The forever student and pathetic activist is in the news again.
No, he doesn’t have Covid, he’s complaining about measures that Southwark council have put in place to stop gay men cruising in Burgess Park, and having sex in the bushes.
It also addresses drug dealings and knife crime, but Mr Tatchell considers it homophobia, and that the LGBTQXYZ69 community should have been consulted on these actions, which have included cutting back bushes to stop gays having sex in them. Complaints included a woman with small children witnessing three men having sex in the park one morning.
What the fuck is wrong with these cunts? It’s hardly underground, and hasn’t been for over thirty years, yet the depraved cunts still get their kicks from fucking strange men in parks and toilets. Yet Tatchell sees nothing wrong with this behaviour, and defends it.
I don’t want to see straight people fucking in public, so I definitely don’t want to see a bunch of shitty cocks pounding away in one of the few places you can actually walk through.
And they moan when they get aids….
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye
(He has also gone on record supporting sex with children – DA
Tatchell typifies the arse and shit fetish common to homosexuals. I sincerely hope he gives Dame Kweer his full support. Together with Ethel-Eddie Izzard, it might show once and for all the perverts who support left wing causes. I suspect Starmer is about as left wing as me and Norman Tebbitt, but he wants to pretend so let’s go along with it.
Why the fuck would anyone want to have it away or knock one out in public? – especially given the autumn and winter weather. It’s not 1950 now – there are places they could go to be private, if they feel the need to indulge in the early hours.
Tatchell needs urgent treatment in the Caning Room. 24 strokes at maximum force, though I suspect he is so kinky he would probably enjoy at least twelve of them.
Filthy fucking shirtlifting cunt. The old cunt is knocking on 70 now so I suspect he’s more into watching and jerking off than taking part himself. I presume this park is somewhere near where the wanker lives.
Cunt isn’t even British so he should keep his immo opinions to himself. He should fuck off back to Oz……..there’s plenty of outback to sneak around in the hope of catching a mass Abo bumming party.
Don’t send him back to Oz, put him in with Rolf Arse
I remember when he went to Moscow protesting that Vlad’s people were all Homophobic cave men cunts.
Well. I can’t tell you how it uplifted my spirits and put a big grin on my face when some Russian bloke walked up to him and gave him a smack in the mouth while the Police looked on and laughed.
He must be fucking stupid if he thinks the Russians will agree with his twisted views.
Yeah, i’d like to see him walk into a mosque, there’s bound to be one near him, and try the same trick. He’ll get a bit more than a smack in the gob I suspect.
I don’t suppose you have a link?
I would love to see that.
Got a link to the footage, if there was any, Fenton? I’m sure we could all do with cheering up.
Gene-it was on the Right-said-Fred nom last week.
Sorry I can’t link-my phone is a museum piece ?
Cheers, Cuntfinder!
Here’s that Peter Tatchel slapping in Moscow video
You’re a gent, squire! Gold!
Well, I suppose Tatchell and Fairbrass have often dreamed of being fisted by a big tough Russian..
I think this is called “don’t bring your shit to my house” – and anyone who advocates sex with children needs a fkin good belting.
Cart this vile lite pervert off to Uganda.
I’m sure Dr Pastor Martin Ssempa would happily re-educate this pe-edó sympathiser and sod-omy defender:
Gay rights innit.
The right to be depraved, exhibitionist, sick and disease spreading.
If he’s not an unconvicted pædo, I’ll eat Yosemite Sam’s hat.
They should drop agent orange and napalm on hampstead heath if they really want to fight covid. If raddled old whores were giving free blowjobs in my local park I wouldn’t let my dog have one, but this is normal behaviour in gay circles. And grown men fucking 14 year olds is abuse, straight or gay.
I’m in two minds over Tatchell, when he stood up to that cunt Mugabe (far more than any fucking politician ever did, or indeed most lefties for obvious fucking reasons) I thought he was OK.
However, like most activists, all he can drone on about is being gay. Which is fucking boring. And just in case our brave boys in blue are reading this (assuming their laptops are at take the knee level) I’m not having a go at him for being gay, but for being boring.
Tatchell is one of the few cunts on the left that I still have a modicum of respect for.
Apologies, GH, for my using a Guardian link.
Just another cock obsessed pooftah.
