Drew Hendry SNP MP

SNP MP Drew Hendry deserves a nomination. Last night (Wednesday 16th December) the House was sitting to hear the reading of the Internal Market Bill, before it passed into law. Like the rest of the Scottish Nazi Party, Hendry is vehemently against Brexit, and to show his opposition, Hendry decided to throw a tantrum, like a five year old princess. He shouted continually, to try to stop other, more mature MP’s from speaking and when that didn’t work, the prissy little bitch grabbed the mace.

Because of his childish bitch fit, he was officially named, which means he is now suspended. He can’t sit in the house for five days (some of the media say it’s 24 hours, but it’s five days). Something which will piss him off even more is that Parliament will closing for Christmas shortly, and even if MP’s are forced to sit on Christmas day to pass the Brexit bill, he won’t be able to take up his seat in the commons until about mid January. This means he faces losing £7000 in salary, because the suspension is unpaid.

Oh dear. See what happens when you’re an immature gobshite? Hendry, like the rest of the SNP, and Remainers in general, is an ignorant, swivel loon. This automatically makes him a cunt. Acting like a two year old on a sugar rush, makes him a mega cunt.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

(More here – DA https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9060675/SNP-MP-Drew-Henry-suspended-House-Commons-shouting-Brexit-bill-passed.html )

47 thoughts on “Drew Hendry SNP MP

  1. The blessings of devolution. Is there 1 Labour Jockish MP? The result is a cadre of SNP nomarks who come to Westminster but dont represent anything British. Just the same old Scotland the Brave, blue arsed horseshit.
    Devolution, a triumph of fucking stupidity.

  2. The lady in the middle of the picture, she looks like she’s saying, “Och! Calm da fork down! Ya wee shite!” 😀

    • Unlikely, Spoons, considering she’s English.

      Unless of course she’s taking the piss! ?

      • Ruffy, honestly I had no idea. Haha. 😀

        “Shut it, Hendry, ya streak of pish! Or I’ll have yeas removed. And nae Irn Bru for a month!”

        – “But, but…”

        “Two months!”

  3. I suppose the Sweaties vote for these cunts because the only alternatives are Scottish Labour and the Lib Dems. What a fuck awful choice. Cunts, some other cunts, or yet more cunts.

    • Sadly many vote for this cunts because of all the promises of free stuff at tax payers expense.

      • I guess so, Everyone. The promise of something for nothing gets ’em every time. It is Labour’s core “policy” to dupe silly cunts in this way. I have tried debating the issue with students, and so many just don’t see the connection between effort and reward. Very sad. It is even sadder when grown men and women go on to live their entire lives believing it is possible to create something from nothing.

  4. Keep expecting the cunt to say “Ein Volk, Eli Reich, Ein Fuhrer!”. The SNP really are the skid mark of UK politics. The best part of this cunt ran down his mothers leg and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.

  5. Heard that cunt Blackford shouting the odds in Parliament earlier on. Fucking wanker crying about the brexit bill like a spoilt brat. Scotland the brave sucking the cocks of the Krauts and Frogs.

  6. Give a referendum to the Scots, the N.Irish and the Welsh.

    If they vote for independence that’s fine, but no more money, no more benefits, no more support…. fuck all in fact. Moreover any MP from any of these countries that sits either in the House of Cunts or the House of Cheaper Cunts, will have to step down and fuck off back to their own shed of a “Parliament”

    You want independence, fine. But just remember what you’re giving up, you fucking cunts!

  7. The punishment should be that he has the mace shoved up his arse.

    SNP cunts are all the same. About time we stopped funding Jockland with free shit we can’t have ourselves, the ungrateful shits.

    Let them stand on their own two feet/hooves. Give ’em independence.

    Then, invade and enslave them all after stealing ‘their’ oil.

    That’ll teach ’em.

    Happy New Year you cunts.

    And yes, I was one of those who shouted ‘Three cheers for the King of England, hip, hip…’ at the end of Braveheart.

    • Edward Long shanks, 6ft 2in, (hence the long shanks moniker) tall for then.
      Average height nowadays.
      But he knew how to be a king.
      Get cheeky then and youd get what Berwick got every man woman and child slaughtered.
      While I dont condone genocide and war crimes, it does make for excellent manners!
      People watch their Ps an Qs.
      Dont get leaders like good old long shanks anymore.
      Shame really, needed now more than ever…

  8. These cunts never stop. They don’t give a fuck about the scots all they care about is their separatist agenda. These tossers actually want to hand Scotland over to the kraut empire and claim independence. Dozy fuckers. All common sense and honesty has left them and been replaced with a never ending hatred for Britain. Poisonous ,devious, pigshit twats.
    Has anyone noticed how fuckin ugly they all are? Flat pudding faced gravy slurrpers.
    Utter cunts.

