The BBC (34)

Al-Beeb haven’t been cunted for a few days so I’m going for a yes-I-have-read-1984-and-I-am-aware-of-the-concept-of-newspeak-and-you-cunts-think-we-don’t-know-what-you-cunts-are-up-to cunting for Tim Ravy Gravy Davie’s latest stunt.

Dear BBC, you and I both know Sue Barker, Matt Dawson and Phil Tuffnell are not ‘leaving’ or ‘departing’ the show but are being kicked out due to them having all their arms and legs and a skin colour akin to a multi-pack of Mini Milks.

My moms for future presenters and captains are:
Raspberry: Tanni Grey-Thompson. She might have a problem taking the knee though.
Peaceful: Mo Salah
Gay and Non-white: Nicola Adams. Two for the price of one.

I’m sure they will all get along famously.

Nominated by: SimmyJavill

(Congratulations to Auntie Beeb on 50 cuntings! Here’s to 50 more – DA)

67 thoughts on “The BBC (34)

  1. Have to say, I’d be pleased to see the back of this show altogether. Tufnell in particular has a real “slap me” face.

  2. While I have nothing to say on the nature of this cunting, I would like to take the time to wish the lovable Auntie Beeb an ISAC happy 50th!

    Happy 50th, you propaganda spewing, money grubbing old cunt.

  3. They should just have done with it and have it so when you switch on the channel, it has half naked dark key blokes in warpaint with bones through their noses, dancing around a cauldron with Gary Lineker in it.

    I might actually renew my licence if they did that.

  4. Too old and too white. There are plenty of sporting BAMES to take their places, Marcus Rashford MBE and Sir (im)Mo Farah must be favourites. A token whitey could be Tom (sorearse) Daly.

  5. Spot on, Simmy. An absolute fucking joke. I’ve been to Tunisia, on holiday, watched their telly and, there are no token whites, mixed-race couples or fuck-all else on it. And fair fucking play to them. I just don’t see how a minority, albeit a vocal one, has such a control over everything. Where did we go wrong? To watch British tv, you’d think that whites are a minority and, the problem is, the far right will use this for their nefarious means. If we, on ISAC can see this, why the fuck can’t the pricks in charge???

    • Morning DCI.

      “I just don’t see how a minority, albeit a vocal one, has such a control over everything.”

      It’s because an sizeable proportion of the white useful idiot population and the influential lefty woke whites in the media and big business are enabling them.

      If whites didn’t go along with this racist bullshit it couldn’t happen.

      • Morning, Ruff, I don’t see things getting any better soon, either, but, my fingers are permanently crossed. You can poke a placid dog with a stick for so long, but, one day, it’ll turn around and bite you on the arse.

      • Poking a placid dog with a stick is cultural appropriation. Only Mongolians are allowed to do that (see Cayde-6 cunting).

    • Remedy DCI, you too are seen as far right if you disagree with this sort of shite.

      These cunts are pushing me to the point of invading Poland.

  6. Gary Linecunt has already announced the new presenter, Alex Scott, but he wasn’t happy just to make the announcement he had to stick his woke BLM oar in as well with his ‘if you have a problem with that then you are part of the problem’

    Fuck off Jug Ears, we can all make our own minds up about any appointment by the BBC, the licence payers pay your fucking wages so are entitled to an opinion, you on the other hand are ‘part of the problem’ with BBC so fuck off cunt

    My vote as presenter is Lawrence Fox and two woke captains so LF can slap the cunts down.

    Fuck of BBC, and should this be 51, we have had two 49’s

  7. When Mike Ashley turned up on my doorstep demanding that I buy a season-ticket for Newcastle United, I told him that I didn’t watch football, had no intention of subsidising his over-paid “stars” and to Fuck Off….but give him his dues,he demonstrated his stellar levels of Cuntishness by terrifying a couple of ninety year olds in the village. He threatened them with Court action unless they coughed up…still,at least he’s not as bad as the BBC..he didn’t spend the next 365 days shouting through their letterbox that they were racist old Cunts or stick posters up in their windows of a Gay Dark-Key botting a Raspberry over his wheelchair.

  8. Switched channels last night and caught five minutes of Have I Got News For You. Same again, two woke cunts, a Joe Daki host and the two smug cunts Merton and Hislop spouting more hate about Donald Trump. Even suggesting that it was a shame that he lived. Why aren’t these cunts brought to book? 100% certain that if it was a bloke to the right saying he wished Obama had died, can you imagine the fucking uproar? Another show past it’s sell by date, with cunts riding the fucking BBC gravy train.