Horse walks into a gay bar….
Barman says, “Why the long dick..?”
Fancy that, complaining about bumming in the bushes, it’s a gay thing, they like doing it anywhere….. it’s a side effect of the gay worm!
Maybe they could have a Covid Marshall at the park gates to allocate socially distanced bushes specifically for use by the bum boys ?
While the pandemic rages unabated, the government should be encouraging people to have sex, both gay and straight, in an acceptable socially-distanced way ie masturbation.
Only good can come from this. The NHS will have fewer STD’s to treat and eventually the population will be lowered to sustainable levels. Toss yourself off, you know it makes sense.
Could have ‘have a wank’ video conferencing for couples having to social distance Allan. ?
Brings “The Winkers Song” to mind, by Ivor Biggun. Classic. First heard it when I was about 12 and we had a “bring a record” night (that shows how old I am). One of the rough boys from the council estate brought this along. Quite a shock for someone of my (at the time) sheltered upbringing. He was a great lad and I learnt so much about life from him.
Filthy, crusty old degenerate.No-one is suggesting they stop packing fudge, but that they stop packing fudge in public places.
I see no reason for anyone, homo or hetero, to have any beef with that.
That park should have armed guards with orders to shoot The Bummers.
Send that Skeletor cunt to Mozambique for a Gay Parade.
I heard him once on Radio 4’s ‘Any Questions’. He was so bereft of thoughts that I doubt he was ever asked to return.
I was aaaht and abaaaaaht in the Audi in London, driving through Hampstead after seeing one of my Bitches…I saw a man hanging abaaaaht the heath chatting to another bloke.
‘Go fuck yourselves’ I shouted and they did…the dirty cunts.
My apologies to anyone in the vicinity as I didn’t realise they would actually fuck themselves. I meant to fuck off.
The cunts.
Miserable NC said he has a job coming up in Hampstead-it would be hilarious if he goes for a walk and gets accosted on the Heath ?
As a seasoned flasher, MNC knows how to give as good as he gets. ?
Peter Tatchell epitomizes everything that is abhorrent of deviant practitioners of back door visiting. It would not surprise me in the least should his name appear in the Honours List for services rendered to the multi dysfunctional retards of the secretion society.
I shall refrain from Biblical reference to the abominations of his practices, but reserve the right to be grossly offended of his current ability to breathe.
I wouldn’t be suprised to see Tatchell on the Honours List for services rendered to crafty butchery.
He hated Mugarbage almost as much as I did (and still do), but apart from that he’s an absolute cunt of the highest order, excellent nom GJ!!!
Why would anybody want to get their nob out in a rose bush? Just asking for trouble if you ask me. Reminds me of a Bernard Manning gig once. I can’t remember the MP’s name but he’d recently been caught on Hampstead Heath with his nob out but claimed he wasn’t cruising. Bernard said that the MP was minding his own business but then a bloke jumped out of a bush and sucked him off. Bernard then said “Wasn’t he a lucky cunt”.
I would like tatchell to be gang banged by Mia Khalifa and Jodie west, that will sort the arse bandit right out, and get finished off by caroline abril, dumb cunt don’t know what he is missing
I don’t have an issue with homosexuals – but work on the principle of “keep it behind closed doors” – as with all things that are better done in private.
I have a SERIOUS problem with filthy old predators like Tatchell who want to fuck kids.
He needs repeated applications of “Moscow knuckle cure”.
And have some sympathy for poor MNC – if he goes around flashing in winter wearing just that miniscule bearskin loincloth he’ll end up with a chesty cough!
(Or a Benny Hill type pursuit around Hampstead Heath as the duckies chase him around shouting “don’t be shy big boy”!) ?
You have now planted an “ear worm” – the Benny Hill tune, I can picture MNC slapping Jackie Wright’s bald head?
And I can see the lovely Hill’s Angels running around in their scanties. Splendid stuff.
And here are the aforementioned delicious Angels.
Further to Hills Angels, I know Ben Elton can be a cunt-he was on good sport mode here:
Cheers CG. The magnificent Donna Ewin is in the Ben Elton clip. Great stuff.
Got to give Tatchell credit for the attempted citizens arrest of that white lives do not matter thug Muggerbe. He was pulped for his efforts. As for the rest….cunt.
