“Infamy ! Infamy ! They’ve all got it in for me !” Yes, the ‘man?’ the world loves to hate just for his usual lies, has outdone himself and left media, newstations & historians speechless, as he slags off the very democratic electoral system that put him in office for the past 4 years.
In general, Don ‘knows’ the election is a huge fraud, that everyone is in on, & sleepy Joe & the democrats are stealing the presidency from him, when he’d already ‘won’ the election on Nov 4th.
1) The ‘fraud’ is being carried out by Democrats, big business, big media & the rich elite.
2) How could I be 500,000 votes ahead on election day & now my lead’s being whittled away by all these ‘illegal’ votes ‘they’ are finding – well Donny, you knew all along that post votes were being made. You decided to call them illegal & told your fans to vote on the day. You might still be getting Repub votes if you hadn’t told them not to postal vote.
3) They are counting these votes secretly & won’t let us near. Repubs are using ‘binoculars’…WTF ! Debunked – all votes witnessed independently, video’d, CCTV, public viewing galleries.
4) Stop counting the votes ! they’re all illegal if not done & counted on the day – many postal votes could have been counted before, but REPUBLICANS passed a law so they couldn’t count till Election day over.
5) Keep counting the votes – where they are for me, not Joe.
6) Trot out my mob lawyer Gulliani & my useless family to makes false claims & frivelous law suites
7) Republicans nowhere to be seen – in fact Republican Senate & congress calling for all votes to be counted ‘as the constitution & state laws require
8) Rile up all the gullible Trump supporters “Fraud” “stealing the election” – doesn’t matter if it leads to division, distrust, violence, riots, deaths. America doesn’t matter, as long as I have a reason why I was cheated.
9) US soldiers, farmers, workers, nurses, doctors, all the ‘good’ Americans voted for Trump – Rich, elite, liberal, big money all ‘bad’ Americans voted for Democrats.
10) If the election is ‘rigged’, how come you got record voters Trump ? & how come you’ve won a lot of close counts ? if it was rigged, Dems wouls have got 270EC on election day & wouldn’t be waiting for count to finish.
You might be a selfish Ego Maniac, but please don’t trash your own country & get your own voters killed by making wild accusations, telling lies, wasting everyone’s time with pointless legal cases & playing a victim while America burns.
Nominated by: Lord of the Rings
I’ll tell you one thing, if these brainwashed libtards think that the Demoncunts are going to give them free stuff and deliver social equality they are fucking dreaming. The banks, the corporates, the media and the rich cunts didn’t back Biden to get fucking poorer. Getting poorer isn’t in their DNA. The only equality the ordinary Yank is going to get is they’re all going to be equally poorer.
“Hope”. “Change”.
Ah-hahaha. Fucking idiots.
Reply to the general.
(No more shouting/upper casing in future please. It’s looks ugly and not really needed for a site like this – DA)
Yep ok admin /it has riled a lot of people on both sides of the political fence.
(Thank you – DA)
Reply to sir foxchaser fiddler
No cant stand biden and what he stands for as a leader he will be shit.95 percent trump fanatics hmmm not quite myself but good should always truimph over evil and biden is utterly corrupt this dickhead is stupid and rotten to the core i hope boris tells him to fuck right off as well
Some thoughts, in no particular order.
Lot of hyperbole around this election. One could argue that the writers of the Constitution knew what they were doing and their system is working. And let’s not pretend it’s only the Democrats who get up to illegal/legal shenanigans in the USA.
I think General Cuntster will agree with me that the US political system, full of checks and balances, depends on a willingness to compromise. But the hyperpartisanship of the past three decades has meant it is difficult to get anything done. It’s like having a car with a sewing machine engine but the brakes of a tiger tank.
In the US, power is very decentralised – the states and counties have enormous power. The president is not the emperor of America. It’s very interesting to look at the House, Senate and Governor elections to see that this year’s votes are about much more than Trump.
Whilst there is a lot of rancour this time, it pales into comparison to 1800, 1860 or 1876. General C, what has happened to civics education in the US?
Why are the world’s media so obsessed with this? Yes, the US is important but it’s not the fucking centre of the universe.
Calling Biden or Harris Communists, or even Socialists, is laughable.
Donald Trump is a New York Democrat.
First Amendment to the US Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
And finally, some posts are attacking LOTR for what he has said. Isn’t the first rule of ISAC ‘don’t cunt the cunters’?
