Doreen Lawrence and COVID (5)

The only surprise is that the Chinky Flu report has taken so long to be presented to us. The BBC claims that ‘Covid has thrived on racial discrimination ‘. To be fair the the BBC they do mention the views of more informed persons but the review chair by this woman who has managed to become one of the great and the good despite being neither bangs on about ‘structural racism’. Well, as no one has explained to us what structural racism actually is let alone provided examples I shall take this report as a load of politically motivated bollocks.

Nominated by: Guzziguy 

Supported by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

In support of Guzziguy.

Renowned epidemiologist and virologist Doreen Lawrence has come up with this:-

‘Covid-19 has “thrived” among black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) communities because of structural race discrimination, a Labour report says.
Its author, Baroness Lawrence, said these groups were “over-exposed” and faced “barriers” to healthcare.’

What a fucking surprise. It is our fault.
Crowded conditions? Why havent we given them large houses in the Home Counties?
Barrier to healthcare? Of course, the NHS turns kaffirs and -peacefuls away from hospitals and surgeries. We also insist they live on a diet of fried shit.
I expect mosques are too small for social distancing due to the racism of the planning laws.

This woman comes from Jamaica. Perhaps she should do another unbiased, scientific report on the paradises of equality in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Caribbean etc. Just to give this horseshit a bit of context

..and again by: Paul Maskinback

A trifecta cunting for “Gibs muh dat” Doreen Lawrence bleating on that Covid 19 has thrived in the UK on “structural racism n sheet”.

According to this race-baiting shitmonger, BAME groups are over-exposed and face barriers to healthcare. Sadly, no-one in the Tories will have the cojones to call her out and explain the source of her conclusions, which are clearly bollocks. I do not recall security on hospital entrances turning away folk for healthcare as they are the wrong shade on the RAL chart.

Lawrence has also urged that ministers must suspend the “no recourse to public funds” rule,which prevents some migrants accessing state assistance, and give support to any person struggling to self-isolate at home. More shaking of those magical money trees.

She waffles on that in the longer term, the government should remove barriers to accessing health services and information, collect comprehensive data on ethnicity and reform the immigration system. Her review effectively recommended that we do not try and dissuade every fucking piece of third world detritus to pilot a rubber dinghy to arrive in the land of the promised.

Supported 100% by Dame Kweer, this may be a step too far. In one deft move this cunt has effectively accused 94% of the UK of da raciss bees n sheet.

Doreen Lawrence, just fuck off. Continue to stroke your ermine robe and collect your £300 a day expenses for fuck all. You cunt


….and another. This time from elcuntio 

Dame Doreen Lawrence is a white hating cunt.

Asked by none other than the fucking loony Labour party to commission a report in to elevated BAME (I really fucking hate that term) deaths related to covid-19. Her report, apparently, alluded to structural racism being the reason why more dark skinned fellows fell foul of the kung flu than honky white boys. Apparently blacks and minorites are over represented in public facing job roles, increasing their exposure to the virus. You really can’t win with fuckers like this, if all public facing jobs were worked by white people, she’d be kicking up a stink saying it was racist that no blacks were employed, but then actively encourage employers to take on more ethnics and suddenly it’s racist because now they’re put in harm’s way. Fuck right off love.

She also says that minorites are more likely to live in overcrowded housing. Surely that is the responsibility of the people who live in said households? Nobody is forcing them to have 12 kids. What is the government supposed to do? Give them an extra house for free I suppose…..

I wish I knew what it was like to be so fucking delusional. What really fucks me off though is that she’s untouchable, because she’s a dame, from that fucking house of piss sodden, old fuckers. Can’t be voted out, and just sits in that ivory tower judging us all.

I’ve had enough you racist old cunt. Fuck off.

..and although not directly related, it does cover the same kind of area. Thanks to Black biscuit 

Structural Racism

A carefully non aggressive cunting for “structural racism”. This appears to be of massive importance to many, though I have yet to discover one single incident that illustrates this phenomenon anywhere in this universe. What I have discovered is pages and pages of vacuous unprovable waffle about a “subject” without any substance. Pages of internet searches feeding me reams and reams of basically libtard waffle.

People are making a mint out of producing reports etc about something they cannot prove exists. Sounding a bit familiar eh?. Even Baroness Lawrence jumped on the bandwagon when Queer Stammer asked her to chair a report about the invisible curse of ethnic denial via structured racism. Shit. I am so sick of this shit.
Never take a knee and fuck off (and your fucking bike)

70 thoughts on “Doreen Lawrence and COVID (5)

  1. An orgy of beautiful multi-cunting laid right there before me. Please no more gentlemen, my penis can only get so hard.

    • Structural racism? This mouthy nonentity of a race baiting cunt IS the epitome of structural racism. They should kick her whining arse out of the country back to the racial paradise she dumped to come here & sponge off all us white racists.

