Yes – it’s that turd again. A tartan bedroom (and if you’re lucky, you’ll get both) cunting please for the waddling, stinking tub of lard who for a brief period of madness was the Prime Minister of Britain – the man who ennobled Mandy.
These days he has to set his sights lower, and he has become Sleepy Joe Biden’s messenger boy:
You will notice the “subtle” reference to Brexit (of course) – like Gaylord Adonis, he just can’t let it go, and is totally pissed he lost. Add to this cunting Dame Kweer, who has wasted no time in crawling up Biden’s decrepit arsehole. He thinks his and Biden’s parties are “sisters” – I can’t disagree there – you would never consider Kweer a brother.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Oh well, a eye for an eye as they say…
Shit! Sorry Gordon!?
Yeah that cunt Major was out and about the other day spouting similar bollocks. The remoaners will never let it go, how bitter they are at giving us the vote without taking the trouble to fix it. It doesn’t matter how decrepit and past it you are if you’re a remoaner the media will always give you a platform.
On the contrary, they tried to fix the referendum but miscalculated it. EVERYWHERE except London, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted Leave, yet we’re supposed to believe it was only a 52% majority?!…..
Doesn’t sound like a particularly big number, does it?
How about 1.3 MILLION. Now that’s a majority!!!
Funny how they don’t think 1.3 million was a big enough number to be a significant majority, yet apparently, 60,000 covid deaths a year is a huge, unheard of, unprecedented number; that we should all shit our pants over.
When John Major is giving us peasants the benefit of his wisdom I would like the interviewer to ask ‘Did Edwina like it up the arse?’.
She’s probably got an arse like a bagel, already.
I might have known this was in the Daily Fail.
Brown is an irrelevant footnote in the history of British politics. He was a useless chancellor and one of the worst Prime Ministers we have ever had. Nearly as bad as Treason May. Why the fuck does anybody give him the time of day?
Just piss off back under your rock Gordon.
….that jaw thing he does…. makes me wanna punch him.
It really is weird, isn’t it! Looks like he’s trying to dislodge a bit of chicken that’s stuck in his teeth every time he talks.
When he does that he always reminds me of Margaret Rutherford playing Miss Marple in those films Murder Ahoy, Murder She Said etc. Perhaps she is his role model in the way Joan Crawford was Blair’s?
Good observation, WCB. He could well be Rutherford’s Grandson.
You will never tire of punching him in his face.The gift that keeps providing.Piss off to America if you are interested in Creepy Joe.Prick.
Considering this cunt helped to turn Labour away from the working class and has effectively put them out of power for a generation I’m amazed he’s still putting his head above the parapet. I’ve said it before but if only John Smith had survived.
Couldn’t agree more. I’ve never been a Labour supporter but I would have voted for them with John Smith as leader. A sad day for Britain when he died.
Fortunately for his legacy he died* untested. Chances are he would have ended up a sellout cunt like all the rest.
* murdered (allegedly) by his successor.
Why does that rumour not surprise me?
Copyright Flash Gordon®
It was Smith who promised the Jocks devolution, and Blair kept the promise in order to ingratiate himself with them. That turned out well…
Brown is certainly a cunt, but he wasn’t exactly helped by the financial sector throwing a near-terminal wobbly just as Blair left him holding the baby and fucked off to JP Morgan and a celebrity lifestyle.
A Cof S minister’s son – synonymous with watch this cunt!
Bravo! Summed up everyone’s thoughts in one word!
Fuck me, we all like to laugh at Creepy Joe but when was the last time this country had a decent PM?
Personally I’d say not since Maggie.
Major? Bliar? Brown? Cameron? May? Johnson???
I reckon this cunt was probably the worst of ’em and he’s got some fucking stiff competition!
Along with Cameron he’s battling for the title of Britain’s best* Prime Minister since 1992. That’s a sobering thought.
*Least worst might be better.
The Scottish Ultra Cunt.
A poisonous rat.
Gas it.
Then wood chipper and oven.
Job done.
Never liked this cunt, his British Jobs for British workers was a joke, what he meant was British jobs for any cunt who comes to Britain.
Biden will have his work cut out trying sort out the US to worry about the UK, like any politician they are only friends when they want something.
Off topic but so important: news on the wireless just reported that the Government has measures and systems in place to prevent conflicts of interest. This in response to allegations that firms associated with cunts in Government having received mountains of our cash from Covid related contracts. Nothing to be concerned about there then.
Gordon Brown? Signing the Lisbon Treaty makes him a world class fucking shit even without all the other cuntishness.
The government are full of shit.
Throw them on the fire.
Where’s Guy Fawkes when we need him?
It was David Millibrain who signed the actual treaty…
This was meant as a reply to CMC’s comment.
Didn’t this cunt sell off all the gold, at a shite price? The cunt.
Imagine what that gold could do right now in this Covid 19 ‘crisis’ we are in…
It could pay for actors to go into the Nightingale hospitals to make us believe they are full up.
Go fuck yourselves.
Nice one… and aren’t the thesps kvetching right now about having no ‘work’ and “lack of funding for the ‘arts’ sector bolx.
Gordon Brown
Texture like shit
Gravy train
See the cunt in it
His trousers down
Pro Eu clown
Never a frown
With Gordon Brown
Gordon Brown
This is the thing
Kingdom of blind
One eyed man king
He sold us out
He pulled us down
Never a frown
With Gordon Brown
Gordon Brown
Sucks Bidens dick
Help us remain
The mendacious prick
Lift up the lid
Watch this turd drown
He’ll never flush
Cause he’s Gordon Brown
Fucking hell, excellent re-write C.G. I’ll see if I can dig out my treatment of Shakin’ all Over reinterpreted as “They’re takin’ us over.”
Somalians on the top floor
Got the chinks on the ground floor
Gonna be a lot nore….
They’re takin’ us over… diddle da dah da da da da daaa.
dunk dunk dunk dunk etc.
Edinburgh Fest, 80’s, after gig piss up – Chops on a beat up nylon guit and a (drop dead gorgeous) classical harpist busked Golden Brown.
Think I’ve still got a rehearsal tape of “The Immigrants” doing me re-write somewhere.
I once stayed in a hotel in Kirkcaldy, Brownie’s home town. Fuck me there were pictures of the cunt all over the gaff, posing with local dignitaries and assorted arse crawlers. There was even a fucking great oil painting of the wanker in the entrance lobby. So at least somebody likes the grasping old motherfucker. What cunts!
Is it full of The Dinghy Riders of the Sahara now?
I hope so,they could have a peaceful root and burn it down when their new trainers don’t turn up.
He’s a local lad and he held the seat for 32 years, so presumably he was doing something right there! Unlike the current tendency to parachute slimy little ex-SPADS into safe seats they’ve never heard of.
Riot ffs this isn’t Australia you cunt of a phone
Sleepy Joe will not have a clue where or what the UK is.
I used to have fun explaining to well educated intelligent Americans all about the British Isles, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, the Queen’s role, England, Ireland, the Irish Republic, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
It was like explaining the rules of cricket or rugby.
But they were very polite. They never attempited to explain Grid Iron Football to me.
Footnote: Wish the interviewers would ask the Grinning Biden “Had a blow Joe, yet?”