(Indeed. And we considered LOTR’s nomination very carefully before publishing as we felt it was well balanced and offered an alternative view to the norm. It has certainly created suitable debate on either side of the coin, which is always the intention of a site like this. And finally, we don’t cunt cunters on here. Carry on. Thanks – DA)
I miss Dave…
Hey Mike,
True enough. Both parties participate in shenanigans. But an organized plot to overthrow a duly elected President with false impeachment charges…fomenting violent riots in the streets…and then a comprehensive nationwide effort to steal the election is more than simple shenanigans. It is a coup d’etat.
The US system is full of checks and balances and it does sometimes take compromise to get things done. But an alternative way of looking at it is that the Founders knew that “the government that governs least governs best” and so they deliberately created a system of gridlock.
There is a lot of rancor (American spelling) in this election and the elections you mentioned…along with 1824 election. It is also not the first election the Democrats have stolen. Kennedy vs Nixon in 1960 comes to mind.
There has been a systematic effort by the progressives in this nation to dumb down the education system. We are no longer taught civics and but rather we are taught about the value of diversity, the wonders of multiculturalism and the joy of inclusivity.
As any millennial cunt about the 3 Branches of government and their eyes will glaze over. But they all know about the dangers of man caused climate change and how our nation is systemically racist.
As for LOTR, he deserves what he gets. I posted in another thread about my respect for Allan and Komodo.
While I often disagree with them, I respect them both as having the courage to post a fact based contrarian opinion and then defend that opinion from the cunters onslaught.
LOTR is NOT in the same league. He (in my opinion) deliberately posts false, defamatory and misleading information which he cannot back up with fact and then for purpose of self aggrandizement generates a record number of tics in a very short period of time. (Not even Lord fiddler Himself has that kind of support among the IsaC faithful.) Like the election itself, it is (in my opinion) fraudulent. And he has yet to show up and then back up anything with factual data.
Disagreeing with someone, pointing out their lack of supporting data and finding logical flaws in their argument is not cunting the cunter. It is legitimate debate.
My ‘don’t cunt the cunters’ comment wasn’t aimed at your good self. I do feel some comments on this thread violate the First Law of ISAC though.
I’d forgotten about 1824 – good call. I remember at university greatly admiring Henry Clay and vehemently disliking Andrew Jackson.
The partisan point is important. Up until the 1960s, it was possible to talk about a four party system with liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats. I believe George Wallace carried your adopted state on a States’ Rights Democrat platform in the 60s.
Talking about Alabama, the Summer rains have started here and it’s as humid as fuck. Coming from temperate lands like yourself, I find the heat bearable but the humidity can make me lose the will to live.
Ditto the humidity Mike. We are into what we call “Indian Summer” here in the states. Warm sunny days and cool evenings.
George Wallace did more than win Alabama. He won almost all of what had up until that time been known as the “Solid South.”
The “Solid South” was made up of what my family proudly called themselves*…”yellow dog Democrats.” That expression comes from the old saying “I’d vote for an old yella dog before a damn Republican.”
It had been part of the Democrat coalition from FDR right up to the Nixon/Humphrey/Wallace election of 1968. And in reality goes back to the post Civil War Reconstruction era. In all probability, Humphrey would have been President if not for George Wallace.
By the time of Reagan’s election in 1980 the coalition had collapsed.
As an aside…excuse me if I’m a bit “touchy” these days. I’m angry, depressed, frustrated, hostile and generally pissed off** over the election. (More so than usual.)
*As I’ve said before, I’m from the Midwest. Northwest Indiana, near Chicago Illinois. But my mother’s family was from the deep south and I have many roots and ties here.
**Pissed off as in american slang for angry not English slang for drunk.
Buck Fiden!
TT CG@ – I have done some digging around and it turns out nancy Pelosi and a number of other democrat luminaries and advisers have commercial interests in Dominion Software.
This is beginning to come together.
No second term for Donald I’m afraid, unless he can do it from jail. I’ll give it 6 months before he’s behind bars!
Was thinking on the same lines as you Doo Man Ted
Question is……what are the Mainstream media going to talk about when Trump leaves office and Biden takes his place? Will it be ever so quiet? or will certain prosecutors try and take Trump down for accusations said about him now he won’t have the cover of being the President?
I heard the illiberal Demo rats are going to have something called a ‘Truth and reconciliation council’ GB, which sounds like a 21st century Spanish Inquisition.
