Transgender Awareness Week 2020

Apart from the subject being done to death,what are we all supposed to do at this special time?

One could argue that such persons make their presence felt quite enough already…being down in the West Country I have seen those who look like my aged Auntie Pat in a dodgy syrup and others who are outer-than-out and can be found shrieking and carrying on in tarty clothing,usually surrounded by a group of females who ought to know better.

I don’t actually have a problem with any of that, bar my taxes being spent on dodgy therapies etc but how can we be any more aware than we are, it is getting to the point where I will feel the need to describe myself as someone leading an openly heterosexual life style!

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

…and this from SimmyJavil 

The Bank of England.

I thought the job of the Bank of England was to fuck up the economy not virtue signal about a few blokes prancing around in ra ra skirts and stiletto heels.

What is the BofE trying to achieve with the act of complete cuntery?

I’m sure we will be saluting the BofE for this magnanimous gesture when we will be reduced to eating our pets.

What a bunch of cunts!

69 thoughts on “Transgender Awareness Week 2020

  1. Transgender-the art of mutilating the genitalia of a male or female, in the mistaken belief that it will change their birth sex.
    Cunts enabling mentally ill cunts.

    Yes-I am aware of that.
    Do I win a prize??

  2. Must be a few tranny cunts in the BOE ?

    I don’t need a week to be aware they a bunch of fucking deviants

  3. It just goes to show that these woke, soy-guzzling, sandal-wearing, wispy facial hair ed, tofu chomping, all-inclusive cunts have now infested all walks of life.

    I bet the cunt whose idea this was rides an expensive bicycle, wears lycra and posts head-cam footage on Youtube of skirmishes with irate drivers.


    • Let’s hope we get to watch him getting mown down by an HGV on YouTube.
      Should be renamed ” Shit smelling faux fanny bollocks awareness week ”
      Get To Fuck.

    • Cycling Mikey-that champion of the highways and byways of Londanistab.

      One if life’s mysteries-how the fuck is he still breathing,?
      Surely, statistically speaking, he will piss the wrong person off , eventually?
      I fucking hope so?

      • Just like that wanker “Auditing Britain” who goes around filming police stations and “sensitive” locations, allegedly to exercise his rights to film in public, while clearly just trying to provoke a reaction from police and security.

        Then you hear him speak and he clearly isn’t even British. What a fucking wankstain tosspot CUNT. The police might not give him too hard a time but if he brings his camera anywhere near me I will shove it right up his arse. Audit that, dickhead.

      • Robin-I don’t find AB offensive-the video he uploaded recently, the “safety officers” patrolling the Town centre in Basingstoke is one of the funniest things I have seen this year.
        So he gets a pass from me?

      • Having said that: if he uploads a video in which he gets twatted by a random member of the public, I will laugh the loudest??

      • Not as loud as me?

        He is a cunt of the highest order. He goes around just looking to provoke someone. I have never in my life seen anyone more richly deserving of a fucking hard punch on the nose.

  4. XX = woman.
    XY = man.
    Anything else is a mutation, acknowledge it.
    You can try to argue with nature and genetics but that’s all there is to it.
    Chromosome lives matter.

  5. In a few years women will be able to look back nostalgically at the times when they were only worried about spycams in female toilets. Now this perversion will become another fear. Rules made by men.

    • Rules made by fools, of both gender.
      There are two sexes – Male and Female.
      And a minority of nutcases who disagree.

      • Couldn’t agree more Vern.

        As for that idiot Sam Smith, who calls himself “gender fluid” and wants to be referred to as “they” or “them”, not he or him. What a sad piece of shit. Make your mind up and get off the fence you utter cunt.

      • “All identifying as trans will now be machine gunned”!
        Watch how fast those false eyelashes and nails come off then.
        Sensible solutions from Prime Minister Vernon Fox ?☠?

    • Well, thank god the Bank of England stepped in to help you out there Ruff Tuff.

      I always wondered what the BoE did. Who knew?

      • No, she’s gender fluid. Maybe we can get her/them and Sam Smith together to form a support group.

  6. Bloody hell. I’d completely forgotten about transgenderism. Hasn’t been on the news for hours. Thank you BOE for reminding me.
    Now fuck off.

  7. What the fuck!!!
    Perhaps we can expect Ru Paul on the next £20 note.
    Then we can have a queen on both sides of it.
    I’m gobsmacked to be honest.

  8. I’m aware of them.

    Now if they would kindly fuck off and leave. The normal people in peace, that would be nice.

  9. Opinion is divided within the Weird Communidee as to whether it is in fact celebratingTransgender Awareness Day, Transgender Awareness Week or Transgender Awareness Month:

    As usual, it is not permitted to wonder whether this fulminating wokery does not actually make the alleged problem worse as gangs of crossdressing deviants crowd the streets of formerly decent neighbourhoods.

    By all means, Sir, paint your face and don a frock, and Madam, shave your head and array yourself in the severest suit available, but have the decency to keep it to yourselves. There is no need for me to participate and I gather my approval would be irrelevant as I am non-woke, so back in your fucking closet, you cunts.