  2. It’s parasites such as this that will drag the country into a segregated multi cultural hellhole.
    None of them will be happy until we are in an ethnic cesspit.

  3. She’s a stain on humanity, we should build a bonfire and stick her on the top.
    Bastards like her, who welcome wild naked savages in dinghies deserve nothing better.

  4. That old tart ought to go on her back with David Lammy – if she gets one of his oak tree legs over her she won’t get up in a hurry. If they do missionary he will probably squash her to death – what a way to go – under 20 plus stone of Lammy.

    Look at that picture though – Starmer looks even more slimy than Blair – no wonder Mandleson loves him so much.

  5. Bravo gentlemen, a veritable smorgasbord if breakfast counting.?????

    Doreen, Doreen, Doreen-stunning and brave, stunning annnnnd brave.
    Please have a large plate of “some riiiiice, some peeeeeas an’ some chugggunnn, mhaaw.”

    Every hospital I have been to has been fucking rammed with peaceful and dark keys, every fucking time. That’s why they come here.

    Vote “REFORM”-it’s our best shot at calling this cuntitude out.

  6. I have a clue as to why the Coof might be more prevalent amongst the BAME community: they are more likely to live in multi-generational houses, do what the fuck they like and pack out mosques every friday

    Why don’t the official figures show demographics like BMI or ethno-religious origin?

    It astounds me that race-baiting morons can claim with a straight face, words to the effect of “viruses can be racist”.

  7. In summary as Sargon of Akkad would title one of his videos:

    “Covid, lack of funds, lack of healthcare, lack of employment (all universal) affect BAME people more”.

  8. Average white family will be husband, wife and 2 kids, living in a house.

    Average BAME household is likely to be 3-4 generations and they also like having 5/6 kids. Chuck in the Muslim practice of breeding with your first cousins for generations and there is a huge increase in weakened immune systems along with genetic deformity.

    Fuck all to do with structural racism, but about life choices. However to point this out is structural racism, so the cunts won’t even allow you to have that discussion.

    • Life choices you say? Sounds familiar…………..To quote Cathy Newman “So what you’re saying is”………… Structural racism is the new gender pay gap?

  9. I just watched Professor Sunetra Gupta’s most recent interview yesterday on TalkRadio and she mentioned the grey area of “vulnerable people who are situated within families”…………. i know that also included disabled children, disabled adults and some elderly honkies even but she, as an asian woman, doesn’t seem to want to point out the glaringly obvious point about the traditional, multi-generational family being very prevailent in BAME households.

    Just another example of not speaking that which must not be spoken.

  10. These cunts thrive on being ‘ victims ‘.
    Instead of getting on with life they whine about anything and everything.
    They’ll never be satisfied, until whitey is eradicated.
    If it’s so bad here, fuck off somewhere else.
    On the subject of somewhere else. Gunmen are still on the loose in Vienna, city centre a no go area, schools closed, peacefulness reigns.
    Time to rid the UK and Europe of these
    fucking muslims.
    Islam is not compatible with Western Democracy.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Victimhood is the problem inherent in the Labour party. Bradshaw, Russell-Moyle, Streeting, Bryant – even Lord Mandy – regard themselves as victims because of their homosexuality. Butler Lammy and the Lawrence broad regard themselves as vitims because of their colour and half witted cunts like Jess Phillips, Harman and Cooper think they are victims because they are wimmin – yet ironically the Labour party panders to them and their like all day every day.

      • TTWCB@ – And I think Labours election results show what the average Man and Woman in the street think of their deranged “policies”.
        Lucky we put our faith in trustworthy Man of action Boris..

  11. Well I feel sorry for Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon O.B.E and the other millions of BAMEs….we should free them immediately from the appalling conditions and structural racism that we force them to endure in this Country.

    They must be freed from their shackles and allowed to return to the Paradises from where they came…enough of holding them against their will in intolerable conditions. SS Windrush must be recommissioned immediately, loaded with these poor victims of Whitie’s oppression and sent on it’s way to da Muddaland. No ifs or buts…we have enslaved them long’s time we realised that we can no longer hold them against their will.


    • The madcap world of Dizzy Doreen.
      Not our fault you didnt send steve to karate lessons.

      • Her fault. She should’ve made sure he never left home without a .44 Magnum.

        PS: That’s a protective weapon Miserable, not a lolly.

      • Morning Ruff, good job you cleared that up!
        I assumed it was a type of rubber johnny,?

    • So well put Dick.

      They all like to moan about racist honky in the UK, but they can’t wait to get here and never leave to go back to the paradise of their family origins. That’s because they can’t admit that the UK is far better than the awful shit hole they and their ancestors came from and that they are all responsible for it being an awful shit hole, not honky.