I suggest if ever invited to a ‘truth and reconciliation meeting’ you run for the hills!
Evening LL?
Evening Miserable, God how depressing. I might have to go dogging to cheer myself up but not at the bottom of Captain Q’s garden.
You are correct. They want to compile the names and addresses of Trump supporters.
All hail President Bidet !
And soon, all hail President Harris.
You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
There ain’t nothing civil about war.
Get To Fuck.
Well i know were my loyaltys lie ive took it upon myself to email the white house and to let trump know he has a strong fanbase here in the uk and he shouldnt be bothered about the media and to take great comfort that hes done wonders for his country!no bullshit!Biden you corrupt cunt i wouldnt piss on your grave you fucking nonce
@Anne Frank:
I reckon you just want a bit of Trump pussy-I can’t say I blame you mate ?
Not a fan then?
Too true, Jack. This has been carefully planned to the last second. Even if Uncle Joe doesn’t want to go, he won’t be given the choice. Harris has already been ‘chosen’ and I suspect Kilary willl rear her ugly head sooner or later.
He will retire ‘ with honour ‘, due to a medical condition, I suspect. It will be on ‘ the recommendation of his medical team ‘.
I suppose heart trouble would be a solid bet, he’ll need to avoid stress, relax on the porch, stroking hair and popping statins and beta blockers.
Harris will tearfully accept the historic mantle, so ‘ unexpectedly ‘ thrust upon her.
When her policies are revealed, America will tear itself to pieces.
This does not bode well for the West.
Good evening, Norman.
Bidet is also an IRA sympathiser. For which he can Fuck Right Off.
Ive just emailed the white house !and stated to /for the attention of trump that he has a strong fanbase in the uk and he shouldnt be bothered about the media as hes done great things for his country!thats where my loyaltys am!
Fucking loon, good riddence 4 years of utter cuntery at an end. Hopefully
4 years of even worse to follow oh no it aint over yet go
Fuck yourselves as b&wc (2020) would say!
You gotta love the donald
20 mins ago a new statement was issued
He will not concede!
The REAL legal challenges start monday
He has stated rather astutely and seriously that the electoral system does no credit to tge american people and he wants it as fair &square as possible to declare the real winner many real facts this time round e.g such as dead people voting for biden .with his razor thin margins you cant blame him its a fucking knockout !
Note to sir general de cuntster(deceased)i sincerley hope this brings about some genuine resolution for you and your fellow countrymen
I hope fraud IS found, the result adjusted to a Trump win, and the recorded facial expression on Hilary’s face.
Shit nom
The Don was robbed end of chat
Biden is a senile old kid sniffing cunt
….is correct.
Seconded. Is correct …
There was a 102 per cent voter turnout in one state and people born between 1850 and 1900 voting in another and no votes at all for independant candidates in some places. Even Democrats are questioning the outcome .
If they are questioning it, that will surprise me. The democunts are fine with cheating and fraud if it suits them.
Hmm I sense the presence of the tick monster…
He got those votes in a few seconds fair and square you bad loser. Just because he got more votes than you there is no need to whinge about it, this is how democracy works 😉
Nothing to see here, move along…
Bad loser? I didn’t realise I was taking part in a competition! Just seemed a pretty high amount of upticks in a very short space of time.
Apologies if I caused offence.
Cuntybollocks was being ironic, Cupid.
Irony doesn’t mix well with a hangover!
Aye I was just joking in an ironic/sarcy fashion.
Who are you on about mate?
Just realised it’s Remembrance Sunday tomorrow and I haven’t got a poppy.
I always get a poppy but the reason I haven’t got one this year is cos none of the shops round here are selling them. Haven’t noticed anyone else round here wearing one either.
What’s going on this year??
No, I haven’t seen them either. Meanwhile i’m watching the Remembrance Service on the hypocritical Biden Broadcasting Corporation, who would sell this country down the river to any foreign cunts. A lot of camera time for the BAMES I notice.
I didn’t know there were so many Charlie Chopsticks in the armed forces.
Quite emotional watching the poppies fall and thinking that for every poppy that falls it is for someone that has sacrificed their life.
I thank them all.
Yea I noticed that too. The entire event from armed forces, nurses, choir, guest singers was a stupendous effort of expressing “diversity”. Even the surviving vets seemed to outnumber whiteys! ?
