Saving the NHS (11)

(On this occasion absolutely no (sexist) jokes about this poor woman please – DA)

Well the Govt. and their experts have ensured that this woman and thousands like her won’t be swamping the NHS anytime soon..add in the infected OAPs who they shipped out to care-homes stuffed to the rafters with other vulnerable people and it becomes apparent just what a great job has been done of keeping everyone “safe”.

Just wait until the long-term effects of bankrupting the Country kick in too… I wonder who the clueless bunch of incompetents will try to blame then?..”Covidiots”? Students? Immigrants?Pub Landlords? The EU?….anyone bar themselves and their friends in The City,no doubt.

It seems that the bunch of criminally inept chancers,blowhards and inadequates currently in charge won’t be happy until they have a bodycount to rival Pol Pot.

Fuck them.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

102 thoughts on “Saving the NHS (11)

  1. It is terrible to think of the number of people who have progressed from Stage 1 easily treated cancers to much more dangerous forms because of the NHS obssession with Covid 19 – a sense of proportion should have been employed both by tghe NHS overpaid managers and their political masters (and the NHS should not be a political football despite every fucking politican always referring to “our” NHS ratherv than “the NHS”.). People who have fuck all practical experience are trying to pretend to be experts in matters of life and death

    It really makes you wonder where we will end up with teh 3economy on it’s arse and greedy grasping motherfuckers like Burnham and Khan trying blackmaIL to get more money

    • Of the billions the government have wasted giving to serco and various mates I don’t think what Burnham was asking for was that much.

      • It’s Burnham’s (or may I call him Citizen Smith?) hypocrisy that boils my piss. He was dead against a lockdown, but then he was for it provided the price was right. If he was telling the truth about the lockdown, why allow money to sway him? Mind you he is a virgun compared to on again, off again Starmer, who one day wants to end lockdowns then next day *and today) he wants his circuit breaker. The daft cunt is too stypid to know it is the same thing. With a “leader” like him no wonder Burnham and his other playmates wobble like a half set jelly. Clearly they must not second guess the Fuehrer and his whim and fancy of the day.

      • Burnham! That cunt can’t be cunted enough. “Agreeing a Deal” what the fuck? Who’s the PM here? If you don’t “accept the deal”, did he really think he’d walk away with nothing as a result?

        The Bambi-eyelashed cunt overplayed his hand as I always knew he would.

        He’ll be singing a different tune when Manchester runs out of Covid beds.

      • Burnham is a massive Cunt.
        When one reporter asked for the costings they’d worked out to justify ‘needing’ £90M, they all went quiet.
        Fuck all these whingeing cunts.
        Let them go to work, open their pubs & bingo halls – remove them from the NHS lists – you wanna risk your life – NHS ain’t gonna waste tim & money trying to save you.
        When you start coughing & can’t breathe, ask Burnham & Starmer why you’re fucked !

  2. Good nom Dick.?
    They say these lockdowns are about saving lives but thousands going without cancer treatment?
    Am I missing something?
    That doesn’t make sense.
    †*news just in
    Fellow Stockport genius Angela Raynor just called a tory mp ‘scum’ in the commons,?
    The tory mp was a dead ringer for camp comedian Alan carr.
    The irony is everyone there is scum.

    • Step 1 – Any cunt breaching lockdown rules gets 1 warning. 2nd breach gets you a letter stating no ICU bed for you. Don’t help yourself, why should NHS ?

      Step 2 – Stop Fertility treatment, boob jobs, cosmetic surgery (except reconstructive after accidents), gender change ops & all the others left wing crap. NHS is for major illness & critical care. Firing blanks ? save for private healthcare or adopt a refugee.

      Step 3 – Force GPs to get off their fucking arse & start seeing patients for ‘real’ examinations again. Stop this ‘telephone consultation’ bollocks. My GP surgery has Drs & nurses gowned, masked & visored up – you’d think they were doing open heart surgery. Reception moved – cooks tour around to treatment room where 2 fucking patients are inside !

      Step 4 – Get the bloody tests working & put anyone +ve in a real isolation centre. They reckon 4 out of 5 Cunts are even isolating when they’ve tested +ve, FFS

      Step 5 – wankers like Blair travelling abroad & not isolating – put them in public stocks so we can fling shit at the selfish cunts!