      A bit like Pie-keys they ruin one piece of land and then turn up on another one to trash that, whilst blaming someone else all the time.

      • Talking of our esteemed pie-keys-how the fuck does social distancing work on those “tight knit community camps” they brighten up our countryside with?
        Low intelligence, absoloutely no regard for any official policy, unless it benefits them directly.
        I wonder if community covid marshalling will be taking place there???

    • ‘Da muddaland’, where they’ve never been but talk like they’re natives despite being born in Peckham. Like the cunt continuity announcers on the box.

      • The Duke Of Wellington, 200 years ago, had a response to those who claimed to be a national of the country they happened to be born in. “If someone has the misfortune to be born in a stable does make him a donkey or a sheep?”
        That was his response when he was accused of being Irish.
        My Mrs. was born in Hertfordshire but gets very cross if you tell her she is English, bought up in Wales and had Welsh parents and is very Welsh. The chapel has a lot to answer for.

  12. Fucking hell fellas that’s one hell of a cunting. So a queen gelf says it’s structural racism that is killing dem gelfs sorry B lacks . Nah it’s the nano botts. They’re racists not mr and Mrs pale. Another nail in the coffin ⚰️ of commonse.

  13. “Thomas, Thomas, catch that damn racist virus ya dumb cat, lord have mercy on ya boss” she’s the epitome of the opportunistic kaffir cunt!!!

  14. If I can get a bunch of black teenagers to murder my son, would I get a peerage?
    Of course not. I’m the wrong colour.

    Not being funny, but what exactly has this woman done to justify being ennobled? Just asking…

    • Being fair, you could probably ask the “done to justify being ennobled” question of 99% of the Cunts in The House of Lords..

    • @Dioclese:
      Refused to accept the police conclusion on her sons death.
      Apparently. I can’t blame her for pushing for answers, lots and lots of white people have done exactly the same……

  15. Doreens a right grabbing cunt,
    Will do tricks for money
    Dont buy her malt loaf
    Doreens soreen.
    She looks like Desmond from C4s shite comedy Desmond.
    Boris due to pressure will name 10 Downsyndrome street after her.

    • Youz a rare-cist. ??

      I reckon she looks more like a chubby Labi Siffre after too Christmas dinner. “It must be cake, cayy-ake…”

  16. The Lawrences, along with Suckdick Khunt, are prime examples of why immigration is a bad idea. As much as I feel for anyone who has lost a child, and especially the circumstances of her son, the case led to a change in the law of not being tried twice for the same offence. This had been in place for hundreds of years to protect the innocent, and it was sacrificed on the altar of political correctness by uber-cunt Jack Straw so he could get a few more brown votes.

  17. She is obviously a massive expert of structural racism after what happened to her son., or is it that she is an expert because of this racist shite she is spouting?
    The Hong Kong flu is more prevalent in these groups because they don’t abide by the fucking rules but no cunt wants to mention that elephant in the room.
    Morning all.

  18. Doreens brief was start with the conclusion and work backwards.

    It was obvious as soon as Kweer announced the I have asked the Lawrence woman to….. that was it, the report had already been formulated and even Ladbrookes wouldn’t have given any odds that it would be anything other than

    Structural Racism.

    Ignore the facts, as the Covid deaths mounted up and it became apparent that there were high numbers of BAME bitting the dust and it was very quietly mentioned that they (particularly Asians) had underlying health conditions. Now we seem to have a picture of what the problem really is, these fuckers rather than being a positive contribution to the UK are in fact an imported burden on the NHS.

    Not structural racism in the UK, more like the ‘right’ for these immo cunts to bring in extended families riddled with disease.

    To try to keep up the racism narrative they explain that younger BAME in the NHS are dying because they (unlike their white colleagues) were forced onto the front line with inadequate PPE. It is beyond belief that in any hospital a white nurse or doctor would be issued with top of the range PPE and the BAME would get a reusable hanky to put over their faces.

    Fuck off Doreen, the government report didn’t have the same conclusion because they took the facts, did the analysis and reached a conclusion.


  19. @Admins Why has text suddenly appeared at the top of each comment stating the thumbs up to thumbs down ratio?

  20. Doreens brief was start with the conclusion and work backwards.

    It was obvious as soon as Kweer announced the I have asked the Lawrence woman to….. that was it, the report had already been formulated and even Ladbrookes wouldn’t have given any odds that it would be anything other than

    Structural Racism.

    Ignore the facts, as the Covid deaths mounted up and it became apparent that there were high numbers of BAME bitting the dust and it was very quietly mentioned that they (particularly Asians) had underlying health conditions. Now we seem to have a picture of what the problem really is, these fuckers rather than being a positive contribution to the UK are in fact an imported burden on the NHS.