Fair play etc, I’m well aware of the modern agenda but really this was a depressing misrepresentation of the modern day BAME proportionality, yet alone over the last 75+ years.
And I’d knob that Sophie Ellis Bextor in a heartbeat.
Some shops like Spar and the Co-op do not (repeat do not) have poppy appeals or British Legion collection boxes this year. I asked the 20something spotty mong behind the Spar counter and he just said ‘We haven’t recieved one this year’. I responded ‘Have you ever thought to ask them for one, you knob?’
It’s a disgrace that established retailers are not collecting money for the veterans. But they will have their ‘Happy Fucking Ramadan’ and ‘Black History’ banners up in the window, won’t they? The fucking frigs.
At least the Post Office have the poppy appeal though.
What happened to the other comments? I only see 4 ?
Press older comments
Pffft there’s no option for older comments in mobile view ? I’m using Chrome on Android 10. I don’t cunting believe it ?
Yes admin. Can this be sorted please?
Simple, ditch Google and use Duckduckgo or Brave browser.
I expect they are hidin in Biden’s basement.
Fuck sake I don’t like using desktop on mobile phones. the fonts are smaller than trump’s dick ☹️
About the same size as bidens morality then
Desktop on mobile is perfect for Donnie-tiny-hands.
Biden’s good for sniffing it tho
Now watching BBC news, a more sickening piece of Biden arselicking you can’t imagine. ?
Soon to be followed by smugboy Linekunt, wearing his poppy with a big grin on his disgusting face. Total cunt.
The number 2 ‘Beeb’ news story after Biden and Harris? Some tramp from Little Mix missing from an X-Factor style TV show.
Sums the BBC up really.
And Biden’s association with that slag Cardi B was a laughing stock.
It was worse than Jimmy Carter trying to be cool by saying he was into Led Zeppelin.
The Don will be back. Faster, stronger and longer.
Project Veritas just released another short video on YT. It appears a lot of ballots in Pennsylvania were ripped up and binned when they should have been kept on file for 2 years before shredding. This in addition to even some democrat poll-watchers speaking out and USPS workers who witnessed shenanigans will all help to strengthen Rudi Giulianni’s legal case.
Hardly any peaceful camelfucker terror incidents in the states under Big Don.
I fully expect a lot more sandfilth antics and atrocities now Uncle Joe is in.with camel fanny Harris.
There may even be another 9/11. And this time they will get away with it. Liberal scum will be queuing up to ‘understand’ them, with excuses ready made.
America is finished, and the Western World will soon be dead.
And top of the Democrat List of “To Do”? ” Fast track to Citizenship” for illegals residing in America. ( Creation of Democrat Voters just like how labour does )
These cunts even cry when they win!
Disagree with the nom, although I do agree that Trump isn’t used to not getting his way and would probably stomp about like a child had he lost fair and square.
But that’s just it. The whole thing stinks. Yes, more Dems were likely to postal vote than Republicans, but in most states there wasn’t much difference in the amount of postal votes received for both candidates. It was in the key swing states for the most part where we saw Trump pulling out big leads. Then,we are supposedly to believe, that out of nowhere, hundreds of thousands of votes for Biden turned up during the night. After counting stopped for sone bizarre reason. Never before has such a huge swing in the number of votes been seen in any election, anywhere. It looks like proper ooga dooga stuff from a third world republic.
The media and other libtards were quick to say Trump stole the election by colluding with the King of the Ivans. With no evidence whatsoever. They kept it up throughout his time in office, even after the allegations were proved to be a load of bollocks.
But in this case, with some evidence to point at strange goings on at the very least, the media and assorted libtards are saying the their is no evidence of election fraud. Case closed for them this time, it seems.
I say just have a proper and transparent investigation. If it turns out Biden won legitimately, then move on and ignore any of Trump’s tantrums. However, if widespread fraud is discovered it should end with people being thrown in prison and Trump being declared the winner.
Personally, I’d like Trump to set up alternative media platforms (I think his legal action will come to nothing…the judges probably won’t be on his side) to bury the msm once and for all, including the likes of Twitter and Facebook, not just TV channels.
The cunts have been brainwashing the masses for ages into ‘orange man bad’ and the result is we now have a kiddie sniffing communist corpse in the White House. He also wants to undo the work Trump has done to stop wars across the world. Expect him to have troops bombing the middle East within weeks. And then taking in the refugees escaping the countries (including loads of people who will not be refugees but chancers, of course).