  3. My dad was moved to a care home in April right at the start of lockdown. I wasn’t allowed to see him to prevent the spread of the flumanchu. last month 7 of the residents died of it including my dad apparently the terminal prostate cancer he had nothing to do with it. What the fuck were all the nightingale hospitals about if no cunt is in them

    • My condolences.
      My dad has bone marrow cancer which is in remission at the moment up to now his treatment hasnt been effected.
      At the moment.

    • My dad is in the latter stages of dementia and went into care late July. Since then I’ve seen him three times, for half an hour, outside, masked up. The last time was over a month ago, as when cases started rising again (because of fucking school kids, some immunologist cunt on radio four grudgingly admitted it yesterday), and now with a new lockdown here, I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again, or if he will remember me if I do.
      So, when it’s over, and the apologies, and the “lessons will be learned” bullshit gets spouted, I will be even more angry than I usually am at these pricks playing politics. If I’m still here that is.
      Condolences Phil.

      • Cheers buddy, it sucks being our age, the black suit gets more air than the fucking glad rags.
        Hope your dad is doing ok.

      • @Gutstick Japseye If the government had gone with a herd immunity strategy over lockdown back in March, used legal compulsion to lock away the elderly, immuno-compromised and people with severe, pre-existing conditions and stopped all inbound and outbound travel then we could have allowed the virus to deplete it’s host reservoir within about 3 or 4 months, achieved herd immunity and been able to go about our lives until a vaccine came along.

        It’s a bit unfair to blame the snot-nosed little shites.

      • I don’t blame the kids, it just goes to show how bollocks the actions taken are. It’s the reason there’s a spike in infections, yet it’s the hospitality industry that gets the blame. If they were actually serious about lowering the infection rate then they would shut the schools. So, this new range of lockdowns and fuck knows what will achieve fuck all other than destroy livelihoods, so on it will go, and it will be all for nothing.

      • No the reason for the spike in infections is because they upped the testing stupid %

        The deaths are going up but I couldn’t summise why that would be the case.

        It could be that masks do fuck all aside from making people complacent, thus ignoring the 2m rule, it could be that old people just got fucking sick of waiting to see their family and just took the risk (I see my Dad all the time now although he is still alive).

        It could be the kids, it could be the 2 things I suggested above, it could be both, it could be neither………. hard to say because the information the government lets us see isn’t worth seeing.

    • Condolences mate. Lost my dad 2 years ago to cancer. Thank fuck covid1984 wasn’t around then otherwise he’d have been chucked on the scrap heap

      • I know that feel all to well Phil, My dad died year and half ago from pancreatic cancer I’m sorry to hear bout your father Best regards hope you are doing alright

        Beefhearts Trout Mask is good but I think Safe as Milk is slighty better record

    • “What the fuck were all the nightingale hospitals about if no cunt is in them ?”

      Symbolism – HM gov being ‘seen’ to be taking action, when In reality – It’s a pandemic. It has to run it’s course. They’ve known all along it wouldn’t be over in a ‘few months’
      The 1918 ‘spanish’ flu pandemic lasted a couple of years.
      By the time a ‘vaccine’ for Covid 19 is made, Covid 20 will be here.
      If we’re lucky, it will be less deadly. If we’re not – worying about pubs & theatres re-opening will be the last thing on your mind …

  4. Its odd how questions are not being asked as to why rich areas; in the home counties and beyond seem to escape tire 2 or 3. This despite some having astronimic numbers per 100000!
    Its feels like a class war in all but name. And its sick that the government are getting away with it. Proportion is needed. Protect vulnerable by all means, but let this thing burn its self out.
    Prolonging the inevitable is only going to lead to avoidable deaths and suffering.
    Who is going to pay for people to keep a roof over thare heads? Or put food on the table? Or the precious NHS? Not those out of work. The burden will fall on the rest to cover the bill.
    Yet we still allow bus loads of Romanians, and rubber dingy rapids over. Has this country lost its collective shit!? How will we go back to normal? People are paranoid and scared due to 24/7 media scare mongering. I lament the death of our once great country i realy do.

    • If this is a class war Boris is being stupid – it would be very easy for the blue wall to go red again especially when you have an unprincipled devious motherfucker like Starmer and his nunch of pansies and BAMEs in opposition. I have said it before and I say it again, Boris and co are carrying on as if Corbyn was still leading the opposition – he has an even bigger cunt to face now.

