Order! Order!,
Greetings pop-pickers hows about a there’s-no-fool-like-an-old-fool cunting for the 88 years young Beast of Bolsover, who is encouraging his disciples to get him into the top 40.
A song has been written for and about him, and Jeremy Steptoe-Corbyn amongs others was keen that you should download it before midnight last night (which explains why I put temptation out of your way till this morning):
You will see that this shaming load of wank has a contribution from not only John McDonnell, but also Richard Burgon, two of the biggest wankers in Steptoe’s shadow cabinet. I am just surprised Tom Watson, another self-satisfied failure didn’t join in on his ukulele.
Good is NOT the word.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
(I thought this old relic kicked the bucket years ago! – DA)
I like the line “this one can’t be bought, this one can’t be had.”
Which means the rest of them can. Quite right, cunts all of them.
I bet one thing they can’t say of Emily Thornberry is that she “has never been had”. I can just picture her, with her drawers round her ankles saying to every leader since Miliband “will you fuck me, loverboy?. I have the time if you have the money”
What an appalling image. Where the fuck do you get these ideas?
I have a sick mind Freddie! 🙂
And now so do I. Thanks for that.
One of my deadpool favourites!
Hes putting a band together, shame -the Grateful Dead’ is already taken!
One thing I will say for Dennis, hes from a working class background.
Not a upper class marxist.
Shame, hes senile.
Joe Biden on the kazoo and Ken Clarke on the glockenspiel.
Mirthless Commie cunt whose only claim to fame is making decidedly unfunny quips at the State Opening of Parliament.
MNC and Deploy The Sausage both have him in their Dead Pools. Good luck lads! ?
From a mining background I think?
Funnily enough most politicians love minors.?
He may have been a miner, but I bet he was union rep as soon as he could. All the reps I ever met were the gobby workshy types. And cunts.
He made exactly the same effective sort of bloody nuisance of himself that Trump-lovers adore in their hero.
Don’t tell me I haven’t got empathy.
Did you see the link I left you in a previous thread re: the cyclists nom by Cuntfinder you were searching for, K?
I have now. Cheered me up no end, thanks!
I suppose Steptoe feels he owes him something. After all it was that commie, terrorist loving cunt who lost him his seat after 49 fucking years!
oh jeremy corbyn….you are a cunt.
According to networthpost.org, this old fossil has a net worth of around $850,000 (£657,000)
Not sure how they work that out, or even if its particularly accurate. But if it is true then clearly this cunt is just another champagne socialist. Likes to shout about the Establishment, just so long as it doesn’t affect his apparent comfy lifestyle.
By champagne socialist standards that’s small change down the back of the sofa.
Id love to of seen his face when he lost at the election!
45yrs, he thought it was a job for life, hehee.
Surprised the shock didnt kill him.
This cunt is right on our doorstep MNC
Born in Clay Cross Derbyshire but flits in and out of Nottinghamshire whenever there is trouble to be caused??
A proper leftie cunt if there ever was one Thinks like the rest of them he has the right to rule Bolsover
He’s a beast alright but with no teeth as his are all rotten ??
Mike Ashley conned him into letting Sports Direct build a massive wharehouse in Shirebrook and said it would employ local people first It Funny enough it didn’t all it did was employ all of Eastern Europe first ??
Communist Labour values at its very best and he wonders why he got voted out of Bolsover first class prick ??
Still he’s got £675 grand to fall back on So much for Communist Labour Values.
Skinner is and always will be a first class prick and hypocrite ??