    • Couldn’t agree more Bob. Stopped watching it a decade or more ago when Deayton was peremptorily ejected. It was clear only the politically correct, anti Tory, pre-scripted spontaneous “jokes” could be aired.

      I loathe this fucking coconut shy of a programme featuring those two smug baboons and the usual parade of unfunny lefty comedians airing their usual tripe.

      Yet another example of the complete lack of originality now on ABBC. Fuck only knows how the Spitting Image remakes will kowtow to the modern agenda. But I think I can guess.

    • There’s a rumour going round that Hislop and Merton are going to be dumped……..for the same reasons….too old and white. Favourites must be that Ragamuffin cunt and that smug Kumar wanker. If they want a token whitey there are no end of poofs and lezzas who could slot in nicely.

    • On a long drive last night, Bob, I listened to the R4 equivalent – the News Quiz – unfunny lefties making jokes about Boris and Trump. There was plenty in the news this week – Scottish Nazis and Liebour for example, but they’d need to re-write the script. Utter utter crap. Funny? No.

      • BBC comedy, and pretty much most of western comedy died when it picked a side. Spitting image worked because they ridiculed politics, and the cunts who practiced it. Once the bias creeps in, credibility is lost.
        For instance; there have been several breaches of lockdown protocol by political figures, and the cunts whose ropey data that lockdowns are based on. Cummings, Ferguson, Kinnock, Corbyn, the bint who was advising the Scottish government, and that stupid SNP bimbo from last week. Yet everyone except Cummings is largely forgotten. And, that Ferguson cunt, who historically has got fuck all right, and broke his own rules and recommendations to back some cuckolds’ swivel eyed wife is still being wheeled out by the BBC for expert opinion, or doom laden predictions, which they fucking love. The prick should be a fucking pariah, not respected by those cunts.
        Fuck the beeb, fuck SAGE, fuck politicians, and fuck the lockdown.

  9. I’m ashamed to confess I was born in Northampton. Left decades ago when still in nappies and never knew it. From what I hear it’s yet another of our far too many drab ‘seen better days’ towns; over-run by dark keys and uninvited sand worshippers.

    This is the town that once proudly exported top quality shoes to the world.

    Instead it will now be remembered as the home of Watney’s Red Barrel (shite), Graeme Swann (cunt) and Matt Dawson (Question of Sport cunt, R fucking IP)

  10. I wrote this nom 3 weeks ago and since then Jug Ears informed the world about Alex Scott becoming the main presenter.
    If the BBC wasn’t so obsessed with replacing YT with their non-white pets I would say that Ms. Scott is a good choice but Al-Beeb are a bunch of cunts so I am not going to say anything positive about them.

  11. I like it the more woke the cunts go.
    The heavier the brainwashing and racial propaganda from BBCistan,private companies and the MSM becomes the heavier the eventual purging of these cunts shall be.
    Keep it up.

  12. Ah… Happy 50th cunting for the good old “Building Britains Caliphate” or if one prefers – “Auntie”
    Jimmy Savile
    Gary Lineker
    Nish Kumar
    Race baiting anti white deviants.
    Woke agenda.
    Covid1984 fear mongering half truth propaganda.
    Etc etc etc..

    Like dice with a one on every side.
    Or is it die?
    Fuck knows. Cunts the lot of em!

  13. Fuck the Beeb Peado shielding cunts. Don’t watch em, don’t pay the tax hope the walls crash down asap.

  14. And a happy ‘World Mental Health Day’ to all you nut-jobs out there.

    They’re coming to take me away, ha-ha…. ?

  15. The BBC are the first in line for terrible vengeance when I am President.
    Then, after a pie and a cup of tea I will return for more “vengeancing”!
    Despicable crock of shite they are.

  16. Going slightly off topic I’ve just seen that Dizzee Rascal has been given an MBE in the Queen’s birthday honours list. Like a bit of grime do you Liz?!
    What does MBE stand for? Member of the BAME empire?
    I’m fucking sick of this country, think I’m going to emigrate.

    • that’s nothing – so has Dr Hilary Jones – for services to propaganda – what an absolute turd this guy is

    • The cunt has said that “he’s basically at the stage where he should be headlining Glastonbury ”
      So modest with it.
      FUCK OFF!

  17. we are the only ones to DEFUND THE BBC – stop paying for it and then – hey presto – we won’t have to nom it ever again!! you know it makes sense

  18. Any white cunt who pays the BBC is mug who should be tied to a horse and cart and dragged through the streets as a warning to others…any cunt who slags off the BBC (especially on here) yet pays the licence fee should know better and have obviously not read the previous cuntings. This is a crime punishable by being hung, drawn and quartered then cooked in a cake on the Big Bake Off.
    Go fuck yourselves.