      • I agree, nothing seems far fetched at the moment. Given the rule by decree that is leading to decisions being made on the fly.
        It also seems like this is becoming a face saving exercise. You couldn’t now say, its weeker get on with it. You’d be hamstrung by Parliament and the people.
        I do think people in the red areas could feel disillusioned and vote dame kwear in! I feel the government have grossly underestimated how people feel.
        Losing loved ones that could have been saved, not seeing family, losing jobs ect. This is all very good when your fannying about on zoom or tictoc. But when reality sets in, I think people will grow fed up with it and start saying no. Then what? Troops to keep the peace? The effects of covid will cause more damage long term then the disease.

      • Country cunt@
        Your not wrong re- disillussioned.
        We only voted Boris in due to Corbyn, people in the North tend not to have much love for tories as a rule.
        After this they’re fucked.
        They can bin Boris as a figurehead but at the end of his term as PM they’re fucked I think.
        Im no lover of any political party
        So please dont assume im a Labour supporter,
        I hate them all equally.
        All pigs at the trough.
        Soon be time for making bacon.

      • I live in Derbyshire, the hate is long lasting toward the tories.
        We only voted as you say to get out of the eu. Im not sure anything is going to help the tories now. They probably have created a situation where many folk won’t vote for them for generations.
        Ill abstain before I go commi however.

      • Same here in the North East. Tory shit decimated the mines, privatised the railways etc etc the hatred runs deep and so it should.
        Like the poster notes – criminally inept. Summed up to a tee

      • I don’t think it’s class war. That would be insane and it’d risk alienating the Red Wall still further.

        Johnson doesn’t want to establish financial precedents and he certainly won’t want to be seen to be pushed around by cunts like Burnham.

    • I’m to the right of the Conservatives. Only voted for the cunts due to Brexit. I don’t think I will ever vote for anyone again. The loss of civil liberties in this country is disgraceful. Boris and his “government” are a shower of cunts.

    • @ Country Cunt………. regarding your claims of disproportionality re covid tier levels in the leafy shires, do you have any sources for that? I’m not being awkward, I’d just like to see those statistics for myself.

      Thanks in advance.

      • Firs of all insppolagise but the two links I tried to post, flagged as spam! One was from the times dated 4th October (no lockdown for top tory constituencies) The other from the independent dated 28th of September (infection rates rising primarily in affluent areas) I have see various other articles regarding this but I’m fucked if I can find them at the moment. Generally speaking the wealthier the area, the less severe the restrictions seem to be.
        On that note there are more fatalities in lower socioeconomic areas. But that is often down to poor lifestyle, and various other factors. Still possibly an interesting thing. I did hear on the news about a week ago some of the constituencies in the London comunter belt, Surrey and the like should be in tougher restrictions, but why arnt they? Who knows. But ill wager its money. I hope this is helpful, if you look there is probably more information out there.

  5. Theres always more this goverment could have done or implemented at the start of all of this just the basics i feel mighr have made a difference.If you remember the scenes on tv in wuhan they were going abour in hazmat suits with spray/backpacks and industrial cleaning machinery swamping the place with disinfectant relentlessy
    Why hasnt someone over here implemented even now at hospitals/town centres up&down the country etc /not just a spray&wipe i mean gallons of the stuff .If we had have the basics covered from day one it might not have come to this potentially/unfortunateley we ARE GOVERNED BY ARSEHOLES WHO ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN THEMSELVES AND NOT THE PEOPLE.

    • If they wanted a full stop they could have stoped everyone going out. They could have used the army to deliver food for a few weeks. They could have broken the chain.
      They should have and could have stoped people coming in or out. Bad yes, but not as bad as this long drawn out economic suicide. We could have done alot but we didn’t and the results are going to be long lasting.
      I feel sorry for kids who are mostly shits; but deserve a future, and a decent one at that. Im not that old but I genuinely empathise with them. They will pay the price.

      • our army is less than 80,000. There are about 30million UK housholds. Let’s say you could pull back 95% of the soldiers currently doing something somewhere else. Then you have one solder delivering to 400 households. Never going to work.

      • Fair enough but you’d realistically need all armed services on it, police, and god knows who else. Its just telling of how far we have taken the country down the shitter.
        This was setting in long before this shit show, as I’m sure you are aware. Now we have police taking a knee, and god knows what else.
        I feel its a terminal rot unless dealt with firmly.

      • No offence but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

        In order to eliminate the virus in the UK as you propose, we would be left with a population with no immunity to the disease and would have to stop all inbound and outbound travel and then wait for the rest of the world to employ the same strategy.

        Considering the state of third world economies, infrastructures and the low rates of infection and transmissibility due to the paucity of motorway travel and all the isolated, rural communities………. we would have to wait for the rest of the world to snuff out the virus which would take either years or for ever.

