Alibaba just can’t keep her horrible, sneering mouth shut.
On a recent edition of the ‘Jeremy Vine Programme’ (or what ever it’s called), the gerbil-faced harpy did her very best to provoke Laurence Cox into losing his rag, chanting, among other insults, the usual refrain about him being ‘a white privileged male’.
When Foxy started to respond, she chipped in with a little sneer implying that he wanted to see her deported.
But Fox’s implaccable calm in the face of her race-baiting led her to become a victim of her own vicious bile, and she went for him with the charge that he was (quote) ‘a racist bully’. Lazza’s immediate response? ‘Withdraw that remark or I’ll see you in court’, forcing the fat little twat to back down immediately (although stopping short of giving a formal apology).
It was very good to witness Fox’s demeanour during this broadcast, as he basically let this nasty little gobshite dig her own grave. Alibaba has been getting away with this kind of race-baiting diatribe for too long, and it was good to see Lazza take her down a peg or three.
She’d previously promised to leave Britain’s ‘elected dicatorship’* the moment Bojo became PM, but of course, she never fulfilled that promise. After all, it’s much more lucrative staying here, writing her articles and appearing as a talking head (albeit a vacant one) on chat shows, telling us all what a horrible place Britain is, and how racist we all are.
Yes, that’s the same Britain that gave her sanctuary and opportunity when she was forced to flee from the horrors of Idi Amin’s regime in her native Uganda.
Amin’s long dead, but the obnoxious, hypocritical bigot Alibaba is still here. Uganda’s gain is our fucking loss.
*Translation into English; ‘I don’t like the result of the election’.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
( – the real fun starts at 2:22. Enjoy – NA)
Bring back the Witchfinder General.
There is much work yet to be done.
Never like this fat ugly cunt.
I don’t understand what these fuckers want? They want to slag Britain off but don’t take the opportunity to fuck off.
Like the Extinction Re-bellends they don’t go where there are real problems nah they wanna stay here a be a nuisance.
I wonder what other countries like France and Spain who have colonial pasts say to their Yasmin types who seem to want to slag off the country they live in?
Back to Blighty, Britain is great…I’ve made loads of money here, the women love my massive brown cock, and I love the fact that I have Black and White ancestors.
I represent the empire, I am the British.
Go fuck yourselves.
Idi Amin’s gain is our fucking loss!, vile rancid creature!!!
Idi amins not dead!its a well known fact on isac that he came back thru re incarnation as the nations finest race baitor lammy!
Rest assured he knows all about her plight
Lozza is a fucking star. He doesn’t get rattled by any of it, even put that fat ‘new woke’ cunt Ferrari on LBC in his place. Vote Reclaim!
I always thought Ferrari was a reasonable thinker but, yes, from latterday wankery he has shown himself to be a fat, woke cunt.
I agree Paul, but I think he’s got tied up in the metropolitan elite mindset and thinks that the rest of the country agree with BLM and all the ‘white privilege’ nonsense. Sooner or later these fuckers are going to wake up from their woke views and realise they’ve disenfranchised themselves from the majority.
He fooled you, Paul. He fooled me right up to the moment when it came to discussing Islamic ‘grooming’ gangs.
He tries to be the sort of cool white van man type with a conservative bent, but he’s a slave to his corporate masters, his paycheck and pension ultimately.
Maybe he’s just naive or wilfully ignorant, but personally I don’t extend that courtesy to media representatives who get paid to shape public opinion and perceptions. Like the politician, they get paid to gab. A verbal whore, if you will (said in a JamesOBrien tone).
Just can’t see Reclaim taking off as a political party. Will split the vote with the Brexit party (if it continues) and lead to lots of lost deposits.
Better as a pressure group banging the drum for real England.
It’ll be very interesting to see what happens if we do indeed get a ‘real’ Brexit that frees us from the diktats of the czars in Brussels.
In that event, Farage has talked about re-formating the Brexit Party as the ‘Reform Party’, so it may well be that Reform and Reclaim would be promoting similar policies in a number of areas.
Regardless, I think that Fox is articulating the views of millions, who are sick to the back teeth with baiting gobshites like Alibaba.
Perhaps Alibaba is Idi Amin after transition surgery? After all, they both have the same pugilistic streak, the same overblown ego. I wonder if Alibaba has been to Scotland recently?
What an ignorant, fatheaded cunt.
