Sparkletits for President!

A gold plated Sussex Royal cunting please yet again for the gruesome twosome who have now stepped into the debate on the American Presidential election.Mrs. M the failed soap actress has already castigated the Donald, but today in a celeb interview on TV, she and the little man were at it again:

Harry should shut the fuck up anyway, and I would just say to him his step grandad at nearly 100 has more marbles than the twilight home bound cretin Biden.

The cheek of these motherfuckers – like Dame Kweer they know fuck all about poverty and care even less.

You two – caning room NOW!

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

and seconded by: General Cuntster (Deceased)

I proudly second W.C Boggs’ cunting of Mrs. and Mr. Hewlet-Markle-Mountbatten-Windsor (aka the Duchess and Duke of Suckit) for their moronic, ham handed foray into the American Presidential election.

But despite the obvious righteousness of this most worthy and well deserved cunting, sadly, the illustrious W.C. (if I may call you that) didn’t go far enough. You see, THIS…is only the first political step for the Disgusting Duo…or rather for the D List Duchess and her consort, the formally, royal simpleton.

It is being reported in the American press that Me-ghantoinette is planning to run for President. Indeed, according to Royal “watcher” Lady Colin Campbell and Royal “commentator” Beverley Turner, it has been part of her plan since she first sunk her manipulative hooks into the Hapless Halfwit.’t-do/

Once again, you can’t make this shit up.

If pigs ever do fly and she does become the “Leader of the formally free world”, we’ll have to change our official Presidential anthem to; “Hail to the Cunt.”

(Honestly, if this ever happens I’m chucking myself off the nearest cliff! – DA)

47 thoughts on “Sparkletits for President!

  1. Since these cuntings were written this pair of entitled morons have accused us of structural racism, whatever that is. Arresting black criminals perhaps?
    This repulsive woman would have come up against structural snobbery and Yankism when she joined the parasite’s flying circus. No doubt about that.

    • It’s replaced Institutional racism, I guess it has a better ring to it, another meaningless phrase to appease the BLM supporting morons. The modern structural racism is against the whites, large corporations desperate to attain the correct quota of BAME.

      Thank fuck I am out of it and don’t have put up with the ‘modern’ workplace.

    • Right you are Cuntstable!

      The Sussex Simpleton and his race baiting Mongrel declared Britain and it’s institutions structurally racist in an interview with the Evening standard.

      As a shameless self promoter, I encourage anyone who is interested to visit the BLM Shit Page where a couple of days ago I wrote about their nonsense.

      At the risk of shamelessly promoting other members of our “illustrious clique of cunters,” the, no introduction needed, Mr. Fiddler posted a nomination earlier that day and was seconded by the good Mr. Dark key.

      We have a BLM Shit page. We have a Coronolviral Shit page. I’m not suggesting we have a Sussex page. Because the truth is these 2 feckless cunts need and would take up an entire site of their own.

      • And Half-Witt had the bare arsed cheek to moan he’d never been allowed to VOTE! You wanker! Your (supposed) ancestors signed up for a non-interference deal. They got all the land, the palaces, the dosh and the fawning and the government got the real power! Those shits couldn’t wait to oust the Stuarts and step into their shoes.

        Sparkle for President? I’m throwing up my afternoon tea + fancy cakes.

  2. If the Meganator becomes president will the Halfwitt become the First Lady ?

    He is already a first class cunt.

  3. Even though she is a cunt, she is a very good scheming cunt for all that!

    Not only has she ensnared Harry Fuckwit into her spunk-encrusted lair by wafting her fetid minge in front of him, marrying the cunt, winning a title, rubbing shoulders with the monarchy, fucking off back home to LA, screwing Netflix out of millions of dollars, denying she has a mixed race heritage, and slowly diluting Harry into the pussy-whipped, snowflake, touchy-feely twat he has finally become, she is now Queen Woke of the USA, and wants to be POTUS as well!

    Her Great Plan has worked very well, and we could all see it happen other than for Fuckwit Harry, who now finds himself in a possible constitutional crisis (even though the UK doesn’t really have one) – that a member of the monarchy could actually end up being the hubby to a president of a republic!

    When will this madness ever end?

    • ‘when will this madness end?’
      I think that it has some way to go yet. Frankly, I quite enjoy the spectacle of the deluded morons making complete fools of themselves on such a regular basis.
      Structural racism? Yet another inane slogan. Ask either of the chumps to define it and give examples and sit back and watch them flounder.

  4. Her phoney, smarming ‘look how much I care’ act masks a true operator at work. She’s truly nauseating.

  5. Now they’re back in Hollywoke, it’s just a short drive down to the Mexican border to finally introduce little Archie to his grandfather. There’s really no excuse not to now.