        The only way that a virus of this nature could be eliminated would be for a one world government to lock down the entire planet using authoritarian measures that make Orwell shit the bed.

      • As you mention im for herd immunity. It was more an example of how far they could have gone.

      • This is not about a virus, this is about transitioning in universal basic income for the masses. The technological revolution is upon us, globalist companies have reduced need for human input anymore as technology takes over. The levels of unemployment seen in this country (and worldwide) will be staggering and will no doubt lead to civil wars. And then like a phoenix from the ashes will rise a “new government” to lead us into total and utter slavery…….finance v freedom

  6. This ‘circuit breaker’ bollocks will achieve the square root of fuck all.

    Covid-19 is here to stay and people need to start chowing down sensible pills to reduce the risk of contracting it. This clearly isn’t happening for numerous reasons, so the Gvt’s heavy handed approach is lockdown. A temporary fix until the numbskulls start getting close again and not bothering to wash hands before they use their phone, eat or excavate their nasal cavities.

    A vaccine may never happen – we don’t have one for the common cold virus, so the same could apply to Covid. My belief is that they will find ways of treating the symptoms of Covid to reduce fatalities.

    Protect the vulnerable and open up for business again. Otherwise the government won’t have enough income from tax receipts to even buy a few bottles of hand cleanser.

    ps. I feel for the poor girl in the picture above; dreadful to be denied life-extending treatment. Far too young to go. The irony is that we have some of the most advanced cancer treatments available in this country and some of the very best scientists, oncologists and surgeons.

      • Nail on the head, no income tax no NHS. Its that simple realy. I just hope sense prevails soon.

      • Totally agree Paul. It might be a good idea for example if Vitamin D was promoted more now the winter is coming on, as there have been reports which say that you are far more likely to stay well by taking them – especially older people – that and Vitamin C is often disregarded but evidence is there.

      • I take vitamin pills and joint pills daily, WCB. Touch wood, I have been immune to colds, flu and sniffles for some time now, but now I have typed this…well.

        Joint pills used to be prescribed on the NHS, but discontinued due to cost. I buy them from ASDA – £10 for 3 month’s supply. The difference in my knees now is significant – I can bend and kneel with no problems. Many won’t take vitamin or joint supplements as they believe them to be on par with herbal remedies, which many are, let’s face it, snake oil.

      • Interesting Paul.

        What product precisely do you recommend ?
        (Some old sporting injuries beginning to cause me grief several decades on!)

      • Its amazing these things don’t get promoted more. They cost nothing in relative terms, and are known to help the immune system.
        I supose not enough money to make?.

      • Isaac, I use the Asda Jointcare Bone and Joint Health pills. They come in a tub of 90 pills and you take 1 a day. Not too expensive at £10.

        If you start them you need to take them for 3 months before you notice any difference. I noticed a big difference in around 2 months from starting. Well worth it IMHO.

    • Bingo! This virus is clearly going to become endemic now so we have to purse the stiff upper lip and learn to live with it.
      Because we had lockdown and all of these measures to prevent the spread of the virus within the healthy population, we are in for a rude awakening in the winter when the flu season hits us.

      As Professor Dolores Cahill said in a few interviews of hers I watched fucking months ago……….. boost you immune system with Vitamin D, C and Zinc supplements and if you are infected.

      Luckily though we now know a lot about the virus including the fact that the severe symptoms which kill are actually an immune response/cytokine storm so they now use immuno-suppressants in addition to anti-viral drugs like Remdesivir, Regeneron, Hydroxychloriquine and Dexamethasone and yet our death count is still going up………… something smells fishy.

  7. Covid deaths in the UK are 0.06 percent of the population, the same numbers are reflected all across the world, Australia mind is something like 0.006 and they’ve gone full Nazi on their citizens.

    It’s criminal what’s been done to folk in the name of saving the nhs.

  8. This is what lockdown advocates advocated for. This is what the media’s nsrrsrihe of fear has resulted in. Hope you’re happy with yourselves cunts. You should be imprisoned for manslaughter.

    • There’s a large hospital in my town and there’s a Covid ward Guess how many patients are on it? Clue: It’s a round figure.

      • I needed to go to hospital May. It was silent. Hardly a soul there. No cues of the diying ect. I asked the nurse what was going on. She told me “we have hardly seen anyone” very telling realy. The rates are all over the place, but counting only total infections dose not generate hope. It serves to panic, and we have a right to know how many have recovered. We also should be told how many have realy died directly from covid. In the instance of fit and healthy (no underlying issues, or comorbitities) its I belive less than 500 since March( dont quote me i haven’t checked this for ages). So should we destroy the country over this? Not a chance.

