The National Army Museum

The British Army Museum deserves a nomination. Having done some ‘research’, they have come to the conclusion that the soldier buried in the tomb of the unknown warrior in Westminster Abbey was probably white, because of “racial bias”. Yep. That poor soul, who made the trip from France to the UK in 1920, was chosen because he was white rather than black or Asian. Of course, it never occurred that the actual reason he was chosen to be interred at the Abbey, was because the vast majority of the soldiers on the Western Front…WERE FUCKING WHITE!

I am sick of this fucking woke, navel gazing bullshit infecting the British military. The Army have just spent a small fortune hiring “diversity” experts. And they have concluded that if the British Army wants to be the best in the world the future lies in….Feminism. I shit you not. What a bunch of cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

and seconded by: Sgt Maj Cunt

I want to second QDM’s cunting. A mate of mine who still serves in one of the three Armed Forces has been asked to form a team to carry wreaths at a Remembrance event that will be televised. Being a vain cunt, but also good at drill, he volunteered his services. He was told that, from above, only dar quays and females need apply. So despite having volunteers (of the wrong hue), departments at his unit have been ordered to nominate individuals that will keep the BBC happy. Because those individuals are being voluntold against their wishes, they are throwing sickies to get out of the practice days.

He is also collating a list of volunteers to collect Poppy money in a large city. Funny old thing, no uniform wearing dar quays have volunteered for that either.

Nearly all the BAME blokes and lasses I served with were top notch. For example, the Infantry is bolstered by the fearsome Fijians. But BAME service personnel are a minority for a bleeding obvious reason – we are a predominantly white country!

86 thoughts on “The National Army Museum

    • We will be ready for them if they dare to use the wrong gender pronouns or display any toxic masculinity. Put that in your pipe Vlad!

      • Vlad and his cohorts are probably ill with laughter as they urinate in great volume at the prospect of having to tackle regiments of nancy’s.

    • My all time favourite film quote- Major Kong ‘This is it! Nuclear combat , toe to toe with the Rooskies’.

  1. Maybe if you IDENTIFY as the color or gender they want you can get what you want. Obviously qualifications don’t mean shit any longer. So as a self identified black lesbian with a skin pigment issue, my white Male ass can get somewhere in this woke world. If you can’t beat em, join em. Pose as a cunt to get along in a world of cunts?

  2. He was probably white because racist whitey died in their millions so some cunt who their sacrifice kept free can call them racist.
    Didn’t see maky p*kis on the frontline.

    • Indian troops, which included what became Pakistan, did serve and werent treated that well either. By the class ridden incompetent buffoons of the top brass. But the troops were predominantly white trash like my forebears, at least one of whom didnt come back.

  3. It seems to be a concerted effort to erase white people from our own civilization and it’s fucking sickening.
    Academic agent explained the cause of all this anti white shit in a recent video. It’s not a particularly entertaining video but well worth 15 minutes…. he explains it quite well.

    • The Frankfurt school are to blame for me feeling guilty about being white ?

      I am a racist fascist pig, repeat 100 times a day.

      • It’s rather liberating actually.
        Bought myself a new black shirt and now looking for a black Sam Browne belt to go with it.
        If I’m going to be called a “Fascist” I’ll give the cunts one to remember…

      • Yes mate, loving it here… just been to the dales, absolutely beautiful, even with the wind and rain….
        How are you doing mate?

      • Good man. Spent many happy times in the Dales. If I had to pick one, it would be Swaledale, like a little bit of heaven has broken off and landed on Earth. One of my favourite places in these islands of ours.
        I’m doing fine, thanks. Never known a year like this one, just keep going with y’ead down !

    • That’s a good link, DtS. Interesting connections, interesting people, and maybe something in it, though without much in the way of demonstrable continuity. But post-Soviet Russia seems to be pursuing the same course with us and has much more reason to subvert our society.

      Perhaps the picture on his home page gives an indication of his target audience? (Hint: not those pictured)

      Ho, hum, it’s only a crime if Corbyn does it….

  4. The shit over BAME never ends

    The white majority in OUR fucking country are treated like shit!

  5. The Army is infected with this shit. A few years ago, I was invited, through connections to the event, to attend the “Army 100” shooting competition at Bisley.
    the enduring memory of my day out, was how the attending “top brass”, fawned over the bame participants, particularly the Ghurka’s.
    Now don’t get me wrong, these tenacious little fuckers have given great service over many decades and are dedicated soldiers, HOWEVER:

    They are ring fenced for their shooting prowess and given 10x the range practice time, of the non Ghurka shooters. They have effectively made the Army 100 into a Ghurka celebration day, which pisses off many of the other regiments.

