Donald Trump has Covid (7)

Is it just me or does Tangos COVID test require a cunting?

At the prime he can come out gloves off and belt any cunt that he has access to are his reigns not pulled for him to take a Jerry Bruckheimer style exit from the Whitehouse after promoting the nurse with the Double D rack for saving his life and getting a few pics off a resuscitator he borrowed from Boris?

The deafening chant of We Beat this, Highway to the Danger zone Flames and smoke in the background as he walks down the Whitehouse steps well blanketing his forgetful tax returns or the bad press from giving Skeleton a hiding at the debate.

On a positive note, should it be genuine and he gets a view of heavens door and returns, he could sign the order to evaporate Wuhan, on a combined Top Gun, Armageddon ending.

Nominated by: King Cunt

..and seconded by Lord of the Rings 

Trumps ‘Positive’ Covid test announcement ( & timing therof )

I have little time for ‘the Left’ – nor do I wish Donald Duck harm from Covid – mainly because, I think that is… utter horse shit !
Stick with me here…..

I know Trump has quite a few supporters on here, but forget politics, agendas & all that. I speak as I find. Now Trumps one redeeming feature may be that he attacks the left – but that aside, the twat has nothing else going for him. (his best feature is that he doesn’t run the UK).

A self-obsessed egomaniac, convinced the world revolves around him.
He has no time, interest, empathy, for anyone other than himself. He surrounds himself with sychophants, lackeys & yes men. Anyone who says anything ‘nice’ or positive about him is doing a great job & is a great guy. Anyone who disagrees or criticises him in any way is useless, a phony & terrible. A habitual liar, who can’t even keep track of the truth. Any policy or viewpoint that serves his interest is all he cares about. (forget he’s President for a minute. If he worked in your factory or office, how long would it be before you wanted to throw him out of a fucking window?)

Now, at the recent debate, neither him or Biden covered himself in glory. (I personally think Biden one of the least deserving candidates to seek office of the President) It is generally thought that Trump came off worse, with his rantings & threats that any election that doesn’t declare him winner must be fixed & therefore, invalid.
What is certain, is that many US voters don’t think he has handled managing the virus well, that too many Americans are dying, and that this is a good issue for the Democrats.

Imagine my surprise, when it gets announced by social media, that Trump has Covid. Cue 2 days non-stop headlines & news coverage about Trump (he craves attention). Democrats cannot be seen to be attacking him on Covid, as he is a ‘victim’ of the virus, his life may hang in the balance…. Bullshit !
Trump will emerge from this unaffected, full of vigour, with a ‘only had very mild symptoms & kept working the whole time’ narrative.

Cue, a non-ending vindication of his Covid stance & policies. Covid is no concern – all schools should be open – all businesses working – 2021 will be a great year for the USA – provided you leave me in charge, because I’m the best President ever, I’m so smart & so sucessful, I’m wonderful.

Half of America could drop dead, & it won’t affect Trump one bit. In fact, he would take credit for lower government spending & lower unemployment & crime rates – he’s that much of a Cunt.

79 thoughts on “Donald Trump has Covid (7)

  1. A country if 300 million+ people and it boils down to these two lemons.
    Says it all about the USA really

  2. Trumps recent performance. What was it ‘an abundance of caution’

    So he goes ahht and abahht on the campain trail ignoring the social distancing rules.

    ‘an abundance of caution’

    Not wearing masks. So many in the administration test positive.

    ‘an abundance of caution’

    He goes for his drive- by putting the security men sitting with him at risk.

    ‘an abundance of caution’

    He leaves hospital and walks back into the white house without a mask.

    ‘an abundance of caution’

    The medics have shown ‘an abundance of caution’. And he has shown ‘an abundance of recklessness’.

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