    • What the fuck did I just watch? They need to be put back on one of their little dinghies, sailed back across the channel, and torpedoed half way across. (I don’t hate the French enough to send the way back)

      Terrorist cunts.

    • In my Britain, filth like this would be shot at dawn.
      The country is becoming a cess pit.
      Africa, the shithole that keeps on giving.
      Good evening.

      • We must be relentless and unflinching. For there is much to do !
        I do hope you’re not planning a bloodless coup.
        Good evening.

      • Where’re the fucking coppers then???? T’ain’t nothin’ more than a standard Cat3 chimpout, surely they can deal with that or are they in the squad car donning their floor layer’s kneepads?

        Faecal fuckers, hollow ’em out – use ’em as fucking wetsuits!

  10. Only thing I am aware of is a miserable november day, out of work lockdown, pubs shut. Everything else can fuck off.

    • In awe, I watched the waxing moon ride across the zenith of the heavens like an ambered chariot towards the ebony void of infinite space wherein the tethered belts of Jupiter and Mars hang, for ever festooned in their orbital majesty. And as I looked at all this I thought… I must put a roof on this toilet.

    • Well im being aware.
      Dyed the beard blonde, bit of glitter, got some tutti on,
      And a big fuck off Dolly Parton wig!
      Look a million dollars,
      No copper will pull the van in now!
      One word of them cunts, and ill scream in their fat fuckin faces
      Theyll tearfully apologise an I’ll be on my way.
      Leave them kneeling at the side of the road, the daft gay upholders of law an order..

      • Robin@
        The way to beat these cunts is use their own methods against them!
        Im going to push in front of them in queues,
        Walk right to the front, elbow the cunts out the way,
        One word of objection?
        “Im on my period”
        Ill park right on the doorways of supermarkets,
        Any dissent?
        “Im postnatally depressed!”
        Fuck em!?

    • Any future Fox govt’ worth the vote would naturally have a well funded “Dept of Cuntural Awareness.”

  11. Can these funny types be gassed?
    Their supporters can also choose to drop the bullshit craven submissive cuntery or share their fate.
    Seems fair enough.
    The filthy fucking rats.

  12. A whole week to these freaks.. 1% of population What about lets celebrate being normal week, because without the normal’s these fucking cunts wouldn’t exist.

    • No way is it 1% – I’ve come across one… woah lemme rephrase that… I’ve encountered only one of these fuckers in my 50 odd years on this planet and it was back in the 80’s and it was teaching my ex drum rudiments. Big fuckin’ strapping thing, 6’2″ in a long floral hippy frock!!! … what the …??? I had to leave.

  13. One day, behaviour like this will be compulsory☹️
    Sexual deviants, mentally ill or plain fucking deluded.

  14. Credit where credits due for left wing feminist types. JK Rowling, Germaine Greer, Jennie Murray, Suzanne Moore all have spoken out. Not much from the right wing ladies.

  15. No one in human history has “transitioned” from one sex to another and never will. Its a mental illness much like anorexia. Training children to be aware of the madness is child abuse. Giving them the same hormone treatment as paedophiles is sick. Chopping off their genitalia is far worse than the the Victorians sticking children up chimneys. How progressive are we!!.

    • I read recently that 50% of transitioning young people attempt suicide at some point. That’s about ten times the amount associated with any other mental illness. Not many are successful, suggesting that the “cry for help” is just another extreme form of attention whoring. I would like to see the stats on cutting or other forms of self harm. Look on the bright side, black history month must be over hy now.

  16. A quote from the GMB union:

    ‘Transgender awareness week is a time where we share and uplift the voices and experiences of the trans community, which includes celebrating the victories of trans folk while also remembering all those who have lost their lives to anti-trans violence’

    Now COME ON everyone, stop this callous urine extracting, wear a pair of trousers with a skirt on top, stilletto heel on right foot, brogue lace up on left, wear full makeup and don a Trilby hat. Now get on your doorsteps at 8pm every evening, go down on one knee, bow your heads and observe a minutes silence and contemplation, then while still on one knee, clap your hands for as long as your hands can take it then finish by exposing genitalia and shouting the words “Our rights are threatened by what we were born with” followed by some light flagellation of said genatalia with an implement of choice. Is that too much to ask?

    Fucking Cunts. (Now that genuinely is a sexual impossibility)?

    • Typical union bollocks.
      I don’t have an opinion on these cunts, do what they want, I don’t give a fuck. I’ll even humour them to a certain extent. But as with all these causes today, you are forced to have an opinion, and it better be the one they want. Well fuck you, if you want my opinion, here it is. You’re mentally ill, you weren’t born in the wrong body, what you are doing is unnatural. I’m not going to ridicule you, and I’m not going to celebrate you.
      And as we’re at it, why do they need extra rights? What the fuck is happening to these minority groups that human rights doesn’t cover?
      And you can shove your drag race crap right up whatever orifice you choose, tacky, glitter coated shite.

  17. Reminds me that I will soon have to get the fairy lights down from the attic.

  18. Any chance that some forward looking civil service mandarin will come up with a white heterosexual week? Imagine the fun, street parties, boat trips up the Thames and so on, can’t wait. Are we still taking a knee?

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