Have you ever pondered the question ‘why did the chicken cross the road?’. Well in Bradford at least, it may be to avoid the unwelcome attentions of a certain ethnically persuaded individual by the name of Rehan Baig.
Last year the scuffers raided his house on a tip that the cunt was in possession of child porn, but found even more than they bargained for. Film was found (taken by Baig’s charmless wife Haleema) of him having intercourse with live chickens, and even inter-acting with his wife at the same time.
There was also film of the gruesome twosome ‘romping’ (as ‘The Stun’ might put it) with a dog. The images were stored on computer under ‘family vids’.
Baig has now been sent down (or as ‘The Stun’ might again put it, ‘Sex Beast Caged’) and put on the sex offenders’ register. Although the films suggested that Mrs B had been a willing participant, she of course claimed ‘domestic abuse’ and got off with a suspended sentence.
Blimey, I’d like to be a fly on the wall of the prison canteen, and can envisage a conversation something like this;
‘Basher Bloggs’; ‘wot yer in fer mate?’
Baig; ‘I am being here for possession of naughty kiddy images. And for having sexy fun with chickens and a dog’
‘Basher’; ‘fook me, did ya put ’em in’t curry after?. Right lads, ‘old this cunt down, an’ I’ll kick his fookin’ ribs in’
It’s really hard to fathom what makes people act the cunt like this. Part of a certain cultural heritage perhaps? Anyway, it’s clucking fowl is what it is.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
and seconded by: mystic maven
A KFC bargain bucket cunting for Rehan Baig, recently sentenced to three years for having sex with chickens, yes.
Not much more I can say here, so read the story for yourselves. His wife’s a cunt too for assisting him with his perversions.
(Chickens’ Lives Matter – DA)
and thirded by: Everyonesacunt
Rehan Baig. Aged 37and his wife Haleema.
Often I am overly Verbose when writing things however, this is one time that words are really failing me.
This piece of scum has been sentence for raping poultry to death while his dear wife filmed it. What the Fucking fuck fuck.
Other misdemeanours include sex with a dog and a catalogue of child pornographic pictures.
See link https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/uk-37-year-old-paedophile-named-rehan-baig-jailed-for-raping-chickens-to-death-while-his-wife-filmed-it/
He received 3 years inside at Bradford crown court she 6 months suspended. ( She claimed, possibly true? that he abused her)
WTFFF. I here by pass a new sentence that he attends all of Barrymore’s future pool parties. For a very long time. Fucking depraved Cunt.
(A bonus nom for Saturday evening, just to put you in a good (or fowl, ha!) mood for when you tuck into your Sunday Dinner of Roast Chicken & Rehan Baig stuffing. – DA)
Bwark bok bok bok BWARK!!!!
I suppose that goats are a bit thin on the ground in Bradford.
Indeed Mr. Knee!
I’ve heard of goat fuckers but this is the first chicken fucker I’ve ever heard of.
Oh well. When it comes to the degenerate peacefuls, I guess “…a holes, a holes a hole…” (as Burton said in the recently mentioned “Where Eagles Dare.”)
And other noises like the dog going off on one turning round snarling and biting him on the bolloxs!
If that had happened, they’d probably have put the dog down, while Baig would have been given the best of care by our NHS staff.
This cunt will be kept at our expense, with his fucking halal diet and prayer mat. I bet there’ll be a few on the inside looking to kick his head in (tho all the inmates might be his peaceful brethen)
Maybe not-p.ki’s have tiny cocks.
3 years? With kiddie porn as well? Sent the cunt back to goat fucking-Stan.
The dirty cunt.
For fucks sake, if they’re not raping our kids or chopping off teachers heads! Not medieval savages though. Not fucking much.
In all seriousness, how the fuck can a human being be so depraved?
I’d just ordered a chicken biryani! Cunts.
It seems he loves cock (as well as hen), and I wonder what sort of a dog it was? – a sausage dog perhaps. The strange goings on behind the lace curtains of surburbia
The police are keeping the identity of the dog secret.