    Then the next time he’s in the U.K. I expect The Ginger Whinger to do the decent thing and drive down to Devon and follow suit with Major Hewitt.

  6. Cunts like this and their Marxist chums are never happy.
    Always agitating for more control or censorship.
    Awful pair of leeches these two,just glad they aren’t on our shores anymore.
    President my arse.

  7. Honestly, if this ever happens I hope Bad Vlad and his Ivans nuke the fuck out of the ‘States’.

  8. Lest some people here think this is all hype and not to be taken seriously…since we posted our nominations, more stories have surfaced in the American press, including the New York Post and Vanity Fair magazine. These sources cite not only the royal watchers as sources but “un-named” friends as well as biographer Omid Scobie.

    And they further claim that this is why Me-gantoinette refused to give up her citizenship after marrying the Delusional Duke.

    This story is from PageSix:

  9. I bet North Korea would shit themselves at the thought of Megan ‘Sharonda’ Markle at the helm of the United States. What with that cunt struck wet fart at her side. The mind boggles.

  10. Meghan: ‘Oh Haarry, since you gave up smoking, drinking, your so called friends, your family, the military and your country which was all your own idea ofcourse, you’ve become a so much better person’.
    Harry: ‘Oh thankyou darling. Can i please have another wheatgerm and kale smoothie before we put out our next message telling the UK public that they are all nazis without knowing it and the way they treated you was racist and almost criminal’.

  11. Modded hmm could it be down to i hope they go the same way as jfk whilst their campaign car draws close to the grassy knoll a snipers bullets passes thru their empty skulls
    Go fuckyourselves

  12. A country which is capable of electing Trump is capable of electing Markle. That’s democracy, playmates.

    I imagine you read it here first.

    • Ouch!

      All I can say to that is, a country who elected Boris Johnson, to replace the previously elected Theresa May shouldn’t cast aspersions on another country’s choice of elected leader.

      • Well i like the donald hope he does well general/boris started out ok he amused and seemed to tick the right boxs at the time.

      • Please distinguish between the country and the person, also the very different electoral process. Here we vote for the party not so much the person.

        My Conservative vote was even more about getting out of Europe, so feel free to applaud it.

        On a brighter note, if MeAgain stands, she’ll have to be a party member – presumably the Democrats. I can see Prince Hardly’s family digging in against being politicised, with a good chance he’ll be cast into outer darkness.

        Also, George III. There’s your vote-killer, right there.

      • @Komodo

        Regardless of the system that elected either of them people had to cast their vote for or against.

        I do applaud your vote to leave Europe and you should applaud our vote against Slick Hilly and undoing the evils of Ombamunism.

        We can parse words all day but in the end Trump is great and Boris sucks. So, making fun of us for choosing him seems silly to me.

        One more point…the D-List Duchess doesn’t have to belong to a party to run. She can run as an Independent. In my lifetime there have been 2 serious independent candidates…John Anderson and Ross Perot. Neither won but both, especially Perot, influenced the outcome of the election.

        However, I suspect you are correct. I too, think Mrs. Markle-Hewitt would run as a Democrat.

        I do think it’s possible that she is so arrogantly disconnected from reality that she could try to form some kind of “movement” with a Peace and Unity Party. But it reality it would be more of a bowel movement with a BLM party, a Victim Party, a Woke Party, a Celebretard Party or even a Sussex Formally Royal Party.

      • I’m afraid this comes down to that old standby, A Matter of Opinion.

        You won’t change mine, and I won’t change yours. Boris and Trump both got elected on the basis of a populist wave. Boris isn’t quite so good at riding his, that’s all.

        Neither is achieving a quarter of what they claim.

      • Mr. K

        With regard to the matter of opinion you are quite correct. With regard to changing my mind…not likely…but then stranger things have happened.

        It just goes to show that 2 reasonable cunters can look at the same cunt and come to a different cuntclusion.


      • I really couldn’t vote Tory this time; any party that chose that goon Johnson as leader (why, oh why, when virtually anyone else had more credibility ??) deserves at least temporary oblivion. I am just praying that Rear Stormer doesn’t “lead” Liebore to victory

      • Even the people who voted for him – including me – could see Johnson was a chancer. The choice between Johnson and Catweazle was pretty easy to make but still pretty damning on the political class.

        You have to wonder why out of 250 million citizens that the Democrats could only exhume Biden 77, Sanders 78, Warren 70 ….. and Bloomberg is 77 too. Jimmy Carter is still alive I see.

      • Could the USA be the first country to have a dead president who rules by seance?
        If so , I look forward to H M Elizabeth dining at Buckingham Palace with President George Floyd.