      • I agree. It was eventually admitted that many deaths were registered as Covid or “Covid-related” and those numbers inflated the figures.
        Sadly, once the stiffs are in the ground and decomposing, you can’t exhume them and check for the presence of the virus.

        I find it telling that months ago, the UK government stopped reporting the numbers and %s of recovered and critical and replaced it with graphs showing “projections”.

        I would be interested to see more demographics of those who have died from the disease such as BMI (which I never heard brought up in the MSM as a risk factor until it was pointed out that Trump is overweight, putting him in a high risk category).

        It would also be interesting to see the religious/ethnic make up of the deaths considering that snackbars are arrogant fuckers who do what they please, go to the mosque, shoulder to shoulder, arse in the air and then go back to their multi-generational homes to get up in Grandma’s face and demand to know why the falafel isn’t ready yet.

  9. The NHS is a amazing service full of great people when run correctly.

    That poor girl and many others have missed out on treatments due to the unhinged obsession with covid.

    Were all wards and services overwhelmed I’m not so sure to be honest I think it was used as a excuse by people in power.

    Oh and no tiktok videos this time FFS, people are dieing but we will do a dance in the corridor.

  10. Covid, I wouldn’t worry about it.
    If you ever dried your hands on a cloth roll towel dispenser in a pub toilet in the 1970’s and you’re still here, I reckon you’re probably immune to everything….

    • But if you ever bit down on a cloth roll towel dispenser in a gay pub toilet in the 1990’s then you probably aren’t here.

  11. From what I have heard we are now 2 TRILLION pounds in debt.What a shower of shit.Rishis magic money tree.Who ever comes in next will see a note in a draw saying no money left.What a joke.All a bunch of cockwombles.

    • There won’t be a note – we can’t afford paper..
      There won’t be a drawer – we will have sent that back to the furniture hire company….

  12. In the hospital where I work in Tier Two (thanks for that Essex County Council, you wankers) Essex, we have been working over capacity in Theatres trying to make a dent in the cancer waiting lists. The trouble is, the hospital is crammed to the rafters and this is apparently because what would have been a relatively easy operation six months ago, has become a more difficult operation due to the cancer growing, therefore the surgery time, recovery time and hospital stay is extended. That’s assuming the cancer has not grown too much as to be inoperable. Patients are still being cancelled on the day as there are no beds post-op. At the height of Covid, the hospital was practically empty.

    Alongside this, it was always planned that if a second wave turned up, the Covid patients would be treated in one of our sister hospitals. Sadly, when they finally got round to sorting out a space to put all these patients, it was discovered that the air exchange was insufficient to take away all the nasty infected air, so that is now finally being worked on. How long it will take is anyone’s guess.

    Seven months in, and with idiots in charge, we are really no further forward and so many people have lost their lives needlessly. I’d say it boils my piss, but my piss can’t be bothered to be boiled these days.

  13. The withdrawal of readily available, life saving medical intervention is MANSLAUGHTER.

  14. 10 days ago the front page of The Telegraph had an excellent piece of visual satire mocking this government’s policy. For those who didn’t see it, it portrayed an Aztec style sacrificial altar, dedicated to the worship of a giant Corona Virus Blob as a god, with the idiot Prime Minister Johnson standing in front of it, dressed as an Aztec priest, holding a ceremonial knife for slaughtering sacrifices. He shouts “He is displeased! Bring more northerners!”
    This just about sums up our present, insane, removed from reality, deliberate destruction of social life, our sanity and our economy. Will anyone ever vote Conservative again? Even the DT, the most Tory supporting newspaper was full of lifelong Tory voters, commenting in the most raucous tones against Johnson and Hancock – incredible!

  15. I know everyone slags off the government and Boris but who the fuck would want to be in charge of running the country right now.
    Dame Kweer must be tanking his lucky stars that he can sit back and take pot shots.
    The NHS runs and has been running on shoe string for years and it cannot suddenly expand at the drop of the hat, the private sector should be offering their services at cost to help cope with the current situation, there is capacity because we’ll have all seen on the news the separation of the conjoined twins from Pakistan at GOS, all paid for by an anonymous donation.
    In fact the government should have requisitioned the private health service to help with pressure on the NHS.
    To all those who think the Chinky Flu is something that can be put into a box and wrapped up just look at other European countries, OK China sorted it out but in China when the Leaders say jump the population say how high.
    All we do in the UK is moan that we can’t visit Grandma and have a pint with mates in a pub, with the flames fanned by a media whose only concern is digging out sob stories and rolling out any cunt they can find to give an opinion.

