Pauline Harmange…Er no, me neither!
Well, Mizzzzz Harmange is some ditzy French bird who’s written a book with the very engaging title ‘I Hate Men’. This (you guessed it) rage against ‘the patriarchy’ has the delightful Harmange putting forward the view that ‘women have the right to hate men’.
Now we can take for granted that a book advocating hatred towards any other group in society would immediately generate a firestorm; ‘I Hate Muslims’ for example? Oh, and what about a book with the title ‘I Hate Women’? Goodness me, imagine the wrath of the sisterhood!
I believe in freedom of speech, so I support her right to her opinion, even though she could be deemed to be inciting hatred (and there’s definitely a whiff of toxic femininity here).
Just remember though toots, when it comes back around, and others start letting you know how much they hate YOU (as they will), don’t start whining and bleating about ‘misogyny!’ and ‘hate crime!’.
They’ve got a right to their opinion and they’re expressing it, just the same as you.
Nominated by:Ron Knee
That is one fucking ugly french cunt. There’s no wonder she hates men, I mean who on earth would fuck her (except of course B&W Cunt.
I’d take one for the team and anally hateful it lads.
Erm..should be hatefuck.
Good man, the cunters owe you one. Don’t forget to wipe your knob on the curtains and kick the cat on the way out
I doubt anyone’s been near her minge.
Ugly French cunt. Nice hairy pussy though…..
No doubt caked with shit and dried piss.
Let the little shit-cunt write what she wants. It’s freedom of speech that allows this in a democratic world. I could’nt give two fecks.
Same rule means that in return I get to write on ISAc that she is a four-eyed, ugly froggy rug-muncher, with a shit dress sense, crap tattoos and a fanny that’s so hairy it looks a dock yard cat (semi feral and very unkempt!)
I also hope she bumps into a bunch of randy peacefuls who make her airtight and give her a dose a camel AIDs afterwards.
Even by French standards that is one ugly feller, isn’t it. Is it a trånny? Rid yourself of the Harry Potter specs, file down your grinders, stop whining so much, and you might have your tadger sucked. There might be other French weirdos in your area.
I was just about to say it looks suspiciously like a Mangina to me.
He probably sticks tampons up his arse, Wokey.
Well, I’d hate all women, if they all looked liked that plug ugly garlic stinking soap dodging misandrist cunt.
French birds are a myth anyway. Well overrated and up themselves. Italian and German birds are much better.
Agreed Norman-having experienced all 3, German girls are pretty cool.
This snail chomper looks a throwback to a 1960’s beatnik.
Notice the balaclava she is knitting-she can’t go out in public without it, otherwise the French men shout things like:
“Zoooot allors! Vois ettes un uggllyyy cunt. N’es pas!!”
It has a husband called Mathieu. Who will find the banter from his mates so intolerable that he drinks an overdose of soy latte and expires. The cat is a nice cat. It is called ‘Eleven’, so it has little reason to like its owner either.
There is the material for a misogynist essay here.
The cat looks mega pissed off.
Probably pissed off at always being able to smell rotten fish but never able to track down the source.
Could that be mismoggyny, Dick?
? “Voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir?” ?
Sacre bleu! Not fucking likely!
Dr Fox diagnoses a lack of male attention for this tragic case. Maybe with the profits from what I confidently expect to be a bestseller with a fanbase of multiple cat owners the poor gal can shop for things that make her look human – she’ll never get herself a nice Husband looking like that! ?
She’s got every right to “hate men” if she’s been unlucky enough to cross paths with some the more ‘orny and degenerate members of this forum.
She’s wasting her time writing books.
Set yourself up as a Worzel Gummidge tribute act luv, you’ll make a fortune.
French cunt.
Get To Fuck.
Well if that’s her view I hate you too even though I’ve never met, heard or even seen you before you cunt of the highest french order.
Nuff said you smelly viscous cunt.
How silly. You can’t hate half an entire species. Anyway, men are nice. I like them. They are jolly nice, especially the ones on here. Granted some can be rather beastly at times, but so can women.
Show us yer tits.
TT DF@ – Sir Fiddler – I declare you Minister of gallantry!
You see, Pauline? Effortlessly charming and erudite! Perhaps you ought to spend some time over here and find out for yourself how wonderful men can be. Oh, I forgot – the pandemic is keeping you in your beloved homeland. Never mind.
Lady Chatterly-perhaps you could write a book, set in the wilds of Northumbria. The central character could be a mysterious hound loving, pie eating, cyclist hating, disgraced peer of the realm, forced to undertake Manuel labour to maintain his draughty ancestral home.
All the time dreaming of the lovely Gemma, his unrequited love.
Perhaps you may know of such a person?
May I suggest a suitable title?
“Wuthering Cunts”.
‘Go to the woodshed Mellors’. I wonder if the words-‘Go to the woodshed Fiddler’ have been uttered up there in the wilds of Northumberland.
Well said Lady C.
We’re not all like Aqualung and you’re not all like Ms Hairminge or whatever the fuck her name is.
That picture has given me the horn.
I assume it’s for the cat ?
She has every right to hate men, men are cunts but so are women.
Look at the labour MPs, can’t tell the difference between men and women they are all pussies and all cunts.
The French are cunts, I bet her book is a big hit over there.
I applaud her. She hates men, she’ll keep away from us. Hate for a whole gender is pretty radical and surely a hate crime.
Anyway love, if you’d focused in domestic science instead of dreaming of licking your teachers hair pie you’d be useful at least.
Here’s a tip for you, try and integrate with MANkind, rejoin huMANity, don’t become a blotch on the pages of HIStory.
Living, loving, you’re just a woman.
Sixdog Vomit, the equality commission.
What a charming woman.Stick your book where it hurts sugar tits
How the fuck can this dumb froggie cunt hate men? She lives in a country filled with snail eating, faggot, surrender monkeys. She’s probably never even seen a real man and wouldn’t know one if he walked up and bit her on the butt.
Oh wait. That’s why.
Pauline im not a animal!
Pauline im not a animal, a animal a animal
Im not a animal!
Its a abortion!!
So crooned those lovely young Sex Pistols.
They obviously knew of frog Pauline and wrote that.
Anyway pauline your obviously a mentalist and like that famous female French mental Joan of arc youd benefit from a outdoor BBQ.
Although I think all french people would be improved from being set on fire.
Suck my winky.???
Watching that cunt in charge of the liebor party take a knee made me hate men, and when the old bill took a fucking knee as well I almost but not quite gave up. Off topic sorry but the word hate triggered a tsunami of memories not all bad.
Sat there knitting like an octagenarian spinster. What a fucking turd.
Is she watching a live guillotining on the idiot lantern or summat?
Surely that’s just a picture of the late Harold Ramis, at a fancy dress party as Madonna?
she obviously doesn’t get it