She’s one i missed out in my list the other day under Ash Sarkar’s latest entry on IAC. Another race-baiting troublemaker.
See my post on the same.
Celebrity pancake.
She’s first.
Dearest admin and fellow members of this here fine website, that YouTube video link in the nomination, I watched it. Do you know what the photographs and drawings of rainbows in the background represent?
She fills the hate filled witch spot on so many programmes, there seems to be no other purpose.
It’s not mine, or Fox’s or anyone else that she will despise anywhere that she can actually feel safe.
Professional victim. And cunt.
Fucking hell. Not another one…
Fuck off you curry dough faced cunt. Jeldi!
This old trollop is yet another who came to this country with their arses hanging out the back of their saris and has done nothing but knock this country ever since.
If the old bag really hates us that much, let her piss off to an Eastern shithole.
As a warning, I think the old cunt should attend the caning room for a short sharp shock.
Deport her, Ugandan Asian I believe, probably here as a result of Amin taking revenge on Ugandan Asians for the way they lorded it over the locals. Yes this country welcomed her and her family in all probability.
Fuck off back to Uganda or some Muslim country that will allow you the freedom to slag it off at every opportunity, oh but wait, there isn’t one.
Toxic old smelly cuntess.
The irony is that old ol’ fatty Idi was (I believe) a Muslim. A bit of Muzzy love from him to his sister Alibaba!
Most of the Ugandan Asians who came to the U.K. have contributed to this country in a positive manner but this ghastly creature has not. I think that most people ,whatever their colour, regard her as not conducive to racial harmony.
TT GG@ – Priti Patel sure fkin hasn’t!
Of all the professional race baiters this old witch is the most obnoxious. Hypocrite, Guardianista and champagne socialist is par for the course but this one is also a peaceful. No wonder old Idi kicked her sort out of the country. We need our own Idi, and I don’t mind if he is black, to do a similar number on this goat shagging crowd of bastards.
I’m glad she enjoyed “Lewis”, a very English (and by implication racist) programme. I didn’t see many carpet kissers and letterboxes planting bombs and cutting cunts heads off in the street.
‘White men; I want them to be a lost species’.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
Step forward B&WC.
We need your skills ( perhaps not all of them ) to lead this once great nation back to its former glory.
Fuck me, Grotbags Hadley herself go.
The footballs on tonight, onto the roof to fix the Ariel-you fucking, fat, ugly, shit coloured, race baiting old cunt?
Has Let.
Fucking iphone?
Grotbags is better looking than this hideous cunt
Precisely, Anne?
I can’t stand this woman, another fucking peaceful immigrant who thinks we are all cunts.
Fucking White privilege, she has done alright out of being an ugly little Muslim reptile British hating piece of shit!
I always turn off when this ‘fat little twat’ is on TV but I stayed the course because I knew things would get interesting with Fox on the panel. I wasn’t disappointed. If anyone here hasn’t seen the ‘racist’ slur on Jeremy Vines show, have a butcher’s on YouTube. Watching this fat ugly turd’s penny drop as she realizes her bullshit claim could get her in trouble is TV gold.
What a horrorshow this monster is.
Piano wire at the ready!
Idi Amin was my favourite comedian when young.
A kind man, a feeder of wild animals (crocodiles)
A mans man, highly decorated (by himself but still)
Id hold Alibabas arms behind her back while Idi worked the body.
Then Idi could hold her while I practiced a roundhouse kick to her moaning whining little brown face.
Idi was right to fuck them off just a shame we got half of them.☹️
I agree Mis.
A weekend house party at Idi’s was always entertaining ?
Good wine, great entertainment and lots of exotic snacks in the fridge?
Cant fault him CG,
Funny,charming, took no shit,
Knew how to treat a lady,
And invented the man vs crocodile 500m swimming race.
Typical fat, ugly woke slug.
I’d happily donate £50 to Fox to help him drag shit stains like her through the courts and into bankruptcy and homelessness.
What a pissy stinky old cunt. Mouthy shouty, projects attitude unearned and unwarranted.
Offers a freebie to Fox to (oh here fucking we go again) “educate” him. Fahhhhhk off cunt
Fucking self obsessed singularity incapable of self-analysis. Makes a nice life from tending and stirring her cauldron of wrath cunt slut bitchcunt mole whore slut emigrate now but when you get there die horribly painfully slowly,
Rancid evil racist bitch.