    Not structural racism in the UK, more like the ‘right’ for these immo cunts to bring in extended families riddled with disease.

    To try to keep up the racism narrative they explain that younger BAME in the NHS are dying because they (unlike their white colleagues) were forced onto the front line with inadequate PPE. It is beyond belief that in any hospital a white nurse or doctor would be issued with top of the range PPE and the BAME would get a reusable hanky to put over their faces.

    Fuck off Doreen, the government report didn’t have the same conclusion because they took the facts, did the analysis and reached a conclusion.


    • One thing I totally forgot to allude to, mainly because I type out cuntings in a fit of rage, is that it’s a good job she’s a virologist and understands how viruses spread……oh no wait, she isn’t. Well then it’s a good job she is a human biologist and understands the physiological differences in how blacks and other ethnics have evolved over the years……..oh no wait, she isn’t. Then it certainly is a good job she has a degree in statistical analysis and can look at the figures from the pandemic and determine these conclusions…….oh no wait, she isn’t that either. No she’s the mother of a murdered teenager, who now thinks all white people are racist because of two cunts who murdered her son. Yep unbias, impartial analysis right there.

      • That makes her qualified to write Structural Racism which was the whole point of the Kweer/Lawrence project.

        Who gives a shit about truth when searching for lies. ?

  21. Fuck off Doreen, you one trick pony, slaphead racist cunt.

    Stephen was perforated by a nasty bunch of cunts because he liked to mug white schoolkids for theIir lunch money / bus fare as part of a gang.
    Funny how this never gets mentioned.

    Dat rayciss po po spent over a million quid, including buying the house next door to the stabby cunts to get a conviction, based on the flimsiest of circumstantial evidence and requiring the repealing of a centuries old law. A law that protected the BAME from their crimes more than YT. You stupid cunt!

    If the dumb as fuck sheboon thinks that the Covid beez all rayciss and sheeit, just wait until the rinky dinks get bored of Africa, Africans and their antics.
    They have some nasty biological weapons stored up, that target specific ethnic groups.

    Who do you think is top of their shitlist, Doreen?

    If you think the English are racist, I suggest you move to China and find out what REAL racism looks like.

  22. So Charlie Chan’s Revenge strikes down the BAMEs disproportionately? Those dirty yellow, slitty eyed bastard raaaaay-sists!!

  23. I din’t think I was racist. Then it was pointed out that this was because I was, in fact, being unconsciously racist. Silly me. Fuck off.

  24. She was the ideal person for Labour to choose for this bit of virtue-signalling. She’s a world authority on the subject, don’t you know?

  25. What a beautiful couple, organ grinder and monkey. Smarmer’s face is beginning to affect me as much as Blair’s. Total cunt.

  26. No mention of Stephen Lawrence being an armed drug dealer who assaulted the wrong kid and paid a horrific price.
    Serve up on another Mans patch, threaten his runners with knives and steal their food and that’s what you get.
    But no mention of this.
    Saint Doreen! Every whining fucker who hates my Country! Get this kids – if you do not like my piece of paradise feel free to leave and relocate in the black/muslim/socialist utopia of your choice – take your ingratitude, racism and hatred elsewhere.

    • I don’t know where you heard the St Stephen was a drug dealer Vernon?

      He was widely regarded as a two bob street thug who would single out smaller white school kids to steal their lunch money as part of a gang.
      So basically nothing more than a coward and a bully.

      You are right in one respect, that he mugged a kid from one of the families you didn’t want to mess with…And the rest is history.

      I’m originally from round that way and went to school with one of the cunts who was accused of making him good. Their little clique of chavvy cunts were one of many around Eltham, Sidcup, Welling and Bexleyheath at the time who would go around trying to look well ‘ard by threatening anyone they thought they could intimidate. They were no better than St. Stephen, who was caught out in the open without the rest of his cunt mates to back him up.

      You may be thinking of Duwayne Brooks, who was caught in a stolen motor, with stolen cheque books and bank cards in the boot. There were also a number of sexual assault charges against him when the Lawrence case went to court. Somewhat miraculously, all of the charges were dropped by the CPS because their star witness would been seen as completely unreliable when stuck in the dock and questioned by the defence lawyers.

      To sum it up. One violent street thug sent to the great waddymellum patch in the sky and another bunch of violent street thugs doing hard time for his murder. No great loss to society at all.

    • Has there ever been a definitive, unbiased investigation into the death of Stephen Lawrence?
      I would also like to know how Doreen has been able to rise to a position of prominence. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to allow such events and what were their motives?

      • Yes.
        I investigated the case myself.
        Clearcut case of suicide if I ever saw one.

      • Correction: £50m spent over 25 years and it’s still got legs.

        The CPS are now looking to prosecute the four lead coppers on the investigation.
        All of whom are now retired.

        Total waste of time, resouces and our money.

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