Gordon Brown (18)

A Road To The Isles cunting please for Gordon Brown, because old dead eyes is back in town, yet again offering a Book of Revelations type shocker about the dangers of Covid – and BREXIT, of course, cos’ he doesn’t like it:


Yet more lugubrious advice from the half witted wanker who sold our gold reserves for a pittance. The article makes much of Broon being our “longest serving Chancellor”, but fails to mention this is only because Anthony Blair was too scared to sack him – that’s it the great warmonger scared of a little Scotch shit, in case he might have spilt the beans about the Labour camp – and you don’t get much camper than Blair and his pals.

A lot of people will be wondering why Gordon looks every inch Kenneth McKellar – well that photograph of him was taken when, pissed out of his mind in the early hours he stood under Nicola Sturgeon’s bedroom window and serenaded her:


Get your copy on the Prudence label

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

38 thoughts on “Gordon Brown (18)

  1. Another of last century’s losers still giving us earache. Wish that he, along with Phony Tony, Honest John Major, Lord Hezza et al would do us all a favour and just fuck off as of yesterday.

    • After much mental anguish I have decided that , of all those former P.M.s who keep offering their insights, Brown is the ‘Top Twat’.
      The fact that he is a Scotchman had a little bearing on my decision.

  2. ?Gordon Brown is a clown, he rides round town in a coffin, where he be found, scaring the voters up north while Campbell is laughing?

    He has as much charisma and leadership skills as a corpse anyway, utter cunt he is!!!

    • Yeh there he ay be fpund !goverment crows chauffer driven around.
      Skanking us this day ive never known the man they call mr brown oh what a confusion/what a botheration crows chauffer driven around.
      B.marley 1972 had policticians weighed up even then.

  3. One-eyed, clunking fisted, bogey-gobbling cunt.

    “Boom and Bust”, “Prudence”. That fucking slack jaw. A perfect example of the Peter Principle at work. This fat arsehole should now be in gainful employment as a fucking doorstop.


  4. Light touch city regulation says it all really. I0 years of austerity, partly due to this shambling wretch has left us in great shape to fight the Chinese bat flu. His advice is much valued.

    Why is it that ex PMs have zero self awareness? Blair and Major also fail to see what irrelevant, fucked up cunts they are.

    • They are self aware but in another dimension, goes for most persons who climb the greasy pole. Surrounded by arse lickers, cronies and other parasitical life forms they breezily sail through what they think is real life. This is why they are so quick to hand out their fantastic insights into whatever fuckwit crises their pathetic previous achievements have caused.

  5. This cunt was one of the first to get on the man made climate change hoax by passing the world’s first “Climate Change Act.”

    And if that’s not enough, he has given not one but two TED Talks:

    “Wiring a web for global good” and “Global ethic vs national interest.”

    Not content with polluting Britain with his bullshit, he now spreads it worldwide.

    He probably won’t shut up until Shaun* “Deadpools” his ass and he joins ole’ Ginzie in the inner circle of Hell.

    Virtue signalling, globalist cunt.

    (*What’s up with Shaun? A bit off him game missing the last two.)

  6. WC !

    I thought for a minute you were going to say that Upskirter in Chief, Brooon , had stood underneath Wee Krankie’s tartan kilt …… and seen a pair of wrinkled hairy balls and a swinging cucumber with “SNP” tatted on it!!

    Blair, Brown, David Steel, Douglas Alexander, Krankie, Salmond, Ferguson….. a blight on the good name of Scotland

    • Douglas Alexander – I’d almost forgotten that fucking ginger haired weirdo. Looked like a ginger Postman Pat I seem to remember now. I assume he has got a well paid private sector job, like his cunt of a boss, Clegg.

      • I think you mean Danny Alexander, LC. Easy mistake though as both share the same surname and also score equally high on the cunt-o-meter.

  7. I will always remember Bliar introducing Brown in parliament as ” The best chancellor Britain as ever had”. Fucking pair of Bliaring cunts, the best fucking chancer. Total and utter cunts.

  8. Britain’s “Iron Chancellor” according to the Daily Mirror on numerous occasions.
    They’re cunts as well…

  9. A skin thicker than a rhinoceros-a cunt who could be cunted indefinitely.

    “Ahh, wee Gordie, yun best be behaving yerseff, ya wee cunt!
    Any more floggin’ aff the family silver shenanigans and I’ll be taking ma hand affa yer face!”

  10. The worlds most boring man.
    Thats how he will be remembered.
    A bean counting cyclops who kissed grinning Tonys arse while plotting.
    His star sign is beige.
    His missus forgets his name.
    Mr forgettable,
    Just do us a favour you one eyed porridge w09 and fuck off.

  11. A fucking moaning back seat driver like Major, Blair and Obama. You all had your chance and ever did fuck all or fucked it up. So now shut the fuck up and fuck off!

  12. Ah yes the Iron Chancellor as the fawning media referred to the cunt.
    What a fucking joke of a politician,right down the bottom of the very well stocked cesspit.
    I wish he would get rabies.
    Fuck Off.

  13. There should be laws in force that make speaking irrelevant bollocks once voted out of office a capital offence. Penalty? Gas mark 9 till turned to dust.

  14. Gordon Brown, eh? Fuck me sideways with a feather! I thought he was dead. Maybe he was dead but there is a consultant re-animator working for the Remainer cause.

    Re-animation could be the answer to the Covid 19 “crisis”. In a matter of weeks the death toll could be back to zero and everyone could get pissed down the pub without worrying about having to fuck off home early. I think I will offer this to the twats at SAGE. It would be more of a goer than a fucking “moonshot” vaccine.

    Sorry, I went off topic a bit there. Gordon Brown is a cunt.

  15. “Iron Chancellor”? More like a tinpot wannabe dictator who was never elected, either by the country or his own party. “No more boom and bust!” Well you certainly got that right, you Jock Cyclops wanker!! Since you were chucked out on your fat, haggis-eating arse, it’s been bust bust bust all the way!!! Blair and Brown killed the Labour Party, and Corbyn sat on the coffin and nailed it shut.
    P.S. There was a video McBroon put out on YouTube 10 yrs ago pleading for election and every time he smiled he looked like he was shitting a dozen jalapeños!

  16. It was searching for people who had the same opinion of Mr Brown as I did that 1st brought me to these hallowed pages all those years ago…

  17. “I am the takeover Prime Minister cunt who signed the Lisbon Treaty so I am totally impartial and trustworthy when it comes to Brexit…….. vote for me!”

  18. “That bigoted woman.”
    I wonder what happened to that old Doris he insulted after, unlike his pals at the BBC , she asked him a question he couldn’t bullshit his way out of.
    In typical politician fashion the cunt is knocking on her door the next morning, flowers in hand, (claimed on expenses obviously) to get himself out of the shit.
    Too late Broonie. We all saw your total contempt for the voter, can’t take it back.
    Now fuck off slimeball, how many times do you have to be told?

  19. i’ve just made a meat order from my favouite butcher and have requested a lump of beef suet if he has some – i would not waste my beef suet on this turgid cunt of a human being – i’d just put him straight in the oven – for about 10 hours on maximum

  20. Don’t forget that Anthony Charles Lyingtons Blair, aka Miranda, was a closet Scot. Did his best to hide all that stuff with his ” I’m jus a foroughly Bow Bells ornary cock-a-knee bloke y’know me ole china. ”
    The Broon cyclops obviously opted to chance one eye with a bit of onanism. And that choking mouth thing he does is him trying to keep his long forked tongue from whipping out to taste the earthlings fear.

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