Will Young – Wanking on the Train

Greetings, popickers. Let’s hear it for a golden oldie of yesteryear – at least 10 years and that is an eon in pop terms, for Mr Young, who, it seems, used to enjoy letting the train take the strain, as he knocked one out in the train lavatory spot:


What people will reveal when they are desperate to sell a few books – and trying to revive a flagging career. I am not sure pocket billiards on the Chiltern Line is the best way to go about it however.

One thought occurs – why didn’t he travel on the same trains as Mandy and Anthony Blair? I am sure they would have been delighted to take him in hand.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

85 thoughts on “Will Young – Wanking on the Train

      • Weren’t AC/DC on the bill that year too?
        At least they are back. New album featuring all classic members (except Bon and Malcolm (RIP)) out in November.

  1. I dont really know who this wanker is but this seems so fucking pathetic. What an insignificant piece of shit.

  2. I knew mates who lived at Cromford Court. They were flats that were actually built on top of the Arndale Centre complex in Manchester city centre. As I was on my up there one day, I saw this bird who was as fit as the proverbial fuck. She was actually stood on the outside staircase of the Arndale buliding as the traffic on Shude Hill roared past. Thing was, she was a resident of the Cromford flats and she had nothing on but a towel and she was waiting for an electrician or plumber as her shower had gone off. I wonder how many drivers and town goers had a Hilary Swank over that surreal but smoldering vision on Withy Grove that afternoon? I know I did.

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