give ’em a penny.
    Fucking Eurotrash.
    Get To Fuck.

  9. My life experience has taught me never to back down to a bully – if you do they just keep doing it, and there is no better feeling in life than publicly teaching them a lesson which leaves them crawling away bleeding, bruised, humiliated and terrified – and I would rather take the risk of a hiding than being pushed around, if I don’t win the first time I will win one time.
    Plastic Napoleon has done himself over by promising the fish thieves free reign over our waters after we leave, we have said no and now the little stinking rat has demanded access to our waters even if we give them none!
    How does “fuckoff” sound – as well as 100% tariffs on French mould pretending to be cheese, French red vinegar pretending to be wine and gutless badly made heaps of tin pretending to be cars.
    Time to play hardball,and the Fox stands ready to be head negotiator if we need someone with a spine (oh, how we need ONE POLITICIAN WITH A SPINE!).
    Fuck him with an Owen Jones strap on and send Monsieur Terry over there with a portable oven – England expects Unkle terry, England expects! ??

  10. He is a cunt, most of the trucks stuck at Dover are foreign drivers trying to get home and are unlikely to have had much contact with anybody in the UK.
    They must be really pissed off seeing all the UK drivers coming off the ferries from France.
    If the silly cunt thinks he has stopped the rot he will be sadly mistaken, the new superbug will have already arrived in Gay Paris!

    • Yeah, a lot of the poor cunts stranded in Dover are polish blokes just wanting to get back to their families for Christmas.
      What a rotter.

      • You’re getting soft Mis. The cunts are only here because they’ve been delivering goods to Dooshka Dooshka delicatessens. What the fuck have the Poles got to give us that we’d be interested in? Take care, you’re allowing Christmas goodwill to take over.
        PS they’re probably taking a few illegal sacks of carp home.
        These are fish which they treat as a Christmas delicacy. We don’t eat them – we return them to the water.
        Bob would be disappointed with your post.

      • Your right Bertie,
        I lose my cunting edge at Christmas,
        My xenophobia goes into hibernation,
        Just felt sorry for their kids,
        “Dads not going to be here for Christmas”☹️

        Oh well, fuck em!
        Im going to have a marvelous Christmas.

      • Dooshkas ignore signs which tell them they should not take fish away. They ignore them, even using nets to take fish from our waters. I tell you it’s not French catches you should worry about, it’s these cunts.

      • As a fellow adherent of the dangling persuasion I agree with Bertram. Dirty, fish thieving cunts.
        Hope they get stuck at the port until new year.
        Have a puncture you zib zib cunts.

  11. Macron is a cod President. He was created by political fixers to ensure Marine Le Pen did not win. Fuck him, fuck Johnny Frenchman, and fuck the EU.

  12. Is Macron the smear of snot who actually laid a wreath for the Germans of World War II for a remembrance ceremony? The fucking Germans?!! For fuck’s sake…

    I wonder how the people who survived Oradour-sur-Glane thought of Macron’s kraut licking gesture?

  13. Off topic but how am I only finding out now that Rosalind Knight died? She was brilliant in Friday Night Dinner.

      • Really good ain’t it RTC? The best show Channel 4 have done since the Inbetweeners. For all that can be said about the cunts they can make some superb comedies when they want to.

    • Rosalind Knight also was good as the creepy Mrs Creswell in Only Fools and Horses.

      C4 have done some good ‘uns over the years. Nightingales, Desmond’s, Inbetweeners, Friday Night Diner, and of course the untouchable Father Ted.

  14. In 2018 the average number of trucks passing through the Port of Dover was 10,000 per day. The numbers stacking up in Kent and the problems this causes is a pure fabrication. This typical overreaction by the press and media is nothing to do with Covid, new strain or not. It does have everything to do with this petit cunt having a hissy fit because he’s now finally realised he won’t get access to OUR fish. Go Fuck yourself Micron and whist you’re at it stop letting any old cunt flee your shithole and head across the Channel to our precious Land of Hope and Glory. Fucking Happy Christmas fellow Cunts xxx

  15. The question is “Will the greedy frogs give up their demands for our fish?
    The correct answer, Boris, is “Fuck off, you greasy little cunt, we’re out, and we’re taking our lovely crevettes with us”

    And, given that the frogs are now waging economic war on us, Boris needs to withdraw our ambassador, impose any sanctions he can and start escorting frog vessels away from our 12-mile line. In my dreams.

    In fact, it looks as if he’s going to fold completely. A 30% reduction over seven years? BRINO? It’s not even in name…BRFUCKED.

    • Fishing rights is being used as a smokescreen. Of far greater importance to our economy and sovereignty is the EU’s insistence that the UK sign up to their “level playing field”.

      Both sides have gone suspiciously quiet about that elephant in the room in the last few days.

      • Yup. But the fishing issue’s really indistinguishable from the level playing field when you come down to it. I wish I could appreciate the nuances, but what I’m seeing is “You can only leave the EU if you do exactly what the EU wants” – which rather fails to recognise that we want to leave the EU because its demands are unreasonable.

        As it happens, technically, we’ve left the EU and (I think even Trump would agree) no better deal than no-deal is even suggested.