This sick dirty deviant joe ronce cunt should be burnt at the stake.
Kill it with fucking fire!
A part of London I walk my dog (near Leyton) is usually full of shifty looking old men, obviously on the look out for a bit of c0ck. Why don’t the filthy old fuckers do it at home, not while I’m out walking my dog. Cunts.
Oh, and I know who a bloke who was once a copper – they were told not to bother attending any calls regarding queers in bushes or public bogs. Against the queers ooman rights. Never mind, I had a Gr33k mate who used to get plastered then go to the public bogs opposite the pub. He’d wait to be propositioned then kick seven shades of shite out of them.
I remember the Greek fucker…
‘Penis Roussos’ we used to call him.
After midnight , that oily-skinned arse was the biggest attraction in the area.
Any damage to his knuckles would have been from fisting his own hole in between fucks.
I’d like to drag these cunts into the bushes and then into a shallow grave.
Years ago there was a bit of wasteland in Northampton near the water, planning permission was sought and when it came to the council meeting to discuss approval if the plans the local LBGT community raised an objection due to the fact the local homosexuals used to meet up there to have sex.
What other sector of society would dream of trying to stop planning consent based on an argument about where they like to fuck? Get a fucking room, do it at home like the rest of us are expected to.
Why are we pandering to deviants?
Was just about to post the same thing Six.
Just get a fucking room like everybody else.
Or is the ‘let it all hang out in public’ thing part of the thrill?
It’s a fucking piss take Ron, the cunts know they are taking the piss, yet another example of the emperors new clothes, people are scared to tell the cunts it’s not a rights issue, it’s a deviancy issue.
In light of the recent upswing in interest in various cultures (white English straight excluded) I would think this could be an attempt to preserve aspects of the brown arts for future generations. Local authorities disregard for queer culture as seen by their closure, sale or demolition of numerous municipal toilets have left these authorities open to accusations of “cultural neglect” by practitioners of the brown arts. Removing large amounts of foliage from a park to discourage shitty dick action was obviously the last straw for Mr Tatchell. My sources have indicated that the council offered to erect brown plaques to commemorate the history of deviancy at certain sites, this was not seen as satisfactory recompense for the loss of shrubbery to hide in. The general consensus from heterosexuals in the area was “Fucking sick cunts get a room”. As to the observation that not all noncing is bad a strict regime of sjamboking, and medicinal use of a baseball bat will soon restore the balance of the troubled mind.
The nasty little cunt needs a pull through with a 1940s Normandy beach caltrops. Rancid, odious, deviant quare cunt.
According to Tatchell, and I feel dirty just typing this creature’s name, he moved to the UK from Australia due to the massive amount of homophobia and physical abuse he suffered back in the day. Given what an opiniated, militant, far left gobshite he is, I can’t help but wonder how many of the kicking’s he got were down to him being gay. I think it more likely the attacks were the result of him mouthing to the wrong people, who promptly kicked the living shit out of him. Like his younger, English counterpart, Owen Jones, Tatchell is a shit stirrer. He’ll rock up at a demo for, say, the EDL, start mouthing off, and then play the victim when someone inevitably banjaxes him.
Why not keep clothes on?
The late great Jermaine Stewart sang this song.
The park in question never was a park, it used to be 2up 2 down houses with a canal running through the middle, it ran from the walworth rd end down to the old kent rd at the famous ‘thomas ‘a’ beckett pub, and on to the surrey docks (or surrey quays as they poncified it) it used to be a pleasant little walk as i did it many a time with my infant kids, trouble was to many cunts were falling in the canal after a night on the piss and drowning, hence it was all pulled down and the canal filled in it was in fact just a cycle track but then morphed into what is now burgess park a hang out for druggies and arse bandits, tatchell once bid to become an MP for bermondsey but failed miserably because we did not want an arse bandit speaking for us! but we ended up voting in another closet arse bandit Simon fucking hughes! hope this enlightens you a little freddie.
Not enough ‘knob’ details for our throng.
This mob want huge , throbbing members – pulsating and trembling with rampant lust as they ram them up willing , spasming rectums.
At least , that’s the image in their minds whilst they formulate these homophobic posts.
Brown Lives Matter.
Ha ha