Not Pronouncing Your Gs

An illiterate cuntin’ please for people who fail to pronounce the ‘g’ at the end of words.

I hear these people all the time on the fuckin’ wireless and on the fools’ lantern, usually when they are word vomitin’ and preachin’ to us. The principal offenders (in this order) are: Suckin’dick Khunt, Pretty Fuckin’ Useless Patel and the latest offender….Florence Eshalomi, MP for Vauxhall.

For fuck’s sake, pronounce your words properly and if a word ends in a ‘g’, let’s hear the ‘g’. If you don’t sound the ‘g’ properly, you are immediately written off as a cunt by most people and your message is lost, totally.

Cunters, listen out for them (and others); your piss will be boilin’, I am promisin’ you!

Nominated by: L. E. Phant

48 thoughts on “Not Pronouncing Your Gs

  1. Fuckin people usin words intentionally without usin the letter ‘G’ should be a hangin offense!
    Im not havin it.
    But then so is grammar fascism, hmmm, fuck it I’ll keep doin it,
    Im boycottin the letter G as a endin.??

  2. Absolute cunts, they all need a damed good cuntin’

    The language is English not Englis ?

    • You got there first!

      U ‘ ‘a cunthe, they are.
      U ‘ ‘a cunthe wiv no wethpek faw English (upthpeak?)

      My piss is in permanent ebullition, with particular reference to Radio 4, which was once regarded as the guardian* of the language and routinely allows illiterates with speech defects to pontificate at us.

      *In a good way. As it was before the newspaper brought the word into disrepute.

  3. I’m guilty of this sometimes….normally when I’m telling an appreciative audience about my toppin’ huntin’,shootin’ or fishin’. day.

  4. Continuity announcers do this in that infuriating ‘Innit, bruv’ accent. Death by burning would be too swift. People that use ‘Of’ instead of ‘Have’ raise my blood pressure, too.

    • Yeah, the “of” vs. “have” thing is a cunt for sure, DCI.

      BTW, how’s your mate who had the plague? Is he up and about and all repaired?

      • Up and about but he’ll never crew an ambulance again. At least the cunt’s alive, though.

    • Talking of Continuity Announcers, has anyone noticed that fucking incomprehensible cunt who links up programmes on Wireless 4 ?

      The fucker also read out the midnight news last week and has a dialect that’s so distract you pay more attention trying to decypher him than understanding what he’s saying .

      Unusually I reckon he’s white, clearly male and over 50. WTF?!

    • Aye, but in the scheme of things?
      Coronovirus, economic depression, BLM, woke MSM, BBC, exstinky rebellion, destruction of our heritage & History etc.
      I can live with bad grammar.
      Mainly because Im a ongoin perpetrator or it.
      Not fuckin arsed!???

  5. People who speak in an up and down tone, sing-songie kind of way really piss me off. Usually wimmin. Usually fat. Usually ugly too.

    Also ‘up talkers’ send me into an instant rage. You know the type. They say something with a rising intonation at the end of the sentence like it’s a question, but isn’t. I fucking HATE that.

    People who use “what” instead of “which” also need to fall down a well.

    • The Aussies are renowned for that one IY. Do you notice the accents much in the US? I saw ‘Fargo’ again recently and can quite believe the locals getting pissed off asking to say “Oh you betcha yeah” by film fans all the time.

      • Australians’ inflecting up is a proper headache-inducer. Is it insecurity or are they always asking for permission?

        Ramsay: G’day Shane. Another bayoo-tiful morning?
        Shane: Aww, fuck yeah! I’m goin’ to the beach?
        Ramsay: Aww fuck yeah, I’m mowing the lawn?
        Shane: My wife did ours yisterdoi?
        Ramsay: Moi woife’s a real cunt?
        Bouncer: Woof Woof?

      • Hi LL – Yeah, I’m very aware of Yank accents every single day. I haven’t got used to it after almost 20 years and still think everyone around me sounds different. Apart from some Yank phraseology and the odd word here and there, I still sound very English. Many would have succumbed by now and sound American, but I haven’t. Don’t know why, it’s just worked out that way.