      • Nah, too highbrow. In PARIS Constant , SMITH H.
        Could the European Union become a Guardian of the Galaxy? Assessing the international actorness of the EU in cyberspace

        (which really is a masters’ thesis, and reflects the megalomaniac approach of the College d’Europe))

      • @ Komodo – I don’t see the fishing issue and level playing field as being indistinguishable. Retaining control over our sovereign fishing waters cannot necessitate us signing up to the EU level playing field rules and regulations in perpetuity, which is what the EU is demanding in exchange for us obtaining tariff free access to the single market. Unless you think by conceding our territorial waters we would somehow achieve exemption from single market laws in exchange. Can’t see the EU going for that.

      • I do see your point, but I’m really thinking that these issues are so interdependent as to be indistinguishable in practice. Can you separate our requirement for territorial sovereignty from our requirement for free trade? Not according to the EU; sovereignty is for losers, and it’s incompatible with tariff-free trade. We must never, never recognise that France’s national interests diverge even slightly from our own. Or deny that as long as the EU is run by France and Germany, their interests must override anyone else’s.

        I’m putting this very badly, I’m afraid. I need a dram.

  16. Here’s hoping some frog fishermen get hold of the poison dwarf, tie him to an anchor, and toss him overboard. He will end up right at the bottom of the Channel, doing what he does best: bottom feeding. Boss-eyed little runt.

  17. There is no evidence to suggest lorry drivers are likely to be infected with Covid, let alone the new strain. Quite the reverse I would contend.

    The idea that this blockade is not Brexit related is absurd. The requirement that all lorry drivers be tested before entering France only makes sense in the context of Brexit negotiations.

  18. Ive just had langoustines for my tea.
    The common ones amongst you know them as scampi.
    Cant get them for love nor money in France!
    Theirs are rotting in a lorry in Dover,
    Or in British fishing waters .

    • This time of year the Spanish tell their wagons to buy them direct from the boats and cut out the middlemen (fish sellers, also greedy cunts) and get them as fresh as possible to the English cunts on holiday in Marbella, etc.. The prices increase sharply as a result. Ironic, no? We’re being told the Eurocunts buy more of our fish than we do, but a good chunk of that is for resale to UK holidaymakers!

      • Id not eat them if I knew a spaniard had fondled them.
        I might catch a lisp!!

  19. France, the surrender monkeys of 90 years ago (W.C. Boggs)

    Who did they surrender to in 1930 W.C. ?

    To put their hands up 9 years before WWII started is early even for the French!

    Macron’s cowardice and treachery is just what one would expect of the frogs. They blocked every reform we tried to introduce in the EU and now they are blocking our exit with the full backing of the huns. This “new strain” is just an excuse to humiliate us. If Boris and Britain has any backbone left we will tell them “se faire bourre”

    Fog in channel, Europe cut off.

  20. Weak little piss stain. Just like Boris he has delusions of grandeur……….he thinks he’s Napoleon but he’s actually General Petain. I understand the cunt is not very popular in Frogland and clogging up EU lorries in Kent isn’t going to win him many votes.
    Death to the globalists! Vive Le Pen!

  21. I know a chap who looks like Macron, and I detest that cunt as much as the granny fondler, I know one that looks like Donald Tusk too, but he’s okay!, start laying the sea mines on the south coast, and Bon voyage cunts!!!

  22. The U.K. is being treated as a pariah by the rest of the world because of this new strain bollocks, yet the fucking Chinese who gave the world the fucking virus carry on as if fuck all happened.
    Perhaps if they had shut down those fucking locusts back in January, before they spread around the planet after going home for year of the (crispy) rat, we would not be as fucked as we are.

  23. Apparently, this new strain has been found in Italy, as well as other countries.
    Is the border between France and Italy closed ?
    No, thought not.
    The French are utterly despicable. We should have let Adolf play with them, rather than liberating the nauseating, cowardly scùm.
    Meanwhile, back on the Home Front. Just returned with bags full of Wonderful Things to eat and drink.
    Me and Ethel are painting the Rookery red, this Christmas
    Good evening.

  24. “Go and enculer yourself using snail slime as a lubricant you pathetic “let’s- punish -le-Brits-because -zey-are-leeeving-et-other-counries will-surely-follow” bitter cunt.
    Ironically I would have thought zat ze Frencheez would be the most likely to desert the EU followed closely by Italy, Hungary and Spain.
    The wife is now saying that from now on we’ll only buy British.Well fuck that for a lark.The cheapest bottle of English plonk is at least £30, and can anyone suggest a decent British car that matchers up to a BMW M3, a BMW m140i touring or , if you must go the SUV route, a Porsce Macan ?
    Please don’t bother mentioning Jags or the current crop of Land Rovers because their build quality and handling are shit as are Aston Martin.Even the prestige “British” Marques are owned by VW and BMW.

    • Bollocks. I have a Jag XE and the build quality is so good my indicators work- you may have to Google indicators

      Also the windows are very good, transparent even. This helps me to avoid parking in disabled bays or driving 3 inches off the car in front.

      What does the ‘ W ‘ in BMW stand for ? We all know.

  25. We will survive easily without Macron’s stinky Camembere, his pissy Brie, their battery acid wine, chewy bread, shitty Citroën, Peugeot and Renault.

    Frog cars are easily in the bottom league of world cars. Fuck only knows how they survive and people still buy them. Frogs are lazy, arm-waving, shrugging, honking little cunts. Fuck them all.

    English scallops for dinner and Macron can go and fish some cheap coley or basa from his granny’s wrinkled old ringpiece. The cunt.

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