  19. There is one thing Boris could do to save himself and that is to make paying the licence fee the decision of the end user.
    How they can they insist you pay even though most young cunts watch through the internet is a joke.
    It’s like some old medieval tax on the people, and the BBC is shit anyways.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • You mean…*gasp*…let the free market operate? That should achieve the desired result, much as it did with Lehman Bros…

      • I know you are moggie63, however you like Cats and black pudding so you aren’t that bad. ?

      • Afternoon Dick, got a date tonight with some ‘White Pudding’.
        Got a bottle of Vodka, might see a mate abaaaaht some white stuff and looking forward to night of debauchery.
        She is gonna get a proper pounding. ?

      • Great song Dick.
        Your evening doesn’t sound as great as mine…don’t worry old chap I’ll give her some for you. ?

      • I have just discovered that there is much more meat in a Co-Op bakery steak pie, if you can do without the tin and the pouffe pastry.

        Afternoon, Dick

      • It’s the pastry I like, K.

        Had an excellent Scotch pie from Kelso the other day….nowt better than a proper butcher-made pie fresh out the oven.

    • Well I suppose that makes me a cunt then.
      I can live with that. Some people act like cunts to me everyday, so its only right that I return the favour in kind. What goes around cunts around.

      I usually refer to it as blood sausage.

      No doubt you’ll be sniffing and licking out some young fillies exhaust pipe you filthy degenerate.

      • Warning B&W they say you can get Covid 19 from farting. Now I know with the quality of ladies you have there is little chance that that would be a factor. But it could happen. In the interests of health and safety I suggest you wear a face nappy down there while you’re about your lingual explorations. You will need to cut a hole in it of course.

  20. This proves the point of how racist the BBC are. They are also sexist and ageist.
    There were all the complaints about ageism and unequal pay for women earlier in the year and now they are adding racism against whites to their latest changes.
    Typical lefties, bleating on about racism and inequality but being the fucking worst offenders.

  21. What abaaaaht that David ‘film animals while they’re at it’ borough…
    The cunt waffles on abaaaaht the planet yet doesn’t mention all the environmental damage him and his massive entourage of people, Range Rovers and equipment do to the planet every year filming the same old shite. What a whopper of a cunt, I hope a Tiger attacks him midway through one of his monologues.

  22. While they’re at it maybe Auntie Beeb should rename the programme “A question of spurt”
    Then everyone would know what a load of toss it is.

  23. I´ve always been amazed at the amount of overstaffing at the BBC and plethora of correspondents with made-up positions like “China media analyst” or “deputy service editor, Indonesia”. But even I was astonished last week to see the BBC´s “Specialist Disinformation Reporter” pop up on the air. She is somebody called Marianne Spring and presumably works her arse off at the taxpayer´s expense taking “ through the responsibilities of broadcasters to counter disinformation, whether it’s a losing battle to engage with conspiracy theorists, and the role of platforms like Google and Facebook when it comes to the spread of lies, damn lies”, according to the BBC site.

    This means the BBC employs someone not to write about news but to write about what is not news. I know rags like the Sun and the Mirror, which specialize in celebs and gossip, do this on a daily basis but they are least honest about it.

  24. Either the government are powerless or complicit, those are your choices. As an aside, the Ministry of Truth was around two years old when it performed a hatchet job on the general strike of 1926, just my 2p.

  25. The Beeb will be 100 years old in two years time. More of a “cuntenary” than a centenary I think.
    If we work really hard fellow cunters I reckon we should be able to get Auntie up to a hundred cuntings by then. What a fitting tribute that would be.

  26. Well deserved half century cunting for our anti British heros.
    Never have i hated any organisation as much as i hate these traitorous fuckers. Ok BBC, it’s a fair cop. I’ve comitted one of your much trumpeted ‘hate crimes’ haven’t I?

  27. BBC introducing is also a load of wank.

    All the bands are more or less the same – copies of the 1975, or Jack Garratt.
    It’s all shoe gazing, downtrodden bollocks.

    The guitars are just swamped in effects – phaser, flanger, pitchshift, so they no long resemble a guitar. Either that or they just get a really weak tinny and shitty sound but are plugged into a wall of amps.

    • Just hard to believe this is from an organisation that brought us ‘The Old Grey Whistle Test’

      • Yeah I used to love the BBC. It’s a crying shame what’s happened to them. But I suppose they are merely a reflection of what’s happened to this once great cuntry.

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