    • Well to be fair you are right but i like the donald/yeh ok he might increase employment on one hand/then on the other hes on about mining loads of coal/good for the economy^then some say its going to be bad for climate chsnge^pollution etc/a mixed bag really but at least you know where you stand unlike these two arseholes and their smug/woke ways
      Utter cunts

  13. There is only one way out for H H now, bottle of whiskey and a revolver. He is well and truly screwed, all is military mates have deserted him. Even Trump wished him good luck, he will need it.

    • Do you think that the Hewitt boy would be able to point the revolver in the right direction even before the whisky let alone after a few slurps ?

  14. Listening to her drawling dreary fucking woke shite all day long, how does he raise a stiffy during the evening i’ll never know?
    Hard-on killer supreme she’d be for me.

  15. There’s nothing I would put beyond that scheming bitch. I read an article about their little video endorsing Biden but pretending they weren’t. They had some body language expert descibing how the halfwit was under the bitch’s thumb, looked constantly for her approval and was “emasculated”. Well you don’t need a body language expert to tell you that. It’s a fucking disgrace that an Englishman has allowed himself to be turned into a wet fucking dishrag! Especially one who could have practically any bit of fanny he fancied. It’s fucking shameful!

    • Hey Freddie,

      You are right not to put anything past this cunt. Stories are circulating in the American Press…and the Dynamic Dipshits have had to deny them…that to get the Netflix Deal they had to promise something BIG.

      The word is that the execs at Netflix wouldn’t pay big money for an unproven producer that has never produced anything. They also wouldn’t pay big money for a pair of second string royals who may loose their titles and status.

      But they would pay big money for a “reality show” that highlights the suffering and indignities the Witchess of Woke and her Pet Familiar had to endure at the hands of the Royal Family. Especially if it’s complete with “home movies.”

      Stay turned.

      • You mean “At Home With The Markles.” That wouldn’t surprise me at all. There isn’t much this “private couple” wouldn’t do to get their hands on a lorry load of dollars.

  16. Can someone please tell me precisely why Netfux has signed up this traitorous pair of cunts ?
    Even by it’s own piss poor offerings what does it think that these shitheads have to offer?

  17. Here’s hoping that Phil the Greek organizes something spectacular before he shuffles off; he can’t be long for this world.

    She is a thoroughly nasty piece of work, and Hewitt is a total plonker.

  18. Structural racism does not exist.

    Institutional racism does not exist.

    However racism does exist as does corruption, elitism and privilege.

    Macpherson first defined the term Institutional Racism in his report into the Stephen Lawrence murder and subsequent bungled investigation.

    It is of course bollocks.

    To define an institution as racist is beyond reality. It assumes everything and everyone in that institution is racist.

    Utter fucking bollocks.

    That said the Met was happy to carry the label as they were and are still to some extent, corrupt.

    Yes Mr Macpherson that’s what we are, Institutionally racist now fuck off and stop looking into corruption within the Met, nothing to see here.

    I used to think Harry Hewitt was just pussy whipped but now I think he’s actually a proper spacker.

    He’s a member of the Royal Family, 5th in line to the throne.

    He wore Nazi uniforms at fancy dress party’s, was filmed firing a 50 cal machine gun from a Gun Tower in Iraq shouting ‘come and get it you rag heads’ or words to that effect but definitely the last two words.

    He’s used his privilege to get through Sandhurst but says he now wants to stand on his own two feet yet still wants to keep his title (hence privilege) in order to take in the millions, to keep Princess Meghan in the life she now accustomed to.

    Anyway, go for it Meghan. Let’s see Harry Hewitt bankrupt himself and you get the biggest trouncing in political history.

    Fucking cretins

  19. I can’t understand why little Miss Moneybags isn’t preggers again yet. Perhaps she has really emasculated poor old Hewitt?
    I hope they’ve got some whitey chauffeur or bodyguard who can do the business, preferably with ginger bollocks.
    I’d hate to see poor Harry fucking about with a turkey baster.

    • It will probably have skin the colour of a carrot with a shock of blonde hair.

  20. Trump should drag these two cunt out of the US and stick them in Guantanamo Bay for interfering with the election.

  21. A response to two nominations in one hit. If I may…
    There will undoubtedly be a contest for the 2024 U.S. election, as follows:-
    Trump Vs Markle.
    A ‘bake off’ If you please, between Ivanka and Smegan.
    The result will, of course, be lacking in taste, bitter, overbaked, stale, past it’s ‘eat by’ date, and flat, And if I’m allowed to intervene – just a dash of the ‘adjudicators‘ special sauce. The judge for the evening will be H. Rodham Clintonosaurus. And it will have it’s first taste of man sauce, and be ecstatic.
    And no prizes for guessing who will be washing the pots. On minimum wages.

  22. Sparkletits seems to have forgotten that in 1776 the Americunts fought a war to escape being ruled by the British royal family so why the hell would they want to reverse that by electing this cunt…

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