    • In order to eliminate the virus in the UK as you propose, we would be left with a population with no immunity to the disease and would have to stop all inbound and outbound travel and then wait for the rest of the world to employ the same strategy.

      Considering the state of third world economies, infrastructures and the low rates of infection and transmissibility due to the paucity of motorway travel and all the isolated, rural communities………. we would have to wait for the rest of the world to snuff out the virus which would take either years or for ever.

      The only way that a virus of this nature could be eliminated would be for a one world government to lock down the entire planet using authoritarian measures that make Orwell shit the bed.

      If the government had gone with a herd immunity strategy over lockdown back in March, used legal compulsion to lock away the elderly, immuno-compromised and people with severe, pre-existing conditions and stopped all inbound and outbound travel then we could have allowed the virus to deplete it’s host reservoir within about 3 or 4 months, achieved herd immunity and been able to go about our lives until a vaccine came along…….. if one ever does come along.

      This virus is clearly going to become endemic now so we have to purse the stiff upper lip and learn to live with it.
      Because we had lockdown and all of these measures to prevent the spread of the virus within the healthy population, we are in for a rude awakening in the winter when the flu season hits us.

      As Professor Dolores Cahill said in a few interviews of hers I watched fucking months ago……….. boost you immune system with Vitamin D, C and Zinc supplements and if you are infected.

      Luckily though we now know a lot about the virus including the fact that the severe symptoms which kill are actually an immune response/cytokine storm so they now use immuno-suppressants in addition to anti-viral drugs like Remdesivir, Regeneron, Hydroxychloriquine and Dexamethasone and yet our death count is still going up………… something smells fishy.

      • I agree with much of what you say TITS. My only problem is the bit about locking up “the elderly”, which begs the question who are the elderly?. The government and NHS regard 70 as elderly. As somebody who has long passed that stage of the cross, I would honestly say I am fitter than many men in their 50s. I have one “ageing” problem (a cataract in one eye) which explains my sometimes erratic typing, but I don’t regard myself as elderly, and I really resented the way I was wet-nursed by the NHS and government at the start of the pandemic.- I think some of the old wimmin in Parliament of all ages and both sexes need featherbedding more than I do. They would probably enjoy it, as they regard themselves as so special and delicate. Me – an old seadog doesn’t need it at all, nor wanted it.

      • Well said, Herr Boggs. An elderly cunt myself – 81, still smoking, and jugging it up in the pub every night – I’ll be fucked if I pay attention to some officious young cunt telling me to stay at home, get masked up, and so forth, all for ‘my own good’; they fuck off, the lot of ’em. As I’ve said, I’m 81; I can tie my own shoelaces and cross the road on my own. I don’t need this cunts ordering me abaaart. Fuck ’em.
        And another thing. How much further OTT can this Covid crap go? There are about 666,000 deaths in the UK each year – abaart 1% of the population. That’s 55,000 a month. I’ll bet that when we tot up at the end of 2020 we’ll have had 13 months worth of deaths instead of 12. Big deal. But it chimes in with the latest headline in “The Martian Times” – ‘Small epidemic on Planet Three; not many dead.’
        In parting, fuck ’em all, the cunts.

  16. I don’t blame the government. I blame the press and the socio liberal left tub thumpers who demand something must be done.

    These are all the cunts that are still bitter when the music stopped last December that they were left without a chair. So they have set the fire alarm off over COVID and attempted to then sit back on the chairs they lost as if the game is still in play.

    Illiberal, cretinous and unelected parasites.

    These fuckers are too dumb to realise that not sending the country back to work and telling everyone or get on with it, it’s highly like there won’t be an NHS or society to protect by the new year.

    Can’t we kneel Whitty down in Parliament square with a gun in his mouth and see how much he believes and stands behind his own bullshit? Bang! Jennie Harries, front and centr bitch, you are next! Etc,etc….

    • Now id watch that!
      But all of them.
      House of commons
      House of gaylords
      The fuckin lot of them.
      Rentokil could sponsor it.

      • I’d rather see a Parliament edition of The Hunger Games. Winner gets to be fucked by the Chinese ambassador.

    • “I blame the press and the socio liberal left tub thumpers who demand something must be done.”