        When you are surrounded by people who don’t sound or talk like you, there are days when it grates on your nerves a bit. But I have to remember I am in someone else’s country and being here is a privilege not a right (I’m not a US citizen). On those days I tend to drink some English beer, watch some English DVDs and pretend America isn’t outside my front door.

        Another thing about Americans is they think they’re the only one who has ever said, “I love your accent. Where are you from?”. I try to be nice. Sometimes they try to guess and every so often they’ll ask if I’m Australian. Depending upon who’s asking and the situation, I usually answer, “What? Do I look like a criminal?”. Always gets a laugh.

  6. That horror on Sly news, Beth Rigby is the very worst for this. How did she get a job speaking to the nation with this fault.
    Probably suckin’ lots of cock no doubt.

  7. Fucking hate people that say Anythink instead of Anything. Boils my piss.

    • Ah yes, the fuckink inability some of the English have pronouncink anythink containink ing….my pet hates there are rinkink and sinkink…depressinkly annoyink…

  8. For me it’s the hard-to-spot-in-the-dark cunts who can’t say ask. Can I axe you a question? No, fuck off.

    • That is unbearably irritating, Moggs. Surely it’s more difficult to say “Can I axe a question” than ‘ask.’ It’s either laziness or stupidity.

      • For emergency use only when NHS 111 have fucked us off for the entire shift, Moggie. Three week history of back pain, not seen a doctor, not taken any pain relief, car on drive, answers door to you. ‘Ooh, ten out of ten pain, mate’ as he switches fucking channels and is iphone positive. CAT 2 response. That sort of thing. (Genuine job, that).

  9. New QoS host Alex Scott does this all the time.

    Still, it’s better than Jamie Redknapp who says, ‘He made sumfink out of nufink there, Brian.’

    Never thought I’d say this, but I miss Jimmy Hill.

    • He’s took the ball and he’s drove it a’ de keeper, innit. The ref has forgo’ de rules an’ that’s a pena’ee all day long. 110%.

  10. I can’t take seriously anybody who says “haRassment”. Just makes them sound like Frank Spencer.

  11. English as a language, is only spoken correctly by the English.
    I think you know what I am intimatin.

  12. I was like, ‘I’m like’???
    Like, evewy uvva word???

    Catch this affliction from any female interviewee on R4, and don’t expect to be surprised by its intellect.


    • What a strange nomination. People all over the country have their own way of pronouncing words. It can’t be all that important to speak ‘the Queen’s English’ as they used to do on the BBC, and I’m refusin’ to do it.

      • My comment was more directed at the mindless multiple insertion of ‘like’ into any and every conversation
        (a) to cover for the fact that the speaker’s stream of semiconsciousness can’t keep up with its mouth and
        (b) to conform with the current requirement for sounding like Zappa’s Valley Girl.

        I’m all for regional accents, as it happens. Some of which are a distinct improvement on Standard English. But these are disappearing to be replaced by a standardised sludge of ghetto patois and Essex, and that’s basically what I’m cunting..

        Incidentally, I forgot to rant about the trend among the latest generation to try and close their mouths while speaking. This results in ‘too’ becoming ‘tee’. Even men, sorry soyboys, do it. God knows where that came from, French, probably.

  13. It’s the effnik urban yoof innit?
    And everyone else trying to be edgy.
    Or just fucking thick cunts.

      • Gene-when he did that tune “The National Front Disco”, the lefties wet their knickers.

      • Morrissey’s become a figure of hate for many on the left due to his ‘right wing’ views. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a regular contributor here!

  14. My English teacher totally lost it with a disruptive black kid during a lesson and told him to, “Stand up and give me a coherent sentence containing the words,…defence, defeat and detail.”

    “When a horse jumps defence, defeat come first and then detail”….

    • When they asked Idi Amin what he was going to do about defence, he replied “De man wi’ de nails am comin’ to fix it.

  15. I’ve nominated Death Rigby of Sly News for this crime a couple of times. I do it myself as a Norf Lahndoner but that it is in private conversations. If you are a public speaker, as Death Rigby is, speak the Queen’s English, you cunt.

  16. Thing is language is like music. In music you can tune to a dropped D. So in language you drop the G when possible and the meaning isn’t lost. There you go fellow cunters pick the fuckin bones out of that one.

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