  6. Top nomination from you Ex-Army types.
    Rest assured, I will be clapping any veteran’s attending my local parade.
    Anybody objecting, to get a healthy “slap”.

  7. Sure the BBC can dig up (no pun intended) a black, disabled, lesbian trans intersectional woman who one the hand single handed (again no pun intended).

    It was a war not a fight on a council estate in North London.

    So sick of rewriting history to give minorities the starring role.


    No longer a museum of historical fact but more. Woke themselves park.

  8. It’s almost like religion, where everyone is guilty of the original sin, even though you took no part in it, and wouldn’t agree to it in the first place.
    Like religion there is a tendency to disregard any information that challenges their beliefs, and anyone who doesn’t agree with them is condemned for eternity.
    Perhaps if we hadn’t squandered our youth on two wars to secure a free Europe, we wouldn’t have needed to import people from around the world to do the jobs of those that were killed and maimed.

  9. I do believe that a transexual lecturer is employed at Sandhurst. At one time a man, he became a man with breasts and lipstick. He teaches use of the handbag and other many interesting things. Strange…..very strange.

  10. Never forget the bravery of the black lesbian dwarf regiment who saved the Paras at Goose Green and commanded our fleet at the Battle of Jutland. And not forgetting all the Africans and Transgender Albanian mongs who save the Army at Dunkirk. Without their canoes and pedal boats the B.E.F would of been destroyed.

  11. Don’t worry, soon all WW1 and WW2 films and documentaries will show that all the British soldiers were dark keys and peacefuls.

    The honkies were the cowards who stayed home. That’s coming next.

    Not even joking by the way.

    • Haven’t you heard… all historical figures are black now, according to the BBC anyway.
      …apart from the evil ones of course, they were all honkeys.

  12. Although I heartily agree with this cunting, I think the bastards are missing the point – the dead soldier is UNKNOWN! Therefore, could he not be of any racial type? It doesn’t matter, you mongs! He was put there so that anyone who had lost a loved one could think, maybe it is **him** lying there. Maybe my boy/son/lover/father/brother is lying there. I have no grave to visit, but maybe he is there.

    So, you wankers, you don’t have to speculate. Un-Known – that’s the clue.

    • Lady C-examinations of the skeletal remains, show normal sized mandible and large frontal lobe area to the cranium.
      Therefore proving it could not possible be the remains of a Dark-Key.
      Hope this helps!

      • Thanks, General! Forgive my emotional response, didn’t know it had been examined.

        But – poor guy! – couldn’t they have just left him in peace? Dug up once, now gone over over others – hmp. When did it happen, I mean, did they open up the tomb in Westminster Abbey or wasn’t the body there anyway? (ie was it in some museum vault, the thing in the abbey just a sham? Puzzled by this, perhaps you can point me in the right direction to find out more?

        Kindest regards,
        Lady C

  13. This unfortunately is just the tip of the shit berg important medal groups awarded to senior officers from the victorian campaigns in india and africa (our collective history) are being turned away instead of displayed because of the oppressive racism white privilege blah blah blah these people are cunts who want to wipe out our past the fucking joke is they’re fucking white middle class the CUNTS

    • You would be very surprised at the list of Black and Brown who were awarded the Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class in ww2. Shameful, very shameful that the young of today have no idea of real history and real knowledge,

  14. Apparently all the allied commanders were women who dressed as men , field marshal Montgomery was an Indian and winston Churchill was born in Karachi to mixed race lesbian parents ……..

    I’m sick and fucking tired of this woke libertard bollocks ……..

  15. How ever did we win ww1 and ww2 is this what they died for ? A soulless , gutless country and government, China , Russia and North Korea must be shitting there pants and high diving each other !

  16. The greatest fighting force and greatest empire ever to grace the earth, re assessed as a bunch of boat people, and ducky darlings!
    Its shameful.
    Have these traitors no trace of pride or history?
    Its bullshit and should be seen as treason.
    Theyre rewriting history.
    Hitler apparently tipped his hat to the British tommies,
    Saying if we were onboard hed rule the world,
    He didnt say he liked our makeup or private bongobongos curried rat.
    This sort of shite is underhanded and truly despicable.

    • The only members of the armed forces who should be wearing skirts are the Black Watch ‘the ladies from hell’ and other Highland regiments.
      NOT some fuckin Judie Garland whos a box ticked.