Said dog has now become a police informer and is currently debreifing detectives(cut to alsation smoking and talking to old bill)i told ya he aint all there hes fucking nuts/fates supplied dog recalls 20 chickens being brought back for a hen party.Look like i told ya as the alsations finishing his smoke hes off his rocker
If he was a terrorist and blew himself up would he want seventy-two Old English Game virgins in heaven?
Naaaa, maybe a KFC bargain bucket or two.
72 bargain buckets!
I think it’s only been a few years since bestiality was made a crime, along with necrophilia.
I wonder if it is a crime to have sex with a dead animal, or if legislation needs to be passed because we no longer live in a society where sex between a live man and woman is no longer the norm.
Here’s an article from your caring, sharing co-op.
Double negative, miss one of the no’s out.
He lost his watch…. lost it where?? Another ethnic perv, cunt
The goats were all being used by his brethren.
Now the cunt really is doing bird.
Doesn’t say a lot for his wife, cmon put the chicken suit on love……..
This is happening in our (formerly) Green and pleasant land. I despair
An update to the story!!!
Husband, 37, who was jailed for three years for making wife film him having sex with 29 CHICKENS can still keep hens as pets due to legal technicality
Man jailed for three years for sex with 29 chickens is still allowed to keep hens
Rehan Baig, 37, from Bradford was filmed violating the birds in sick home videos
However, a legal technicality meant he wasn’t charged with any cruelty offences
Judge forced into U-turn as he had ‘no power’ to ban pervert keeping animals
Well lets hope they literally cut his bollocks off in prison the fucking savage
Something tells me that it wasn’t the despicable pervert who discovered the loophole; step forward the taxpayer funded lawyers.
I bet this fucking maggot will be requesting halal food in Nick, yet he was fucking his food on the outside. Dirty cunt. And the rancid wife, who must be buzzing if a chicken is a preferable fuck.
I wonder what his fellow prisoner will make of him?He will probably be kept isolated; more fucking expense.
Apparently he took turns on his missus and a chicken, and then they took turns with the unidentified dog.
Their families must be sick (or maybe they’re pleased; who knows?).
Three years?Nothing higher?I despair at our Justice system.Doddery old judges
If any cunters who contribute are doing so at her majesty’s pleasure (im guessing more than a few?)
And they see this shitskinned animal raper and accidentally throw boiling water and sugar in his face,
Well I’ll send you some ‘snout’ to cheer you up.
Maybe a wankmag?
Use them as currency dont you?
Are you ever concerned that the ever-so-slightly racist things we say on this site are being monitored, MNC?
After all, the filth are always pulling people in for making anti-trān§bumder comments on Facebook.
Can’t believe we’ve been under the radar for so long?!
Admin, is the server as well hidden as Shannon Matthews?
Naw, not really Thomas.
My motto is ‘if they cant take a joke fuck em’.
Ive no doubt they wouldnt like what we say, but as a black lesbian midget I can say what I damn well please!
And at the end of the day…
Fiddler made me do it!!?
Moderated? Eh?
Im being moderated, a little help please?
I wasnt being naughty.
Im being moderated, a little help please?
I wasnt being naughty.
Naw, not really Thomas.
My motto is ‘if they cant take a joke fuck em’.
Ive no doubt they wouldnt like what we say, but as a black lesbian midget I can say what I damn well please!
And at the end of the day…
Fiddler made me do it!!?
@ Cunt Engine …I don’t think we’re under the radar at all. One day, ISAC will be all over the news.
Headline …… ” Extreme right wing thugs arrested in dawn raids across the country ”
” Hotbed of anti inclusive, extremist reactionaries smashed by our marvelous security services, who work tirelessly to ensure we sleep safely in our beds. ” ….. A government minister ( deranged ) …
They’ll never take me alive.
Evening GCHQ.
Evening all.
P.S. I’d willingly hose down these two sick cunts with a flamethrower.
TBH, I’d willingly hose down the vast majority of the world’s population with a flamethrower.
Get To Fuck.
The hounds will alert Fiddler to any raids Jack, it will be a long holdout with his stockpile of ammo, Bushmills and Fray Bentos steak and kidney pies.