      Just this morning the Daily Mirror (the poor man’s Guardian) has a huge headline which says “How Cruel” – this is in response to Parliament turning down multi-millionaire footballer Marcus Rashford “plea” (their word not mine) for the government to pay for childrens meals throughout half term. Though I don’t doubt that poverty does exist for some, there are parents who regard themselves as poor, who still manage to find the money for fags and lottery tickets – I see some of them every day in my local newsagents – usually low grade yummy mummies who have apparently never heard of birth control.

      I don’t doubt Marcus’ sincerity, but why doesn’t he take some of his own money, and encourage some of his equally affluent mates to start a trust fund to feed the genuinely poor and destitute.

  17. Apparently, 4 babies have died in the Oz state of Victoria as they could not be got to hospital in Melbourne for heart surgery. Due to……….yes, you’ve got it, the coronavirus.

    To paraphrase Peter Hitchens (but not as eloquently), the fucked up country is not due to covid, but the government’s response to covid.

    • Every single person involved in authorising such cancellations deserves to be imprisoned for manslaughter. I’m supposed to ‘listen to the experts’ after all this? Fuck off.

  18. I was at A+E after falling and smashing my kneecaps.
    The doctor looked up from the x-ray and said, “Normal patella is about four point six centimetres, yours are now around two point five four centimetres.”
    I said, “How about that, inch high knees.”

    He said, “Zhengchang de gù dàyuě shì dian lìu lìmì er nìn xìanzai shì lìang dian wuzì lìmì.”….

  19. The nhs has basically shut down unless it’s for covid 19. Since all this started all my appointmemts have been telephone consultations, fortunately its only for rheumatoid arthritis so not that serious. I have more chance of getting an appointment with the Queen than I have with getting one at our doctors and have also had two dental appointments cancelled. It seems the nhs although nowhere near patient capacity have pretty much closed up the shop with no sign of reopening.

  20. Look. Were skint, the country is skint…we need to sell the north to balance the books.
    Could sell Cornwall as well.
    Go fuck yourselves. ?

    • Hehehe!
      Dont go giving them ideas BWC,
      Boris will have us on fuckin eBay!

      “Slightly used North of England
      Sold as seen, some wear and tear, make good project for right buyer.
      Original inhabitants included.
      Open to offers.”

    • Manchester has already been sold. That cunt Burnham sold it to those Abu Dhabi camelfuckers who also own Manchester Shitty FC.

  21. What I want to know is, the people that did the death certificates of those who died from car crashes but because they had COVID went down as that they had the bat flu are they going to be prosecuted? I’m sure falsifying death certificates is still a crime. Because if not that can be open season for those wishing to bump someone off.

    • Considering that inflated Covid death figures could well have led to the panicked response which resulted in lockdown and countless deaths as a result……….. I’d say that those cunts are also guilty of manslaughter too……. or accessories to manslaughter at the bare minimum.

  22. I reckon this is all some big plan.
    This Covid 19 pandemic and it’s knock on effect will kill mostly old non working people who are not really productive and don’t pay any income tax, the poor people who will die of cancer, and other illnesses would have cost a lot of money to treat, and the people in care homes cost a lot of money also if the government foots the bill.
    With the abovementioned outcomes and the fact they collect your DNA when testing you, track and trace you, and get to control and tell people how to live is all too convenient.
    Covid 21/22 will give the cunts the final laws they want to control us all.
    Were all fucked…run for lives.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • I agree that they probably do want to kill off the elderly so that they don’t have to pay out pensions and health care…….. the latter also being the case with the very sick as well. The cunts in Westminster are giving themselves another pay rise so I wouldn’t be surprised.

      I would say that it might also be a plan to wipe out loads of Brexiteers and try to get another referendum but we are only a couple of months away from the New Year………. but I guess anything could happen in that time.

  23. The obstinate fuckwit we have as PM and his cohorts will not admit they got it wrong. They shit themselves over herd immunity. Old and vulnerable should have been shielded whilst the rest of us got on with it and kept the economy going. A man made depression. How fucking stupid can you be???? Just another case of I’m alright Jack pull the ladder up. Multi millionaire, out of touch MP’s who for the most part have never had or never will have hardship in their lives. Private healthcare, inherited wealth, company directorships. My heart goes out to the poor lass in the picture and others like her. The fucking BBC don’t report on this do they? Too fucking busy showing fucking wanker footballers taking a fucking knee every bastard game. By the way, my Mum knows someone who works in a funeral home. There has been nine suicides in the past month due this fear project, all below 45 years old. Again, never told on the fucking BBC. If the country wasn’t quite finished before Covid, it certainly is now.