  9. In connection with the topic, MP’s have been given an extra 6 days holiday, simply for being recalled to vote for the Brexit agreement today.
    Fuck me rigid – well no! Not unless your name’s Gemma Arterton.
    For most of the cunts, that simply means pressing a button at home.
    We’re just about to replace one giant gravy train with another that’s about to expand even more.

    • As far as I can tell, most of those cunts haven’t done a day’s work since March! Not that they ever have, but at least they were expected to get out of bed and turn up occasionally.

      Anyway, at least they won’t be able to blame the E fucking U next year when the shit hits the fan domestically.

  10. I have been listening to some of the Brexit debate. Numerous interventions by TCB (That cunt Blackford) who appears determined to prevent any meaningful discussion. However there was one SNP cunt in a grey suit who made an intervention on Starmer ‘s speech. I listened to him 3 times and still couldn’t penetrate the accent to understand what he was asking.
    The SNP seem determined to make the English hate the Scottish people. They are genuine, weapons grade bastards.

    • I too, was listening to that Scottish cunt speak and couldn’t understand a fuckin’ word he was saying. He did,however, look very dapper for his day out in London in his three piece suit.

      • Absolutely right there MNC . What’s happened to the cunt with the ponytail and the brown check suit? Never wear brown in town, nanny use to say.

      • I’d cunt the fat fuck but I’ve already done that three times! Blackford really is a fucking, pig-faced bore. Fucking windbag.

      • He’s an almighty cunt every day and has been since he was squeezed out by his ma in the swamp.

  11. The SNP come over as boorish thugs, making a complete hash of the very things they are in charge of. Just look at some of their more notable MPs:

    Mhairi Black – scary as fuck, dresses like a chap
    Ian Blackford – bloated, repetitious idiot
    Kirsty Blackman – diminutive, scarf wearing hippy, spouts the SNP doctrine like a robot
    Margaret Ferrier – hypocrite channelling one of the witches from Macbeth

    Then there’s Sturgeon herself, deliberately contrary and in complete denial over a Scottish currency.

    • When they get independence, saddled with their share of the UK debt and want to join the EU, take the Euro and find they have to subject the jocks to Austerity for a decade to become a bigger shit hole than an African banana republic…..

      They will be SNP fucked! ?

      • If they just looked at the paddys they would see how disastrous joining the eu would be. Bit oh no not them. Why bother with logic and common sense when you’re a rabid anglophobe with the IQ of a chip.

  12. The House of Cunts should have Russian bouncers installed.
    This sack of shit wouldn’t be doing any fancy talking with a caved in face.
    All rats.

  13. SNP are Tartan worshipping playboy Jocks.
    Give England the vote if we should leave the union. Leave the carcass to the Krankies, Sheep shaggers and Tarmac leprechauns.

  14. Irn bru swigging cunts.

    The only good thing’s, in my own experience(s), yo come out if Scotland are:

    -big tittied, feisty redheads with lovely red minges?

    -single malt?

    -Scottish salmon

    Rebuild the wall.

      • I don’t care-as long as she is slim, has green eyes and moans like a Scottish nationalist in a union flag factory whilst I’m deep dicking her??

  15. SNP’s former leader Arthur Donaldson planned to set up a Vichy-style regime in Scotland in the event of a Nazi invasion, according to unearthed MI5 documents.

    Fuck all as changed, back stabbing traitorous nazi cunts.

  16. This petulant bullying child, like all of the SNP needs a Chinese burn.
    Take them to China and burn them.
    Malicious commie rats.

    • O/T I see that Chinese journalist lady who was reporting on the ? Batsoup Flu has been given 4 years in clink by the CCP.

  17. Since he’s losing out on his £7000 we can claim his money back yes?China will come swooping in and claiming McScotland for themselves.No surprise at all.

  18. The Short Nasty People are utter cunts. However there is a light at the end of theTartan Rainbow.

    All the poison dwarf Sturgeon has done is make it impossible to for Labour to win. I hope the Barren Witch thinks of that as she draws her terminal breath. That right you SNP cunt, all you achieved was more years of the Tories in power. I’m glad you didn’t reproduce you cunt.

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