The thing is Cuntybollocks, I don’t dislike Trump because the MSM say’s he’s rubbish. I actually watch Trump & listen to what he say’s.
Sometimes it’s entertaining because it’s just so bizarre & outrageous.
Othertimes it’s maddening as it’s just bare faced lies & because he acts like a cunt.
I judge Trump on his own words & actions.
Trump : “maybe we can kill the virus by injecting bleach or somehow introducing it into the body…”
Bleach Manufacturers : ” please do NOT inject yourselves with bleach ”
Media : “Mr President, why haven’t you submitted any Tax Returns while you’ve been in office these last 4 years ?”
Trump : “I paid my taxes, I paid Millions of dollars in taxes… my tax returns are nearly finished…They’ll be done about 4 weeks after the election”
White house published list of Trump’s achievements during his Presidency….
“ended the Pandemic” – ? ? ? really ?. Has anyone told the 230M + Americans dead & dying ?
You didn’t listen to his speech then, please highlight the part where he says “inject bleach”.
That’s just MSM chicanery being repeated.
Everyone knows he made an absolute prick of himself whether he said bleach or disinfectant, absolute howler of a press conference and indefensible. Much like most of the shit that comes out of mouth. Good riddance to the orange Mong
And 230 million dead and dying?
He definitely said “maybe it can be injected” while looking at the expert who was squirming.
Donny is a despot. Very entertaining at times it is true with his non-PC rhetoric. He should return to reality tv because he can’t cope with actual reality.
The USA. Soon to be twinned with Venezuela.
That would be to the detriment of Venezuela.
They have a well organised electoral system, called one of the best on the planet by Jimmy Carter
Is there anybody now who doubts that we are in the darkest hours as a country and a planet?
Is there anybody left who denies that we are in the middle of a coup by forces unknown who appear to want the masses dead and those that remain to become slaves to the wealthy?
Is there anybody out there who still believes it’s all about a ‘virus’? As our rights are stripped away and a majority of the populace comply with the nonsense is there anybody that doesn’t think we are at war?
As Remembrance Sunday is cast to the wind – all those who died to keep us free are lost in history as we remain under house arrest – oh, the hypocrisy
Happy now as the greatest criminal heist is under way?
The darkest times are not here yet, but are rapidly approaching.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
In all honesty, I am gutted.
I was so looking forward to the leftard nutters howling at the sky with maximum TDS.
The national guard being rolled out to shoot BLM and Antifa looters and quell the epic chimpouts.
The full disclosure of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptops.
Ilhan Omar and her brother / husband being deported back to Somalia.
Now all hope is lost and America is going to have to bend over and endure Marxism good and hard for the next four years.
You were fooled into thinking that voting is important.
Hopefully you’ve learned a lesson
Well, I for one am genuinely sad to see the end of the Don. And I am genuinely intrigues at the mounting claims of vote rigging by many unconnected and non political persons. ( Peterborough all over again )
Sweepstakes time, how long before Melania divorces the silly orange fuckmonkey cunt and after all those years of lying on her back gold digging how much is the whore going to take tango boy for….fucking millions hopefully and then she can fuck off back to Bratislava and buy the place……i wonder if the wig wearing wotsit looking motherfucker has orange jizz…..
I must say Big Don does like his euroslags. I bet he has had more Iron Curtain prossies than Old Soft Mick. Mind you, marrying one was a bit much though.
Trumps administration isn’t flawless, but if this fraud turns out to be true, then we should all be worried. Not a fan of Dems, socialism is always the back door to communism.
Its a bit disturbing to see a few on here would rather have a kiddy fiddler in charge of the free world than the orange man with all his faults
Is operation Ore still going?
As Joe Biden has won the presidential election, and – as the BBC have reminded us for the hundred and cuntteenth time – Kamala Harris ‘made history’ by becoming the first woman, and person ‘of colour’ to become the Vice President (yawn). We now have the ‘reactions’ of the celebrity cunts. When I say celebrity cunts, I mean clueless two bit cockgobbling slags like Rihanna (who isn’t even American), Kendall Jenner, and Ariana Grande.
Grande tweeted that she was ‘crying’ as Biden won. Mind you, if the little cunt can milk the dead from a terrorist bomb in Manchester, she won’t have any trouble using a Presidential election to get publicity. The little slapper.