    • And when the much tested patience of the decent majority snaps – as it will – these fifth columnist fuckers better know how to run.

  17. The ‘Ooh ducky’ regiment, coming soon to a coffee shop near you.
    Pile of woke wank.

  18. IMHP, this woke shite is a bigger threat to our country and it’s traditional values than Chinky flu.
    Just saying. ?

    • Sorry, quick change of subject which I’ll only do at the end of a cunting.
      Two people in Quebec have been killed by a man with a sword. The Peacefuls are becoming more subtle, as this one apparently was dressed in Medieval costume. What alerted people, however, to the fact he was probably a goat fucker is that he shouted “Ali Akbareth, thoust infidel. Beshrew thee!”
      I kiddeth you not.

    • It’s not just the country and its traditional values, it’s the indigenous white population too, in years to come, it won’t exist. Thankfully, we’ll be long gone.
      Good evening.

  19. No whitey ought to join the Army. I wonder how many of the religion of peace would sign up to take their places? I would hazard a guess at not many. I wonder if some of the last surviving veterans of WW2 and Korea think to themselves when looking at the country today and say “Why did we bother?”.

    • Or, ” Why didn’t we side with Adolf and kick fuck out of the Russians and the French ”
      Just a thought.

      • The commies in China are doing a sterling job of keeping Islam in its place.
        Theyve just removed all domes and minarets from mosques.
        Sort of emasculated them,?
        It sends a message

        “Know your place, watch your step’
        No muslim protests, or nutters with knives in protest,
        Because they know if they did then things would get very uncomfortable for their people.
        We can learn from the chinks approach to pest control.

      • Sadly your right Ruff.
        Theyre a ruthless race.
        Unfeeling, merciless, uncaring, alien.
        I dont like them.

      • I was watching The Chase the other day Bob and one of the questions was something like “In which 1805 naval battle was Admiral Nelson victorious?” anyway the bint playing replied “Battle of Britain”. The thing is the cunts are not even ashamed of being uneducated and ignorant about their own history.

      • Edward Saxe-Coburg Gotha was cousin to Prince Eddy aka Jack the Ripper.

        It’s true, I’ve got a book about it.

      • Had it myself Liberal at work. I went to Nuremberg several years ago, went to the museums, rally grounds etc. Went back to work and the women asked where I had been, said Nuremberg, not one had ever heard of the place. Mentioned the Nuremberg War Trials, still nothing. Mention Love Island, TOWIE or I’m a Celebrity and they then have an encyclopaedic knowledge. We truly are fucked.

    • The Imperial War Museum started life as a lunatic asylum. Some say appropriately.

      Victorian lunatic asylums are in a class of their own, architecturally.

    • Nah! stunning women aren’t allowed any more. Now only trannies, mingers, lardarses, burka slags, bearded ladies and feisty bogo bogos are allowed now.

  20. Evening Mis (all),
    Did you manage to get out for a ore-lockdown Sunday Roast, Today??

    • Evening CG,
      no we didn’t,
      The pub was shut,
      And it was pissing it down.
      Walked the dog in woods and had a Sunday Roast at home.
      Feel sorry for anyone whos a pub landlord, forced to watch your business go down the shitter.
      You get out & about?

      • Only as far as the veg garden at home. Sunday dinner here with the first of our leeks, roasted honey glazed parsnips, green beans with purchased Torkshire puds and meat???
        Man Utd fucking dismal again, so consoling with a large glass of single malt and ISaC?

  21. Really boiled my piss when the army decided they would drop the slogan “ be the best” as it was considered elitism. What else would you suggest to try to get people to sign up to a job that has a reasonable chance of ending their lives? Fuck me we’re pondering to pc correct bollocks like this rather than giving the people who are potentially going to do the job some reassurance that their training will actually safely see them through any action. So glad it was dropped at the eleventh hour an sense prevailed, spent 500k getting there though.

  22. I can understand why we need to emphasise black contributions. After all, what did we ever do for them?
    Apart from
    Reading and writing
    Civil engineering
    Democracy, although rather different in kafir lands
    Abolition of slavery, except in Islam and Africa
    Civic infrastructure
    Work ethic
    But, apart from that – what has whitey ever done for them?

    With apologies to the Life of Brian.

  23. Lynette nusbacher! formerly Areh nusbacher (pronounced Arek) used to be on some dumb fucking televised computer wargames shite in the 8o/90s, it’s fucking hideous looking every time the cunt comes on the yesterday channel OFF IT FUCKING GOES! bout time this shitstained shitehawk was sent back to US.

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