Fuckoff to Uganda, entertain the crocodiles.
Is that pic your Halloween costume for this year Ron?
On a flight back to Uganda as soon as possible for this foul mouthed little immigrant ??
People who come to this Country as immigrants should keep their opinions to themselves about the History of this Fine Country because we are not going to re-write it just to please the likes of you. If you don’t like this Country what are you doing still living here go and live somewhere else and preach your vile comments because it’s not wanted here ??
These scumbags because that’s what they are seek sanctuary in England because no one else will have them once in England they moan about everything create trouble at every given opportunity Disrupt society at every opportunity they cannot bear it and want to change everything Fuck Off back to where you came from this is ??
Cracking nom, as per usual, Ron. Fucking trollop, hates the country that welcomed her and her family in their hour of need? Well, don’t let the door hit your fat arse on the way out, then. Fuck off to a sand pit somewhere, spout your bullshit about the indiginous population and see how long your napper stays attached to your body.
And stop playing the Race Card at every opportunity as you demean what it’s supposed to stand for.
Thanks DCI. Hope you’re keeping safe keeping us safe mate.
Alibaba has been getting my neck up for some time with her constant carping (this is my third nom for her I think). She’s always gone about with a face like a slapped arse, bleating and whining, but of late, since the Brexit vote I’d say, she’s become really shrill and aggressive.
she’s the epitome of her type; dishes out the insults, but when anyone responds, she goes into her ‘I’m a little brown person and you’re bullying me’ act.
A cunt of the highest order, but I think at last, people are getting her measure and calling her out. Fox’s approach was brilliant. He stayed calm and she ended up looking rattled and out of her depth.
I’m well, Ron. Shame I can’t say the same about the poor cunt on Tuesday. We’re having a run of serious jobs on my truck these last two weeks. Saved them all bar Tuesday’s one and the police saved another before we got there, (they did a shit-hot job). At least OUR part of the NHS is still working as it should. And I’m off Christmas. First one in a few years.
It says something that the msm have this dispicable woman on their ‘news’ programmes every five minutes.
Are people like her what they mean by enrichment?
She and Little Owen the bedwetter do seem to be ‘go to’ types in this regard. Shabby Chukkabutty’s another (who, like Alibaba, is another one with a face like a slapped arse).
Aga please Unkle Terry.Roasted for a couple of hours until crispy
The irony of her position is completely lost on the fucking spaz.
I personally know a few Ugandan Asians who came over here with absolutely fuck all other than the tiny grants given to them by the Government.
They are all without exception eternally grateful for what the U.K. has done for them.
They are self made people in the true sense and I’m sure they would be disgusted by this piece of shit and the bile it spews.
She’s not representative of her fellow citizens but more representative of the leftist bastard metro elites.
I can’t help but think she’s a play thing for those white middle class lot who infest the institutions.
She’s like an angry Jack Russel.
Hopefully her anger will manifest itself in high blood pressure that goes unchecked then it keels over, never to be heard again.
Nasty nasty piece of work. She does this with all her ‘opponents’ on ‘talk shows’.
She did it with Rod Liddle and I’m fairly certain he got an apology from Al-Beeb.
Utter cunt. Terry’s oven
She describes herself as ‘a leftie liberal, anti-racist, feminist Muslim’. She forgot to add the word ‘cunt’ at the end.
What is it with these fucksticks.
When you judge someone by their race and colour it’s racism. That’s part of the definition as set out in law.
Good on Lawrence, the fight back is long overdue.
Gas mark 7. Four days.
Fuck Off.
Terry’s oven and the hangman’s noose.
“gerbil-faced harpy” – that is class. Brilliant one liner, Ron. Well played sir!
Thanks Imitation.
Along with her other repulsive features, her face makes me want to puke, esp. when she starts to lose an argument and retreats into her pathetic ‘I’m a little brown person and you’re bullying me’ routine.
She’s very near the top of my ‘Fifty Most Punchable Faces’ list.
This whinging, shrill, race-baiting hypocrite makes me want to vomit (you probably guessed that!).
The MSM give this Irritating cunt a huge platform on which to spew her fucking liberal leftie bollocks , Fox handled this toxic little cow better than most , although a cunt it’s a shame Idi didn’t get his hands on this piece of shit , a thoroughly detestable Creature……..