Northumberlands answer to Ruby Ridge.
Good evening ,LL.
Good evening Jack, if by any chance the rozzas discovered IsAC they would need a whole team trawling years worth of posts for any potential ‘hate crimes’. All the avatars on a white board with “Who is Percy?”, “Flabbott?” and “Ovens?” post it notes.
Evening Jack, that happens I suggest we hold our heads high, spit in their eye and refuse to apologise.
In fact Im going to pose for the front page of the Guardian shouting “Seig Heil!!” An throwing a salute.
Rather be hung for a wolf than a lamb.
Dollars to doughnuts they ate the chicken afterwards, the evil brown devils.
Chicken chassueur in a special creamy sauce ?
Hes gonna get some stick literally and a good kicking inside off some more old school types for the little kids alone never mind the fucking chickens!the dirty fucking bastard meks a ***** vicar look normal
The kids thing warrants more exposure.
He should be in fucking Rampton.
Or deported.
Gives a whole new meaning to stuffing the chicken.
Dirty, filthy cunt.
Hope he gets gang raped in prison.
Eeuurrgghh…surely not even the most depraved prisoner would touch a dirty můzzıe?
Not allowed to post urrgh by itself being too short a reply, so double urrgh.
The next covid test dummy will be this cunt hopefully he will die in extreme agony like one of the chickens did
I wonder if he took the time to dress the chicken in a sexy outfit?
Looks like Macron’s wife…
As he was a raving pervert with the
Intellegence of a total fucking mong i dont think it mattered.
Now, I knew these types like their chiggun, but this is taking the piss.
The dreadful wife escaped prison. Doubtless her lawyers argued that she should not be separated from her children as they need her as a role model.
Yes, my fellow normals, the society we once admired and aspired to promote, no longer exists.
I wanna know more about this fucking legal-loophole that allows him to leave prison , and instantly buy a chicken as a pet.
Utterly beyond comprehension.
Are chefs licensed?
Either way , he should be deported. Then his family have no right to be here , and can join him in Paki-country.
I wonder who cùm first….
The dirty stinking P*ki bastard ?
3 years inside?….he should have just joined his local kebab-shop/taxi-driving grooming gang and stuck to abusing children…no fear of the Authorities getting involved then.
How very enriching.
You ever dated any of the local livestock?
Had your head turned by a shapely ewe or the bulging udders of a sexy fresian?
Maybe they initiated it and you just went along with it?
I once attempted to fuck a woman whose fanny was slacker than that of a cow that I’d helped calve a few days before…I do remember rather wistfully remembering just how tight that cow’s fanny felt on my arm compared to her slop-bucket of a minge felt on my cock.
Silly moo.?
Once when first met the missus
the dog at the time must of wondered what we was doing and licked my ring!
Nearly shot through the ceiling!!
But dont make a habit of enticing pets to join in.
Thing is Fiddler – chickens don’t turn round and say “That’s a tiny cock mister”.
I can’t think of any other reason.
Why did the chicken cross the road..?
Too avoid being fucked by a p@ki….
The chicken f*cker and his hideous assistant.
The mind boggles, but I can’t help thinking sub human beasts like this would be a lot better off living somewhere a bit more “brown and backward”.
Leicester doesn’t want him.
Can just imagine the clucking noises he’ll be subjected to for the rest of his life, the filthy sod.
I would normally call bullshit on his wife’s excuse, but she’d probably have ended up ‘honor killed’ (murdered) if she’d refused to go along with it. The ‘communidy’ would’ve been on Mr Kfc’s side too.
Still, can’t take any chances so deport the entire family.
Gas them first.
Throw the cunt in a room with a tiger and tell him to fuck that.
He has obviously been persuaded that we celebrate diversity in this country and wanted to make his own contribution to the alphabet soup of identity. We can now add CF onto the end of LGBTQ etc.
3-1 odds says the tiger would ass rape the cunt en all after hearing his perversions for wildlife then hopefully bite his head off and shit down his throat
I’ve been having a recurring dream recently where I’m fucking a horse, five nights on the trot….
Bring back the death penalty for filth like this.