Kamala Harris

As the fraudulent, stolen election enters it’s second week, let’s have a flat on her back, legs in the air cunting for Kamala “Flatback” Harris.

Instead of my usual long winded, dissertational cunting, I’m simply going to cunt the cunt and let you English cunters read the links for yourself.

“Old Flatback” got here name because she was the bought and paid for Mistress of former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. Willie was married at the time (albeit living separately from his wife) when he took on the young Kamalatoe as his concubine.

She was 30 years younger than the married Speaker and quit her job to be his full time mistress. He showered her with gifts of clothing, jewelry and even gave her a car. A BMW no less!

He appointed her to 2 political patronage positions where she received a combined compensation of well over $150,000 a year (in 1990s dollars.) She was always at his side and introduced to the movers and shakers of the Commiefornia Demonrat party.

There was even public speculation that they were to be married. But after Willie was elected Mayor of Sad Fagcisco, Commiefornia, he dumped “Old Flatback” and went back to his wife.

Using the “connections” she acquired while being “under” him, the tarnished and scorned concubine later ran for office in as a prosecutor. When elected she sent a message to Brown stating that if he so much as jaywalked she would prosecute him to the full extent of the law.

In her published biography, “Old Flatback” failed to even mention her old “mentor.” But in a published interview she was forced to acknowledge that her “association” with him would always be an albatross around her neck.

I bet none of you English cunters knew any of this. You sure as hell didn’t hear it in the press coverage of the election cycle. But there is a major story published in September of 2020, detailing all of it in your own reviled Daily Mail. (As well as multiple other outlets. But be advised…you do have to hunt for it as the corrupt Google algorithms have done their best to hide any reference to it. Nonetheless, Google it for yourself and you can read in great detail how this cunt rose from her knees to the very pinnacle of American politics.

So that’s the story of how a poor Markleoid form Canada…oh yes look for that too…became the heir apparent to Creepy Uncle Joe. (I know what you cunters are thinking!)

Kamala “Flatback” Harris…a true cunt if there ever was one.

NOTE: To the Admin Team; If I may be allowed to make a request. Should you deem this nomination worthy of publication, please post a picture of the young “Flatback” with her “mentor” Willie Brown.

(The £25 Amazon voucher certainly helped – DA)


That’s all for now but remember:

White Lives Matter
Armed Resistance
Never Surrender

Other sources include but not not limited to: Wikipedia and The New York Times

Nominated by: General Cuntster (Deceased)

149 thoughts on “Kamala Harris

  1. Sirs:

    The Palin vs. Harris wrestling match is the best idea I’ve heard all year.

    Except the Democrats would find a way to cheat.

    If Biden’s election is certified, which I would say is a 99 percent certainty, they’ll keep him propped up (a la “Weekend at Bernie’s”) long enough for him to give a State of the Union speech in early 2022, which he will end by announcing his resignation “for health reasons.”

    Of course, he might have to go earlier, in the event he appears at a press conference with his underwear on his head and declares war on Lichtenstein.

    Heels Up Harris, a completely vile sociopath interested solely in power, will then become president. The only good thing about that is it will cause the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua, Hillary Ramrod Clinton, to lose what tiny bit of sanity she has left.

    It’s going to get very bad before it gets better.

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