    • I don’t mean to sound morbid but did she mention what the normal monthly rate was prior to Covid? (just for comparison).

      • Usually five at most a year pre Covid, Two In The Stink. Very sad, must be terrible to be in such a frame of mind. Very, very pissed off lately that suicides and deaths from cancer and other diseases are not being reported in the press and are being swept under the carpet by the our inept government. In the last eight months we have been turned into some kind of third world corrupt banana republic.

      • It must be bad for your Mum knowing what she knows, seeing the main stream media doing their choreographed merry dance but not being able to tell the world what she knows.

      • Thanks Two In The Stink. Hopefully this comes out soon, it will actually save non Covid related deaths in my opinion. Enough is enough, the government must change tack now.

  24. Cancer is a can of can’t. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I remember when I was a young child, seeing my nana slowly dying of cancer. She was a brave soul and always smiled until the very end.
    Dog bless you nana up in Devon xxx

  25. As I understand it, still births have gone up and heart disease deaths in the UK have doubled since the same time last year……….. but at least they didn’t get a sniffle though! So there is always that.

    • The science we keep getting told abaaaaht doesn’t work TITS.
      Science is a cunt. ?

      • No, just no. Under normal circumstances, science is done cautiously, patiently and carefully under controlled conditions to eliminate human error and bias, under peer review, using debate and scrutiny to come to an expert consensus on the best course of action, based on which hypothesis shows the most evidence or promise.

        We are in a global health emergency and a politicised moral panic during which the ordinary rules of methodological naturalism (the scientific method) have been thrown in the bin, resulting in a politician choosing a council of priests with two high priests as his spokesmen/fallguys and making decisions through the process of trial-by-media.

        This has also resulted in scientists with opposing views being ignored for months, then excommunicated, then abused by their pro-lockdown/pro-establishment peers (aided by the mainstream media) as essentially “heretics” and now those very same heretics are scientists are trying to ring the bell to the public that there is an other way because the current way hasn’t been working ……….. I am of course referring to the scientists who support the Great Barrington Declaration.

        Scientists in all fields like to discuss hypothesis amongst themselve’s and try to avoid media sensationalism…….. for this very reason. It is not science which has fucked up here – the exact opposite is true.

      • They keep saying we are listening to the Science…the problem is the Scientists driven by the need to understand and be right (like they are when it comes to Creation) have argued amongst themselves and they have not sailed in the same direction, causing the Government to fuck it all up so badly.
        Sometimes science doesn’t have the answer (the origin of Creation for example) and sometimes the most simple way (herd immunity) is the best way.
        Science has fucked it all up.
        Reliance on science is a cuntng coming soon.

      • You missed my point entirely, I may as well not have written all that.
        Science has no orthodoxy, it has rules but it doesn’t have some kind of bible or high church and that is why it works……… through disagreement and competing ideas.

        The scientific method is also self-correcting – if a previous assertion is found to be false, it is corrected/updated/thrown out……….. it would be kind of pointless continuing to defend something one knows to be false.

        As I said before, from what I know of the scientific method and how science is down…….. the entire scientific apparatus has been appropriated by the government and weaponised through the also weaponised press.

        This has also resulted in anti-lockdown, pro-herd immunity scientists like Professor Sunetra Gupta being discredited by cunts having the gall to say that her paper isn’t peer reviewed……………… even though it’s been available for peer review since March.

        They just don’t want to read it because they are cowardly, establishment cock-suckers and (upon checking their social media accounts) are also raging lefty cunts who have made it political but have done so because they have been permitted to by the government, the media and by the complicit masses at large.

        Neither scientists nor science are to blame for this cluster fuck – that is almost exclusively the fault of the government for appropriating and politicising science whilst alleging to be “following THE science” (hand-picked, appointed, annointed priests more like).

        As for scientists and creation……. scientists say nothing about creation as creation implies a creator and a creator is not an apriori assumption in science. I assume you mean EXISTENCE.
        Scientists have enquisitive minds and always strive to learn more whilst having the humility to say “we don’t know”…… unlike religion which claims, with arrogant certitude to know as fact, that which it can not possibly even know.

  26. It would be a lot easier if the NHS wasn’t overrun with migrants and foreigners.
    Four hours I waited for a blood test. And I was only one of seven white English people in a room full of about 300 dark and peaceful types. The NHS was on its knees long before Covid. Because of these cunts who never have – and never will – pay in. Bastards.

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